About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

‘Global Warming’ Data Exaggerated 50% Over Last 50 Years, New Evidence Shows

“Warming on a global scale started to run out of steam over 20 years ago, and the stunt can only be pulled for so long before the disconnect with reality becomes too obvious.”

(Frank Bergman – Slay) The official data used for “global warming” fearmongering has been exaggerated by up to 50 percent over the last 50 years, bombshell new evidence has revealed.

The new groundbreaking research, compiled by two atmospheric scientists at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, Dr. Roy Spencer and Professor John Christy, shows 50% less warming over 50 years across the eastern United States than official data claims. Continue reading

New study finds little to no health risks related to eating meat

“The evidence for a direct vascular or heath risk from eating meat regularly is very low, to the point that there is probably no risk. You have to eat large daily amounts of processed red meat before a risk becomes measurable.”

(Paul Sacca) Researchers at the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) released a study titled: “Health effects associated with consumption of unprocessed red meat: a Burden of Proof study.” The paper was published in Nature journal in October. Continue reading

Ruthless LGBT Attacks Against Christians

Since the firestorm began, Bure issued a long statement, saying, “I am a devoted Christian. Which means that I believe that every human being bears the image of God. Because of that, I am called to love all people, and I do.”

(The Patriot Post) It’s not acceptable to stand for marriage as American society had always defined it before 2015. Cultural commentator Katrina Trinko recounts the latest Rainbow Mafia assault. Continue reading

GLAAD’s Club Q Shooting Response Calls for Silencing Critics

(Megan Fox – PJ Media) When a known wolf opened fire on club-goers at Club Q in Colorado Springs, Colo., the shooter’s name wasn’t even public before the usual suspects started screaming about how criticism on social media of the insane LGBTQWTF**kery infecting our kids’ schools is to blame for the violence. We still don’t know what the shooter’s motives were, but we do know that he was known to police and had a previous troubling incident where he threatened to blow someone up with a bomb. But because Club Q is a gay club, the people who hate free speech have taken the opportunity to attack the first amendment in a predictable way. Continue reading

Arizona AG Launches Investigation Into Maricopa County ‘Election Irregularities’

(Tyler Durden – Zero Hedge) AG Mark Brnovich’s election integrity unit has demanded a full report of well-publicized irregularities, and what he claims is evidence of “statutory violations.”

The letter, sent late Saturday by Assistant AG Jennifer Wright to the county’s top civil division attorney, Thomas Liddy, is a major escalation over widespread problems with voting tabulators and printers, which delayed the declaration of a winner in razor-thin races in the attorney general’s race and the gubernatorial race. Continue reading

They’re Heeere! Big Changes to Your Traditional Christmas Movies!

“The channel is changing. If you don’t like it, you will be called a homophobe.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Comedian Mark Dice reviews the latest changes to Hallmark TV in the clip below. Hallmark is becoming gayer. Hallmark, which was just taken over by NBC, plans to move further WOKE.

Dice also gives us a look at teen pageants with a trans girl winning the day. Continue reading

Disney makes stunning announcement: Bob Iger is being re-instated as CEO, replacing Bob Chapek

(Landon Mion – FOXBusiness) Bob Iger has returned as chief executive of the Walt Disney Company after less than a year in retirement. Shares soared on the development.

The company’s board announced Iger’s stunning return Sunday night and said Bob Chapek, who succeeded Iger in 2020, had stepped down from the position.

“The Board has concluded that as Disney embarks on an increasingly complex period of industry transformation, Bob Iger is uniquely situated to lead the Company through this pivotal period,” board Chair Susan Arnold said in a statement. Continue reading

House GOP Announces Biden Probe: Establishing the corruption of Joe and Hunter Biden is crucial

(Nate Jackson – The Patriot Post) Joe Biden is a corrupt 50-year resident of The Swamp who used his drug-addled son Hunter to make a lot of money from the ChiComs and the notoriously crooked Ukrainians in an influence-peddling scheme. We already know this, though thanks to a scandalously suppressive media, millions of voters in 2020 did not. Thus, House Republicans, fresh off winning the chamber, announced that when they officially take control come January 3, they will investigate the Biden family for these shady overseas dealings. Continue reading

Help is not on the way

The “red wave” stayed out to sea, and the red flag was waived in places like Pennsylvania and New Hampshire.

