DeSantis 2024? Think Again.

As J.B. Shurk writes, everything that the establishment class “has fraudulently peddled against Trump—that he’s imperious, mercurial, uncouth, unworthy to hold office, a Russian spy, a warmonger, an insurrectionist, a ‘denier,’ a criminal—is nothing but an endless barrage of psychological warfare directed against MAGA voters.”

(David Solway – PJ Media)  It should be clear by this time that popularity has nothing to do with electability. Trump filled rally after rally in state after state with countless, full-house, full-stadium crowds, and such numbers do not lie. There really was a red wave in the midterms, but it was macro-engineered to a trickle, as should have been expected. The scam of “malfunctioning” voting machines, the shortage of paper ballots, the tsunami of mail-in and late ballots, the temporary closing and slow-downs of polling stations, and so on would have been sufficient to determine an electoral result…. Continue reading

Blasphemy: Holy Spirit Ouija Board Lets You ‘Communicate Directly With Jesus Christ’

(The Dissenter) I don’t know if this qualifies as the unforgivable blasphemy of the Holy Spirit that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 12:31, but it sure seems close. A company called Holy Spirit Games has released a new Ouija Board-like game called the Holy Spirit Board which claims it will let you communicate directly with Jesus Christ.

According to the product description on Amazon, “The Holy Spirit Board is the only spirit board designed to directly contact our lord and savior Jesus Christ!… Continue reading

FBI Knew About the ‘Seditious Conspiracy’ But Didn’t Stop It

“We still wonder about Ray Epps. Epps was the only MAGA that the Jan. 6 panel liked. Epps is the President of the Arizona chapter of the Oath Keepers. He worked assiduously to get people to invade the Capitol. He was never arrested or charged.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Anyone who claimed FBI informants were present on Jan. 6 was called a conspiracy theorist. Turns out they weren’t. The seditious conspiracy went on with FBI knowledge thanks to informants, and they didn’t try to stop it. Continue reading

The Marxist general in the American Civil War

“The Obama machine is committed to winning not only the American civil war but what Bertil Haggman…calls a “planetary civil war.” We are in the midst of this revolution, which has been carried forward by Barack Hussein Obama, as we saw in his appearances on the campaign trail. He is the real power behind China Joe.”

(Cliff Kincaid – RenewAmerica) Despite claims of a MAGA Red Wave on November 8, Barack Hussein Obama—America’s first Marxist president—emerged from the shadows and orchestrated a Democratic Party comeback that has effectively blocked any Republican effort in Congress to root out communism and corruption. Continue reading

First Biological Male Wins ‘Miss Greater Derry,’ A Beauty Pageant Held By The Miss America Organization

“Yes Miss America will no longer be about women. Men want to make us irrelevant.”

(Nicole Dominique – Evie Magazine) Brían Nguyen became the first transgender to win a title under the Miss America Organization. He was named Miss Greater Derry 2023, landing him a crown and scholarship, as announced this past Sunday. The Miss Greater Derry Scholarship Program provides scholarships to “young women” between the ages of 17 and 24. Continue reading

Federal Judge in Texas Blocks Biden’s Student Loan Handouts

“The court has correctly ruled in favor of our motion and deemed the Biden student loan program illegal…” 

(Sarah Arnold – Townhall) A U.S. Judge in Texas struck down President Joe Biden’s plan to give millions of student debt borrowers up to $20,000 for Pell Grant recipients and $10,00 for those who borrowed money using federal student loans.

“Whether the Program constitutes good public policy is not the role of this Court to determine…. Continue reading

The Lure of This Fleeting Age

15 Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1 John 2:15 (LSB) 

There is a certain type of love that God hates. We find that in John 15:18-20)

18 “If the world hates you, know that it has hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you. 20 Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A slave is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My word, they will keep yours also. John 15:18-20 (LSB)  Continue reading

Tuesday Takeaways

“As voters self-select residences on ideological grounds and the deleterious effect of blue-states’ governance, the country is gravitating into two antithetical nations. Americans vote not so much for individual personalities as blocs of incompatible parties, causes, and ideologies.”

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) During the COVID lockdowns, American elections radically changed to mail-in and early voting. They did so in a wild variety of state-by-state ways. Add ranked voting and a required majority margin to the mess and the result is that once cherished Election Day balloting becomes increasingly irrelevant. Continue reading

Vatican Archbishop Blames Pope Francis for Pro-Abortion Appointment


(Thomas D. Williams – Breitbart) The head of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, has blamed Pope Francis for naming pro-abortion economist Mariana Mazzucato to the Academy.

