It Begins: County Council in Oxfordshire, England, Edges Toward Restrictions On Residents Travel ‘For the Planet’

(Margaret Flavin – Gateway Pundit) COVID Passports were a dream come true for those trying to restrict the free travel of citizens.

And now, the County Council in Oxfordshire, England has another scheme ahead.  It has approved plans to begin ‘trial’ climate restrictions using traffic filter permits to restrict the amount of driving area residents can do.

Vision News reports: Continue reading

New Clinical Guidance Offers Therapeutic Alternative To ‘Affirming’ Gender Dysphoric Youth

Father injecting his child with puberty blockers.

“The international authorities that have departed from the gender-affirming model of care were outlined in the guide. After conducting systematic reviews of the evidence for the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones in treating pediatric gender dysphoria, health authorities in Sweden, Finland, and England have decided to abandon the “gender-affirming” model, finding the costs far outweigh the benefits.”

(Christina Buttons – Daily Wire) A network of mental health professionals wrote a new clinical guide for adolescents struggling with gender dysphoria, offering an “exploratory” alternative to “affirming” a minor’s chosen transgender identity. Continue reading

Restaurant Refuses to Serve Christian Group, Citing Staff ‘Safety’ and ‘Dignity’

“We have always refused service to anyone for making our staff uncomfortable or unsafe and this was the driving force behind our decision.” 

(Selwyn Duke – The New American) Canceling a scheduled event at the very last minute simply because you don’t like the group that booked it doesn’t sound like a display of dignity. Nonetheless, protecting “dignity” was one of the reasons a Richmond, Virginia, restaurant cited when doing just that after learning that it would be serving a pro-life Christian organization that opposes same-sex “marriage.” Continue reading

What Americans Must Do to Stop the Great Reset

“Now is the time to organize, plan, and get vocal.  Now is the time to peacefully and legally push back and push back hard against the narrative.”

(Mark Schwendau) There was a very good article posted online earlier this year titled “11 things you can do to help stop the great reset”. The article was posted to a website that should be getting greater following these days,  The article was written by Justin Haskins, editor-in-chief of, a New York Times bestselling author, and the director of the Socialism Research Center at The Heartland Institute. Continue reading

Is God Using Sexual Immorality to Separate the Sheep from the Goats?

“If you attend a church where people can openly support what the Bible calls an abomination and the church refuses to do anything about it, respectfully speak to the pastor or elders….”

(The Doctrinal Watchdog) The time has come to purify the bride of Christ.  Anyone supporting same-sex marriage legislation needs to be put under church discipline including pastors.

Back in 2019, some people (not us) were shocked when SBC president JD Greear preached a sermon from Romans chapter 1 where he concluded that Christians must be the fiercest supporters of gay rights…. Continue reading

Pastor David E. Taylor Claims Followers Can See Jesus and God the Father Face-to-Face at Zoom Conference

“But wait, there’s more! At this year’s conference, which can be viewed online only, Taylor says that he has “covenanted” with God to make big things happen.”

*Protestia) Pastor David E. Taylor is known for his name-it-and-claim-it faith-healing and prosperity gospel antics. The ministry of fleecing the desperate, ill, and elderly has been so good to Taylor that his ministry recently purchased an $8.3 million Tampa mansion. Taylor, who self-identifies as an “apostle”, claims that in 1997 he was “given the keys to the Kingdom of heaven by Jesus in a face-to-face appearance in a dream.”… Continue reading

Ex-Intelligence Officials Who Said Hunter Biden Laptop Story Was a Russian Operation Silent After Twitter Files Released

(Kristina Wong – Breitbart) Former top intelligence officials who signed an open letter suggesting the Hunter Biden laptop story was part of a Russian operation just weeks before the 2020 election were silent after internal Twitter emails acknowledged there was no evidence the story involved material that was illicitly obtained.

According to the New York Post — the outlet that broke the story in October 2020 — as reported on Saturday: Continue reading

Genuine Christian Assurance

1 Simeon Peter, a slave and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have received the same kind of faith as ours, by the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ: 2 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the full knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; 2 Peter 1:1-2 (LSB)

God is good to those who belong to him. Within that he imparts knowledge of himself to us and that includes knowledge of our own fallenness. He uses this knowledge to make sure that those of us in Christ fully understand that we are in him despite our sinfulness and unworthiness to be so…. Continue reading

Matt Chandler Returns to the Pulpit, Receives Standing Ovation + His Critics Go Nuts

“We’ve had our share of issues with Chandler in the past. We’ve been on the record saying that the leaky charismatic has been drifting for years (they cite several examples)…But this restoration? Nothing about the situation would indicate that it is not appropriate.”

(Protestia) Three months ago, it was announced that Lead Pastor Matt Chandler would be taking an indefinite leave of absence from preaching and teaching at The Village Church after it was revealed he was engaged in an inappropriate texting conversation with a woman not his wife, (the conversation, while not romantic or sexual, was described as “overly familiar” and involved “coarse and foolish jesting.” Continue reading

Progressives grumble as Respect for Marriage Act advances: ‘I hate the Senate bill’

“If the Respect for Marriage Act (RMA) passes, it would not go so far as to require states to permit same-sex marriages, which is what has some progressives disappointed.”

