CRN articles about Apostasy
- Union Seminary Performs Last Supper in Drag, Mocks Communion, and Mocks Christ
- More than 7,000 churches split from United Methodist Church over homosexuality
- Ligonier Survey Demonstrates Most Evangelicals are Heretics That Hold to Damnable False Beliefs
- Prominent Catholic ‘Bible Scholar’ Argues the Bible is Pro-Homosexual
- Tony Evans’s Daughter, Priscilla Shirer, Preaches at Joel Osteen’s Church
- Liberty U Hires Walmart, Goldman Sachs ‘Diversity Expert’ as Executive VP of Inclusion, Diversity & Equity
- Major Group of Conservatives to Split from United Methodist Church on May 1
- Francis Chan Says Catholic Understanding of Gospel is Very Similiar, If Not the Same, as His
- Catholic Group to ‘Unmask’ Joe Biden: ‘Wrecking Ball’ to Voters of Faith
- LifeSite News Launches Petition To Cancel Pope’s ‘Morally Rotten’ Conference
- Pope Puts up Painting of Naked Jesus in Personal Study
- Desiring God and TGC Author Renounces His Faith, Says He’s in The Best Place of His Life
- Max Lucado Apologizes to LGBTQ For Preaching Against Homosexuality, Harming Them
- Card. Burke: No Catholic is Bound by Pope Francis’ Call for Gay Civil Unions or Gay Families
- Pope Endorses Same-Sex Civil Unions in New Documentary
- Evangelical Pastor in Rome Says Christians Must ‘Gently Challenge’ Roman Catholicism With the Word of God
- Franciscan group defends image of Virgin Mary with Pachamama: We show Jesus next to a donkey
- Joshua Harris Announces He is Not A Christian
- PCA General Assembly Approves the Nashville Statement as a Faithful Declaration on Biblical Sexuality
- Rachel Held Evans, Author, Blogger Has Died
- LifeWay to Close All of Its Stores This Year
- Baptist women, called to communicate, hold key roles
- Cardinal: Pope’s Failure to Transmit Faith Clearly Hints at Apostasy
- New Jersey ELCA ‘Church’ Holds ‘Renaming’ Ceremony for Female Leader Who Wants to Be Called Peter
- After a century, the largest Catholic church in North America is finally complete
- ELCA Presiding ‘Bishop’ Claims: ‘There May Be a Hell, But I Think It’s Empty’
- ‘Bible Answer Man’ Booted From Bott Radio Network After Hank Hanegraaff Joins Orthodox Church
- Profane ‘Pastor’ Welcomes Open Homosexuals, Admits He ‘Doesn’t Care’ What Bible Says
- Married lesbian couple to lead prominent D.C. Baptist church
- ‘Pope’ Prays in Observance of Catholic Belief Mary Was Conceived Sinless: ‘You Free Us From Stain of Sin’
- Mary at heart of next World Youth Day gathering
- Hillsong’s Carl Lentz Clarifies Answer to Oprah if Only Christians Can Be in Relationship With God
- “Pope Francis” Claims Mary Was “Assumed Into Heaven Body and Soul” on Feast of Assumption
- Methodists postpone debate of gay issues that could split denomination
- Africans Concerned American United Methodists “Preaching a Different Gospel”
- ‘Glitter Blessings’ and Women Pastors Who Say ‘Queer’ a Lot
- False Teacher of the Day: Kathryn Krick
- Former Wheaton College Chaplain Reveals She Recently Had Trans-Affirming “Top Surgery”
- PCUSA Policy Places ‘Trans’ Boys in Girls Cabins and Showers at Camps and Blames Girls If They Don’t Like It
- The Cancer of Effeminate Worship in the Modern Church
- Progressive Christianity Watch: Trans Lord’s Prayer, DEI Babylon, and Who’s Afraid of Losing Federal Cash
- No, Russell Moore, Jesus Was Not a Refugee
- Gavin Ortlund Completely Collapses On Roman Catholicism
- Joshua Harris Posts New Statement Apologizing for ‘Harm’ He Caused by ‘Purity Culture’
- Heading for Bankruptcy, Pope Removes Offensive Swaddling Cloth
- Semper Reformanda: No Peace With Rome
- Christianity Today Refuses To Endorse Kamala Harris, Encourages Christians Not To Vote
- David Platt and the Respectable Sin of Pastoral Corruption
- John MacArthur Speaks Out on Steve Lawson: “The Lord Said ‘That’s Enough.'”