(Bill O’Reilly) Let’s begin with some truth. Joe Biden is a bad President. Inflation is hurting working Americans. Violent crime is surging in black, urban neighborhoods, and millions of foreign nationals have illegally flooded into the USA since Biden was inaugurated.

With me so far? Continue reading

After 15 Years, Todd Bentley is Returning To Lakeland, FL, to Recapture the Fire of Infamous ‘Revival’

(Protestia) Charismatic prophet Todd Bentley, the only huckster in the whole of Christianity that Dr Michael Brown has ever bothered to condemn (and that only slightly), is up to no good again—the result of a string of angelic encounters and personal vision.

He announced on Facebook that that he’s returning to Lakeland, Fl, the site of his infamous ‘Lakeland Outpouring’ where he both became famous and then imploded in a sea of scandal, in order to put on a new revival and touch the hem of heaven for those who missed it the first time around. Continue reading

SHOCKER! WaPo Update About Mar-A-Lago Raid Doesn’t Fit the Narrative

“Some liberals still haven’t gotten the message or are perhaps blatantly lying.”

(Kevin Downey Jr. – PJ Media) There is nothing funnier than watching leftist Punchinellos beclown themselves over the latest “We’ve got Trump NOW!” hijinks.

Remember when the FBI raided Trump’s home supposedly looking for “nuclear secrets” a few months back? Guess how that turned out? Continue reading

‘LGBTQ+ Diversity’ Sex Education for Toddlers Branded ‘Extreme and Unbalanced’

“This is the most comprehensive change in the school environment and it places its entire focus on one issue, that of LGBTQ+…the new system left “no room for religious, moral or philosophical views of the children or their parents”.

(Peter Caddle – Breitbart) Mandatory “LGBTQ+ diversity” sex education in Welsh schools aimed at children as young as three is both “extreme and unbalanced”, the High Court has heard. Continue reading

Socialist Democrats Advance ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ with 12 GOP

“Will it force religious people working in the government or any corporation to support gay marriage?…” 

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Socialist Democrat Chuck Schumer is poised to pass the Respect For Marriage Act, which would codify gay marriage. Schumer tweeted yesterday that the Senate is “moving forward” with the bill, which Democrats hope to pass with a filibuster-proof majority.

The bill needs support from ten Republican senators to pass without opposition. They probably have 12. Continue reading

The Rise of the Democrat Vote Machine (and How to Beat It)

“Big Left sets the rules, and Republicans can play by them when it’s legal and ethical to do so. But we will continue to lose so long as Democrats are permitted to cheat. Holding them accountable and keeping the playing field fair must be our first priority, or we are doomed to lose in perpetuity.”

(Athena Thorne – PJ Media) They say Joe Biden got 81 million votes — the most ever for any American president — in 2020. One thing’s for sure: He got more votes than a socialist basement-gimp candidate should have. Then, last week, Democrats once again defied logic, public sentiment, and historical precedent when they outperformed all expectations and delivered a remarkably high number of Democrat votes in the 2022 midterm elections. So what’s going on here? Are they cheating? Or did that many Democrats really turn out to vote? Continue reading

Long-Distance Ministry: Pastors Buy Second Homes and Start Churches Hundreds of Miles from Their Base

“Can a pastor effectively make disciples while living hundreds of miles from his congregation?”

(Barry Bowen – Trinity Foundation) Oct. 31 was the day Martin Luther posted the 95 theses on the Wittenberg Church door—October 31, 1517—which began the reformation, also called by some the 2nd wave of Christianity. He critiqued expensive church real estate along with many other practices of the Catholic Church and the Papacy.  Today, Luther’s anger would probably be directed at the aberrant activities of the megachurches.  The reformation is over 500 years old and we still struggle with some of the same problems. Continue reading

The Chosen’s Third Season Is A Seeker-Sensitive CW Show?

