About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

What Caused the Political Hysteria?

“Can House Speaker Kevin McCarthy ever be considered too inflammatory, given that his predecessor, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi tore up the president’s State of the Union address on national television?” 

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) The Left has gone mad over Donald J. Trump—past, present, and future.

The current Democratic Party and NeverTrump “conservatives” assumed that Trump was and remains so obviously toxic that they do not have to define exactly what his evil entails. Continue reading

Five Biblical Ways to Identify a False Teacher

“As believers and followers of Christ, it is our solemn duty to exercise discernment in identifying and resisting the false teachings of false teachers, who through their deceit, greed, worldly-mindedness, lack of true salvation, and rejection of sound doctrine, seek to lead the faithful astray.” 

(The Dissenter) As we find ourselves in the tumultuous and uncertain times of the church age, it is of utmost importance that we exercise discernment in discerning the truth of scripture from the plethora of falsehoods that seek to assail our faith. The great theologian and pastor Charles Spurgeon once stated…. Continue reading

McCarthy Confirms He Will Strip Democrat Reps Omar, Swalwell and Schiff of Their Committee Assignments

“Eric Swalwell cannot get a security clearance in the public sector. Why would we ever give him a security clearance in the secrets to America? So, I will not allow him to be on Intel. You have Adam Schiff, who had lied to the American public time and again. We will not allow him to be on the Intel Committee either.”

(Debra Heine – American Greatness) House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) confirmed on Monday that he would strip several high-profile Democrats of their highly coveted committee assignments as Republicans take control of the House. Continue reading

Attorney General Merrick Garland Assigns Special Counsel to Investigate Joe Biden for Possession of Classified Documents

(Breitbart) Attorney General Merrick Garland announced his decision Thursday to appoint a special counsel to investigate President Joe Biden after classified documents from his time as vice president in Barack Obama’s administration were found in his possession.

“I concluded that under the special counsel regulations, it was in the public interest to appoint a special counsel,” Garland said, noting that he made his decision on January 5th. Continue reading

Scientist Presents Clinical Evidence to Halt Covid Shots

“The vaccine-induced injury rate was also established in a two-part peer-reviewed study titled “Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine” also posted last September. That study’s author, renowned British cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra, also called for the suspension of Covid shots, arguing the vaccines cause more harm than Covid.”

(Veronika Kyrylenko – The New American) The association between excess mortality and disability rates and genetic Covid shots is getting stronger. On Monday, Dr. Joseph Fraiman, lead author of a peer-reviewed study on Pfizer and Moderna clinical trials for mRNA Covid jabs, called for an immediate suspension of these products, citing “conclusive evidence” of them causing serious adverse events, including sudden cardiac arrests. Continue reading

The Pulpitless Plague: A Tragic Tale of Abandonment and its Devastating Impact on the Church

“The pastors of today have lost sight of the true purpose of their calling, preferring to focus on self-help sermons and motivational speeches that lack the power to truly transform the hearts and minds of their congregants. They have abandoned the authority of the pulpit, forsaking their role as heralds of the gospel, choosing instead to be mere entertainers and purveyors of a secular message.”  

(The Dissenter) Let us imagine a man, a pastor, who forsakes the traditional trappings of his calling, forgoing the pulpit for a mere stool. He sits, not with the regal bearing of a man called by God to deliver his word, but with the slouching posture of a man worn down by the banalities of everyday life. His voice, not the booming oration of a prophet, but a whiny inflection that speaks to the mundane complaints and grievances of the members of his church, rather than the holiness, righteousness, justice, wrath, mercy, and grace of God. Continue reading

Harvard Offers Course in LGBTQIA+infants – Not Satire

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) There is no way a child in the womb knows s/he is transgender, but someone needs to tell Harvard Medical School. They offer a course about healthcare for LGBTQIA+infants with curriculum offering lessons in areas including OBGYN, pediatrics, and plastic surgery.

The course focuses “on serving sexual minority people across the lifespan.”

It’s run with several Boston-area hospitals. They falsely believe there are LGBTQIA+infants. Continue reading

Rachael Denhollander has conflicts of interest in relationship with SBC Abuse Hotline

“So the leftists got control of the SBC Executive Committee and Credentials Committee over a year ago. Supposedly over sex abuse. Hundreds if not thousands of churches were covering it up, don’t you know. So we were told, anyway. And yet, more than a year later, the so-called ‘reformers’ haven’t found a single church to disfellowship for violating the anti-sex abuse rules. Not even one.”

