About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

John MacArthur Criticizes Tim Keller and Andy Stanley During ShepCon Q & A

Watch John MacArthur’s response to Keller and Stanley’s cultural Christianity.

(Protestia) Pastor John MacArthur took some time during his Shepherds Conference Q &A to answer questions about the role of the pastor, centering in on the need to feed the sheep while critiquing those who have an inordinate focus on giving themselves over to the culture.

In particular, he singled out Tim Keller (who MacArthur has criticized before) and Andy Stanley as two culprits who have been guilty of this. Continue reading

China holds ‘military advantage’ over US as Washington prepares for conflict over Taiwan: retired general

Gen. Jack Keane: “Victory over Taiwan would give Beijing control of South China Sea, greater dominance on world stage”

(Caitlin McFall – Fox News) Concerns over a Chinese invasion of Taiwan continue to mount with Beijing now suspected of involvement in damaging some of the island nation’s undersea internet cables this week in another show of deliberate harassment.

The disruption to Taiwan’s internet was not only a nuisance for the island’s inhabitants and visitors, it also revealed significant implications for Taiwan’s national security. Continue reading

Several US Megachurch Pastors Implicated in Major Alleged Hillsong Tax Fraud Scandal

“The evidence presented by Wilkie allegedly suggests that Hillsong Church has paid American televangelists, such as Joyce Meyer and T.D. Jakes, tens, even hundreds of thousands of dollars in honorariums for their engagements with the church.”

Recently, an alleged scandal has emerged which is gaining significant media attention. Australian Parliament member, Andrew Wilkie, has made serious allegations against the leaders of Hillsong Church, namely Brian Houston and Phil Dooley, accusing them of engaging in fraudulent activities such as money laundering and tax evasion…. Continue reading

The Muddy Waters of the Enneagram

“Any scientist who studies personality would simply look at the reliability scores and conclude the test is not accurate enough to be helpful, and therefore, they wouldn’t use it because the potential for harm will be too high.”

(Don & Joy Veinot) One of the newest books promoting the Enneagram to Christians is How We Relate: Understanding God, Yourself, and Others through the Enneagram by Jesse Eubanks. We will grant that Eubanks probably has good intentions and very likely desires to help his readers understand themselves and their relationships. However, we must ask, is the Bible insufficient for faith and practice? Is something needed to fill the void God left in His word regarding human relationships? Is that special something to be found in the Enneagram? Continue reading

Jill Biden Presents an International Woman of Courage Award to a Biological Male

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) First lady Jill Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday hosted the 17th annual International Women of Courage Awards. For the first time, the ceremony took place at the White House, on “the biggest stage we could,” Biden said.

They honored ten women and one biological male transgender.

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After John MacArthur Misses Day 1 of Shepherds Conference, Attendees Pray He Makes an Appearance

(Protestia) Thousands of attendees descending on John MacArthur’s annual Shepherds Conference, March 8-10, were disappointed to discover that the beloved pastor would not be preaching his scheduled sermon that day, and that he may not make an appearance altogether. Grace Community Church elder Tom Patton announced that not only was MacArthur, 83, still recovering from heart surgery months ago, but that he had also broken his wrist days before and was not well enough to attend. Continue reading

Jan. 6 narrative will continue to morph as more security footage emerges

Wisconsin GOP senator says his staff saw footage of a large door left open that allowed more than 300 protesters to enter Capitol.

(John Solomon – Just the News) The Democrat-constructed narrative of the Jan. 6 riot will continue to morph as more security footage from the Capitol emerges and people get to see that hundreds of protesters were let into the Capitol through a door left open and unguarded at times by police, says former Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.). Continue reading

You Can’t Eradicate ‘Transgender’ People — Because They Don’t Exist

“if men really can’t become women, as they cannot — then it’s false for everybody too. And if it’s false, then we should not indulge it, especially since that indulgence requires taking away the rights and customs of so many people….”

(Selwyn Duke – The New American) Fevered and fearful, or perhaps fearsome, media claimed that Daily Wire podcast host Michael Knowles said in a CPAC speech that “transgender” people should be “eradicated.” While he made no such remark, there’s not even the slightest possibility such a quasi-genocide could occur, for a simple reason: Continue reading

B. B. Warfield on ‘Antichrist’: Is the antichrist a future foe, or a present reality?

“Warfield’s point is an important one and rarely considered. There is a specific biblical usage of the term Antichrist as found in John’s epistles, the only place where the word appears in Scripture. Warfield contends that this evidence ought to be considered quite apart from Paul’s “man of lawlessness” and John’s beast and false prophet.”

