CRN articles about Rebellion against God
- LGBT Republican group praises new watered down Republican platform
- Mark Driscoll Kicked Off Stage for Calling Out Male Stripper Dancing on a Pole at Men’s Conference
- Texas public universities offering women’s studies courses on witchcraft, ‘worship of the devil’
- Union Seminary Now Offering a Master of Arts Program on Connecting With Trees, Soil, and Other Species
- Senate Votes to Pass Respect for Marriage Act
- PCA and Revoice Pastor Says Gay ‘Christian’ Couples Romantically Loving and Snuggling Together Isn’t Sinful
- Microsoft goes full rebellion against God’s created order
- Popular Evangelical Leaders Continue to Merge With Pro-LGBTQ Activists in the Name of Social Justice
- Ligonier Survey Demonstrates Most Evangelicals are Heretics That Hold to Damnable False Beliefs
- Beth Moore Preaches Sunday Morning at Baptist Megachurch in Houston, Belittles Her Husband
- Disney’s Turning Red, A Review and Warning For Christian Parents
- ‘Glitter Blessings’ and Women Pastors Who Say ‘Queer’ a Lot
- Former Wheaton College Chaplain Reveals She Recently Had Trans-Affirming “Top Surgery”
- State of the Union Address Proves the Left Have Been Given Over by God to a Debased Mind
- SBC Credentials Committee Approves and Affirms Church With Female Teaching Pastor
- Wheaton College Hosts Revoice Speaker Who Calls Marriage an Idol and Says ‘Gay Celibacy’ is Superior
- The fallacious left vs. right dichotomy, and the war to the death between forces of good and forces of evil
- Idaho Drafts Resolution to Overturn Obergefell, and Leftists are Going Crazy
- Author of ‘Widening of God’s Mercy’ Finds Out Just How Exclusive Jesus Really Is
- Four Prayers For The Western Church In 2025
- Actor Denzel Washington Baptized, Ordained as a Licensed Minister
- Joshua Harris Posts New Statement Apologizing for ‘Harm’ He Caused by ‘Purity Culture’
- Public Schools Are Becoming Literal Temples of Satanic Idolatry
- Unequally Yoked in Business?
- Deconstruction is the Highway to Sexual Anarchy
- Former Reformed Podcaster-turned-feminist, Aimee Byrd, Ordains Herself and Officiates Her Brother’s Wedding
- It is Time for Christian Parents to Completely Abandon Disney for Good
- The Disturbing Trend of Continuationism Embraced by the Modern Church
- A Legacy Lost: The Tragedy of a Fallen Leader
- Why does God allow pastors to fall?
- Evangelicals For Harris Exposed As Pro-Abortion
- Identifying False Teachers: How to Train Your Powers of Discernment and Test the Spirits
- Dis. Grace.: Responding Biblically to Church Scandal
- If R.C. Sproul Could See the World Today, He’d Be Asking ‘What’s Wrong With You People?’
- Exposing the Campaign for Immorality
- Our Nation Needs To Repent. How Do We Actually Do That?
- An anti-culture of nothingness
- Taylor Swift may be causing her fans to stumble into witchcraft
- Christians across the country mobilize to confront ‘pride month’
- Walmart Skewered for Pride Collection Unveil: ‘You Glorify Everything in This World Except What God’ Established
- The Kingdom of the Lord, the Kingdom of Satan, and Spiritual Warfare
- American Evangelical Increasingly Embracing the Foolishness that God Accepts Worship From All Religions
- One of the The Fruits of Human Depravity is: Stupidity
- God Made Us Male and Female- Why We Cannot Change Our Gender
- Reconciling Christian Love and Hatred Toward Enemies of God
- Churches Embracing Queer Ideologies are Idolatrous, Robbing God of the Glory He Deserves
- The Invasion of Secularism and the Loss of Shame in Society
- TGC Directly Promoting Self-Described ‘Democratic Socialist’ Who Claims His Views are Historically Biblical
- The enemies of God, reality, truth, Western civilization, and our souls
- Reject Vice. Just Say No – No porn, no pot, no gambling, no video games, no tattoos, no profanity
- The Ever-Increasing Seduction of False Teachers in Our Postmodern Fallen World
- The Wrath Of A Righteous God
- Sneaker Nation
- Tennessee Town that Banned ‘Public Displays of Gayness’ Walk it Back After Lawsuit
- God Hates Wicked People
- Transvestite Pastor Commits Suicide Following Exposure
- Pope Francis’ Revolution: The Synod on Synodality
- The Very Idea of the Dove Awards is Anti-Christian and Unbiblical
- Andy Stanley Tells ‘Unconditional Conference’ Attendees He REFUSES to Say ‘Homosexuality is a Sin’
- Acts 29 Promotes LGBTQ Inclusivity in the Church and Waters Down the Gravity of The Sin of Homosexuality
- Imam Stands in Pulpit at Beth Moore’s Church and Preaches From the Koran
- Christians Have A Choice To Make: Paul Of Tarsus Or Taurus The Bull. Which Will It Be?
- Jesus’s View on Biblical Sexual Ethics Has Not Shifted
- Refuting Queer Theology in the Church: The Queering of Scripture and God
- Pope Francis Affirms ‘Transgenderism’
- A Biblical Perspective in the Preeminence of Scripture in Christian Politics
- Aimee Byrd Torches Her ‘Uptight’ Old Church, Reveals THIS about Her New One
- Rick Warren Publishes Open Letter in Gay-Affirming Publication Pushing Women Pastors in SBC
- The Chosen Director Responds to Controversy, Suggests PRIDE Attire is ‘Appropriate in a Professional Environment’
- Actor Who Plays Thaddeus on The Chosen Defends Homosexuality and Pride Flag on Set
- Does God Forbid Women From Preaching Because of a Higher Susceptibility to False Teachings?
- Boys in Girls’ Locker Rooms? Public Schools Are Quickly Becoming LGBTQ Whorehouses
- Beth Moore Goes Full Robin DiAngelo, Calling White Men Racist
- The Unfaithful Bride: America’s Idolatry and the Coming Persecution
- God Determines the Role of Women in the Church, Not Personal Preference or Culture
- Discernment: A Spiritual Battle, Not a Logical One
- Rick Warren Tells Russell Moore There are Hundreds of Interpretations of ‘Women Pastors’ Passages
- Bible Answer Man, Hank Hanegraaff, Platforms Open Homosexual to Help ‘Save the West’
- Several ‘Christian’ Bands Perform Alongside Satanic Ritual at Grammys
- ‘Transmedicalism’ and the Fracturing of the LGBTQ+++™ ‘Community’
- Breaking down the truth that women may not preach in church or teach men
- Warning: A Popular Social Media Platform Is ‘Drawing Young People Into the Occult’
- Every Day is Halloween Now
- Is Voting Democrat Compatible With Faithfulness to God?
- Greg Johnson’s Revoice Church To Leave The PCA
- The Demise of the American Church and God’s Judgment on This Nation
- Wake Up Church! If This Doesn’t Tick You Off, Nothing Will. Youngest ‘Transgender’ Model Ever
- What We Are Witnessing is Sodom and Gomorrah on a Worldwide Scale
- Yes, the Devil is Real
- The Big Bang is in Big Trouble: It Never Happened
- Is Christian Post Worse Than Gospel Coalition?
- That Beautiful Bow
- Revoice Founder Now Promotes Heretical View of Hell as an ‘Orthodox’ View Held by ‘Bible Believing Christians’
- TikTok Pastor Declares ‘Jesus isn’t the only way to salvation’
- Christianity’s ‘Trip’ to the East