Pentagon Pauses Its Woke Soul-Searching PowerPoints Long Enough to Notice that Afghanistan Is Falling to the Taliban

(Bryan Preston – PJ Media)  With Tucker Carlson sparring with the National Security Agency and critical race theory becoming a hot topic among school boards nationwide, the Pentagon took time out from its own divisive and unit-wrecking extremism lectures long … Continue reading 

Leaked Docs: Critical Race Theory Seeks to Undermine Equality and the Constitutional Order

“This training is hard proof that Critical Race Theory is being used as a POLITICAL weapon specifically targeting Republicans. This is NOT education. It is political vengeance using the federal education system. They are starting with our children – even … Continue reading 

This 9-0 SCOTUS Ruling on Guns Shows Just How Extreme (and Dangerous) the Biden Administration Really Is

(Bryan Preston – PJ Media)  Did you hear that Joe Biden’s Department of Justice wanted the Supreme Court to rule that police could search Americans’ homes for firearms — and confiscate them — without a warrant? In the case of Caniglia … Continue reading 

OUTRAGEOUS: Space Force Unit C.O. Relieved of Duty for Criticizing Marxism in the Military

(Bryan Preston – PJ Media) reports that Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier has been relieved of his duties pending an investigation after he appeared on a podcast and criticized the rise of Marxism in the United States military. Lohmeier served for … Continue reading 

Francis Chan Says Catholic Understanding of Gospel is Very Similiar, If Not the Same, as His

“Chan is currently involved in an all-out assault on the Word of God and sound doctrine. It would be nice to think the best of him by believing that he doesn’t actually know what he’s doing–but, considering his solid theological … Continue reading 

In Chilling Video, Antifa Doxes, Threatens to KILL Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler

(Bryan Preston – PJ Media)  Late last week Portland, Ore., Mayor Ted Wheeler took to video to plea for the community’s help to “unmask” antifa. The violence-prone anarchist-fascist group has terrorized Portland with months of violent and destructive insurrectionist riots … Continue reading 

Joe Biden Sworn in as the 46th President. Now Get Ready for the Executive Orders

(Tyler O’Neil – PJ Media)  At noon, Joe Biden took the Oath of Office and became the 46th president of the United States. Biden has promised to be a “president for all Americans” and a uniter, attempting to heal America’s … Continue reading 

If Restaurants Really Spread COVID, This CEO of a Nationwide Chain Would Know. He Says It’s Not Happening.

“Marsden had just shelled out $80,000 to create the outdoor dining space which she was now forced to close. It was the one last way she’d be able to keep her ten-year-old business afloat.” (Brian Preston – PJ Media) Waffle … Continue reading 

Trans Trump-Supporting Mole Makes Important Discovery About Antifa’s Tactics and Rules of Engagement

“This is very similar to how the intifada terror campaigns against Israel worked in the past. The terrorists knew they could not win a full military confrontation against the well-trained and well-equipped Israeli military. Winning wasn’t even necessarily the goal. … Continue reading 

Mayor Wheeler Allows Portland to Burn Because In His Opinion It Had ‘Nothing to Lose’

“Nothing to lose.” Spoken like someone with no connection to reality. Also spoken like a career politician who has never run or managed anything outside the comfortable confines of government with its endless supplies of everyone else’s money. (Bryan Preston … Continue reading 

A Former Beth Moore Follower Explains Why She Dumped Her After Learning the Truth

“Her teachings are emotional and easy on the soul, but if a non-believer were to study them all, would they know, in the end, what is required to have a saving faith in Christ? Are her followers being drawn into … Continue reading 

Village Church Pastor Says if Paul Were Here Today, He’d Write a Letter Endorsing Beth Moore

“Now, joining the chorus of Beth Moore apologists is J.T. English, a pastor alongside Matt Chandler at The Village Church. English takes his defense a step further — he puts Words in the Apostle Paul’s mouth claiming that if Paul … Continue reading 

Hispanic Pastors Tour Border Facility, Say They’re ‘Totally Baffled’ by Misinformation in News

Rodriguez is not the first Christian leader to push back against the media’s characterization of the situation along the U.S.-Mexico border. During an interview with Faithwire last week, Prestonwood en Español Pastor Gilberto Corredera said border agents have good relationships with the … Continue reading 

Presbyterian Church in America Central Carolina Presbytery Denounces Revoice Conference

“It’s great that the presbytery has taken a stand against this homosexual invasion, however, another group that’s not far behind in the same agenda is the ministry, Living Out. Living Out, led by Sam Allberry is an author at The … Continue reading