Breaking down the truth that women may not preach in church or teach men

“It’s clear that women usurping and failing to remain silent in the churches (not on blogs, radio, podcasts, or real life!) is a huge issue these days in Christian life. Women teaching men and preaching in church is not a secondary or tertiary issue, because it deals with creation order, the orderliness of the church, and the sin of disobedience.” 

(Elizabeth Prata – The End Time) The Bible is clear that there is an order to the church. Certain things are to be done a certain way. No New Testament believer can be so unobservant of the Old Testament that they fail to see the specificity with which God expects worship. Though New Testament believers are not beholden to the OT ceremonial laws and bloody sacrifices (because Christ has come!) we are still cognizant of the fact that God is still God. He does not accept any old worship. Just ask Ananias and Sapphira. Continue reading

Is Netflix Going To Make Chronicles of Narnia Woke?

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) With the recent fallout from the horrendous Amazon Prime Lord of the Rings series, The Rings of Power, the thematically not far off Chronicles of Narnia adaptations may be the next franchise to be destroyed by Hollywood’s liberal agenda and incompetence. Netflix is not known for longevity of series quality. Many of their shows have some sort of “third date rule” whereby the third episode or season of a show will offload a bunch of homosexual propaganda. Continue reading

Moved…By the Holy Spirit

For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. (2 Peter 1:21 KJV)

For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. (2 Peter 1:21 ESV)

(Read 2 Peter 1:21 The Apostolic Bible Polyglot, and 2 Peter 1:21 translated from the NA28 Greek text on Mike’s site.)

It is vital that we “get it” that without the foundation of the inspiration of Scripture, all we have is human subjectivity as the basis for truth and that opens the door to the mindset of “anything goes.” We see this with heretics. We see this in liberal churches and denominations. As soon as they drop the Bible as the authoritative Word of God then all sorts of heresies creep in and it isn’t long before all these people stand for has about as much substance as malformed jello…. Continue reading

Dr. Fauci at Deposition Insists Misinformation and Disinformation Should Not Be Tolerated Unless It Comes from Him

(Jim Hoft – The Gateway Pundit) The day before Thanksgiving, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, along with Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, deposed Anthony Fauci (head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases [NIAID]) at the National Institutes for Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported in May that the Missouri and Louisiana Attorneys General filed a lawsuit (Missouri v. Biden) against the Biden Administration, including Joe Biden himself, Anthony Fauci, the Department of Homeland Security and nearly a dozen federal agencies and Secretaries. Continue reading

Biden’s Labor Department Will Put Your Retirement Savings to Work for the Left

(Rick Moran – PJ Media) The Department of Labor has finalized a rule that would give the go-ahead to fund managers to base their investment decisions on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors.

The rule “clarifies” the 1974 Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), which Donald Trump’s Labor Department amended with a rule to prevent fund managers from considering factors that were immaterial to financial performance or risk. Continue reading

Is Congress Poised to Investigate Whitmer Fednapping Hoax?

Weeks before the November 2020 presidential election, the Justice Department filed a criminal complaint against six men for allegedly conspiring to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Evidence presented at trial suggests that FBI assets were directly involved in the kidnapping plot.”

(Julie Kelly – American Greatness) A federal judge next month is scheduled to sentence two men convicted of conspiring to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer from her lakeside cottage in the fall of 2020. Adam Fox, the alleged ringleader, and Barry Croft, Jr. face years in prison. Continue reading

Sodom’s Behavior: Homosexuality Or Gay Rights?

“Sadly, the LGBTQ community and many professing evangelicals have misinterpreted the Bible’s declarations of Sodom’s wickedness. We must reject the homosexual community’s interpretation of their behavior and accept God’s explanation of their sinfulness.”

(Tom Hill) Many people attempt to reconcile homosexuality with the Bible. However, such efforts fail. You cannot reconcile truth with error. The battle to legitimize homosexuality begins with an all out attack upon the Biblical record of Sodom. This assault changes the story of Sodom from homosexuality to inhospitality. It further misinterprets the other references to Sodom in the Bible to refer to acts other than homosexuality. Continue reading

Disney’s Big Gay, Green ‘Strange World’ Crashes at Box Office

(John Nolte – Breitbart) Disney’s latest animated feature, the gay, green Strange World, just tanked at the box office.

