About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

Biden to Pull Rule Allowing Healthcare Workers to Refrain from Abortions, Sex Changes

(Joel B. Pollack – Breitbart) The Biden administration will withdraw a Trump administration rule that would have allowed any healthcare worker to refuse to participate in abortions, sterilizations, or sex-change operations for reasons of conscience.

Healthcare workers will still be allowed to opt out of abortions and sterilizations unless doing so would cause “undue hardship to their employer,” the San Francisco Chronicle notes, under an existing 1973 federal law. Continue reading

COVID Tyranny: Federal Judge Rules ‘Public Safety’ Overrides Personal Medical Autonomy

“The absurdity and immorality of Judge Molloy’s ruling are compounded by the fact that, despite the Public Health™ lie in the early days of the rollout that the jab stops transmission, we know now that it does not.”

(Ben Bartee – PJ Media) A federal judge seated in Montana, the Honorable Donald W. Molloy, recently ruled that “public safety” trumps individual autonomy over what gets injected into your body.

Via PBS: Continue reading

Dallas Jenkins Defends The Chosen’s Inaccuracies in Allie Stuckey Interview

Dallas Jenkins, Jonathan Roumie and “Pope” Francis.

“[Jenkins] argues that The Chosen doesn’t replace Scripture but He does claim that God is the one behind it, wanting to use the series to bring people closer to Christ. This same line of reasoning is used by the LDS to promote the Book of Mormon…” – Ingrid McCullough

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Dallas Jenkins appears to have done a media tour at BlazeTV [interview with Mormon in good standing Glenn Beck] and his interview with Allie Stuckey is one of the rare instances where I believe she was out of her depths on the subject at hand. Having never seen The Chosen, Allie Stuckey, the host of Relatable, interviewed Dallas Jenkins, who showcased his excuse for the liberal creative license he takes with the show that is centered around Jesus and his followers. Continue reading

Tim Mackie of the Bible Project Denies Literal Hell, Says It’s Something That Humans Created

“It is unclear whether Tim Mackie is intentionally trying to deceive or mislead people, but it is evident that his tendency to deny the literal existence of a Hell created by God for the eternal punishment of the reprobate raises concerns.”

(The Dissenter) Be cautious of a popular and up-and-coming figure in the expanding field of Bible teachers. Tim Mackie, the founder of The Bible Project, is a popular and rising star in the growing landscape of Bible teachers…. Continue reading

736,200 fentanyl pills and 196 pounds of methamphetamines were seized in a rail car of a train crossing from Mexico to Arizona

(Sara Carter – NWO Report) Thousands of fentanyl pills were found on a train crossing into Arizona from Mexico and seized by customs officials on the Mexico border in Arizona last week. The Daily Mail found that according to the report, the train was searched by United States Customs and Border Protection officials as it came into Nogales, Arizona Wednesday.

The train was carrying approximately 736,200 fentanyl pills and 196 pounds of methamphetamines in one single rail car…. Continue reading

WEF’s Metaverse to Help Establish Global Governance and Surveillance

“These people are de-growthers and de-populationaists. We will all go back to a time without modern conveniences, but we can turn on our devices to live in a far better, recreated virtual world resembling the real world – the Metaverse.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Davos conference 2023 will unveil a new enterprise, “Building the Metaverse Initiative.” They’ll release key studies and details. It looks like a worldwide surveillance project. Continue reading

Guess What the Tylenol Shortage and the Fentanyl Surplus Have in Common

(Stephen Green – PJ Media) There’s a nationwide shortage of Tylenol and other common pain medications. Meanwhile, there’s plenty of Fentanyl coming in through America’s porous southern border for anyone who wants to get high — or dead.

CBS News reported Thursday on our “national shortage” of children’s Tylenol and other medicines have “retailers like CVS, Target and Walgreens” placing strict limits on how much medicine people can buy. Continue reading

Jan. 6 Committee Withdraws Trump Subpoena

(Tyler Durden – Zero Hedge) “In light of the imminent end of our investigation, the Select Committee can no longer pursue the specific information covered by the subpoena,” wrote Rep. Bernie Thompson (D-MI) in a Wednesday night letter sent to Trump’s attorneys, which was obtained by CNN.

