Research: Research
Excerpt from Cold Hard Facts On Cults – updated.
Countless people are caught up in cults and cult-like groups. To avoid being one of them you must become familiar with the nature of a cult and their schemes. Granted, there are no easy answers to the question, “What exactly is a cult?” But there are some cold hard facts that most people are unaware of.
One thing you can count on is that some of your relatives, friends, neighbors and even the friendly face who checks your groceries at the local market may be caught up in a cult or a cult-like group.
Cult typically refers to “A system of intense religious veneration of a particular person, idea, or object, especially one considered spurious or irrational by traditional religious bodies; as, the Moonie cult.” Add to that: “A strong devotion or interest in a particular person, idea or thing without religious associations, or the people holding such an interest; as, the cult of James Dean; the cult of personality in totalitarian societies.”
Probably the most well-known pseudo-Christian cults are Jehovah’s Witnesses (JWs), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism) and Christian Science, but there are a whole host of other pseudo-Christian cults. Some members of these cults may find my assertion humorous. Others may even become angry. Sorry about that, however, Christians are not called to be nice; we are called to speak the truth in love and to “contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3).
Here’s the truth. JWs, Mormons and Christian Scientists claim to be Christians, yet they deny fundamental Christian doctrine and manipulate the Scriptures to fit in with their own beliefs. From the Church’s perspective, which is what really matters, these groups have deviated from the historic, orthodox teachings that are derived from the Holy Scriptures and confirmed through the ancient ecumenical creeds. Thus, people in these cults aren’t true Christians. This should come as no surprise. After all, they’ve had to defend their spurious beliefs for decades.
Christians are not the only ones caught up in cults. Pagans, agnostics and atheists may very well be involved in a destructive cult or cult-like group and not even realize it. For example, devotees of any of the following groups, movements, theories, celebrities, can be exposed to mind control techniques and even open themselves up to the world of the occult! Here’s a short list to ponder: (Warning! Not for the easily offended.)
- NEW! Emergent (Emerging) Church (younger generation of “Christians” who felt “disillusioned and disenfranchised by the conventional ecclesial institutions of the late 20th century” began “rethinking Christianity against the backdrop of postmodernism.” EC’s have a low view of the Bible and a high view of social justice (socialism), liberation theology (liberation of oppressed), activism, pagan spirituality, and practice a mystical form of Christianity called spiritual formation (a set of spiritual disciplines). EC morphed into social justice Christianity.
- New Age movement (occultism 101…magic, psychic phenomena, astral travel, divination, tarot cards, astrology, reincarnation…and a whole lot more)
- New Apostolic Reformation/Dominionism. NAR teaches Kingdom Now theology, which humanizes God and deifies man, believes in the restoration of apostles and prophets, and has as its goal to take dominion over the seven mountains of influence, i.e. the 7 Mountain Mandate. Also called Latter Rain, Joel’s Army, Third Way and Manifest Sons of God. Beware of Elijah’s List & Kansas City Prophets (IHOP), plus the Charismatic Renewal. Bethel Church in Redding CA is a full-blown NAR church.
- Spiritual Warfare movement (deliverance from demonic strongholds, casting out demons, binding territorial spirits, strategic level prayer)
- Spirituality (current term for New Age, occult beliefs)
- Eastern mysticism (pantheistic, the opposite of Sola Scriptura…Spiritual Formation (spiritual disciplines), Centering Prayer (contemplative spirituality, breath prayers, The Silence, labyrinth, Lectio Divina, mindfulness)
- Secret or hidden wisdom, secret oaths (Gnosticism, Freemasonry – occultism)
- Oprah Winfrey (New Age guru who claims to be a Christian but denies that Jesus Christ is the only way to God, also promotes/practices occultism)
- Wicca/witchcraft (occult-sorcery-neopaganism)
- Secret organizations (Freemasonry, Ku Klux Klan, New World Order, Builderberg)
- Radical political/social groups/activists (LGBTQ, Black Lives Matter, feminists, environmentalists, animal rights, abortion)
- Global warming, climate change, climate crisis (mind manipulation)
- Self-improvement (personal transformation)
- Holistic Health movement (occultism)
- Esoteric groups (UFO’s, Mind Science, Mind Therapy, Transhumanism)
- Multi-level Marketing (mind manipulation)
- Alcoholics Anonymous (12-steps – occultism)
- Advertisements (mind manipulation)
- K-12 education, academia (mind manipulation)
- Darwinian evolution (dare to question “settled science” and see what happens)
- Marxism
- Nephilim (Genesis flood, pseudo-humans, space alien)
For the record, some of the above-mentioned groups may not be bona fide cults. But they’re not averse to using mind manipulation techniques as a means to an end – and this is what the cults do! Granted, some cults or cult-like groups may not be psychologically harmful. However, for the true Christian it can be spiritually damaging to become involved in any sort of occult practice. And it’s spiritually harmful to follow the teachings of charismatic cult-like leaders whose teaching is decidedly unorthodox. The Bible calls these men and women false prophets. (Jer 5:31).
