U.S. Attorney John Durham May Wait Until AFTER Election to Issue Report on Russia Probe

(Rick Moran – PJ Media) U.S. Attorney John Durham is reportedly wrapping up his investigation into the origins of the Russian collusion probe. But according to Fox News sources, he still has several avenues of inquiry open, which may mean that … Continue reading 

Strange Fire

1 Now Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took their respective firepans, and after putting fire in them, placed incense on it and offered strange fire before the Lord, which He had not commanded them. 2 And fire came … Continue reading 

Political Elite Plays Its Last Card

“It has become a broad-front war, after four years of unceasing political struggle unlike anything in the country’s history. It is a choice between traditional activist American government slightly right of center, in the Nixon-Reagan tradition, but with redoubled muscularity, … Continue reading 

This Year’s SBC Pastors’ Conference to Be a Literal Circus With the Speaker Line-Up

“Of course, this is just part and parcel for this church and it regularly practices this kind of nonsense as part of its routine worship service. One can only imagine the joy on God’s face as he looks down upon … Continue reading 

James MacDonald Launches New Ministry & Home Church Network

Julie Roys reminds us that “Last November, the elders at Harvest Bible Chapel formally disqualified MacDonald from public ministry, saying his behavior did not meet the standards for leadership outlined in Scripture.” MacDonald hasn’t taken the Harvest Bible Church elder’s … Continue reading 

Understand the new TGC orthodoxy on gay Christians

In their imagined world, these desires become a blessing in the way physical trials such as disabilities can become a blessing, because they are a chance to show the church an outstanding model of cross-bearing. But these desires are also … Continue reading 

Blatant Brainwashing In Children’s Books

“The blatant brainwashing of young children into accepting or embracing Islam is overshadowed by the accusations of censorship hurled against those trying to expose this indoctrination. As the censorship argument clouds the indoctrination issue, adults are distracted and lose sight … Continue reading 

Rosaria Butterfield Promotes Sam Allberry’s Theology, Catholic Priest Who Says God is Gay and Occultic Scholar

“Rosaria Butterfield’s hospitality theology, many of her themes and mantras, the framework for the entire SSA celibate queer movement as well as many of the talking points over at Living Out and Russell Moore’s ERLC SSA panels are regurgitations of … Continue reading 

John Crist Cancels 2019 Tour Dates After Reports of Sexual Misconduct Allegations

“According to multiple sources, Crist has exploited his Christian reputation and platform to harass, manipulate and exploit young women over the last seven years. The allegations include, but are not limited to, individually sexting multiple women during the same time … Continue reading 

Disney sacrificing children’s innocence again

“Cole contends that Disney is more concerned about pushing a liberal agenda rather than just focusing on providing family-friendly content.” (Bull Bumpas – OneNewsNow)  A parents’ watchdog group finds it “completely unnecessary” that Disney has chosen to proudly inject the … Continue reading