CRN articles about Christ
- The Light of Christ in a World of Darkness
- I’d Rather Have Jesus Than A Chocolate Easter Bunny
- Good Friday Was Not Cosmic Child Abuse
- Merry Christ-mas!
- John 1:1 and the deity of Christ
- In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God
- Jesus Christ is the express image of God
- Do not be anxious about your life!
- Jesus Christ is the I Am
- If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him
- Genuine Christianity Is Based on a Biblical Christology
- The Foundation of Christlikeness
- The Superiority of Christ
- The Certainty of God’s Witness
- The Greatest Story Ever Told
- Justification, Sanctification and the Lordship of Christ
- What Is the Name that Is Above Every Name?
- Jesus Christ Is Exceedingly Excellent and Desirable in His Deity
- Jesus Christ Is God
- The Christian’s Triumph in Christ
- Amen Come Lord Jesus
- The High Cost of Discipleship
- Another Jesus
- Behold the Lamb of God
- Witnesses to the Deity of Jesus Christ
- Who Has Eternal Life?
- Do You Really Know Him?
- The Sermon on the Mount, Part 22
- The Sermon on the Mount, Part 9
- The Sermon on the Mount, Part 4
- The Sermon on the Mount, Part 2
- Jesus’ Equality with God in Power and Authority, Part 1
- The Beginning of Opposition to the Son of God
- The Word of Life
- The Son of Man Must Be Lifted Up
- The Plots to Kill Jesus and Lazarus
- Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life
- Jesus and the Father are One
- The Good Shepherd
- The Son of Man is the Good Shepherd
- The Devil is the Father of Those Who Cannot Bear to Hear Jesus’ Word
- The Authority of the Son
- The Deity of Jesus Christ
- The How and Why Questions
- Who Was Saint Patrick? Should Christians Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?
- 40 Things to Give Up for Lent
- Spiritual Politics
- Is Progressive Christianity Christian?
- God Doesn’t Love Everyone the Same—And Neither Do We
- Rick Warren Claims Jesus Was a Political Centrist Because He Was Crucified Between Two Thieves
- Jordan Peterson Has Finally said ‘Jesus is God,’ But He Actually Doesn’t Mean It
- Is Christmas Pagan? You Decide.
- 9 Reasons to Celebrate Christmas with a Clean Conscience
- Christmas Hymn Review: Away in a Manger
- Christmas Song Review: Yes, Mary Did Know
- Christian, You’re Engulfed In An All-Out Spiritual Battle. Are You Prepared?
- Hal Lindsey’s Secret Legacy: Obtaining Extravagant Wealth from Non-Profit Organization
- Hal Lindsey Dead At 95
- Semper Reformanda: No Peace With Rome
- Jack Graham and Mike Huckabee Launch Replica Idol At Prestonwood Baptist Church
- Dis. Grace.: Responding Biblically to Church Scandal
- The modern evangelical movement has embraced a gospel message of cheap grace
- Put Away Your Conspiracy Theories: Christ Reigns
- Jesus Christ Is Donald Trump’s Security Detail
- A Culture of Unholy Christians
- I Believe in the Holy Spirit
- Heresy: Kenoticism
- Hell is Filled With Cultural Christians and Culture Warriors
- John Hagee: Solar Eclipse Means Prepare For Rapture!
- Nothing New Under The Sun: The Eclipse, Rapture, and Red-Faced False Prophets
- Christians are Posting ‘Christ is King,’ David French Complains on MSNBC, ‘Very Dangerous’
- Easter Is the World’s Most Historically Verified Holiday
- Fake Catholic Joe Biden Tried to Cancel Easter, but Jesus Won
- I’d Rather Have Jesus…Than A Chocolate Easter Bunny
- The Gospel Coalition Publishes a False, Christless Gospel Using Only Taylor Swift Lyrics
- The Liberty Christ Hath Purchased
- Trump pledges to defend Christianity against the left, which he says wants ‘to tear down crosses’
- No, Jesus Was Not Born Again
- Deadly Familiarity
- The New World Order is Satanic
- Can Christians Attend Gay Weddings?
- Francis Collins’ and Tim Keller’s BioLogos Says God Did Not Require Jesus to Die to Forgive Sins
- Marley and His Message to Scrooge
- ‘Horrendous’ Tap Performance of Nutcracker Suite in White House Video Roasted Online, Compared to ‘Hunger Games’
- Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus – Jesus Was a Feminist
- Sorry Catholics, Mary Has No Role in Salvation, and Believing Otherwise is Spiritual Suicide
- His Kindness Leads Us to Repentance
- Make Disciples
- Untwisting the Bible, Part VI: Jesus Sinned?
- TGC Compares Pro-LGBTQ Pop Star to the Revealing of Jesus in His Eternal Glory to His Followers
- Why Are So Many Worship Pastors Theologically and Morally Compromised?
- Psalm 50: 21-22: Holy God to the depraved: NOW do you see the stupidity, depravity, and evil in your hearts?
- Apostasy of the Modern Church and the Immutable Righteousness of God
- Ohio Right to Life fires Christian after Republican lawmaker blasts her for sharing the gospel
- The Real King Jesus vs The Modern False Jesus
- 5 Ways to Tell if Your Church’s Worship Music is Man-Centered
- The Chosen Cast Members Say Jesus Was ‘Flawed’ and That He Committed ‘Transgressions’ (Sin)
- Sorry Church Ladies, Jesus is Not Your Romantic Partner
- Voddie Baucham Talks Social Justice, Manhood, and Faith With Ben Shapiro
- The Dilemma of Morals
- ‘The Chosen’ Director Says Jesus Transfiguration Not Important: ‘What Purpose Would it Serve our Story?’