Some people will believe almost anything, regardless of its absurdity. When confronted with the facts they refuse to listen. Why? Because knowing the truth could deflate their fantasy world so they choose to remain in denial. This is why religious/spiritual gurus, social activists, the media, advertisers, celebrities, doctors, dispensers of pills/vitamins, multi-level marketing groups and powerful political leaders have such an easy time sucking people in – then sucking the life blood out of them! Take est for example. Chances are you haven’t heard of est, as it was big in the late 60s. Space doesn’t allow for going into the details; what’s important to know is that the trainers used mind manipulation techniques on willing participants during feel good weekend seminars. “We’re going to tear you down and put you back together.” Critics of the training called it a cult. Eventually the organization changed its name to Landmark Education and now promotes The Landmark Forum…but only the name has changed. (Source)
Walter R. Martin, Christian apologist and founder of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, as well as the Christian Research Institute, was known as the godfather of the countercult movement. Dr. Martin gave us fair warning about the cults and the world of the occult. One of the cults Dr. Martin warned about was The Unity School of Christianity, now Unity. In The Riddle of Semantics he sounded the alarm:
If the reader consults the Metaphysical Bible Dictionary, published by the Unity School of Christianity [Unity], he will see the masterpiece of redefinition for himself. For in this particular volume, Unity has redefined exhaustively many of the cardinal terms of biblical theology, much as Mary Baker Eddy did in her Glossary of Terms in the book Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures. The reader will be positively amazed to find what has happened to biblical history, the person of Adam, the concept of human sin, spiritual depravity, and eternal judgment. One thing, however, will emerge very clearly from this study: Unity may use the terminology of the Bible, but by no stretch of the imagination can the redefinition be equated with the thing itself.
NEW! Who are the Emergent Church leaders? Where are they now? By Marsha West
The Basics — The Holy Trinity By Kim Riddlebarger
The Roots and Fruits of the New Apostolic Reformation By Bob DeWaay
Bethel Redding is a shark tank – woe to Bethel! By Marsha West
Snares of the Modern Church – Christian-Cloaked Occultism –The Dissenter
Christians Have A Choice To Make: Paul Of Tarsus Or Taurus The Bull. Which Will It Be? By Marsha West
What is a ‘gateway verse’ and why is it dangerous? — ChurchWatch Central (Cult leaders often use key Bible verses to lead people down heretical “rabbit holes.”)
