CRN articles about Sufficiency of Scripture
- Blood Moons: Prophets Who Persist in Prophesying Falsely (Reprise)
- The Pastor Said What? Deception In Our Time
- Semper Reformanda: No Peace With Rome
- ‘The Return’ – Jonathan Cahn’s Upcoming Prayer Event Produced By Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing
- The Disturbing Trend of Continuationism Embraced by the Modern Church
- Am I doing something wrong if I make a huge decision and don’t wait to hear from God?
- Steve Deace Show Cohost Calls James White A False Teacher
- The Gospel Coalition Publishes Article Painting Critical Theory as Biblical and Christian
- What is Spiritual A.I.D.S.?
- Isn’t the Biblical Account ‘Good’ Enough?
- If Southern Baptists Failed to Take a Stand on Women in the Pulpit, Just Imagine What’s Next
- The Chosen: Isn’t the Biblical Account ‘Good’ Enough?
- Heresy of the Day: Transubstantiation
- Unpacking ‘No Creed but the Bible’
- God Told Me: The Pentecostalization of Evangelical Theology of Revelation
- Pastoral Advice: Shepherding the conscience is a significant pastoral responsibility.
- Is ‘Eat the meat and spit out the bones’ a proper response to false teaching?
- Blood Moons: Prophets Who Persist in Prophesying Falsely
- Untwisting the Bible, Part 1: Jeremiah 29:11
- Debunking the Myths: How Continuationists Misrepresent Cessationism
- Christian-Cloaked Occultism
- Silly Putty Bible Study
- Jesus Calling Author, Sarah Young Now Knows Who Was Really Calling, and It Wasn’t Jesus
- God’s Impending Judgment on the False Churches of the Modern World
- Thoughts on Female Deacons
- Southern Baptist Pastor Makes Epic False Prophecy About Women Pastors in the SBC
- Galatians Revisited: Confronting Modern-Day Judaizers and Upholding Paul’s Message of Grace
- What Are Legalism and Antinomianism?
- Enchanted and Ensnared by Music
- Revoice Founder Defends Transgender Shooter: ‘Devastating Form of Parental Rejection’
- Living the Cessationist Life
- Bible Project’s Tim Mackie and contemplative prayer
- Twisted Scripture: The Growing Trend of Re-interpreting the Scriptures to Justify Our Own Passions
- The Gospel Coalition Uses the Book of Ruth to Defend Same-Sex Civil Unions
- Greg Locke Accuses John MacArthur and Justin Peters of Lying About the Spiritual Gifts Because it ‘Feeds Your Ego’
- Responding to the Leaven of Revoice
- Timothy Keller’s Anti-Biblical Science: Beware Of 2 More Ways He Fails
- Timothy Keller: Turning Believers Into Unbelievers?
- More ‘The Bible Project’ concerns: Enneagram, Lectio Divina
- False Teachers and Deadly Doctrines
- Watch Fake Tongues on Jim Bakker’s Program
- The Legend of the Social Justice Jesus
- Meet Rick Warren’s Replacement—He Sounds Like JD Greear and Ed Litton on Homosexuality
- The Dangers of Syncretism and Idolatry
- Deep State? What About Deep Church?
- The Children of Men: Understanding the Human Origins of Heresy
- TGC Author Gavin Ortlund Taken Behind The Woodshed For Advocating Climate Science
- Dances with Wolves: Recognizing False Teachers
- The New Evangelical Latitudinarians, Emptying Christianity of All Meaning
- A Warning about Bible Verses
- Heresy of the Last 40 Years: Hermeneutic of ‘Love’
- ‘If Satan wrote an article about the Bible, it would look just like this.’
- Montanism: An old heresy reintroduced by the charismatic movement
- Justification by Association
- Priscilla Shirer Attacks the Bible as ‘Hand-me-down Revelation’
- The New Evangelical False Gospel of Unity
- Post NAR Traumatic Stress
- The New Evangelical False Gospel of Unity
- A Typical Beth Moore Study – Her Teaching Is Not Bible Teaching
- The Mainstreaming Of Neo-Gnosticism In Evangelicalism
- How to view claims of dreams and visions
- Deceased, Gay-Affirming Scripture Twister to Release Children’s Book ‘What is God Like?’
- ‘Doing the Stuff:’ An Encounter with John Wimber
- Beth Moore Denies Original Sin, Says We are Born Seeking Things of God
- ‘The Return’ – To WHAT? A Bait & Switch Revival?
- Have Christians Lost the Art of Biblical Discernment? (Reprise)
- Christian Rapper Lecrae Compares Homosexuality to a Preference Between Sports
- Things Paul Never Wrote
- A Former Beth Moore Follower Explains Why She Dumped Her After Learning the Truth
- Charles Stanley Said ‘God Told Me Which Thanksgiving Turkey to Buy’
- Seduced By Bethel Redding
- Phil Pringle calls Hillsong leaders Brian & Bobbie Houston ‘major apostles’
- The Woke Tools of the SBC: A Review of Resolution 9 on Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality
- Dear Christian: STOP IT!!
- The Spirit Bill Johnson wants you to follow
- If the Bible Is Wrong, I’m So, So Wrong
- Charismatics, Stop Giving ‘Prophetic Insights’ Into Events AFTER They Happen
- The Race Issue: How Social Justice is Disrupting the Church and Confusing the Gospel
- What Does it Mean to be Led by the Holy Spirit?
- Social Justice is an Attack on the Sufficiency of Scripture
- God Told Me…
- Rejecting the Sufficiency of Scripture Results in Cultural Chaos
- Sufficiency of Scripture
- Shawn Bolz teaches children how to channel God’s ‘voice’
- How abandoning Sola Scriptura shipwrecks your faith
- Why Bill Johnson says the Bible is not enough
- The hidden pitfall of Bill Johnson’s ‘Red Letter Revival’
- Does God speak to us? Should I expect Him to?
- Why Doesn’t God Just Talk To Me?
- Seven Characteristics of Liberal Theology
- The Heart of the Hanegraaff Hubbub: Dethroning the God of Your Personal Experiences
- You Might Be a Pharisee If . . .
- How Does the Holy Spirit Lead Us?
- Basic Training: The Bible Is Sufficient
- Top Divinity Schools: Use Gender-Neutral Language to Refer to God
- Modern Day Restoration of Apostles?
- What makes a false religion false?
- Priscilla Shirer & Women’s Bible “Mis-studies”: When Your Church Doesn’t Care About Your Soul (Or The Scripture)
- Andy Stanley: even if you don’t believe that Jesus is the Son of God, you will have a better life by following his teachings