CRN articles about God
- NAR Heretic Ché Ahn Says Jesus Endorsed his Book as ‘Most Important Book of the Hour’
- Only 2% of Parents with Preteen Children Have a ‘Biblical Worldview
- Poll: Support for Traditional American Values, Patriotism Declines
- Union Seminary Now Offering a Master of Arts Program on Connecting With Trees, Soil, and Other Species
- Ruthless LGBT Attacks Against Christians
- Charismatic ‘Prophetess’ Desperately Trying to Hang On as Major ‘Prophecy’ About to Be Proven Wrong
- Jen Hatmaker Says Viewing Jesus as a Male Makes it Difficult for Black, Brown, and LGBT People to Feel Safe Around Him
- USA Is Canceling God But the State Is Ready to Step Up
- Francis Collins Says God Would Be ‘OK’ With Aborted Fetal Tissue Research
- Ron DeSantis Says He Will Put on ‘Full Armor of God’ to Fight Leftism
- Steven Furtick Screams ‘I Am God Almighty!’ In Wild Sermon
- Joel Osteen Compares God to a ‘Spare Tire’ as He Lectures Poor People on Contentment
- Scientists Play God, Create Living Human-Monkey Embryo
- Because Her Husband is in Prison, Pastor’s Wife Able to Proclaim Jesus to Millions on Live TV
- Todd Bentley Is Back! Reveals New 25-Year Ministry Mandate After Being Visited By Angels
- ‘In the Strong Name of Our Collective Faith’? Closing of Inauguration Benediction Refuted by Pastor
- Pope Francis doesn’t mention Jesus in NY Times op-ed calling for ‘better, different, human future’
- Christian Research Group: US ‘Moving Toward Elimination of Biblical Worldview as Cornerstone of Society’
- Christian Psychiatrist Says Gender Ideology Is ‘a Variant of Atheistic Humanism’ Enthroning Self as god
- 2 Million Sign Petitions Asking Netflix to Pull Blasphemous ‘Dark Comedy’ Depicting Jesus as Homosexual
- Kanye West Defends Joel Osteen to Standing Ovation During Lakewood Service: ‘God Is Not the Negative Part’
- Joni Eareckson Tada announces she’s cancer-free: ‘quite miraculous’
- Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg Asserts of His Homosexuality: ‘Your Quarrel Is With My Creator’
- 80% of Americans Believe in God. Pew Found Out What They Mean
- The How and Why Questions
- No, Charisma Magazine, Blood Moons Do Not Mean Anything
- Something Strange and Wonderful is Happening with Young Men
- Why Satan Wants You to Think You’re Alone
- Go Soaking? Just Joking.
- ‘The Return’ – Jonathan Cahn’s Upcoming Prayer Event Produced By Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing
- Commonly Misused Bible Verses: 2 Chronicles 7:14 (Reprise)
- Lose the Gospel, Return to Childishness
- The Democrat’s Quest for the Souls of Children and What the Bible Says About It
- God’s holy name is misused and abused, even by believers
- Israel’s Miraculous Survival of the Iranian Missile Strike
- Dis. Grace.: Responding Biblically to Church Scandal
- An Imprecatory Prayer on Behalf of Donald Trump
- Cultural Christianity Is Not Enough
- What the Covenant School Killer’s ‘Manifesto’ Revealed
- The Low-Information Evangelical Part 1 (Reprise)
- Hey Christians, if the world doesn’t think you’re weird, you’re doing it wrong
- What We Mean When We Say, ‘God Created Everything From Nothing’
- Evangelicalism Has Been Hijacked By Woke Elitist ‘Progressive Christians’ (Reprise)
- Evangelicalism Has Been Hijacked By ‘Woke’ Elitist Progressive ‘Christians’
- Jesus Christ Is Donald Trump’s Security Detail
- Building a Culture of Truth
- If Satan himself wrote biblically sound worship music, would you sing it in church?
- Independance Day
- How (and How Not) to Wait
- Why is darkness settling over our land, and what can we do?
- God’s Most Favored Nation
- When the Desire to be Accepted Sets in
- Review: The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence
- If someone follows false teachers or teaches false doctrine for a long time, is she saved?
