CRN articles about Paganism
- Texas public universities offering women’s studies courses on witchcraft, ‘worship of the devil’
- Union Seminary Now Offering a Master of Arts Program on Connecting With Trees, Soil, and Other Species
- Convention for ‘Christian DragQueens’ Gets New Speakers
- Hysterical Red Francis Says, ‘Repent’ ‘Mother Earth…Cries Out’
- Hillsong Church Does Satanic Buddhist Dance During Christmas Service
- BLM Co-Founder, LA Chapter Leader Discuss Group’s Occultic Practices of ‘Invoking Spirits,’ African ‘Ancestral Worship’
- Franciscan group defends image of Virgin Mary with Pachamama: We show Jesus next to a donkey
- With Approval from Vatican: Canaanite Idol ‘Moloch’ Put on Display in Rome
- It’s been called the world’s largest ouija board and it’s about to descend on Salem
- More than Half of American Satanists Identify as LGBTQ
- Witches to Hex Justice Kavanaugh in Occult Ritual in NYC
- Witches Outnumber Presbyterians in the US; Wicca, Paganism Growing ‘Astronomically’
- Modern Day Witches Call Theirs ‘A Beautiful Way Of Life’
- Witch doctors in Uganda sacrificing children in bid to end drought, report says
- Namaste, Satan: Metal yoga class set inside Satanic Temple in Salem, Mass.
- Witches to cast a spell on Trump
- Out of the Shadows: Wicca Grows in Austin and Beyond
- Big in Iceland: Paganism
- “Church of Lucifer” to Open in Texas
- Baphomet Statue Unveiled in Detroit to Shouts of “Hail Satan,” Satanist Men Kissing
- Group To Unveil Satan Statue In Detroit During “Largest Public Satanic Ceremony In History”
- Proposed “Homage to Satan” Near Ten Commandments Monument to Be Unveiled
- “Charlie Charlie” Ouija Board-Like Challenge Has Youth Trying to Summon A Demon
- Shirley MacLaine asks whether Holocaust victims were paying for sins in past lives
- Katy Perry claims God spoke to her before Super Bowl performance
- Audience dons devil horns at Grammys for performance of “Highway to Hell”
- Same-sex couple married in pagan first
- Salem ‘Pastor’ Expelled for Wiccan Connections Targets Street Evangelists in ‘Witch City’
- Oprah Draws Ire of Atheists for Telling Swimmer Diana Nyad She’s Not an Atheist Because She Believes in ‘Awe’ and ‘Wonder’
- Oooh, Witchy Woman (Pastor) and One Woke Church Has Had Enough
- The Case Against Evil Stomach Goblins
- Is Christmas Pagan? You Decide.
- Modern-day witches and the Harris campaign
- Spiritual Harm Alert: ‘Discovering Christian Witchcraft: A Beginner’s Guide for Everyday Practice’
- Why Christians shouldn’t celebrate Halloween
- The entire point of the transgender ‘Last Supper’ scene in Paris was to mock Christianity and offend Christians.
- The Transgender Movement is the Beast’s Litmus Test For Compliance
- Can Christians really vote for Trump?
- Taylor Swift may be causing her fans to stumble into witchcraft
- The Decline Of Christianity Means The End Of Neutral Spaces
- The Left Demands Millions of Human Sacrifices to Appease the Gods of Climate Change
- Christianizing the Climate Cult
- Open Homo Sex in the Capitol: No One is Scandalized
- Elon Musk’s Neuralink Heralds The Beginning Of A Dystopian, Post-Human Future
- The Meaning of Non-Binary Sexuality
- Wokism: The New Pagan Morality
- Christians Have A Choice To Make: Paul Of Tarsus Or Taurus The Bull. Which Will It Be?
- Witchcraft Sparkle for the Liberal Church
- Discerning evil powers, their pagan world order, and hold over the souls of modern men and women
- ‘Degenerate’ Transgender Activists Strip at White House Pride Event With Kids Present
- Bill Gothard and the Unpaid Bills of the Church
- Now The North Face? Another Brand Pushes the LGBTQ+ Agenda to Children
- Biologos Publishes Guide on How to Worship Mother Earth on Earth Day: A Biblically Balanced Response
- Guilty of Christian Nationalism?
- Parents alarmed by satanist after-school clubs forming across U.S.
- We should help young people experience how the promises God offers them far surpass the false promises of witchcraft and ungodly spirits.
- SBC Megachurch Worship Service Features Willy Wonka, Flying Santa, Lyrics About Vodka, and No Jesus Christ
- The ‘Great Reset’ should be called what it is—Communism
- Watch these climate cultists smash stone tablets atop Mt. Sinai as part of their ‘climate repentance’
- Warning: A Popular Social Media Platform Is ‘Drawing Young People Into the Occult’
- Neopagans, Satanists, Witches, and New Agers
- Why Christians should not celebrate Halloween
- Culture Transforming the Church
- Should Christians Participate in Halloween? 7 Scriptures to Consider (Repost)
- World Vision Goes Woke, Says All White Christians are ‘Racist’ who have ‘White Gaze’
- Gods of Sex
- Guilty of Christian Nationalism?
