What does it mean to be devoured by Satan?

8 Be of sober spirit, be watchful. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8 (LSB) 

I have written several posts about heresy and apostasy. However, I have always been puzzled by those believers who were once very effective in ministry or serving our Lord with Christ focused walks, but then something changed. Those men and women once very effective in ministry seemed to stumble badly or they who once stood firm now seemed be willing to compromise in areas of doctrine or they once stood against invasion of the world into “church,” but now seem to be all for it in one way or another. What happened? I know that many of us are willing to throw out the “apostate” label in these cases, but is that what really happened? Continue reading

SBTS Dean, Hershael York, Reveals Unbiblical *Nuanced* Mindset Behind Restoring Adulterous Pastors

“At this point in the argument, York decides to throw his theological truck into a four-wheel drive and vault headlong into the ditch of eisegesis, giving his own opinion on the matter without any regard for what the scripture definitively and directly says about the issue….”

(Paul Brown) The recent restoration of Pastor Johnny Hunt by a group of four pastors after a brief six-month hiatus from ministry has reignited discussions amongst evangelicals in regard to the issue of pastoral disqualification, including questions about what sins would disqualify a pastor from ministry and the question of whether a pastor who is removed from the pastorate for the sin of adultery should ever be restored to the pulpit. Continue reading

Making an Idol Out of a False Jesus: God is Not Your Genie-in-a-Bottle

“It is essential that we understand and accept the fact that God, in His sovereignty and wisdom, has determined what is best for us. His ways and thoughts are infinitely higher than our own (Isaiah 55:9). We must not question His plan or try to impose our own will on Him.”

(The Dissenter) It is a travesty that many so-called “professors of Christ” have turned Jesus into an idol, using Him as a tool to fulfill their own selfish desires. This type of false teaching is especially prevalent in charismatic circles, where God is treated as a genie in a bottle that can be summoned to do our bidding. This kind of thinking puts man above God, making Him subservient to us. Continue reading

Poll: Nearly Half Say It Is ‘Likely’ Coronavirus Vaccines Have Caused ‘Significant Number of Unexplained Deaths’

(Hannah Bleau – Breitbart) Nearly half of Americans believe it is at least somewhat likely that coronavirus vaccines have caused a “significant number of unexplained deaths,” and over a quarter said they know someone whose death may have been caused by side effects of the vaccines, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Monday found.

The survey asked respondents, “How likely is it that side effects of COVID-19 vaccines have caused a significant number of unexplained deaths?” Continue reading

The Fruits of Justification

28 Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; 29 for OUR GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE. Hebrews 12:28-29 (LSB)

In my younger days when I was working on my undergraduate degree, I had a professor who used to work in a major manufacturing company in the US. He used his experiences there in analogies pertaining to the management topics we were studying…. Continue reading

The Grievance Factory

“Sanders, Warren, and Sharpton are dangerous people who have no respect for private property, self-reliance, or accomplishment. They are dividers, exploiting personal jealousy and peddling a distorted picture of America – a country that provides more opportunity than any other.”

(Bill O’Reilly) The mark of a noble life is the courage to challenge adversity. We all get hammered – betrayal and deceit are now bold signatures in American life as our culture declines. Continue reading

TREASON: Gen. Mark Milley Hid Nuke Codes from Trump – Held Secret Calls with Chinese Defense Officials – Then Surrendered to Taliban and Armed Them with $80 Billion in US Weapons

“An extraordinary moment in American history. A speaker of the House asks the chairman of the joint chiefs if the nuclear codes are safe because she fears the president is crazy and liable to make a deadly decision to stay in power.”

(Jim Hoft – Gateway Pundit) According to the book “Peril” written by Bob Woodward, General Mark Milley, the Joint Chiefs chairman, told China in a secret phone call that he would give advance warning if the US was ever going to attack. Continue reading

Does Scripture Really Say That? A Critical Appraisal of Bestselling Book ‘Gentle and Lowly’

Why would we publish a mostly negative review of a popular book that other discriminating reviewers have praised—a book that is likely to introduce new readers to the Puritans? Because at the end of the day, the book’s problems outweigh its benefits. The imbalanced view of Christ’s human character would be trouble enough. But Ortlund’s view of the divine character is the deal breaker—God as internally conflicted, moved by complex passions. Again, that idea is a dangerous and significant departure from classic theism.”

(Jeremiah Johnson – Grace to You) Where do you look for enduring comfort and security? The past twelve months [now almost three] have been a stark reminder that there is none to be found in this world. We’ve seen firsthand that nothing can guarantee our financial stability or physical health. In fact, the only constants seem to be chaos and corruption, as we languish under leaders that alternate between ineptitude and outright evil. It’s clear that we need a source of hope from outside this hopeless world. Continue reading

The Illusion of Unity: When Feel-Good Doctrine Trumps Truth

“There is one group of people that they consistently refuse to unite with: those who actually believe the scriptures, hold to sound doctrine, and contend for the faith. It seems that, in the eyes of these pro-unity evangelicals, such people are simply too divisive and unlovable. They are viewed as being stubbornly committed to their beliefs, unwilling to compromise or bend to the whims of the culture.”