- I Believe in the Holy Spirit
- The Kingdom of the Lord, the Kingdom of Satan, and Spiritual Warfare
- God Made Us Male and Female- Why We Cannot Change Our Gender
- A Biblical Response to ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’
- Hope for the Unhappy
- God’s Judgment Upon the Church
- Senator Warns, We’re Losing Kids to ‘Satanic Cult’; God Has Been Purged
- The enemies of God, reality, truth, Western civilization, and our souls
- The Left’s Latest Attack on Christianity
- 4 Biblical Reasons I Rejected Evolution
- The Left Demands Millions of Human Sacrifices to Appease the Gods of Climate Change
- We Are All Christian Nationalists Now
- This Is Why America Is Coming Apart at Its Seams
- Heresy Alert! Steven Furtick Says Whatever God is, ‘You Are Too’
- Wait In Patience On The Lord: Meeting God In The Stillness
- Anne Voskamp To Be Speaker at Upcoming TGC Conference
- Hating God
- Sometimes, No Amount of Evidence is Enough
- Musk Takes Shot at George Soros, Reveals How Billionaire’s Scheme Has Destabilized Humanity
- 10 Reasons Christians Can Be Thankful in Trying Circumstances
- The Spirit’s Fruit: Self-Control
- Inside The Chosen’s Prosperity Gospel Sermons
- Untwisting the Bible – Part IV: Matthew 7:7, God Is Not a Cosmic Vending Machine
- Untwisting the Bible, Part III: ‘Let Go and Let God’
- Why Are So Many Worship Pastors Theologically and Morally Compromised?
- Worship Should Feel (Somewhat) Awkward
- Untwisting the Bible, Part 1: Jeremiah 29:11
- Debunking the Myths: How Continuationists Misrepresent Cessationism
- When Christians Tolerate Anything and Everybody, You Cannot Guard the Flock Against Wolves
- How the Contemporary Church Has Eroded and Perverted True Worship of the Living God
- Silly Putty Bible Study
- ‘Pastors4Trump’ Speaker Emphatically Declares ‘God is Not in Control’ At ReAwaken American Event
- Christians Have A Choice To Make: Paul Of Tarsus Or Taurus The Bull. Which Will It Be?
- 5 Ways to Tell if Your Church’s Worship Music is Man-Centered
- Sorry Church Ladies, Jesus is Not Your Romantic Partner
- Walking Wisely Through Trials
- Voddie Baucham Talks Social Justice, Manhood, and Faith With Ben Shapiro
- Redeemed Zoomer Goes Full Darwinist
- The Dilemma of Morals
- Refuting Queer Theology in the Church: The Queering of Scripture and God
- The Forbidden Woman: Some Thoughts on Love, Marriage, and Adultery
- Despite What Popular Evangelical Pastors Are Saying, Doubt is an Enemy of the Faith
- The presence and influence of powers, principalities, and demons in our age of apostasy
- Witchcraft Sparkle for the Liberal Church
- Charismatic Pastor Says He Commanded a Tree to Be Healed, and It Was So
- Should We Ever Assume Mormons are Saved?
- A Biblical Perspective in the Preeminence of Scripture in Christian Politics
- Division, chaos, discord, disunity are symptoms of walking away from God
- Discerning evil powers, their pagan world order, and hold over the souls of modern men and women
- Blasphemy in the Presbyterian Church in America: A Reflection before the General Assembly
- God and Country
- Are You Praying to the Only True God?
- The Pentecostalization of Christian Worship
- Religious Riptide: Eastern Spirituality Comes West – A Short History
- Does God Forbid Women From Preaching Because of a Higher Susceptibility to False Teachings?
- Living With Adversity – And Purpose
- What Are Legalism and Antinomianism?
- How Do We Respond to a God That Doesn’t Give Timetables?
- Good Friday Was Not Cosmic Child Abuse
- Is God Homophobic?
- Fear of Rejection in the Bible
- How to ‘contend for the faith’ while we take care of ourselves and others in this fight
- Loving God with Knowledgeable Discernment
- Living the Cessationist Life
- Christ or Chords? The Manipulated Emotionalism of Hillsong, Asbury, and Pentecostalized Evangelical Worship
- The Unfaithful Bride: America’s Idolatry and the Coming Persecution
- The Babylon Bee Crossed the Line Between Satire and Openly Mocking God
- God Determines the Role of Women in the Church, Not Personal Preference or Culture
- Discernment: A Spiritual Battle, Not a Logical One
- The Character of Kingdom Citizens
- The Bible Project co-founder Tim Mackie’s unwise endorsement
- We should help young people experience how the promises God offers them far surpass the false promises of witchcraft and ungodly spirits.
- Seven Reasons Why We Should Not Accept Millions of Years
- Bethel Pastor Says God Places His Faith in Us, Wants to Fulfill Our Dreams and Desires
- Twisted Scripture: The Growing Trend of Re-interpreting the Scriptures to Justify Our Own Passions
- The Pulpitless Plague: A Tragic Tale of Abandonment and its Devastating Impact on the Church
- Making an Idol Out of a False Jesus: God is Not Your Genie-in-a-Bottle
- Does Scripture Really Say That? A Critical Appraisal of Bestselling Book ‘Gentle and Lowly’
- A Reality Better Than a Wish List
- Mistakes, Misconceptions and Misuse of the Christmas Story that Misrepresent the Magnitude of its Message
- Pastor David E. Taylor Claims Followers Can See Jesus and God the Father Face-to-Face at Zoom Conference
- The Second Commandment and the Films Depicting Jesus
- Why the Pro-Life Movement is Compromised, and Why Abortion Abolition is the Only Path Forward
- Did Jesus Sow Discord?