Gee, what a shock. You mean no one wants to waste their Thanksgiving weekend having their children prematurely sexualized by groomers with a side order of enviro-guilt?

This should do wonders for Disney’s already cratered stock price.

Strange World cost anywhere from $150 million to $180 million to produce. Add at least another $50 to $100 million to promote, and what you have here is a straight-up catastrophe, a quarter of a billion — with a “B” — write-off. Continue reading

Climate Alarmists Bemoan Earth’s Population Hitting 8 Billion, But How Should Christians View This Milestone?

“All of these ideas run contrary to God’s Word and his plan for the family. But we shouldn’t be surprised—Satan has always attacked marriage, the family, and children!”

(Ken Ham) Earth just hit a significant milestone. For the first time ever (that we know of—no one knows what the pre-flood population was), there are now eight billion people on the planet. While this has been celebrated by some people, many climate alarmists, as expected, have been wringing their hands, moaning about the damage that such a large number of people are doing to “Mother Earth.” But how should Christians view this milestone? Continue reading

Evangelical Org Associated With SEBTS, TGC, CRU, and Matt Chandler Says Opposing Radical LGBTQ+ Indoctrination Brings Violence On One Another

This organization claims to be a Christian organization and has been embraced by many Evangelical leaders that we’re supposed to trust. And while blogs like The Dissenter have been sounding the alarm on her and her movement for years, we’ve become the bad guys for doing so—and we’re labeled the “divisive” ones.

(The Dissenter) Latasha Morrison is the founder and CEO of the evangelical race-baiting organization known as Be The Bridge.

Be the Bridge is an anti-White training curriculum created by Latasha Morrison and is heavily promoted by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary professor, Walter Strickland—who is also the head of the school’s “Kingdom Diversity” program. In the clip below, you can hear Morrison say that there is at least one seminary that she knows of that is embracing her movement. Continue reading

Pope Francis’s Tacit Support For Gay Marriage Subverts Scripture To Please The World

“Though Francis defends traditional marriage in words, his actions reveal an apathetic tolerance for LGBT advocacy and behavior. That apathy extends to his appointments.”

(Joseph D’Hippolito – The Federalist) When Belgium’s Catholic bishops meet him for their required visit on Nov. 21-26, Pope Francis will have the chance to either reaffirm or negate Catholic doctrine concerning one of civilization’s most contentious issues: same-sex marriage. Continue reading

Told Ya So: The Club Q Shooter Is ‘Non-binary’

“While it would be nice to believe that Velazquez, Whoopi, and others will have egg on their faces with this new revelation, the truth is that the preferred narrative has already been established. Thus, Aldrich’s preferred pronouns are likely not to be reported on.”

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) I’ve been warning for days that the Club Q shooting may not be what it seems. Many on the left quickly jumped to the conclusion that this was a targeted attack on the LGBTQ community — what they would call a “hate crime” — for which Republicans bore responsibility because of their opposition to the “Respect for Marriage Act” that would codify gay marriage in federal law. Continue reading


13 Enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way leading to destruction and many are the ones entering through it. 14 How narrow is the gate and constricted the way leading to life and few are the ones finding it. Matthew 7:13-14 (translated from the NA28 Greek text)

The word “way” on both v13 and v14 translates ὁδός (hodos), which means “a way., road, highway, or street in their many possible forms.” To the Greeks, this could refer to “the narrow path trodden by those who have gone before, or the broad roads made for traffic, on which chariots can travel, troops can march, and processions can be held.” Continue reading

The ‘Insurrection!’ House of Cards Is Collapsing

“The American people should prepare for more stunning revelations about the FBI’s key role in the events of January 6.”

(Julie Kelly – PJ Media) Amid bombshell revelations that the FBI embedded numerous informants in two militia groups accused of plotting to overthrow the government on January 6, FBI Director Christopher Wray finally is facing some heat.

During a House Homeland Security Committee hearing on Tuesday, Representative Clay Higgins (R-La.) angrily demanded to know more details about the use of FBI informants related to the Capitol protest. Higgins twice asked Wray whether FBI informants disguised as Trump supporters were planted inside the building even before protesters gained entry. Continue reading

‘Global Warming’ Data Exaggerated 50% Over Last 50 Years, New Evidence Shows

“Warming on a global scale started to run out of steam over 20 years ago, and the stunt can only be pulled for so long before the disconnect with reality becomes too obvious.”