(Capstone Report) The Southern Baptist Convention is directing abuse reporters through its Abuse Hotline to an abuse advocate and lawyer Rachael Denhollander. Unfortunately, new revelations reveal not only Denhollander’s conflict of interest but also, she is secretly directing abuse survivors to lawyers who could file lawsuits against the SBC and directing the abuse survivors to friendly members of the press—in what is clearly a pressure campaign against the SBC…. Continue reading

As Biden Admin Considers Ban of Gas Stoves, Damning Photo of Jill Biden Goes Viral

“Since Those Who Know Best are trying to eliminate natural gas for power generation and want all those electric cars hooked up to our shaky power grids, who knows how many windmills and solar panels will be needed to heat up millions of new electric stoves?”

(Mike Landry – The Western Journal) The Biden administration is considering banning all gas stoves.

Well, except maybe for one. More on that in a bit. Continue reading

COVER UP: White House Hid Biden Classified Docs Scandal Until Well After Midterms

“These documents were discovered mere days before the 2022 midterm elections, and we’re only finding out about them now. “

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) How damaging is the Biden classified documents story, really? Probably more than you think and more than liberals are willing to admit. The left-wing media may be trying to downplay it, but it seems that even the Biden White House realizes this is a politically damaging story.

How do we know?… Continue reading

Jackie Hill Perry Repents of Using and Promoting the Enneagram, Calls it Demonic

“If we could just get her to repent of all of her other false teachings, such as Same-sex-attracted Christianity, feminism, the social gospel, and charismaticism, and get her to step down and sit under solid Bible teaching, she might become credible.”

(The Dissenter) The Enneagram, which is touted as a way–apart from the Scriptures–to gain insight into one’s “true self,” restoring balance and developing more desirable qualities to one’s personality and reaching a state of spiritual “freedom,” is a system of personality typing and self-awareness that was developed in the 20th century by George Gurdjieff and Oscar Ichazo. Its origins have been linked to Gnostic principles and teachings, but its compatibility with Christianity is highly contested by Bible-believing Christianity. Continue reading

Clown World: We Are All Going to Get Microchipped Eventually

“Klaus Schwab, the authoritarian leader of the World Economic Forum, has a timetable for the world’s people to be microchipped.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) After a Wisconsin firm embedded microchips in its employees, social media wants to know–is my company next? Jefferson Graham of USA Today says you will get chipped eventually. It will be a while, but you will be chipped.

Uh, no, not happening. Continue reading

Classified Docs Found at Biden Think Tank, FBI Investigation Underway

The documents were found in a folder in a box amongst unclassified papers, sources say. It is not currently known what level of classification the documents had, but according to the sources, there were “nuclear secrets.”

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) Two people familiar with the investigation informed CBS News that Attorney General Merrick Garland has directed the U.S. attorney in Chicago to examine classified materials discovered at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington, D.C. Continue reading

Woke M&M’s packaging features ‘Fat-Positive’ and ‘Lesbian’ Candies

(Protestia) Last year, the confectionery giant Mars announced a revamp to their product line M&M, in order to give them a “fresh, modern take on the looks of our beloved characters and more nuanced personalities to underscore the importance of self-expression and power of community through storytelling” along with an “updated tone of voice that is more inclusive, welcoming, and unifying, while remaining rooted in our signature jester wit and humor.” Continue reading

Matt Gaetz, Mad Genius

“It’s more than fair to call last week’s festivities a circus. The thing about circuses is, they’re a lot like the cotton candy they serve: enjoyed in the moment and quickly forgotten….So what about the substance? PJ Media detailed that over the weekend, so you might have missed it.”

(Stephen Green – PJ Media) It’s easy to dismiss Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz, with the perfectly coiffed hair, the beach tan, the made-for-TV theatrics, and what I assume must be veneers. It’s easy — but it’s wrong, as new (and newly chastened) House Speaker Kevin McCarthy learned last week. Continue reading

Highly Influential False Teacher, Jack Hayford, Dies at 88

Hayford was also heavily involved in the Evangelical “climate change” movement and promotes Dominionist Kingdom Now Theology, which is the belief that it is the church’s responsibility to take control of the world – a belief evident in the lyrics of his song “Majesty.” 