(The Dissenter) The concept of unity within the church is something that we often hear discussed, particularly within the evangelical community. In fact, it seems that unity has become a central focus for many within the Church. The Bible is clear on the importance of unity among believers, with several passages emphasizing the need for agreement, a lack of division, and being of one mind. Continue reading

Dr. Atlas Stood Alone as Scientists Censored Truth, and People Died

“To sway the American people to accept lockdowns, professors with prestigious titles and affiliations denied scientific data about risks, effective mitigation and biological protection. They spouted politicized opinion as if it were objective truth and demonized views counter to their preferred narrative.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Dr. Scott Atlas, who served on the Trump COVID panel, said in a recent interview aired on Newsmakers that by censoring medical science and health policy, “you are killing people.” Continue reading

Trump Champions Abortion Exceptions for ‘Rape, Incest, and Life of the Mother’

“Abolitionists, or those who staunchly oppose abortion, are firm in the belief that the person responsible for the crime of rape or incest should be held accountable, not the innocent child who is conceived as a result. They view the child as a human being, made in the image of God, who does not deserve to be punished with death for the actions of their father.”

(The Dissenter) Despite the overturning of Roe v. Wade, a significant number of Republicans continue to support exceptions for abortion, including in cases of rape and incest. This position, which allows for the termination of unborn life in certain circumstances, stands in contrast to a small but vocal group of Christians and conservatives who strongly oppose abortion in all cases and rightly view it as the equivalent of murder. Continue reading

Go Woke, Go Broke? Liberal movies, books, TV that bombed in 2022

“Netflix and Hulu also canceled “woke shows” and defended comedians that have been attacked by progressives.”

(Kristine Parks – Fox News) A swath of films, books and other media projects with far-left messages failed with audiences and consumers this year, according to box office numbers and sales.

Disney’s first animated film with an openly LGBT character “Strange World,” tanked at the box office last month…. Continue reading

John MacArthur Unable to Continue Preaching Second Service After Falling Ill

“Continue to pray for MacArthur, for his continued and enduring health.”

(Protestia) Many people are praying for Pastor John MacArthur, 83, after the venerated elder was unable to preach the second service, having at one point to “catch his breath” before plowing ahead through the first, and then taking leave of the next one. An elder at Grace Community Church informed the second service congregants: Continue reading

Why Is the CDC Telling Schools to Push Transgenderism, LGBT Curricula

“The left is suffocating us with their crazed beliefs and values. If we don’t do it, they’ll call us names and destroy our reputations.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) The CDC is so political that it doesn’t even try to hide it any longer. You have to ask yourself why the CDC is urging school staff to embrace transgenderism and LGBT curriculums. The CDC’s mission doesn’t include schools but they know that they can push them to do whatever they suggest. Continue reading

Could the COVID Jab Make You Sicker Next Time You Run Into the Virus? New Research Says Maybe

“These findings may explain why highly vaccinated countries are seeing repeated waves of COVID that have not settled into a seasonal pattern like other coronaviruses. They certainly cannot be ignored, given what is known about IgG4 antibodies, the potential link to autoimmune disorders, and their effects on the immune system.”

(Stacey Lennox – PJ Media) Recently even The Washington Post had to admit analysis of CDC data showed the majority of patients dying with or of COVID now are vaccinated. Once the paper announced this fact, it provided a reason and some advice: Vaccine efficacy wanes over time; therefore, get your boosters. Unfortunately, new studies offer evidence that additional boosters may not be the solution. Continue reading

Adultery in the Heart

4 Whoever therefore will humble himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me; 6 but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it is better for him that a heavy millstone be hung around his neck, and that he be drowned in the depth of the sea. 7 “Woe to the world because of its stumbling blocks! For it is inevitable that stumbling blocks come; nevertheless, woe to that man through whom the stumbling block comes! Matthew 18:4-10 (LSB) Read verses 8-10 on the site.

This fallen world is diametrically opposed to God and His ways in every part. Even those of us who have been delivered through the redemptive work of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life in Him can find ourselves at times with a temporal focus, which causes us to make compromises in our walks. Continue reading

Democrats Released Trump’s Tax Returns, Now Their Dirty Trick Could Backfire in Their Face

The Radical Left [Donkeys] have weaponized everything.

“Democrats have charged forward with an unprecedented decision to unleash a dangerous new political weapon that reaches far beyond the former president, overturning decades of privacy protections for average Americans that have existed since Watergate…All future Chairs of both the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee will have nearly unlimited power to target and make public the tax returns of private citizens, political enemies, business and labor leaders or even the Supreme Court justices themselves.”

