About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

Detransitioner Chloe Cole announces lawsuit against hospital for performing ‘gender-affirming’ surgeries on her as a minor

(Harris Rigby – Not the Bee) Chloe Cole is one of the most outspoken advocates for children and young adults who were preyed upon by the “kind and compassionate” “gender-affirmation” industry.

Cole has been advocating for detransitioners and now, in a historic first, Cole is suing the butchers who performed a “sex-change” operation on her as a minor.

Chloe Cole, a detransitioned 18-year-old woman, announced the first official lawsuit in the U.S. against the hospital and affiliated medical group that facilitated her medical transition as a minor. Continue reading

Seven Reasons Why We Should Not Accept Millions of Years

“God’s Word must be the final authority on all matters about which it speaks: not just the moral and spiritual matters, but also its teachings that bear on history, archeology, and science.”

(Terry Mortenson – Answers In Genesis) There is an intensifying controversy in the church all over the world regarding the age of the earth. For the first 18 centuries of church history, the almost universal belief of Christians was that God created the world in six literal days, roughly 4,000 years before Christ, and destroyed the world with a global Flood at the time of Noah. Continue reading

Disney World was our destination. What I found could be the end for a beloved American company

“Magic Kingdom closed the Splash Mountain ride because … well, no one is really sure why. The movie on which it is based is called “Song of the South,” and the film is referred to as “controversial” in articles about the ride closing, but it’s unclear what that controversy is.”  

(Karol Markowicz – Fox News) I hold grudges against companies. We don’t wear Nike, because the company embraced America-hating former quarterback Colin Kaepernick, and for a family with two immigrant parents, blessed to be Americans, we cannot abide this. I stopped using Gillette products when their ad tore into boys and men as angry possible rapists…. Continue reading

NY Times: Masks Don’t Work – It Doesn’t Matter What Kind

What about the studies that initially persuaded policymakers to impose mask mandates? “They were convinced by nonrandomized studies, flawed observational studies.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) The NY Times finally admitted that masks don’t work, and it doesn’t matter what kind of mask you wear. It won’t work. This is the conclusion reached by the definitive Cochrane study. It took the Times a month to say something about it, but they eventually had to do it. We had this information from other studies, but this one sealed the deal. Continue reading

Francis Chan to Host Ecumenical ‘Collegiate Day of Prayer’ at Asbury University Tonight

“With the aberrant movements and leadership involved in this movement, is it any wonder why conservative Christians are so skeptical of this “revival”? Why should we believe that true revival is happening within a movement that has exchanged the gospel for social justice and promotes homosexuality? What you see here is exactly what you’re going to see in the Collegiate Day of Prayer movement.” 

(The Dissenter) As we reported last week, the so-called “spontaneous revival” at Asbury University that has been going on since February 8 may not have been quite so spontaneous after all. In fact, as far back as last November, Francis Chan announced he would be hosting a “revival” meeting at Asbury University in February—and, today is that day. Continue reading

Anatomy of a Cover-up: The January 6 Tapes…Where Truth Will Be Found.

Axios reported that Carlson’s team has 41,000 hours of raw footage—nearly three times the amount that the Justice Department allowed into evidence, which only covered the time period between noon and 8:00 p.m. on January 6. The tapes now in Carlson’s possession apparently covers the entire 24-hour period from “multiple camera angles from all over Capitol grounds.”

(Julie Kelly – American Greatness) Tucker Carlson now has the equivalent of nearly five years of surveillance footage captured by U.S. Capitol Police security cameras on January 6, 2021. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) turned over the tapes to the Fox News host  earlier this month, according to Axios. Carlson’s producers and researchers are already distilling the footage; the first round of clips is expected to air [on Fox Nation] in a few weeks. Continue reading

Kenneth Copeland Prophesies, Says God is Giving Heidi Baker the United States

“Her claim to Apostolic authority is deeply troubling. The Bible clearly teaches that the office of Apostle was reserved for the twelve apostles chosen by Jesus, and that no one can claim to be an apostle today. Heidi Baker’s claim to Apostolic authority is a clear sign that she is operating outside of the biblical parameters for church leadership. But that didn’t stop Copeland from telling her that God is giving her the United States.”

(The Dissenter) During a recent “prophetic” session at his church, false teacher, false prophet, charlatan, and arch-heretic Kenneth Copeland who is best known for his incessant blasphemies against God “prophesied over false prophet, Heidi Baker, telling her that God was giving her the United States. Continue reading

The Alpha Course…or Alpha

“Conversions in Alpha come differently from this. More often than not it is an emotional experience about the love of God but without any understanding of holiness or the need to be saved from our sins. There is no recognition of the need to repent and to turn to God as a matter of life and death. People feel forgiven but do not seem to have realized the depth of their sinfulness or repented of their sin. People feel cleansed without having consciously put their faith in Christ. Often this happens when people are in some ecstatic state. Alpha may regard this as conversion but it is not what we find in the Bible.”