“Characteristics of a CW show are good looking actors, hyper-emotionalism, and bad messaging.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Christian media is full of shills for The Chosen, and the latest media tour of its cast has publications like CBN and Christian Post misrepresenting the impact that the popular series has had on its actors. During an interview with Faithwire she revealed that she is a skeptic that had become “more open.” This is being hailed as a win and a profound spiritual awakening. Continue reading

Spiritual Child Abuse? Charismatic Revival Night Sees Young Children ‘Slain in the Spirit’ (Caution, Hard to Watch)

With music reverberating through their bodies and surrounded by other kids, she amps them up so much that they become teary, overwhelmed, and succumb to the unbiblical, creepy charismatic invention known as ‘slain in the spirit.’

(Protestia) We last wrote about Jenny Weaver, the former homeless drug addict and self-cutting Wiccan-turned worship leader after she led a charismatic children’s conference that had kids as young as four years old being encouraged to speak in tongues, prophecy, and get slain in the spirit.  Now she’s actually doing it. Continue reading

House GOP on a Suicidal Path with a RINO-ESG-Soros Whip

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN), was voted as House Whip over Jim Banks in a 115-106 vote. The GOP might as well commit suicide now and save us all the misery. Republicans learned nothing from their past failures. Instead, they are doubling down on them.

Emmer has voted for legislation that has advanced Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives and received funding from Wall Street giant BlackRock. Continue reading

Al Mohler Says Overturning Roe v. Wade Was Worth Losing the Senate

Mohler quotes from columnist Ross Douthat and says that his ultimate conclusion that “Republicans traded the election of 2022 for a generational goal; the reversal of Roe v. Wade” is a fair one, and a trade he’d make again,

(Protestia) Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Al Mohler has weighed in over the poor showing of Republicans during last week’s midterms, acknowledging them as an “an unmitigated disaster for the cause of the sanctity of human life” which say many states either reject pro-life candidates or policies, while arguing the harsh electoral losses was worth it in the end. Continue reading

Massive Errors in Arizona Strongly Favored Democrats

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) One of the worst candidates on the Democrat side, Katie Hobbs, would not recuse herself and oversaw her own election. The recorder and supervisor were actively working with PACs to eliminate MAGA candidates. There were massive errors in Congressional Districts that strongly favored Democrats.

What if the problem isn’t people allegedly lying about election fraud but rather stopping the one person who would tighten up elections in Arizona? Continue reading

Exposing the False Prophets of the Mid-Terms #1: Hank Kunneman

(The Dissenter) Prior to the mid-term elections, so much of the right-wing media and landscape predicted that there would be a “red wave” that took control of Congress. Some predicted it would be a sweep in the House giving the Republicans a majority of over 20. and gaining a few seats in the Senate as well. Well, clearly that didn’t pan out as predicted and though we may have a very slim majority in the House, it’s possible—even likely—that we may lose a seat in the Senate. Continue reading

Study: The Dangerous Partisanship of TV’s Midterm Coverage

(Rich Noyes – News Busters) Four years ago, TV’s midterm coverage hammered Republican candidates and then-President Trump with 88 percent negative spin while sparing Democrats similarly bad press. This year, Democrats are in charge of the White House and both chambers of Congress, yet a new Media Research Center study of ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts finds that Republicans are receiving coverage that is just as negative (87% negative) as in 2018, while Democrats — including the President — are drawing far less scrutiny than the party out of power. Continue reading

Watch these climate cultists smash stone tablets atop Mt. Sinai as part of their ‘climate repentance’

(Not the Bee) In a not-so-subtle slight to Judeo-Christian beliefs, environmental activists smashed stone tablets atop Jebel Musa in Egypt, the mountain many believe to be Mount Sinai where Moses received the ten commandments written by the hand of God on stone tablets.

Watch the video on the site.

Singing Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” while they smash the tablets feels way too similar to the “this is the god that brought you out Egypt” moment in Exodus. Yikes! Continue reading