“Therefore, through this letter, I hereby formally withdraw the subpoena issued to former President Trump, and notify you that he is no longer obligated to comply or produce records in response to said subpoena,” the letter continues. Continue reading

The Gospel Coalition’s 2022 Best Movies List is Full of Graphic Sex and Nudity

Watch out!

(Protestia) Brett McCracken is the senior editor and director of communications at The Gospel Coalition and an elder at Southlands Church. He released his ‘Best movies of 2022’ and unsurprisingly, at least one of the films is full of graphic sex and nudity.

Last year his top 10 movies featured many that were rated ‘R’ for language, violence, and frequently for scenes of sex and nudity…. Continue reading

Oh Joy! Church Rewrites Classic Christmas Carol to Promote Leftist Queer Political Agenda

(The Dissenter) All Saints with Holy Trinity in Loughborough really pulled out all the stops this year with their inclusive and oh-so-woke revision of the classic Christmas carol “God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen”. Instead of mentioning Jesus as the savior of sinners, the updated lyrics now reference “queer and questioning” individuals and “women, who by men have been erasing”.

Because nothing says “Merry Christmas” quite like completely removing the central themes of the holiday and replacing them with modern political buzzwords…. Continue reading

LGBTQ+++™ Pinocchios Now Claim Male-to-Female Transgenders Can Get Periods: ‘I’m a Real Girl!’

Dylan Mulvaney says that he would like to be a mother one day.

(Ben Bartee – PJ Media) Biological assimilation into femininity has long been the final frontier for transgender activists — a Rubicon they had not yet been able to fully cross. Aspirational transgenders can get various sordid surgeries to appear more feminine; they can adopt feminine social roles, but they could never really become fully biologically female.

This nags at the LGBTQ+++™ community something fierce, as biological reality always belies the religious conviction that “transgender women are women,” full-stop…. Continue reading

Bombshell Footage: Biden DHS Freed over 150K Border Crossers into U.S. without Court Dates in Summer 2021

(John Binder – Breitbart) President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released more than 150,000 border crossers and illegal aliens, without a Notice to Appear (NTA) in immigration court, into the United States in the summer of 2021, bombshell footage reveals.

As part of a lawsuit against Biden’s expansive Catch and Release network, Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody obtained internal DHS footage revealing the extent to which the agency released hundreds of thousands of border crossers and illegal aliens into the U.S. interior without court dates. Continue reading

Data Showing Pfizer’s ‘vaccines’ damage your immune response

“Dr. Shapira, former head of the Israeli Biological Institution, questions calling Pfizer and other COVID shots “vaccines.” The efficacy of something that lasts partially for maybe three months with severe adverse effects does not qualify as a vaccine.” 

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Two new studies show mRNA-jabbed people have a much higher risk of getting COVID than unvaccinated people – here and here. More here.

Another study shows that the virus might replicate itself, causing long Covid and worse variants. It explains excess deaths, and indicates that billions now have a damaged immune system. It could be permanent. Continue reading

The Dismissal of Kari Lake’s Election Lawsuit Shows Voter Disenfranchisement No Longer Matters

(Rachel Alexander – Townhall) The trial court judge in Kari Lake’s election lawsuit predictably threw out her case on Saturday, putting on a sham trial that on the surface looked fair to the general public that doesn’t know any better, but to legal minds was a travesty of justice. Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson only gave her two days for a trial and issued his ruling immediately afterwards, even though he could have taken several days, and it was one of the biggest, most important cases in the country. Legal experts believe his decision was ghostwritten, they suspect top left-wing attorneys like Marc Elias emailed him what to say. Continue reading

Jesse Duplantis Claims to be ‘Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace’ in Christmas Sermon

“It is the duty of believers to refute this kind of “garbage” and defend the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Duplantis, who has been described as a serial Scripture-twister, a liar, and a wicked deceiver, has been accused of bilking his followers out of millions of dollars.”