As America Enters Year Three of COVID, The Biden Regime Struggles to Reprogram Its Pandemic-Crazed Base (the cult of the mask) — Revolver News
- Apologetics Index – cults, sects, alternative religious movements
- Christians Answers for the New Age — Marcia Montenegro
- Christian Apologetics Research Ministry – Matt Slick
- ChurchWatch Central
- Christian Research Network — Marsha West
- Critical Issues
- Cult Comparison Chart
- Cult Index – definitions: cults, New Age, Native American, UFOs and more
- Deception in the Church–Sandy Simpson
- Ephesians 5:11 – discernment ministry
- Fighting for the Faith — Chris Rosebrough
- Herescope
- Holy Pivec
- Justin Peters
- Let Us Reason – Mike Oppenheimer
- List of Cults and Non-Christian Groups
- Messed Up Church — Steven Kozar
- Midwest Christian Outreach — Don & Joy Venoit
- Reasoning from the Scriptures — Ron Rhodes
- The Spirit Watch – deceptive spirituality & philosophy
- Spiritual Research Network — Chris Lawson
- Stand to Reason – Greg Koukl
- The Watchman’s Bagpipes — Glenn Chatfield
NEW! Freemasonry & Mormonism: The Masonic Origins of the LDS Church (w/ Andrew Soncrant)
The Marks of a Cult: A Biblical Analysis with Eric Holmberg
Counterfeit Kingdoms, NAR, and Modern ‘Apostles’
Interview with Charismatic Cult Survivor: Steve Forkin — Steve Kozar
There are several different lists of core Christian beliefs, i.e. the basic essentials of the faith. Nearly every list agrees on the following fourteen essential doctrines, but there are more:
- Monotheism (God is One)
- God exists as a Tri-Unity (the Holy Trinity)
- The Deity of Jesus Christ (fully human and fully God)
- Jesus’ sinlessness
- Human depravity
- Jesus’ virgin birth
- The necessity of God’s grace
- Necessity of faith
- Jesus’ atoning death or substitutionary atonement
- Salvation by God’s grace
- Salvation through Jesus Christ alone
- Bodily resurrection of Christ and ascension to heaven
- Second coming of Christ
- Inspiration of Scripture
Essential Truths of the Christian Faith By RC Sproul
Drawing the Line: Why Doctrine Matters — By R. Scott Clark
What is the Gospel? — Pastor Chris Gordon
How Heretics Shaped Alcoholics Anonymous – John Lanagan
At What Price Success? The Boston (Church of Christ) Movement – James Bjornstad
Are Catholics deceived? – Mike Gendron
Mariology Cult Gaining Wide Support – Deception in the Church
False Memory Syndrome Foundation
Hebrew Roots Heresies— Elliott Nesch
Addressing the Hebrew Roots / Sacred Name Movement
A Hebrew Roots Wife Speaks (and other articles) – Joyfully Growing In Grace
Deceiving the Elect New Apostolic Reformation – lots of links
Televangelists/Word of Faith – lots of links
At what Price Success?: The Boston (Church of Christ) Movement — Christian Research Institute
“Harp & Bowl” – Tricia Twillin
Mike Bickle – background – many articles
Mike Bickle IHOP: A House Divided — YouTube 3/20/24
Is IHOP a cult? One intern’s story – Berean Research
The Good Way Christian Response to Moslems
Reasoning From the Scriptures – Ron Rhodes’ book
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification / Unification Church — Apologetics Index
The Unification Church — CARM
Reasoning From the Scriptures – Ron Rhodes’ book
Christian Answers for the New Age – Marcia Montenegro
Is Oprah Peddling Snake Oil? By Marsha West
Oprah’s Counterfeit Christianity By Marsha West
Oprah Shifts to the Dark Side By Marsha West
Research: New Apostolic Reformation
Shedding Light On the Diabolical NAR empire–Herescope
DR. MICHAEL BROWN – defender of a cult
Why Michael Brown has no credibility By Anthony Wade
How are we to regard Michael Brown, Todd White and other NAR leaders–ChurchWatch Central
Dr. Michael Brown — series of articles warning about his association with and defense of men and women who embrace heretical Latter Rain theology and some extreme teaching coming from Bill Johnson, Benny Hinn, Todd White and Jennifer LeClaire.
Apologetics Index on Scientology
Scientology: The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power
Watchman Fellowship – lots of articles
Seventh-day Adventist Church — Apologetics Index
From AI’s Research paper: “Though several capable Christian scholars (e.g., Anthony Hoekema, J.K. Van Baalen, John Gerstner) have concluded that SDA is a non-Christian cult system, Christian Research Institute has continued to assert that this is not the case.”
Unity School of Christianity By Russ Wise
What is the Unity Church / Unity School of Christianity? — Got Questions
Research: Word of Faith/Prosperity Gospel/Televangelists
Exposing the Word of Faith Prosperity Gospel — Justin Peters
WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD – Name Change: Grace Communion International – formerly Armstrongism
About the WCOG and Major Changes under the leadership of Joseph Tekach Jr.
Views expressed by individual authors and/or sources don’t necessarily reflect those of Marsha West or Christian Research Network.
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