About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

Pope Francis Affirms ‘Transgenderism’

“The Bible teaches that each of us is fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), created male and female (Genesis 1:27) in God’s own image. To defy this inherent identity, to mutilate one’s God-given body in pursuit of a personal “truth” that contradicts divine reality, is nothing short of rebellion against the Creator.”

(The Dissenter) In an unsurprising assault on biblical truth and Christian orthodoxy, the Roman Catholic Pope Francis has yet again aligned himself with the cultural zeitgeist, telling a young transvestite that “God loves us as we are.”… Continue reading

Redeemed Zoomer Goes Full Darwinist

UPDATE below.

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) One of the most prominent Christian YouTube channels right now is Redeemed Zoomer who stands at a whopping 125K subs on the platform. His most popular content is animated explainers on Christianity. However, he is also working on an ambitious plan to save apostate denominations. Redeemed Zoomer believes that protestants can reconquer these denominations by outlasting the heretics. Thus, the more beautiful church buildings in more prominent real estate will be restored to Bible teaching. On Conversations That Matter, Redeemed Zoomer made a compelling case for his Reconquista strategy, and he is active in this effort in the Presbyterian Church USA…. Continue reading

The heart of the shepherd and the essential church

The viewer will walk away from “The Essential Church” with the sense that each of these three men, in the words of the prophet Jeremiah, have “a burning fire shut up in their bones” that compels them to fulfill their ministries no matter the personal cost.

(Ben Zeisloft – The Sentinel) We far too often forget that only three years ago, government officials in the United States and other Western nations were closing churches, restricting the activities permitted during worship services, and threatening ministers with imprisonment. “The Essential Church,” a feature-length documentary made by Grace Productions and starring Grace Community Church Pastor John MacArthur, seeks to bring those harrowing memories back to the forefront of the nation’s mind. Continue reading

Transgender Genital Surgeries Result in Pain, Incontinence

(Alana Mastrangelo – Breitbart) Four out of five people who undergo transgender-related surgery involving their genitals endure pain in the five years after the procedure, more than half feel pain while having sex, and about one-third are left incontinent, one of the first studies into the side effects discovered.

“There is a high percentage reporting musculoskeletal pain, difficulty moving, and pelvic floor dysfunction,” University of Florida professor Meryl Alappattu said. “In terms of getting information related to the efficacy of these types of treatments — we still have a lot of work to do.” Continue reading

Bethel Church Teams Up With Roman Catholics to ‘Bring the Gospel’ to Every Person

“These same hyper-charismatic false apostles, like Johnson, already have a false gospel, and for them to team up with Roman Catholics to “evangelize” the world can only add more confusion to the mix. Who is the author of confusion? That should tell you where this movement is coming from.”

The snare of ecumenism among charismatic churches is increasing at an alarming rate. For several years, Hillsong Phoenix had been hosting the Alpha Conference, an ecumenical conference designed to tear down doctrinal divides between opposing apostate Christian sub-sects as they join hands to promote a social cause. This year, of course, is no different. Continue reading

Hunter’s Partner Devon Archer to Share Shocking Testimony

“It’s quite stunning. This week’s hearing will back up everything we’ve heard from whistleblowers and everything we’ve seen in documents.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s former business partner and best friend, will testify that Hunter put Joe Biden on the phone with business associates at least two dozen times. A friend said that he is testifying because he has nothing to hide and feels it’s his civic duty. Since this came out, his family has gotten death threats and been told to keep their mouths shut. Continue reading

John MacArthur Gives Health Update After Heart Surgery + Wife’s Very Dangerous Fall

Keep John and Patricia in your prayers.

(Protestia) Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, gave his congregants a health update this morning following several weeks of absences.

Good morning everyone, we’re glad to see you this morning. I missed a couple of weeks. I need to thank Steve Lawson for preaching. I had to go into the hospital for an ablation on my heart and it came out great, so it fixed me for the time being. So (I’m) grateful for that. Continue reading

Biden has a border terrorism problem as encounters with flagged aliens explode ninefold

“We literally could have the next terrorist sleeper cell in United States planning a terrorist attack, and we would have no idea.”