- The Democrat Jesus
- Steven Furtick’s Mentor, T.D. Jakes Joins Scientologist for ‘Prosperity Conference’
- Discerning Praise and Worship – A Primer
- The Misuse of Christian Nationalism
- Evolutionists Are Mentally Unstable if They Believe Nothing Created Everything!
- Yes, the Devil is Real
- The Big Bang is in Big Trouble: It Never Happened
- Biblical Conversion Is Not Self-Improvement
- David Platt’s Church Holds Class With Book Written By Pro-Abortion Obama Staffer
- Timothy Keller’s Anti-Biblical Science: Beware Of 2 More Ways He Fails
- The evangelical world has become spiritually disoriented and profoundly worldly
- Polemics’ Threefold Display Of Love
- Hillsong Writer Marty Sampson Renounces His Faith on Instagram
- What Is Promised to the Two or Three Who Are Gathered in Jesus’ Name?
- In the Depths? Help from Jonah
- Conservatives and Same-Sex Marriage: Republicans less and less willing to stand for the traditional definition of marriage
- Three False Gospels That May Be Masquerading in Your Church
- Going Against God ‘Just for Fun’
- Murdoch Wedding: A Tribute to the Left’s Destruction of Western Culture
- The Unstoppable Force of Liberty
- That Beautiful Bow
- After Roe: What’s Our Job Now?
- Guilty of Christian Nationalism?
- Welcome to Secular Relativist Hell
- Tom Ascol urges conservatives to think carefully about future in SBC
- Paul’s Warnings to the Galatians Still Speak to Us
- Extremely Disturbing
- Israel joins U.S. in plan to hand over sovereignty to United Nations World Health Organization
- A Person’s Sincerity or Good Intentions Does Not Equal Biblical Fidelity
- Of course they are coming for your children
- The Enneagram is the Face of God and the Body of Christ?
- Justin Peters Issues Open Challenge to Charismatic Prophets: ‘Here’s Your Chance to Embarrass Me…’
- ‘God is Queer,’ Duke Divinity Students Proclaim
- Does God Love Everybody?
- Why Christians should never use The Message ‘Bible’
- What’s in Your Mind, Believer?
- The Psychology and Negative Effects of Repetitive Lyrics in Modern Worship Music
- The Return of Roman Religion
- Bible on Trial: Speaking Truth, Scripture Now Hate Speech?
- The ‘Social Trinity’ vs. Nicene Christianity
- What Happens to Your Soul When You Die?
- COVID 19 and the Deification of Government
- Justice Gorsuch Torches SCOTUS for Rejecting Challenge to NY Vax Mandate for Healthcare Workers
- This is Christian triumph
- The Supremacy of Christ: Living for His Glory and Not Our Own (Hebrews 9)
- They’ve Successfully Taken Christ Out of Christmas and Replaced Him With Gay Pride
- Heresy of the Last 40 Years: Hermeneutic of ‘Love’
- Left’s ‘absurdities’ like calling Winsome Sears a White ‘ventriloquist’ are ‘Satanic attacks on God’
- Are We Bowing to America’s Golden Image?
- Conscience, Corruption, Shots, and States Rights
- What Kind of Fool are You!?
- No, we are not all children of God
- Watch Out For Millstones
- ‘If Satan wrote an article about the Bible, it would look just like this.’
- Steven Furtick and Other Heretics Win ‘Christian Music’ Dove Awards for 2021
- Who Will You Serve, God Or The World?
- Sharing Christ with those who worship idols
- Ex-Google Exec: By 2049, Artificial Intelligence Will Become ‘God’ — and Master of Man?
- Is voting Democrat an evil act in God’s eyes?
- Frightening future of chimera research tests moral, ethical boundaries of science
- A discussion of felt emotions in worship, one that is sure to annoy all fans of scrunchy-face worship
- America Has Not Lost Its Religion — It Just Replaced It with the ‘Cult of the Coronavirus’
- Four Characteristics of a False Convert
- Is This Our Soon Coming Future?
- Survey: 50% of ‘Theological Born-Again Christians’ Say Holy Spirit is ‘Just a Symbol’
- Pentecostal ‘Praise and Worship’: A Radical Departure from Historic Worship
- There is no coherent way to combine the identities ‘gay’ and ‘Christian.’