Coming under pressure for the bewildering nomination that caused consternation for many Catholics, Archbishop Paglia insisted in a November 9 letter to the editor of the Italian daily Il Foglio that the decision “was a pontifical appointment” as Pope Francis has himself reiterated. Continue reading

Smear Film: Jerry Falwell Jr. Caused the January 6th Riot and Ended Roe, and You’re Just Like Him

Using the typical monochromatic filters to make Trump supporters look like terrorists, the propaganda film denounces the overwhelmingly peaceful January 6th protesters as “parading around with Christian symbolism, invoking God and Jesus and the Bible in the service of sedition.”

(David Morrill – Protestia) God Forbid, a tawdry, salacious, and politically-motivated smear documentary about Jerry Falwell Jr.’s fall from power was released on Hulu today, advancing the bizarre claim that Falwell was a “kingmaker” for Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential victory and that Falwell’s sins demonstrate the evil of Christians who engage with the culture. Continue reading

WHO, EU, Vatican Call for a Treaty to End All Fossil Fuels

“There is no way solar or wind can sustain the world population. This is calling for the destruction of our society. China, India, and Russia won’t do it. These globalist madmen are calling for the end of Western civilization.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) The tiny nation of Tuvalu, like its neighbor Vanuatu, called for a non-proliferation treaty to phase out fossil fuels at the COP27 conference. The globalists at the COP27 are meeting this week to plan our futures and think it’s a grand idea. Continue reading

Measure of faith

3 For by the grace having been given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of yourself more highly than you ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned. Romans 12:3 translated from the NA28 Greek text)

Not long ago a good friend showed me this verse and said a fellow brother at our church seemed very confused about the words “measure of faith.” Part of his confusion stemmed from reading several commentaries about it that differed from each other…. Continue reading

Mike Winger, Allen Parr, and the Darker Side of Christian YouTube

“Mike Winger’s normative discernment, practiced by online ministers, is basically a “see no falsehood, hear no falsehood” approach to other teachers – even clearly false ones.”

(David Morrill) The internet certainly provides a great number of teachers saying what itching ears want to hear (2 Tim. 4:3). No site makes this more obvious than the world’s second-largest search engine, Google’s very own YouTube. Viewers can watch content ranging from bizarre and obvious rank heresy all the way to solid expositional sermons from trustworthy ministries around the globe – all loosely defined within the distinct yet unceremoniously monikered “Christian YouTube.” Continue reading

How Could John Fetterman Have Won? Every Possible Answer Is Bad in a Different Way.

“Fetterman’s victory proves that the Democrats’ willingness to put up with Old Joe Biden’s obvious incapacity was no anomaly. The Fetterman victory is an indication that the Leftist elites are just rubbing it in now, showing that they have now filled a sufficient number of people with their propaganda that they can elect literally anyone to any position they want and perpetuate the governance of a shadowy, behind-the-scenes oligarchy. Fetterman, like Biden, will simply serve as a puppet for the people who are pulling the strings, and that seems to be just fine with Pennsylvanians.”

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) It’s hardly even believable: the stuttering, sputtering John Fetterman, a stroke victim who only rarely manages to utter a complete sentence, coasted to victory in the Pennsylvania Senate race. Like Joe Biden, Fetterman is so clearly unfit for his new job that no sane person could possibly think otherwise;… Continue reading

Americans delivered another split verdict, and told us a lot about our future

(John Solomon – Just the News) For a third straight election, Americans delivered an unmistakably split verdict in the midterms. In the process they have told us a whole lot about our country’s future heading into the 2024 presidential contest.

The first message is that most Americans don’t embrace the Democrats’ far-left policies or like the direction their country has taken under Joe Biden. That dissatisfaction runs 7 or 8 out of every 10 voters. But they also aren’t sold on some of the GOP’s statewide candidates. Continue reading

Google Is Influencing the Midterm Elections Using ‘Ephemeral Experiences’

“We estimated that if these companies were all working together and supporting the same candidate, and really pulling out all the stops and using all the methods they have to manipulate, they could shift ten percent of the voting population of America with no one knowing that they had done this, and without leaving a paper trail for authorities to track.” 

(Lucas Nolan – Breitbart) Dr. Robert Epstein, a consistent enemy of Google’s election meddling plans and the senior research psychologist of the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, has recently published an article claiming that Google is once again attempting to shift votes leading into the midterm elections, but believes that there is a solution to this issue coming in the near future. Continue reading

News of the GOP’s Demise Was Greatly Exaggerated

“Even the most groveling NeverTrumper will have to admit the Republican Party is on the upswing and their nonstop portrayals of Trump as the GOP’s Grim Reaper were flat wrong.”

(Julie Kelly – American Greatness) Barring an 11th-hour catastrophe or widespread cheating, Republicans are expected to stomp Democrats across the board in Tuesday’s election.

