CRN articles about Biblical Illiteracy
- False Teacher, Tony Campolo, Hears Dreaded Words: ‘Depart From Me…’
- Union Seminary Performs Last Supper in Drag, Mocks Communion, and Mocks Christ
- ‘The Carpenter’ Film, Where Jesus Has an MMA Viking Apprentice, Releases Nov 1
- Dallas Jenkins Defends ‘The Chosen’ Season 4 Shocking Plot Twist
- Francis Chan Joins Benny Hinn and a Cloister of Nuns (Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary) For Jesus Conference
- Only 2% of Parents with Preteen Children Have a ‘Biblical Worldview
- Charismatics Offer Prophetic ‘Dream School’ Certification, Only $2398
- Dallas Jenkins Defends The Chosen’s Inaccuracies in Allie Stuckey Interview
- Amy Grant Plans To Host a Gay Wedding
- Union Seminary Now Offering a Master of Arts Program on Connecting With Trees, Soil, and Other Species
- Blasphemy: Holy Spirit Ouija Board Lets You ‘Communicate Directly With Jesus Christ’
- PCA and Revoice Pastor Says Gay ‘Christian’ Couples Romantically Loving and Snuggling Together Isn’t Sinful
- Jesus Quotes ‘Book of Mormon’ In The Chosen Season 3
- Kanye West Goes Black Hebrew Israelite
- Popular Evangelical Leaders Continue to Merge With Pro-LGBTQ Activists in the Name of Social Justice
- Ligonier Survey Demonstrates Most Evangelicals are Heretics That Hold to Damnable False Beliefs
- Charismatic ‘Prophetess’ Desperately Trying to Hang On as Major ‘Prophecy’ About to Be Proven Wrong
- Prominent Catholic ‘Bible Scholar’ Argues the Bible is Pro-Homosexual
- Barna Survey: Only 4% of Executive Pastors have Biblical Worldview+ Why This Is
- Revoice Leader and SBC Seminary Grad Calls on Christians to Repent for Signing Statement on Biblical Sexual Ethics
- Want to Hear RUSHING MIGHTY WINDS as Angels Break Up a Prayer Meeting to Blow a Shofar? Of Course You Do!
- Beth Moore Preaches Sunday Morning at Baptist Megachurch in Houston, Belittles Her Husband
- Jen Hatmaker Says Viewing Jesus as a Male Makes it Difficult for Black, Brown, and LGBT People to Feel Safe Around Him
- Tim Tebow, Priscilla Shirer Team Up for ‘Multi-Million Dollar’ Prosperity Gospel Event
- Church of England Fails Miserably When Asked ‘What is a Woman?’
- Tony Evans’s Daughter, Priscilla Shirer, Preaches at Joel Osteen’s Church
- Rick Warren Rebukes the SBC for Daring to Remove his Church over Ordaining Women
- Sarah Young’s Heretical Book ‘Jesus Calling’ Has sold 40,000,000 Copies
- Study finds 37% of pastors have biblical worldview: Spiritual awakening ‘needed in our pulpits’
- MSNBC: Jesus Would Be a Groomer- DeSantis Is Like Russian Rapists
- False Teacher, Sid Roth, Starting Cartoon Series for Kids
- Gay CRU Leader, Turned Catholic, Explains How Tim Keller Helped Him Shape His Pro-LGBTQ Views
- German Catholic priests come out as queer, demand reform
- Lifeway Still Peddling False Teachers Including ‘Gay Christianity’ Revoice Resources
- Fraud Faith-Healer, Todd White, on Three Month Bedrest for Serious Heart Condition
- Amid Gay Preaching Scandal, Former SBC President Resigns From Seminary Post
- Bethel ‘Pastor’ Says Michael The Archangel Dresses In ‘Wrestling Tights,’ And He’s ‘Always Grumpy’
- Embittered Jen Hatmaker Reveals She is All-Consumed with Bad Theology and Grumps that People Call Her a ‘Heretic’
- Megachurch Pastor (and Moody Bible Institute Trustee) Outlines what Reparations Look like: ‘Free Jobs, Education, Healthcare, and Childcare for 100 Years’
- Jenna Ellis Withdraws From ‘Christian’ Conference Featuring Heretics and Scoundrels
- New SBC President Not Just a Liberal, Might be a Rank Heretic
- Bethel Leader Bill Johnson Denies Scripture – ‘God Doesn’t Control Everything’
- Hillsong CEO Says It’s ‘Unfortunate’ to Represent What the Bible Says About Homosexuality
- Is Praying for Gay Conversion ‘Hate Prayer’?