- Defending the Inspiration of the Whole of Scripture Against Modern Skeptics
- The Story of Us: we preach not Jesus, but ourselves.
- Why Full Belief in the Whole Bible is an Essential Doctrine of the Christian Faith
- Only Christ will conserve America
- Should We Ever Assume Mormons are Saved?
- Division, chaos, discord, disunity are symptoms of walking away from God
- Discerning evil powers, their pagan world order, and hold over the souls of modern men and women
- Blasphemy in the Presbyterian Church in America: A Reflection before the General Assembly
- Google Doesn’t Want You to See This Letter From a Christian Pastor About Pride Month
- Dodgers Player Comes Out in Bold Opposition to Team’s Ungodly Promotion of Perversion and Mockery of Christ
- The Accolades Given to Tim Keller Reveals an Alarming Trend Within Evangelicalism
- Unless You Repent, You Will All Likewise Perish!
- See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil
- America’s Greatest Threat: Not Transgenderism, Not LGBTQ, Not Progressivism, but God Himself
- Did The ‘Genuine Outpouring of the Holy Spirit’ at Asbury Bring Lasting Changes as Promised?
- How Do We Respond to a God That Doesn’t Give Timetables?
- Resurrection and Justification
- Good Friday Was Not Cosmic Child Abuse
- I Would Rather Have Jesus Than A Chocolate Easter Bunny
- The Unfaithful Bride: America’s Idolatry and the Coming Persecution
- Christian, There is Blood on Your Armor
- B. B. Warfield on ‘Antichrist’: Is the antichrist a future foe, or a present reality?
- Why It’s Good to be Skeptical of the Asbury Revival
- Damar Hamlin Apologizes for Wearing Blasphemous Jacket to Super Bowl
- Defending Penal Substitution
- Damar Hamlin Wears Jacket With Blasphemous Jesus Depiction
- He Gets Us Exposed: The Money and Marketing behind the $20 Million SuperBowl Ads
- Forensic Justification and the Doctrine of Imputation: Where We Divide From Works-Based Religions
- Beth Moore Attacks Jonathan Edwards for Being Direct About God’s Indignation Toward Sinners
- The Pulpitless Plague: A Tragic Tale of Abandonment and its Devastating Impact on the Church
- Does Scripture Really Say That? A Critical Appraisal of Bestselling Book ‘Gentle and Lowly’
- Oh Joy! Church Rewrites Classic Christmas Carol to Promote Leftist Queer Political Agenda
- ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’: An Appreciation
- Walking on the Emmaus Road At Christmas
- Mistakes, Misconceptions and Misuse of the Christmas Story that Misrepresent the Magnitude of its Message
- The Importance of the Virgin Birth
- Heresy: Antinomianism
- The Second Commandment and the Films Depicting Jesus
- What is the Doctrine of Original Sin and Why is it Important?
- Another Jesus: The ‘Jesus’ that is being bandied about has become a poor substitute for the true and glorious Son of God
- Culture Transforming the Church
- That Beautiful Bow
- The New Evangelical Latitudinarians, Emptying Christianity of All Meaning
- What Happens to Your Soul When You Die?
- The Controversial Birth of Jesus
- The Supremacy of Christ: Living for His Glory and Not Our Own (Hebrews 9)
- The Gospel According to Carols
- They’ve Successfully Taken Christ Out of Christmas and Replaced Him With Gay Pride
- Why Nothing Will Stop Jesus from Building His Church
- This is Where the ‘Transgender’ Ideologues are Demanding We All Go, And They Think They’re Winning
- You Just Need to Obey
- Sharing Christ with those who worship idols
- Sin will entangle us as we make our way to glory
- Be Willing to Submit to Our Good God on the Issue of Homosexuality
- How Will the People in Heaven View Hell?
- We Need Gospel Clarity
- Netflix documentary ‘Pray Away’ selectively edits to demonize ex-gay change
- New TGC Podcast is a Masterclass in Gospel Distortion
- The Chosen TV Series – An Unholy Alliance With Mormons
- Is God really the one behind ‘The Chosen,’ as the creator of the series declares?
- Justification by Association
- The Eclipse of the Gospel and the School of Hard Knox
- Good, Not Safe
- China’s Communists Aim to Rewrite the Bible to ‘Create a New Version of Christianity’
- Sharp Eyes, Soft Hearts, And Sanctified Minds: Evaluating Christian Books
- A Call to Separation
- 40 Things to Give Up for Lent
- Alice Bailey’s 10 Point Plan to Destroy Christianity
- Trust the Bible Above Your Experience
- Is Christmas Pagan? You Decide.
- If I Share The Gospel, I Might Ruin Our Relationship
- Charismatic Preacher Calls Out Bill Johnson for Denying the Divinity of Christ
- Occultist Swedenborg’s influence on A.A.’s co-founder Bill Wilson
- Christian, you’re engulfed in an all-out spiritual battle. Are you prepared for it?
- Who Was Saint Patrick and Should Christians Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?
- The Crisis and Comfort of Romans 7
- Have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too Christianity
- Embracing Christ’s View of Scripture
- What Does Jesus’ Death Accomplish?
- Sin Didn’t Kill Jesus—God Did
- The Shack’s Author William Paul Young on Substitutionary Atonement
- Christmas: Christ in you
- Would the Son of God Contradict the Father?
- Obama: Jesus is 'A Son of God' Who Knew 'Doubt' and 'Fear'