- Is JD Greear A False Teacher?
- Beth Moore Pits Apostle Paul Against Jesus in Latest Blunder, Adopts ‘Red Letter’ Heresy
- Religious Pluralism: The Roman Catholic Church’s Last Ditch Effort to Undermine the Gospel
- ‘Evangelicals for Harris’ Wants Us To Believe Kamala is a ‘Faithful and Committed Christian’
- Christian Publishing Houses Are Advancing The Apostasy Pandemic In The Church (Reprise)
- Andy Stanley, Referring to Himself as ‘Theologically Conservative,’ Defends Rick Warren Against the SBC
- How Did the Church Become So Complacent, Celebrating Drag Queens in the Pulpit?
- If Southern Baptists Failed to Take a Stand on Women in the Pulpit, Just Imagine What’s Next
- Online discernment ministries — the new lepers
- Beth Moore Denounces Southern Baptists as ‘Masters of Diversion’ For Dealing With Women Preachers
- Contemporary Worship is a Breeding Ground for Idolatry and False Worship, Leading to Judgment
- Churches Embracing Queer Ideologies are Idolatrous, Robbing God of the Glory He Deserves
- Christians are Posting ‘Christ is King,’ David French Complains on MSNBC, ‘Very Dangerous’
- The Bible is Not a Blueprint for Socialized Welfare, and Those Who Believe It Is Don’t Understand the Gospel
- Christianity Today Makes Pathetic Attack Against John MacArthur Over MLK Criticism
- Pope Francis Fires Popular ‘Protestant Priest’ for Criticizing Him All the Time
- Catholic Church Updates Dogma to Include Co-habiting Homosexual Couples as ‘Conforming to the Faith’
- Self-absorbed ‘Christians’ And Their Perceptions Of The Bible
- Francis Chan Weeps, Worships, Laughs, Cheers, and Learns With Benny Hinn
- Pope Francis’ Revolution: The Synod on Synodality
- Unconditional Conference: Andy Stanley Says Attending a Gay Wedding is ‘Good Theology’+ Disses Rosaria Butterfield
- All Christians, Not Just Catholics, Should Be Worried About Pope Francis’ Synod
- Dark Times for the Roman Catholic Church?
- They’re Making a List, Checking It Twice — Is Your Church Naughty or Nice?
- How the Contemporary Church Has Eroded and Perverted True Worship of the Living God
- Jesus Calling Author, Sarah Young Now Knows Who Was Really Calling, and It Wasn’t Jesus
- Imam Stands in Pulpit at Beth Moore’s Church and Preaches From the Koran
- Apostasy of the Modern Church and the Immutable Righteousness of God
- God’s Impending Judgment on the False Churches of the Modern World
- Transvestite Tops iTunes ‘Christian’ Music Charts, Rivaling Elevation Music, Lauren Daigle
- Redeemed Zoomer Goes Full Darwinist
- Bethel Church Teams Up With Roman Catholics to ‘Bring the Gospel’ to Every Person
- The presence and influence of powers, principalities, and demons in our age of apostasy
- How Evangelical Leaders Have Co-opted ‘Loving Your Neighbor’ to Distort the Gospel
- Chairman of Jen Hatmaker’s Child Sex Change Org Also Active in North Point’s LGBTQ Kids Ministry
- Global Anglicans Issue Statement: ‘We Cannot Walk Together’ with Apostate Anglicans in Church of England
- Five Observations of Modern Church Liberal Drift and Apostasy
- God Determines the Role of Women in the Church, Not Personal Preference or Culture
- Jeff Durbin, James White Own Brandan Robertson in Debate On Homosexuality
- Andy Stanley’s Church Celebrates Coming Out of Transgender Intern Who Worked at Student Camps
- Church of England: Gay Sex OK if Part of a ‘Stable, Loving, Committed Relationship
- Exclusive! Andy Stanley’s Children’s Ministry Led by Pro-LBGTQ+ Activists
- Two Pastors Drop Major Bombshell Allegations Against Andy Stanley After Attending Private Q&A
- The Potentially Dangerous Red Pope
- Will Mike Winger Finally Call Bill Johnson a False Teacher?