(John Solomon – Just the News) The number of foreigners on the U.S. terrorist screening list who have tried illegally crossing into the United States has exploded ninefold since President Joe Biden took office, an alarming increase that experts say puts national security at risk.

So far in fiscal 2023, 140 people on the terror list have been apprehended between ports of entry, already crushing last year’s record of 98. Continue reading

Veterans react as Biden allows transgender soldiers to skip deployments

(Amy Jo Underwood – The Sentinel) A Defense Department memo from earlier this year covering the “care of service members who identify as transgender” has been leaked to the public, showing a vast array of medical services and special privileges for self-described transgender individuals in the military.

Included in the memo are instructions for taxpayer-funded procedures regarding speech and voice therapy, voice feminization surgery, cross-sex hormones, laser hair removal, facial and body contouring, breast and chest surgery, genital surgery, and psychological counseling. Continue reading

Fox News Is All In on Satan, Genderism, SPLC, Abortion

“While the Satanic Temple says they don’t worship Satan, they perform unbaptisms, want permission to perform ritual abortions, and erect statues of Baphomet on government property.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Fox News banned matching donations to Billy Graham Ministries and Franklin Graham. However, they allow them to the Satanic Templethe Trevor ProjectPlanned Parenthood (and local Planned Parenthood branches), and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). They also allow donations to the Virality Project on censorship…. Continue reading

There Are No More Apostles

(Rick Becker – Famine in the Land) The proliferation of contemporary “apostles and prophets” is the result of a narrative that’s been pushed for decades – the restoration of the offices of apostle and prophet to the church. If this were true, then God has failed his church by depriving it of two essential forms of ministry. Furthermore, if God has restored the office of apostle, then contemporary apostles who claim to hold the office should meet the biblical qualifications, if they don’t, they’re self-appointed false apostles.

Thayer’s Greek Lexicon gives the following definition of the word apostle in scripture (ἀπόστολος): “a delegate, messenger, one sent forth with orders. Specially applied to the twelve disciples whom Christ selected…In a broader sense the name is transferred to other eminent Christian teachers; as Barnabas.”… Continue reading

The Forbidden Woman: Some Thoughts on Love, Marriage, and Adultery

“God provided for all sexual enjoyment to be fulfilled in marriage as we love our spouses in this good design that he ordained. Our love is not meant for strangers, in the mind, or at the local motel. And this applies to every form of sexual sin that is contrary to God’s will. By God’s grace, the desires of our hearts must be sanctified to love the spouse God has given to us.”

(Chris Gordon – Beautiful Christian Life) Adultery will destroy your life. And, it will destroy a lot of other people’s lives too. This is the testimony of countless people who have testified to its destructive power and how it utterly ruined them. As the statistics go, around 25 percent of men and 15 percent of women will commit adultery in the course of their marriage…. Continue reading

Bombshell Bribery Revelations Prompt Calls to Impeach Biden

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) Joe Biden is once again facing calls for impeachment following the release of an unclassified FBI document detailing how he and his son Hunter Biden coerced the head of Burisma to pay them a bribe of $5 million each in exchange for pressuring the Ukrainian government to dismiss prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was investigating the company for corruption.

According to the redacted FD-1023 form, which was released by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Burisma co-founder and CEO Mykola Zlochevsky told the FBI’s confidential human source (CHS) during an August 2016 meeting that “it cost 5 [million] to pay one Biden, and 5 [million] to another Biden.”… Continue reading

House GOP finds new star witnesses: Democrats challenging their own party’s narratives

“I think it’s fascinating that we have a Democrat, who is running for president and against Joe Biden in the primary, coming to testify about how Joe Biden’s administration, three days into when they took office, were censoring Mr. Kennedy and his opposition to the vaccine and the mandates…”

(John Solomon – Just the News) House Republicans have found themselves two key Democrat witnesses who have turned the tables and challenged the narratives of President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. Continue reading

Totalitarianism as the Left Tries to Destroy Jason Aldean

“In the past 24 hours I have been accused of releasing a pro-lynching song (a song that has been out since May) and was subject to the comparison that I (direct quote) was not too pleased with the nationwide BLM protests. These references are not only meritless, but dangerous. There is not a single lyric in the song that references race or points to it- and there isn’t a single video clip that isn’t real news footage -and while I can try and respect others to have their own interpretation of a song with music- this one goes too far….”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) People on the far-left watch a music video they don’t like, and they don’t simply complain -they try to destroy the guy – in this case, Jason Aldean is the target. This is more proof of the neo-Totalitarianism destroying the USA. The song and video they tried to cancel are now number one. Continue reading