(The Dissenter) Jack Hayford, a highly influential charismatic Evangelical leader, has passed away at 88. Hayford, who composed more than 500 charismatic hymns in the modern worship scene, was highly influential in is largely responsible for a lot of the mainstream charismatic influence in modern Evangelical worship…. Continue reading

Former trans, gay activist aims to ‘de-program’ children from woke indoctrination: ‘Children cannot consent’

“K. Yang says her ‘non-coercive’ work aims to educate others to make the best decisions for their families”

(Fox News) Former trans and gay activist K. Yang is turning the tables on woke ideology and setting out to undo public schools’ indoctrination by “de-programming” children who have been exposed to radical gender ideology in the classroom. Continue reading

Chaos in Brazil: Protesters Storm Capital, Destroying Supreme Court and Congress

(Breitbart) Thousands of opponents of socialist convicted felon President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva stormed his offices and the headquarters of the Congress and Supreme Federal Tribunal (STF) of Brazil on Sunday, reportedly demolishing the facades of two of the three buildings and causing “irreparable” damage to priceless artifacts in the chambers.

The riot in Brasilia occurred while Lula himself was in Sao Paulo state assessing the damage of recent floods…. Continue reading

13 Big Predictions for 2023

(Theodore Rosevelt Malloch – American Greatness) Hold on to your seat. But, please, don’t take any of this so literally that you bank on it or sell all of your possessions and move to the top of a mountain to wait in vain for some finale.

Truth is, I am not Nostradamus and I have no crystal ball. I did, however, get paid big bucks heading up consulting at Wharton Econometrics, where I was asked to “invent the future” for corporate strategy clients.

So, I thought I would conjure up a special set of predictions for American Greatness readers about what might be coming in 2023. You won’t get this from the three-letter government agencies who are so one-sided nowadays, or from any of our proliferating enemies or frenemies, for that matter. Continue reading

Bethel Leader Selling ‘Prophetic Leggings’ to ‘Enhance Your Awareness of God’s Prescence’

The product description for the leggings offers, “Go from yoga [no Christian should practice yoga] to dinner in our body hugging printed leggings! Compression fit performance fabric milled in Montreal,” and the prophetic meaning is “Everything miraculous. Every dream imaginable waits to be released for those who are willing to “see”. Let Heaven’s glory and mystery be unlocked within.”

(Protestia) Pastrix Theresa Dedmon teaches and leads the Kingdom Creative Movement at Bethel Church’s School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) in Redding, California. We wrote about her two years ago after she promoted ‘holy snoring’ as a means of God’s miraculous healing. Continue reading

False Assumptions Behind Youth Gender Transitions

“According to SEGM, studies that are cited by the transgender cult and proponents of radical leftist gender theory are extremely flawed and misleading, and unsupported by evidence. Trans-cultists often claim that brain studies show distinct differences in the brains of trans-identifying individuals—but those studies are bogus, according to SEGM.” – Matt Margolis, PJ Media

(Society for Evidence-based Gender Medicine) The highly medicalized approach to managing gender distress in youth, integral to the “gender-affirmative” care model, rests on several key assumptions. Publications promoting “gender affirmation” of youth fail to explicitly call out these assumptions—or misrepresent these problematic assumptions as proven facts. Continue reading

Pastors, Ditch the Metrosexual Persona: God Calls You to be a Faithful Shepherd and Steward of His Word

“The infamous Steven Furtick, Judah Smith, the disgraced former Hillsong pastor, Carl Lentz, and many, many more, share the same dangerous and insidious personality – one of ego, entitlement, and a thirst for power at any cost. But their egos and proclivity for self-promotion are not their only danger—these pastors also share a matching doctrine of deception and error, one that is designed to lure the unwary into their web of lies and manipulation.” 

(The Dissenter) As the shadows lengthen and the veil between worlds grows thin, a new and terrifying force has emerged from the depths of the church. It is the rise of the metrosexual pastor, a creature of preening vanity and superficiality, whose hunger for attention and adoration knows no bounds. Continue reading