Polls show Republicans with a big edge on issues that matter most: By double digits, voters trust Republicans to handle inflation, the economy in general, and crime. Democrats only hold a slight edge on education, a longtime Democratic advantage that’s been slipping away in the post-lockdown era. Continue reading

David Platt Joins Rank Heretics for Conference That Promotes a False Gospel

“The IF:Gathering conference has been a blemish on the Evangelical Church since it started in 2014 hosting people from nearly every aberrant theological sect of Christendom while avoiding any actual gospel content. The annual conference exists to advance the “woke church” movement, the Prosperity Gospel, and charismatic charlatanry into mainstream Evangelicalism and includes speakers ranging on the spectrum from extremely troubling views to rank heretics.”

(The Dissenter) David Platt has sadly been on a downhill trajectory in recent years ever since he left Brook Hills Church and became intertwined with the elite folk of mainstream Evangelicalism. The status quo of Evangelicalism have no real standards of doctrinal fidelity and they don’t really care if those people that they lend credence to preach a false gospel or not. Continue reading

Spiritual Darkness Unbelief and Unrighteousness

4 And Jesus was saying to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and among his own relatives and in his own household.” 5 And He could do no miracle there except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them. 6 And He was marveling at their unbelief. And He was going around the villages teaching.nMark 6:4-6 (LSB) 

The joy of the Lord is a tremendous gift to God’s people from him. Without it we would be left to deal with far more evil, disappointment, tragedy, distress, and despair than we could ever do on our own. We have prayer and the promise that we can always come boldly to the Throne of Grace. Continue reading

The Pathetic Democratic Pantheon

“Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Nancy Pelosi are of no use to the Left in the midterms because it is their radical ideology that was finally enacted and wrecked the country.”

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) Over the last few months the four icons of the Democratic Party—Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Nancy Pelosi—have hit the campaign trail.

They’ve weighed in on everything from “right-wing violence” and “election denialists” to the now tired “un-American” semi-fascist MAGA voter—and had nothing much to say about inflation, the border, crime, energy, or the Afghanistan debacle. In this, they remind us just how impoverished and calcified is this left-wing pantheon. Continue reading

Trump Attempts to Woo Evangelicals With False Prophet, Kenneth Copeland, Fails Miserably

“Kenneth Copeland, a self-appointed prophet and a literal circus clown disguised as a pastor, is known for his many many outlandish claims including multiple false prophecies about COVID-19 coming to an end. Copeland is a multi-millionaire who has made his fortune off the backs of unsuspecting followers who cling to his Word of Faith teachings.”

(The Dissenter) In full disclosure, this author supported Donald Trump in the 2020 elections over the alternatives because Trump proved himself to be committed to implementing many of the policies that conservatives supported. Despite his rhetoric that often got him in trouble with both the right and the left, Trump did accomplish many things during his presidency that conservative Christians should be thankful for…. Continue reading

Bombshell! CNN Reports Biden’s ‘False & Misleading Claims’

“Biden takes credit for declining gas prices, but he had limited impact. He also lied and said gas was $5 when he entered the office, and it was $3.39. In 2021, it was $2.39.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) This is a bombshell because CNN reported some of the truth about Joe Biden’s constant spreading of misinformation. CNN senior reporter Daniel Dale fact-checked Joe Biden on nine false statements…. Continue reading

If Republicans Win On Tuesday, Thank The Election Integrity Movement

While reforms were passed in more than two dozen states, key lawsuits were filed and won, and poll workers are being deployed nationwide, many problems remain. Even with the recent Pennsylvania Supreme Court victory, that state remains essentially lawless when it comes to election integrity. North Carolina, Nevada, Wisconsin, and other battleground states retain problematic election processes and guidance. And inflated voter rolls, combined with unsolicited mail-in ballots, are a recipe for disaster.

(Mollie Hemingway – The Federalist) If Republican candidates do as well as expected on Tuesday, if they can credit the new, widespread, and coordinated effort to begin securing U.S. elections, helping give candidates the best opportunity possible to win a fair fight in the new voting environment of mail-in balloting. Continue reading

The Great Reset: A Perfect Storm

“One cannot credibly deny that there exists a conscious purpose behind so evident a concatenation of simultaneous events, envisaging a new and reductionist world order and population diminishment in every sense of the term. The liberal civilization of the West is to be replaced by an anti-capitalist global coup favoring a totalitarian governing class.” 

(David Solway – PJ Media) Storms come in many forms and may consist of many different constituent elements, but when all these elements combine at the same critical moment, we call it a “perfect storm.” When such a storm is transposed analogically to the cultural, political, and economic realms, that is, when it seems to impact the entire social environment, we have no choice but to grasp its significance and prepare for its onset by taking protective measures. Continue reading