(Kim Riddlebarger) One of the most thought provoking discussions of “Antichrist” comes from B. B. Warfield. In one of his last essays written for publication before his death in February of 1921, Warfield addressed the matter of the biblical use of the term “Antichrist” as found in John’s epistles…. Continue reading

Stolen Youth: The Cultural Revolution in America

“Make America Great is racist, and color blind is racist. Drag queens are good and pure. Everyone can change their gender. Porn is good. Pedophilia is acceptable in some books now in school libraries.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) The radical left, the WOKEs, are “turning children into child soldiers in the woke reimagining of our society.” They will harm the youth to achieve their goals because the end justifies the means. Continue reading

Secret Surveillance Video Dismantles January 6 Narrative

Clips aired during Tucker Carlson’s show on Monday night demonstrate how the January 6 select committee doctored surveillance video.

(Julie Kelly – American Greatness) Fox News host Tucker Carlson aired the first set of previously-unseen surveillance video captured by Capitol police security cameras on January 6, 2021 that undermines several aspects of the reigning narrative about what happened that day.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) last month gave Carlson’s team “unfettered” access to 41,000 hours of footage the government kept hidden from the American public and individuals charged in the Justice Department’s unprecedented and ongoing investigation into the events of January 6…. Continue reading

Anarcho-Communists Arrested in Georgia

“Some are now calling for a full investigation as to who is behind these protests, encouraging the GBI to follow the money trail and infiltrate the organization to determine who is behind these two related protests. The people of Atlanta are saying it is high time to utilize the 1970 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act.”

(Mark Schwendau) Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) staff attorney Thomas Jurgens was among almost two dozen of the rioters arrested following a violent attack on police at a proposed training site of the Atlanta Police Foundation’s facility, located a few miles south of the city….

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Hostile Tribes

(Bill O’Reilly) Not since the Civil War have the people of the United States been more hostile to each other. The corporate media and some toxic internet sites are largely responsible. Many Americans no longer seek common ground; our new collective hobby is despising those who hold different points of view.

After the brutal attack on September 11, the country largely came together to oppose the evil Jihad. Initially, President Bush the younger had overwhelming support to right the wrong. Continue reading

Steven Furtick Sells Tickets for Worship Service Tour for Hundreds of Dollars Each

Steven Furtick is a perfect example of what Jude tells us in verse 12, “These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots.” 

(The Dissenter) If there has been a more blatant example of Matthew 19:24 being played out in modern times than the Furtick family, I’ve not seen it. Jesus’s words were clear, “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”… Continue reading

SHOCK VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Outs the Lies About January 6

(Victoria Taft – PJ Media) Fox News’ Tucker Carlson was given access to more than 44,000 hours of video from the “deadly insurrection” of January 6, 2021. And after only “three weeks” of culling through the video, Carlson believes he’s blown up — KABOOM — several lies the American public has been force-fed by the media about that day.

In the first of his exposés about January 6, Carlson displayed a video that basically blew up the narrative about the day that Democrats claim was worse than 9/11. Video Carlson exposed on Monday night and will again on Tuesday showed that the lies about that day began immediately. Continue reading

Parents alarmed by satanist after-school clubs forming across U.S.

(Just the News) As curriculum awareness grows across the United States, parents are now sounding the alarm over the Satanic Temple (TST)’s efforts to create after-school clubs for students.

Parents say they are worried about the impact it may have on young children’s view of faith.

In December of last year, a TST “After-School Satan Club” was approved at a Virginia elementary school, resulting in backlash from parents distributed by the push to indoctrinate young children into Satanism. Continue reading

We should help young people experience how the promises God offers them far surpass the false promises of witchcraft and ungodly spirits.

“More and more popular entertainers make reference to occult symbols, practices, and themes. The culture, in general, is moving further toward a sense of nihilism that borders on the demonic. In some circles, it’s considered “woke” to be a witch. Reading tarot cards, consulting psychics, and playing with crystals are in. Thus, we can’t afford to be naive.”  