- Surviving In A World Gone Mad
- Timothy Keller: Evolutionist?
- Theology Learned in the Flames of Adversity
- The Spiritual Damage Caused By the Rebellion of Women Preachers in the Church
- Marxism and Racism: The Issue Is Never the Issue
- The faith to die in the faith
- Quietism and Activism – How do we grow as Christians?
- In A World Where Everyone Is Taught To Hate Everyone
- God Detests the Worship of the Wicked
- False Assumptions – The Consequences of False Teaching
- Why It’s Impossible For Christianity To Ever Endorse Transsexuality
- Deceased, Gay-Affirming Scripture Twister to Release Children’s Book ‘What is God Like?’
- WARNING! The ‘Equality’ Act will prevent Christians from expressing biblical beliefs about marriage, sexual morality, the distinction between the sexes and more
- God Doesn’t Make Peace With His Enemies
- When Things Look Bleak…
- Commonly Misused Bible Verses: 2 Chronicles 7:14
- It’s well past time for Pat Robertson to ‘move on’
- ‘You Just Need More Faith’ Does not Suffice
- God, Glory, and Ungodly Rulers
- Instead of Preaching Christ, Steven Furtick Holds ‘Walk on Water in Style’ Contest
- The Weapon Against Christian Paradigm in the Year 2020
- Good, Not Safe
- Steven Furtick Says it’s Impossible to Believe Jesus is Lord Without a Doubt, Tells Staff Never to Say it
- Politically Correct Lies – the Big Bang Theory, Evolution, and There is NO God
- TGC And ERLC Can Stop Scamming Us. They Are ‘Revoicing’ LGBTQ Into The Church
- In Light of Our Present Distress, What Do We Need Most?
- Those who insist that the Lord demands what is not in scripture have fallen foul of gnosticism
- How Heretics Shaped Alcoholics Anonymous
- Red Diaper Babies for All: A Marxist Re-Definition of the Family
- Pope Issues Disturbing New Age Pronouncements During Earth Day Address
- Reformed Denomination Writes Letter to Government Warning of Civil Disobedience if Economy not Re-opened
- It Could All Fall Apart and That is Ok
- Mother Earth or Father God?
- 10 Reasons Christians Can Be Thankful in Trying Circumstances
- The cancellation of Franklin Graham’s tour events is a seminal moment for the UK
- The Struggles of the Christian Life
- Lauren Daigle and the Fruit of ‘Losing Her Religion’
- Defining the Will of God
- Yes, the Devil is Real
- Why didn’t God stop Eve from eating the fruit?
- Christmas…Christ In You
- Pawns for Godless Climate Extremism
- Thanksgiving – What the pilgrims knew about socialism and private property
- Lesbians and Feminists Pose With Their Children in ‘Thank God for Abortion’ Gear
- Former Gay Man Stuns with ‘Nothing But the Blood’ in U.S. Capitol
- Charles Stanley Said ‘God Told Me Which Thanksgiving Turkey to Buy’
- Why are so many believers looking for more?
- Who Is Lord: Christ or Caesar?
- Confronting Neo-Paganism Part 2
- In GQ Interview, Brad Pitt Admits Atheism Is Just an Act, Doesn’t Really Exist
- Confronting Neo Paganism Part 2
- Confronting Neopaganism in the Culture and in the Church Part 1
- Where Did Family Come From?
- Christian, do you unintentionally delve in religious superstition and magic?
- Please, Women, Stop Reading Ann Voskamp
- God Will Give You More Than You Can Handle
- God Is Good and Just When He Punishes People
- Adonai with female body parts?
- Behind the music: The baffling views about God held by Bethel Music’s Amanda Lindsey Cook
- God’s holy name, misused and abused, even by believers
- Mother Goddess of The Shack and AA’s higher power’
- Bethel Redding sister church that worshiped Mother Goddess to feature speakers aligned with ‘The Shack’
- The Root of Idolatry
- When People Grow Slowly
- Sacred Space and the Trivialisation of God
- The End of the Family?
- The Disproportionate Rate Of Measurable Harm For Males And Females In Homosexual Relationships
- Why God Hates The Occult…
- ‘A Consuming Fire’: Holiness, Wrath, and Justice
- Southern Baptists have a problem with God
- Ray Ortlund Suggests ‘God No Longer Matters’ to People Who Voted for Trump
- Blasphemy: ‘Gay Christian’ Says Jesus is Promiscuous and Polyamorous
- Voting – what does the Bible say?
- What does it mean to glorify God?
- Is God More Tolerant Today?
- What Is Man?
- How to Guard against False Ideas about God