Despite What Popular Evangelical Pastors Are Saying, Doubt is an Enemy of the Faith

“The weight of James 1:6-8 clearly counters the idea that doubt can harmoniously coexist with faith. The picture James paints is clear: true faith is unwavering, complete, not diluted with doubt. Doubt is not the fertile ground from which faith blossoms, but the rocky terrain that hinders its growth….”

(The Dissenter) The winds of modern thought have blown into the halls of the Church, stirring up a novel perspective that now echoes loudly from the pulpit to the pews. The perception that doubt is a beneficial, even necessary, component of faith has started to hold sway. This novel viewpoint is articulated by the words of Rich Villodas who posts on Twitter: Continue reading

Tucker Throws Haymakers at the Regime at Turning Point Conference

“Any country that doesn’t allow a free discussion of the process by which its leaders are elected is not a democracy by definition. A country without free speech is not a democracy. You can’t have a dinner party without dinner. You can’t have a democracy without free speech, period.”

(Kevin Downey JR – PJ Media) Tucker Carlson, in a speech at the annual Turning Point Action conference that was held last weekend, continued his scorched-earth policy on D.C vermin and cluster-bombed the American politburo. Continue reading

Democrat Plan to Imprison Mr. Trump or Drive Him to His Grave

“Trump’s polls show he can win, but Democrats will never let him win. Democrats working Joe Biden’s strings are behind the curtain deciding how best to get rid of Donald Trump. These people are demons.”

While evidence pours in against the Biden crime family, the DOJ is targeting Donald Trump with new charges of obstructing Congress, conspiracy, obstruction or tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant, and civil rights violations. Continue reading

Twilight in the Politics Zone

(Bill O’Reilly) Beginning in 1959, a TV program called “The Twilight Zone” captured the imagination of millions of Americans. The show opened with co-creator Rod Serling saying this:

“You are about to enter another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind… Next stop, the Twilight Zone!”

Then, after a few commercials, bizarre things took place. The program became legendary. Continue reading

The presence and influence of powers, principalities, and demons in our age of apostasy

“Following on the heels of mind-altering substances flooding our schools and churches are yoga, mindfulness meditation, and channeling. Children are being taught to “go within” and contact their spirit guides. Spiritual formation classes are taught in…mega-churches where earthly bread, yoga and musical ecstasy draped by a limp cross are usual offerings.”

(Linda Kimball – RenewAmerica) In “The Spiritist Fallacy,” a penetrating analysis of Luciferian Theosophy, Spiritism, and by extension, the New Age Spirituality overtaking and replacing Christianity throughout Western civilization, the respected French traditionalist metaphysician Rene Guenon explained how the theories of William James (1842-1910), the father of American psychology, are examples of unconscious Satanism. Guenon gives two reasons. Continue reading

Execs Are ‘Panicked’ Over the Post-Tucker Fox News Primetime Lineup Ratings

“Carlson’s ouster was read by his audience as a show of the contempt in which the Fox News brass held its viewers. The network paid for it.” 

(Victoria Taft – PJ Media) With grand fanfare, Fox News rolled out its first night of the post-Tucker Carlson permanent primetime lineup Monday night. The ratings were released Tuesday, showing a freefall in viewership. Even Sean Hannity lost the ratings battle to MSNBC. Let’s just say that at this point the guys in the executive suites might need some smelling salts. Continue reading

Isaiah Saldivar Leads Mass Deliverance To Remove Demons that ‘Got Passed Down to You In the Womb’

“Every ancestral spirit. Every spirit that got passed down to you in the womb from your mom or your dad, I command every ancestral spirit that’s been there since the womb, Loose them! There it is. Come out in Jesus’ name!”

(Protestia) Deliverance minister Isaiah Saldivar, who is quickly becoming one of the prominent and visible representations of the charismatic right on account of a rapidly growing social media presence, continues to teach weird and wonky things to justify his raison d’être. Continue reading