- Andy Stanley Denies Hebrews 4:12, “Don’t Say ‘The Bible Says’”
- Five Biblical Ways to Identify a False Teacher
- Any Unchecked Sin Is Ruinous
- SBC Megachurch Worship Service Features Willy Wonka, Flying Santa, Lyrics About Vodka, and No Jesus Christ
- ‘Grave Soaking’: A Blatantly Unbiblical, Spiritually Dangerous Trend Among Apostate Churches
- Is God Using Sexual Immorality to Separate the Sheep from the Goats?
- Jars of Gay? Frontman Dan Haseltine is Pro-LGBTQ, Pro-Trans, Pro-Choice
- Greg Johnson’s Revoice Church To Leave The PCA
- On Spiritual Partnerships With Apostates: Where We Draw the Line Biblically
- Hillsong Writer Marty Sampson Renounces His Faith on Instagram
- DC’s Iconic Lutheran Church of the Reformation Hosts Drag Queen Story Hour During Sunday Worship
- Three False Gospels That May Be Masquerading in Your Church
- The Southern Baptist Convention is Useless and Deserves Nothing But Mockery
- Tim Keller Urges Churches to Remain United With Baby Killers, Gay Activists, and Anti-Christian Marxists
- Not recommended teachers/authors/speakers
- TikTok Pastor Declares ‘Jesus isn’t the only way to salvation’
- The Gospel Coalition Publishes Christmas Advent Song Featuring Transgender Artwork
- Five Observations of Modern Church Liberal Drift and Apostasy
- Is Progressive Christianity Christian?
- The most popular false teacher in Evangelical circles
- The Death of the Episcopal Church is Near
- Charismatic Day Of Infamy
- Christian publishing houses are advancing the apostasy pandemic in the Church
- A Typical Beth Moore Study – Her Teaching Is Not Bible Teaching
- ‘I Kissed Dating Goodbye’ Author Trashes Book with ‘Bull-Dyke’ Pastrix
- False Assumptions – The Consequences of False Teaching
- Christianity Today Says Jesus Taught us How to ‘Doubt Faithfully,’ We’re Saved by His Doubts
- Bethel Church Promo Shows Bill Johnson Thinks People are Stupid
- Pope Meets Ayatollah Sistani, Holds the Christianity
- The End of Frivolous Religion?
- Principled People Should Cut All Ties With the Episcopal Church
- The Eclipse of the Gospel and the School of Hard Knox
- Do False Teachers Know they’re False?
- Hillsong Music is a Gateway Drug to Apostasy, Your Church is Dealing it to You
- Pope Francis goes full communist
- Jen Hatmaker Flings F-Words at the god She’s Created
- Former Christianity Today Editor and Trump Critic Mark Galli Converts to Roman Catholicism
- Official Twitter Account of PCUSA Posts Anti-White Messages In ‘Awakening To Structural Racism’ Series
- Does Francis Chan Plan to Join Hank Hanegraaff in Apostasy to Eastern Orthodoxy?
- Seven Secrets To Activate A Powerful Anointing
- Teachings of the 2018 Revoice Conference may split the Presbyterian Church in America
- Are there apostles and prophets today?
- What is God’s Purpose in Allowing False Teachers to Flourish?
- CA Church, Female Minister Cage Jesus for Politics
- Hillsong Phoenix Hosting Roman Catholic Speaker in January 2020 along With Francis Chan
- Francis Chan Announces He’s to Stop Bashing Biblical Christianity in the US, Moving to Asia to Poison the Fish There
- Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers
- The Fading Light Of Pop-Christianity
- A timely call for a ‘charismatic code of ethics’
- Christians, Shake Your Heads: Vague Self-Help Book Spends 15 Straight Months Atop Bestseller List
- Gay ‘Christian’ Journalist, Jonathan Merritt, Leaves Evangelical Faith
- Missing Elements in Our Discussions about Apostasy
- Christian Rocker Posts Stunning Response to Recent Apostasy of Christian Leaders
- First Was the Emergent Church, Then New Calvinism. The Latest ‘Cool Trend’ is Apostasy
- Time To Kiss The Gospel Coalition Goodbye
- An Open Letter to Tom Ascol and Founders Ministries
- What do Josh Harris and Beth Moore have in common?