(Brianna Herliay – Fox News) Complaints from some progressive Democrats about the much-heralded Respect for Marriage Act are on the rise, as they realize that the legislation often labeled in the press as the “same-sex marriage” bill would not actually require states to recognize same-sex marriages. Continue reading

The Abomination of Easy-Believism – Part 4 – The Real God of the Bible

4 “Hear, O Israel! Yahweh is our God, Yahweh is one! 5 You shall love Yahweh your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. Deuteronomy 6:4-5 (LSB) 

Several years ago my wife fell down stairs while visiting our daughter in Oklahoma. She broke her leg. She actually shattered one of the bones right above her ankle. It required surgery and some metal plates to be used to hold her bones together. Our former Pastor came and sat with me in the waiting room while my wife’s surgery took place…. Continue reading

Rigorous international study of N95 masks upends federal COVID narrative

(Greg Piper – Just the News) The CDC took nearly two years to formally recognize distinctions between masks for mitigating COVID-19 spread, finally saying in January that cloth masks offer “the least” protection and N95 respirators, which meet strict federal standards, “the highest.”

The agency’s slight nod to the largely symbolic value of cloth masks, predominantly worn in school settings, followed months of calls by onetime White House COVID advisers, among others, to promote masks actually designed to stop aerosolized transmission. It also spurred a run on N95s, sending prices skyward. Continue reading

The Gospel Coalition Uses the Book of Ruth to Defend Same-Sex Civil Unions

“In the example of Ruth and Naomi how is that relationship enhanced or harmed by any external civil policy whatsoever? The idea of such a thing is smuggled into the conversation in an attempt to lend credence to its thesis. There’s no way anybody would ever find that there without this cultural corruption as a backdrop for doing so.”

(The Dissenter) In a recent article at The Gospel Coalition, Joe Carter, a co-pastor at David Platt’s McLean Bible Church and a former employee of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission attempts to argue from the Book of Ruth in favor of same-sex civil unions. Continue reading

The Abomination of Easy-Believism – Part 3 – The Way of Salvation

“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” (Matthew 7:13-14 ESV)

In John Bunyan’s masterpiece The Pilgrim’s Progress, the main character, Christian, reads a book, which is the Bible, resulting in a huge burden appearing on his back. Day after day as he reads God’s Word the burden becomes more an more overbearing. We learn that he is in rags. He learns of God’s coming judgement upon his city, The City of Destruction. He despairs and calls out to God for help. Then he is approached by a man whose name is Evangelist…. Continue reading

These Big Stores Are About To Shut Down This Year And Here’s Why

(SheBudgets) Have you noticed several big stores closing down in your city? Well, this isn’t just happening around your area but around the whole country. Several big stores are about to shut down this year, and many want to know why. Big stores such as Macy’s and JCPenny have been struggling ever since the pandemic, and now that the economy is not looking good, these companies are starting to shut down stores all over the country.

Several big-name stores are now switching to online sales as the internet has taken over everything as everybody started ordering things online due to the pandemic…. Continue reading

If You Really Wanted to Destroy the US, Then…

“We have done all of the above. It would be hard to imagine any planned agenda to destroy America that would have been as injurious as what we already suffered the last two years.” 

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) First, you would surrender our prior energy independence.

Reduce new gas and oil leases on federal lands to the lowest levels of any president in history. Cut back production at precisely the time the world is emerging from a two-year lockdown with pent-up consumer demand. Continue reading

California Reparations Committee Recommends $223K Each for State’s ‘Black’ or ‘African American’ Residents

“Who is eligible and how do you prove it?  How much “black blood” will you need to claim any of the cash? These issues are impossible to adjudicate fairly, but no one on the commission is concerned about “fairness” It’s a punitive form of “justice” and needs to be stopped in its tracks before it gets started.”

(Rick Moran – PJ Media) A California committee formed to determine how much in reparations black people should receive due to slavery and past discrimination has determined that each of the 2.5 million California residents who identify as “Black” or “African American” should be paid $223,000 each for “housing discrimination.” Continue reading

The Abomination of Easy-Believism – Part 2 – The Nature of True Faith

37 All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will never cast out. John 6:37 (LSB) 

What a glorious Biblical truth it is that sinners may come to Christ just as they are! They come on the basis of faith and He saves them all (John 3:16). Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:1-10 that salvation is by grace through faith alone, apart from works. God saves His people this way so that none may boast. This means that no one whom He saves must do any work or attain any merit in order to be worthy to come. No, God saves sinners. However, in “today’s gospel” these wonderful truths have been twisted or extended to say that not only does Christ receive sinners just as they are, but He also will let them stay that way. Continue reading

Vineyard Church Co-Founder Sues Pastor for $62M Alleging Fraud and Shenanigans

(Protestia) The wife of the late Vineyard leader, Carol Wimber-Wong, is suing the flagship church of the denomination for $62M dollars after the pastors suddenly up and left the denomination, taking millions in property and assets with them.

In 2018, Alan and Kathryn Scott became the lead pastors at Vineyard Church in Anaheim, the flagship church which began the Vineyard movement in 1977 under the leadership of John Wimber. Vineyard now boasts 2500 congregations worldwide. Continue reading