(The Dissenter) Jesse Duplantis, a spiritual crack dealer and a self-proclaimed spiritual leader and proponent of the prosperity gospel, has recently come under fire for making a series of controversial statements. The prosperity gospel is a controversial belief that asserts that material wealth is a sign of God’s favor and that people can increase their wealth by giving money to wealthy people like Duplantis…. Continue reading

Another Disturbing Video of ‘Rachel’ Levine Is Going Viral

Levine clearly acknowledges that transitioning kids pushes them down a path to irreversible infertility. He wouldn’t trade his transitions later in life for his children, yet he’s not only advocating for young people to be mutilated and robbed of the joys of parenthood later in life, he’s also pushing for the censorship of voices who are speaking out against it…”

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) Earlier this month, an old video surfaced of Dr. Richard “Rachel” Levine, Joe Biden’s assistant secretary of health. The video, from the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine in Washington, D.C., went viral because Levine inadvertently admitted everything wrong and predatorial about the transgender movement…. Continue reading

American Girl Doll Pushes Gender Transition to 3-12-Year-Olds

Parents are outraged, calling it the “new Pornography” and part of an “evil agenda.” Another parent said the gender ideology has become increasingly “predatory.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) American Girl doll by Mattel has published a guide that advises girls as young as three to transition their gender. It also promotes puberty blockers.

Screenshots shared by the DailyMail and parents on Facebook reveal that there is more to this guide than advertised. Continue reading

Dr. Robert Malone Tells Ben Shapiro COVID Vaccines Are Unsafe For All Age Groups

“Originally, my position was that we should vaccinate the high-risk cohorts, including the elderly. And over time, as the data have come out and the analysis has come out from respected individuals, I’ve had to shift that position.”

(Greg Wilson – Daily Wire) Dr. Robert Malone, the scientist who pioneered the technology behind the mRNA COVID vaccines, told Ben Shapiro Friday he would no longer advise even most elderly patients to get the jab. Continue reading

Elijah List Announces Yet Another List of ‘Prophecies’ by False Prophets About Trump’s Return to Office

“…it’s possible that some of them might technically come true. But if any of it does come to pass, it won’t be because they actually received any divine revelation.”

(The Dissenter) It’s always a good time when the self-proclaimed prophets come out with their latest and greatest predictions about the future, especially when it comes to the return of Donald Trump to office and other political prophecies. And boy, have these false prophets not disappointed us! They have consistently made some of the most outrageous and hilarious prophecies that have never, ever come true. Let’s take a look at some of their upcoming fails released by Elijah List today: Continue reading

The Light of Christ in a World of Darkness

(Alistair Begg) In his 1939 Christmas broadcast to the British nation, King George VI read from a poem by Minnie Louise Haskins:

I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year,

“Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.”

And he replied: “Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God.

That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.”

While those words were obviously meaningful to George VI and his subjects amid an escalating war with Germany, they still find an echo in the hearts and minds of men and women today. We live in a time of great uncertainty and anxiety. Whether the context is geopolitics, the national economy, clashing worldviews, or even our own family lives, people today are treading into the darkness, looking for some light that will show them the way. Continue reading

‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’: An Appreciation

(Chris Queen – PJ Media) I don’t know exactly when I became a fan of Charlie Brown and the “Peanuts” characters, but I can remember them being a huge part of my elementary school years, along with a group of friends who loved the comic strip. One thing I do know: A Charlie Brown Christmas has always been a part of my holiday celebrations, including this Christmas.

Every year growing up, we would watch A Charlie Brown Christmas when it came on television. It was always on CBS, and Peter Paul candies sponsored it — I still remember the York Peppermint Patty and “Sometimes you feel like a nut” commercials. Continue reading

Biden COV Doc: ‘No Study…Shows that Masks Work that Well’

“A study in the Annals of Internal Medicine, a widely cited and influential medical journal, published a randomized trial comparing fit-tested N95s versus medical-grade masks to prevent COVID infection. This test was performed on healthcare workers (who would most likely use the masks correctly) in facilities with universal masking policies.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Dr. Ashish Jha, Biden’s top COVID advisor, is in trouble with the mask nazis. During a discussion of air quality, he admitted, “The notion that you can cut respiratory infections…there is no study in the world shows that masks work that well.” Continue reading