- The Dangers of Syncretism and Idolatry
- Jen Hatmaker Awakens Her Mind to The ‘Mystery’ of ‘The Feminine Divine’
- The Enneagram is the Face of God and the Body of Christ?
- Christianity’s ‘Trip’ to the East
- The Return of Roman Religion
- How ‘WitchTok’ Lets Kids Dabble In The Occult From Their Phones
- Pope Calls for ‘Ecological Spirituality’ to care for ‘Mother Earth’
- The Wokefication of World Vision: Mission’s Training Course Advocates Pagan Syncretism
- Why Not Yoga?
- Rapper Lil Nas X Rolls Out Line Of Bloody ‘Satan Shoes’ To Coincide With New Song About Demonic Sex
- Bethel Music – Unfruitful Works of Darkness
- California Curriculum Leads Kids in Chant to Aztec God of Human Sacrifice
- BLM Leaders Discuss ‘Resurrecting a Spirit So That It Can Work Through Us’
- Ravi Zacharias, Jivan Spa and Sexual Abuse: It’s Time to Speak Out
- A Culture Radically Transformed By the Adoption of Pagan Religions and Jungian Psychology
- PCA fails to present any serious theological discussion of sexuality in the light of biblical Creation
- Mother Earth or Father God?
- Gaia Goes to Church: The Revival of an Ancient Pagan Goddess
- Michael Brown Says a Witch ‘Sincerely Desires’ to See People Saved, He’s More Concerned About Discerning Christians
- Global Awakening or Global Darkness?
- Karma Versus Sowing and Reaping — What’s the Difference?
- Is Christmas Pagan? You Decide.
- Bethel Church’s Kris Vallotton Promotes Use of ‘Spirit Guides’
- Christianity Is Teaming With Creepy Con-artists, Soothsayers, Heavenly Tourism Peddlers & Partakers In ‘Faith-based’ Yoga
- Priest Loses It Over Pope’s Recent Pagan Worship, Posts Protest Video
- Confronting Neo-Paganism Part 2
- Confronting Neo Paganism Part 2
- Confronting Neopaganism in the Culture and in the Church Part 1
- Christian, do you unintentionally delve in religious superstition and magic?
- Papal Paganism’s Kiss of Death
- Pope Francis unleashes his inner pagan in Pan-Amazonian document laying foundation for ‘new’ Christianity
- Adonai with female body parts?
- The Root of Idolatry
- Pagan Idolatry and The Democrats’ Quest For Unfettered Sex
- Worshiping the Earth
- A House Divided
- Why God Hates The Occult…
- Something Wiccan This Way Comes
- Should Christians opt out of Christmas due to its supposedly pagan origins?
- 10 Lessons From the Death of John Chau
- Megachurch pastor tells church to stop going to yoga, because of its ‘demonic roots’
- Should Christians Participate in Halloween? 7 Scriptures to Consider
- Witches Hex Kavanaugh, Trump; Americans Welcome Halloween
- Kris Vallotton’s pagan faith? “Why We Need to Stop Saying ‘All the Glory to God'”
- Revoice: Sliding into Heresy
- Imagine There’s No [Christian] Religion
- The Nature of Existence: All is One, or All is Two?
- Open Occultism and Millennial Magik
- Christalignment: Our Cards lead the way….into the world of the occult
- Our Pagan Children
- Season of the Witch
- More students, young Americans turn to paganism
- Why millennials are ditching religion for witchcraft and astrology
- Star Wars and the Ancient Religion
- The Tyranny of Decadence
- A Quantum Leap Into the Paranormal
- Satan’s Civil Rights
- Nancy Leigh (DeMoss) Wolgemuth Mixes Pagan Witchcraft Circle-Making With Christianity
- Utopia is Burning: Burning Man Festival 2016
- Extrabiblical Methods
- Deepak Chopra Helps M.B.A.s Get in Touch With Their Spiritual Side
- Finding God’s will is no deep dark secret
- New Age pandemic in the church
- Starbucks’ red cup brewhaha
- Do you believe in ghosts?
- The Body Politic Is Queer
- Talk with your deceased loved ones using new virtual-reality software
- Oprah reinventing prayer outside the box
- Ronnie Floyd’s Continuing Slide into New Age Dominionism
- The evil Easter Bunny is going to sacrifice your kids to a pagan goddess, so let’s show the world that we’re not happy that Jesus rose from the dead
- Jonathan Welton’s gift of discernment of … human spirits?
- Culture Warts or Faithful Servants, Part 2
- All For Gaia: Earth Day and Total Transformation for a Post-Christian World
- Secular Humanism Fizzles; Cosmic Humanism Flourishes
- Got Meat? By Marsha West