(Frank Bergman – Slay) The official data used for “global warming” fearmongering has been exaggerated by up to 50 percent over the last 50 years, bombshell new evidence has revealed.

The new groundbreaking research, compiled by two atmospheric scientists at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, Dr. Roy Spencer and Professor John Christy, shows 50% less warming over 50 years across the eastern United States than official data claims. Continue reading

New study finds little to no health risks related to eating meat

“The evidence for a direct vascular or heath risk from eating meat regularly is very low, to the point that there is probably no risk. You have to eat large daily amounts of processed red meat before a risk becomes measurable.”

(Paul Sacca) Researchers at the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) released a study titled: “Health effects associated with consumption of unprocessed red meat: a Burden of Proof study.” The paper was published in Nature journal in October. Continue reading

Ruthless LGBT Attacks Against Christians

Since the firestorm began, Bure issued a long statement, saying, “I am a devoted Christian. Which means that I believe that every human being bears the image of God. Because of that, I am called to love all people, and I do.”

(The Patriot Post) It’s not acceptable to stand for marriage as American society had always defined it before 2015. Cultural commentator Katrina Trinko recounts the latest Rainbow Mafia assault. Continue reading

GLAAD’s Club Q Shooting Response Calls for Silencing Critics

(Megan Fox – PJ Media) When a known wolf opened fire on club-goers at Club Q in Colorado Springs, Colo., the shooter’s name wasn’t even public before the usual suspects started screaming about how criticism on social media of the insane LGBTQWTF**kery infecting our kids’ schools is to blame for the violence. We still don’t know what the shooter’s motives were, but we do know that he was known to police and had a previous troubling incident where he threatened to blow someone up with a bomb. But because Club Q is a gay club, the people who hate free speech have taken the opportunity to attack the first amendment in a predictable way. Continue reading

Arizona AG Launches Investigation Into Maricopa County ‘Election Irregularities’

(Tyler Durden – Zero Hedge) AG Mark Brnovich’s election integrity unit has demanded a full report of well-publicized irregularities, and what he claims is evidence of “statutory violations.”

The letter, sent late Saturday by Assistant AG Jennifer Wright to the county’s top civil division attorney, Thomas Liddy, is a major escalation over widespread problems with voting tabulators and printers, which delayed the declaration of a winner in razor-thin races in the attorney general’s race and the gubernatorial race. Continue reading

They’re Heeere! Big Changes to Your Traditional Christmas Movies!

“The channel is changing. If you don’t like it, you will be called a homophobe.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Comedian Mark Dice reviews the latest changes to Hallmark TV in the clip below. Hallmark is becoming gayer. Hallmark, which was just taken over by NBC, plans to move further WOKE.

Dice also gives us a look at teen pageants with a trans girl winning the day. Continue reading

Disney makes stunning announcement: Bob Iger is being re-instated as CEO, replacing Bob Chapek

(Landon Mion – FOXBusiness) Bob Iger has returned as chief executive of the Walt Disney Company after less than a year in retirement. Shares soared on the development.

The company’s board announced Iger’s stunning return Sunday night and said Bob Chapek, who succeeded Iger in 2020, had stepped down from the position.

“The Board has concluded that as Disney embarks on an increasingly complex period of industry transformation, Bob Iger is uniquely situated to lead the Company through this pivotal period,” board Chair Susan Arnold said in a statement. Continue reading

House GOP Announces Biden Probe: Establishing the corruption of Joe and Hunter Biden is crucial

(Nate Jackson – The Patriot Post) Joe Biden is a corrupt 50-year resident of The Swamp who used his drug-addled son Hunter to make a lot of money from the ChiComs and the notoriously crooked Ukrainians in an influence-peddling scheme. We already know this, though thanks to a scandalously suppressive media, millions of voters in 2020 did not. Thus, House Republicans, fresh off winning the chamber, announced that when they officially take control come January 3, they will investigate the Biden family for these shady overseas dealings. Continue reading

Help is not on the way

The “red wave” stayed out to sea, and the red flag was waived in places like Pennsylvania and New Hampshire.

(Bill O’Reilly) Let’s begin with some truth. Joe Biden is a bad President. Inflation is hurting working Americans. Violent crime is surging in black, urban neighborhoods, and millions of foreign nationals have illegally flooded into the USA since Biden was inaugurated.

With me so far? Continue reading