(Chris Hand) Many people have been greatly impressed by the Alpha course [now Alpha]. Designed to be an introduction to the Christian faith through talks, video presentations, small-group discussions and a special weekend-away, lots of churches are now employing it as part of their outreach. Continue reading

Lies Abound in Liberal Christianity Today’s Rehashed Smear Piece on John MacArthur

In the same post, Cho hinted at “other GCC matters that have come to [his] attention,” and issued a coy threat that he may or may not go public with them depending on “the nature and extent of the response (if any) from GCC and its allies.”

(David Morrill – Protestia) Another Shepherds Conference, another run at trying to destroy John MacArthur.

Personal baggage, threats, and long-disproven claims drive the tabloid salaciousness of Christianity Today’s rehash of the 20+ year-old Eileen and David Gray saga. The most damning evidence: Contrary to the narrative forwarded in Kate Shellnutt’s article, Grace Community Church elders did NOT commission disgruntled former elder Hohn Cho to investigate the church’s conduct in relation to the 20-year-old case of Eileen and David Gray. Continue reading

Southern Baptist Convention Boots Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church for Ordaining Women to the Pastorate

(The Dissenter) Last year, Saddleback Church, a Southern Baptist megachurch formerly pastored by Rick Warren, made headlines after Warren ordained three women to the pastorate at his church. Warren justified his actions by pointing to Acts 2:17-18 which has nothing at all to do with the office or the function of a pastor or elder in a local church.

Since then, Warren retired and has been replaced by Andy Wood, former pastor of Echo Church—another Southern Baptist megachurch of a similar mind as Saddleback…. Continue reading

Asbury ‘Revival’—Letter to the Editor Raises Concerns About Possible Pre-Planned Exploits

(Lighthouse Trails) Lighthouse Trails reader raises valid concerns about circumstances surrounding the Asbury “revival.” While Asbury University personnel and numerous secular and religious media outlets say that the “revival” is “pure, unplanned, organic,” and unexpected, it turns out an NAR/IHOP*-connected group had been planning a revival event at Asbury days before it even began. Lighthouse Trails does not question the sincerity of those at the Asbury gathering who may be truly committing or re-committing their lives to the Lord in humility, repentance, and reverence but is concerned about harmful exploits that can potentially hurt many while calling something a move of God that in reality may be a pre-planned event which could become part of a false revival. Continue reading

The DOD, A Threat to National Security?

This is the United States military? Unbelievable!

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) The Department of Defense (DOD) has sunk into madness and spends time on issues that have nothing to do with their mission or what we need them to do. They have lost their way and are a threat to national security.

We have a wonderful military, but they need good leaders, and they don’t have them at the top. It makes them dangerous. Their priorities are seriously off-base. Continue reading

Let’s have some real talk about this whole Asbury revival thing. We’ll start with a lesson from the Western Front.


“I saw many of my college friends began to slip away from the faith. The world was choking them out. They moved in with girlfriends and boyfriends, stopped going to church, went full woke, and began pursuing whatever thing gave them that emotional high they once chased in campus ministry. I even know of one who was arrested for an utterly heinous crime the likes of which you’d never think possible for a guy who sat down and read Scripture with you.”

(Joel Abbott – Not the Bee) From blogger Samuel Sey:

The Asbury “revival” started after a 10 am chapel service last week Wednesday when a group of about 20 students and the worship team said they felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to continue worship past the end of the chapel service. Continue reading

More disturbing contemplative, Catholic comments from IHOP’s Mike Bickle

“Let me put it bluntly: Contemplative prayer results in spiritual blindness, and this is why “leaders” such as Rick Warren, Beth Moore, and Mike Bickle are simply unable to comprehend the vast difference between Catholic teaching and biblical Christianity.”

(John Lanagan – The Word Like Fire) According to IHOP founder Mike Bickle:

When I was in my 20s I was asked to pastor a church and I never officially went back to the Catholic Church, but I also don’t feel like I intentionally left it either. At the House of Prayer, I encourage people to learn the teachings of the Catholic saints, as the experts on contemplative prayer, such as Theresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross. (Source) Continue reading

Christians In Idaho Sabotage Drag Queen Story Hour

Drag queen “Annie Christ”

“Despite the fact that Mormons were reportedly among the DQSH’s saboteurs, the LDS Church condemned the protest. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints issued a statement Tuesday that took issue with Saturday’s sit-in protest and the involvement of some LDS church members.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Pocatello, Idaho is a small town in Bannock County located in southeastern Idaho whose public library, Marshal Public Library, recently held a Drag Queen Story Hour event in which transvestite pedophiles dress as caricatures of women while interacting with children and promoting their degeneracy. Continue reading

True Revival and False Revival

(Sean Michael Lucas) Throughout the centuries, pastors have tried to understand what God is doing in their congregations. Sometimes, there have been periods of dryness and deadness when there has seemed to be little interest in God’s Word, even among those who claim to be Christians. But at other times, there have been periods of “great awakening” when God has seemed to be on the move, when people have experienced intense spiritual interest, and when revival has seemed to be all around. Continue reading

The Asbury Revival is False. Here’s Why.