(Stephen Adubato – The Federalist) In a recent New York Times editorial, Ross Douthat called into question the naive, materialist readings of the new statue of a female pagan deity that was installed outside the New York courthouse…. Continue reading

The Astonishing Case of The Lockdown Files

“They call into question much of the reasoning for months of national lockdowns and other restrictions on daily life in Britain, including social distancing, face masks, and the closure of schools.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) The Telegraph UK published revelations based on over 100,000 leaked WhatsApp messages from Matt Hancock, the former health secretary, and other ministers and officials. They are dubbed The Lockdown Files. Continue reading

BidenCash criminal market releases over 2M credit card numbers free for the taking

Check to see if any of your credit cards are exposed by this dark underground market.

(Kurt Knutsson – Fox News) A criminal site known as BidenCash, which uses the president’s name and likeness to trade in stolen data, has just leaked 2,165,700 credit and debit cards online.

In a brazen one-year celebration of its first anniversary of operating its illegal marketplace that trades in stolen data and financial credentials like credit cards, it advertised its massive leak on an underground cybercrime forum. Continue reading

Major Endorsements Retracted After TGC Publishes Blasphemous Article

Brace yourselves.

(The Dissenter) If you’ve been following the news cycle the last couple of days, you’re probably aware of the extremely gross, vile, and filthy article published by Joshua Butler at The Gospel Coalition that depicted Jesus ejaculating his “seed” into His bride (the Church) in the same way that a man ejaculates into his wife. Thankfully, after much pushback from conservatives and exposure from publications like The Dissenter, TGC decided to remove the article from the website. Continue reading

A few years ago John MacArthur withdrew his endorsement of Greg Laurie’s Harvest Crusade. Here’s why.

CRN discovered the following article that was written in 2016 by Bud Ahlheim. It’s important that our subscribers are aware that John MacArthur removed his endorsement of Harvest Crusades because of what Phil Johnson referred to as Greg Laurie’s “significant drift in position” in a letter he wrote to clear up why John MacArthur chose to no longer be affiliated with Harvest. Johnson includes the names of some of the false teachers Greg Laurie associated with at the time — Rick Warren, [child molester, revealed in 2024] Robert Morris, and Craig Groeschel, to name three.

Now to Bud Ahlheim’s 2016 article. Continue reading

On Rescuing the Future of America and Recovering the Truths of Our More Perfect Union

“As much as I loved in those youthful days the New York Yankees of Mickey Mantle and Bobby Richardson and the Indy 500 of A.J. Foyt and Roger Ward, it was America — Washington crossing the Delaware, the Constitution and The Federalist Papers, Calhoun and Webster debating, the settling of the West, America’s role in winning two world wars, and the incredible freedom of our people — that moved me like nothing else.”

(Mark Tapscott – PJ Media) It was not long after I picked up and began reading my friend Tim Goeglein’s profoundly important new book — Toward A More Perfect Union: The Moral and Cultural Case for Teaching the Great American Story — that it had me all but in tears. Continue reading

Bible Project’s Tim Mackie and contemplative prayer

“Why do Mackie and Tyler Staton not know this about Keating? Sure, Keating can speak “Christianese” if that is what his audience requires. He can speak of Trinitarian love, or about Christ with seeming sincerity. But it doesn’t take much effort at all to learn about Keating’s actual theology.”

(John Lanagan – The Word Like Fire) “And that’s because the Divine Presence is always with us. This can be understood as the glorified Christ, or as the Holy Spirit, or as the Trinity, or as the Higher Consciousness, or as the One Self, or as the Higher Self.” – Contemplative prayer advocate Thomas Keating.

Yikes! Unholy. Continue reading

LGBTQ-Activist Dem Mayor, Who Was ‘Mentored’ by Buttigieg, Arrested for Vile Charge

“Wojahn used to have the Instagram username and Twitter handle, “Patrick4CP,” his re-election tagline, Patrick for College Park. Child pornography is often abbreviated as “CP” by child predators searching for it online.”

(Mia Cathell – Townhall) The gay-activist Democrat mayor of College Park, Maryland, who has branded himself as something of a role model for LGBTQ youth, was arrested Thursday morning on dozens of counts of possessing and distributing child pornography, totaling 56 child sex offenses. Continue reading