(Jack Gist – The Western Journal) Yet another Trump witch hunt has concluded not with a bang but a whimper.

The Democrat-controlled House Ways and Means Committee released thousands of pages of former President Donald Trump’s tax returns on Friday, Fox News reported. What did they show?… Continue reading

Stage is Now Set for SCOTUS to Overrule Obergefell

“The case involving Kim Davis may be a vehicle to overturn Obergefell. This case is working its way back to the Supreme Court where one of the arguments will be that Obergefell was wrongly decided. Justices Thomas and Alito have already invited future challenges to the 2015  Obergefell marriage case since the decision was never constitutional.”

(Liberty Council) Although the House passed the “Respect for Marriage Act” with a 258-169 vote that included 39 House Republicans, this action is a strategic blunder by advocates of same-sex marriage. Rather than a victory, the “Respect for Marriage Act” will make easier the argument to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2015 5-4 opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges regarding same-sex marriage. Continue reading

Ruslan Joins Joel Osteen, NAR False Prophets for ‘Prosperity & Wealth’ SCAM!

“This entire event is one big red flag on every level possible, and now Ruslan is right in there along with this, joining with these hucksters and money grubbers for a truly wretched event. We are not asserting that he agrees with all of this- maybe he does and maybe he doesn’t- but the lack of discernment involved to find himself among them is truly breathtaking, and shows how unqualified he really is.”

(Protestia) Christian YouTube creator Ruslan KD, who we’ve clashed with in the past for giving passes to Modalists like Marcus Rogersdoubling down on dissing us over a John MacArthur/Julie Roys article and generally acting as an arrogant gatekeeping elitist, has joined up with arch-heretic Joel Osteen and the who’s who of New Apostolic Reformation prophets for a 31 Day Wisdom Challenge, being one of the speakers for an event designed to promote health, wealth, and other prosperity, all done in a completely scammy way. Continue reading

Biden to Pull Rule Allowing Healthcare Workers to Refrain from Abortions, Sex Changes

(Joel B. Pollack – Breitbart) The Biden administration will withdraw a Trump administration rule that would have allowed any healthcare worker to refuse to participate in abortions, sterilizations, or sex-change operations for reasons of conscience.

Healthcare workers will still be allowed to opt out of abortions and sterilizations unless doing so would cause “undue hardship to their employer,” the San Francisco Chronicle notes, under an existing 1973 federal law. Continue reading

COVID Tyranny: Federal Judge Rules ‘Public Safety’ Overrides Personal Medical Autonomy

“The absurdity and immorality of Judge Molloy’s ruling are compounded by the fact that, despite the Public Health™ lie in the early days of the rollout that the jab stops transmission, we know now that it does not.”

(Ben Bartee – PJ Media) A federal judge seated in Montana, the Honorable Donald W. Molloy, recently ruled that “public safety” trumps individual autonomy over what gets injected into your body.

Via PBS: Continue reading

Dallas Jenkins Defends The Chosen’s Inaccuracies in Allie Stuckey Interview

Dallas Jenkins, Jonathan Roumie and “Pope” Francis.

“[Jenkins] argues that The Chosen doesn’t replace Scripture but He does claim that God is the one behind it, wanting to use the series to bring people closer to Christ. This same line of reasoning is used by the LDS to promote the Book of Mormon…” – Ingrid McCullough

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Dallas Jenkins appears to have done a media tour at BlazeTV [interview with Mormon in good standing Glenn Beck] and his interview with Allie Stuckey is one of the rare instances where I believe she was out of her depths on the subject at hand. Having never seen The Chosen, Allie Stuckey, the host of Relatable, interviewed Dallas Jenkins, who showcased his excuse for the liberal creative license he takes with the show that is centered around Jesus and his followers. Continue reading

Tim Mackie of the Bible Project Denies Literal Hell, Says It’s Something That Humans Created

“It is unclear whether Tim Mackie is intentionally trying to deceive or mislead people, but it is evident that his tendency to deny the literal existence of a Hell created by God for the eternal punishment of the reprobate raises concerns.”

(The Dissenter) Be cautious of a popular and up-and-coming figure in the expanding field of Bible teachers. Tim Mackie, the founder of The Bible Project, is a popular and rising star in the growing landscape of Bible teachers…. Continue reading

736,200 fentanyl pills and 196 pounds of methamphetamines were seized in a rail car of a train crossing from Mexico to Arizona

(Sara Carter – NWO Report) Thousands of fentanyl pills were found on a train crossing into Arizona from Mexico and seized by customs officials on the Mexico border in Arizona last week. The Daily Mail found that according to the report, the train was searched by United States Customs and Border Protection officials as it came into Nogales, Arizona Wednesday.

The train was carrying approximately 736,200 fentanyl pills and 196 pounds of methamphetamines in one single rail car…. Continue reading