“The Asbury “revival” is a product of social media. It was not a revival until someone posted a video of the gathering on TikTok. It was labeled a revival, and the video went viral. The footage reveals young people swaying, as if in a trance, while the music played. There are interludes during the worship when students repented and testified. When compared with genuine revivals, the Asbury gathering comes up well short of being a genuine revival. I will explain, but I must provide some information.”

(C.H. Fisher – Truth Keepers) It amazed people that Christians practiced a fundamental component of Christianity in a Christian college. Imagine attending a church meeting where the majority brought bibles. Would that make the national news? If it did, why? Leonard Ravenhill said something to the effect, “We are so subnormal; if we became normal, people would think we were abnormal.” Continue reading

Biden Completely Remade the Entire US Government This Week

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) On his first day in office, Biden mandated diversity and inclusion training (CRT or Critical Race Theory) in every agency. On February 16th, he quietly issued a new executive order transmogrifying every agency of government. Hiring, advancements, policies, funding, and programs will be according to immutable characteristics. Everyone is protected except white heterosexual men. This is Marxist equity now flooding into every pore of the government body. Biden remade America on Thursday. Continue reading

‘Why Would You Want Some Lady’s Dirty Clothes?’: Biden’s ‘Non-Binary’ Ex-Nuclear Waste Chief’s Rough Day in Court

“Why indeed would Brinton have wanted to steal women’s luggage in the first place? That question gets to the heart of the problem: the very thing for which the Biden regime celebrated Brinton appears to be exactly the same thing that led him to commit acts that have gotten him charged with felony theft.” 

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) Just a few months ago, Sam Brinton was a rising star in the universe of the woke. Back on June 29, he announced, with considerable fanfare, his new role as deputy assistant secretary of the Office of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the U.S. Department of Energy and tweeted happily about being “one of if not the very first openly genderfluid individuals in federal government leadership.”… Continue reading

Rick Warren, Francis Chan, and the Kansas City False Prophets to Join Asbury ‘Revival’

“And these are all the people who are headed to Asbury University next week to conduct a huge false prophet festival.” 

(The Dissenter) If the Asbury revival we’ve been covering wasn’t a false movement before, there is no doubt that it’s fixing to be as several notable false teachers are planning to go to the campus next week to ramp things up. According to Francis Chan, he’ll be joined by other false teachers including Rick Warren and Mike Bickle on February 23 to try to spread “revival” around college campuses all over the country. Continue reading

The Chosen Season 2 Episode 1 Review

“The Chosen portrays the Good Samaritan as a true story, as opposed to a parable, and uses this premise to leverage an emotional payoff. But the premise of the Good Samaritan parable actually happening and meeting a villain of that story distracts from the emotional sensation that the show was going for. Instead of feeling powerful, it feels cheap.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) After the brutal and choresome first season of The Chosen, I have not been eager to pick back up with my episodic review of the series. To summarize, the first season of The Chosen is a both unfaithful as an adaption of the Bible and is also bad television from an entertainment and quality standpoint. Having heard that season two is superior to its predecessor, I finally embarked on its first episode, “Thunder.” Continue reading

Bethel Redding Baptizes Openly Gay Disney Celebrity

“Bethel Church has done something that even at its worst, it has never done before. They are now baptizing openly professing homosexuals to the applause of the entire congregation.”

(The Dissenter) Bethel Church, located in Redding, California, is a congregation that has become a hotbed of ungodly practices and delusional teachings, all at the hands of two men who prescribe themselves as modern-day prophets and apostles of God—Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton. These self-proclaimed messengers of Jesus have become known as the Dynamic Duo of nonsense, who have been leading their followers down a path of deception and away from the biblical teachings of Christianity…. Continue reading

Why It’s Good to be Skeptical of the Asbury Revival

I think that church history has proven that it is right to be skeptical and cautious about calling something a revival before you have years of faithful fruit to look back on to call it such. 


the Gospel was not preached. Christ was mentioned in the conclusion. It was pretty much a “you can’t love so stop trying and just let Christ do it” message. There was no mention of sin (Acts 2:36), no mention of the cross (Acts 2:23). No mention of repentance (Acts 2:38). 

(Jordan Standridge – The Cripplegate) George Whitfield was one of the greatest preachers of all time. He famously rode his horse from city to city preaching the Gospel to whoever would listen. Each time he preached thousands came to hear him. And many seemed to show conviction and repentance of sin. At times those present would communicate to him the numbers of those who seemed to respond, and each time it is recorded that George Whitfield would say this word. 

Allegedly. Continue reading

FL Surgeon General Warns: Vaers Reports Are Up 1700% After Vax

“The reporting of life-threatening conditions increased over 4,400%.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo alerted the public to a significant increase in risks associated with the mRNA injection. Reports to Vaers in Florida alone were up 1700%, and life-threatening conditions were up 4400%. Dr. Ladapo called for transparency and honesty from federal agencies in a letter to the FDA and CDC. I hope he doesn’t wait too long for an answer. Continue reading