- ‘I Kissed Dating Goodbye’ Author Says He’s No Longer a Christian: Get Ready for a Flood of Christian Defections
- John Piper Returns to Passion Conference in 2020, Joins Host of False Teachers
- We Remember: The Charismatic Day of Infamy, June 23rd, 2008
- ‘Slide Into Apostasy’: Top Southern Baptist Leaders Sing Lynyrd Skynyrd Before Thousands of Pastors at ‘Send Luncheon’
- The Oxymoron of Liberal Christianity
- Southern Baptist Convention Leaders Taking SBC Far From Its Biblical Moorings
- An Open Letter to Southern Baptists: You Are in Sin
- The Wolf-Defenders Are Out in Full Force After Chan Attends The Send
- Kathy Keller: Church as Usual Will Not ‘Work’
- The Early Symptoms of Spiritual Danger
- Francis Chan is apostatizing before our eyes
- Why We Shouldn’t Assume Catholics are Christians
- Beware of the leader who wants to ‘rethink’ what the Bible says
- When Should I Leave My Church?
- Pastors, it’s time to audit what your women are studying
- The Hatmakers double down on “holy” homosexual “marriage”
- Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Paradigm awakens once again
- Global Leadership 2016 continues its carnal slide
- The Book of Mysteries: Hidden Keys or Hype?
- Emergent Catalyst Conference spreads a wider web
- Sid Roth’s new Middle East Television Network to reach millions
- David Jeremiah: ‘Appreciates Sarah Young and Jesus Calling’
- The Conversion of Protestants to Catholicism Through the Eucharist
- The Nashville ‘Megachurch’ that embraced gay marriage two years ago has cratered
- Reformation 500: Can Roman Catholicism be Considered Christianity?
- Jen Hatmaker: Yes, let’s remember who’s watching this conversation
- The photo that lost radio’s ‘Bible Answer Man’ thousands of listeners
- Largest church in the world losing members after pastor embezzled 12 million
- Hank Hanegraaff Talks ‘Turbulent’ Weeks; Reveals Health Issues, Looking Forward ‘to Another World’
- The Heart of the Hanegraaff Hubbub: Dethroning the God of Your Personal Experiences
- Kong Hee apologises for ‘unwise decisions’, to begin jail term on Apr 21
- Does God Condemn Debate?
- Rick Warren: Thinking Like A Pagan And A Theology-dissing Jesus
- Visible Church In An Accelerating Apostasy
- T.D. Jakes and Joyce Meyer Teaching Word of Faith ‘Little Gods’
- The Beth Moore Cornucopia of False Doctrine, Mysticism, and Impassioned Frenzy
- There’s A Wolf In the House: 18 Signs of Apostasy
- Responses to the Most Frequently Raised Discernment Objections
- Jennifer LeClaire Claims ‘New Age Angels of Transition’ Will Save America?
- Roman Catholicism: Idolatry and Bondage
- Just Announced: SBC Endorses NAR-Charismatic False Teaching
- Hillsong & Beth Moore Unite: Using Weak Women To Capture Weak Women (and others)
- Modern Day Restoration of Apostles?
- Discernment Ministry – A Biblical Defense
- “Mother Teresa” Declared a Saint by “Pope Francis” After Being Credited With Miracles in Death
- Greg Laurie’s Continuing Slide Into Apostasy
- Elevation’s Code Orange Revival – 10 Day Heresy Parade Coming Soon
- What could be wrong with learning to “hear God’s voice”?
- It’s Not Too Late
- Bethel Redding, Danny Silk Mocks People Who Question Their “Glory Clouds”
- Rick Warren to Emcee Roman Catholic Mystic, Roma Downey’s Hollywood Award Ceremony
- Travel Advisory: “Pay Up to Pray Up For Instant Miracles Tour” Coming To Florida
- The problem with tolerating false teachers is…
- Goats In The Pulpit; SBC & FBC Orlando Promote Apostasy (Part 1)
- God’s Warning? “Heat” Shuts Down Apostate “Together 2016” Event
- The Spirit of Lawlessness
- Together 2016, Ann Voskamp Declare Scripture Insufficient
- Discernment Lesson: Deconstructing Beth Moore’s most popular story
- Hillsong, Ronnie Floyd, Lecrae, Join Pope at Monumental Together 2016 Gathering
- You might be apostate if…
- Hillsong exposing their Chrislamic, Roman Catholic agenda
- Glenn Beck: Evangelicals Not Listening to “Their God”
- Women in Combat