- Christian University Faculty Revolt After Board Votes to Affirm Biblical View of Sexuality
- Pope Puts up Painting of Naked Jesus in Personal Study
- Pope appoints open homosexual to Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors
- Jesus a Racist? ‘Gay Pastor’ Claims Jesus Used ‘Racial Slur,’ ‘Repented of His Racism’
- Enneagram to be promoted in Covenant Theological Seminary?
- Democrat Ends Prayer With ‘Amen. … and A-Woman.’
- Pew Research Poll: Faithful Christians Still Don’t Believe in Evolution
- Survey Shows Many Professing Christians Being Shaped by Culture Rather Than Biblical Truth
- Half of U.S. Christians say casual sex between consenting adults is sometimes or always acceptable
- Evangelical Pastor in Rome Says Christians Must ‘Gently Challenge’ Roman Catholicism With the Word of God
- Almost Half of Practicing Christian Millennials Say Evangelism Is Wrong
- ‘Glitter Blessings’ and Women Pastors Who Say ‘Queer’ a Lot
- Why Would Leftists Like David French NOT Want Criminal Gangs to be Deported?
- Blood Moons: Prophets Who Persist in Prophesying Falsely (Reprise)
- 40 Things to Give Up for Lent
- State of the Union Address Proves the Left Have Been Given Over by God to a Debased Mind
- Gavin Ortlund’s Third-Wayism Debunked
- Pastrix Paula White: Your Words Create Your Destiny
- President Trump appoints Paula White, who has been rubbing shoulders with NAR ne’er do wells for decades, to head new faith office
- Is Progressive Christianity Christian?
- Christians should reject ‘gay identity’ in its entirety
- The Problem with Personality Tests
- SBC Credentials Committee Approves and Affirms Church With Female Teaching Pastor
- The Cancer of Effeminate Worship in the Modern Church
- Anthony Bradley Stokes Race War Against Megan Basham
- An introduction to Demonslayers and the threat they pose to you and your church.
- Wheaton College Hosts Revoice Speaker Who Calls Marriage an Idol and Says ‘Gay Celibacy’ is Superior
- A Black, Queer, Bisexual Woman to Play Jesus
- Rick Warren Deletes Viral ‘Jesus Was A Centrist’ Tweet, Posts Apology
- The Case Against Evil Stomach Goblins
- Rick Warren Claims Jesus Was a Political Centrist Because He Was Crucified Between Two Thieves
- Trump’s appointment of ‘heretic’ Paula White as leader of White House faith office causes stir
- It’s All About the ‘Victims’
- The creator of The Chosen recruits wolves in sheep’s clothing to bring more viewers on board
- The Celebrity Pastor Phenomenon is Selling Out the Gospel for 30 Pieces of Silver
- Why Public Trust in the Church Continues to Erode
- Gavin Ortlund Completely Collapses On Roman Catholicism
- No, Charisma Magazine, Blood Moons Do Not Mean Anything
- We Need More Jeremiahs
- To Trade Love for Discernment is not Discernment
- Sean McDowell Promotes Feminist David and Bathsheba Narrative
- Actor Denzel Washington Baptized, Ordained as a Licensed Minister
- Christmas Hymn Review: Away in a Manger
- How The Chosen Gets Judas Wrong
- Christmas Song Review: Yes, Mary Did Know
- Unbiblical Ideas About Angels
- Deconstruction is the Highway to Sexual Anarchy
- The Shift In Child Rearing That Has Destroyed The American Family
- The Pastor Said What? Deception In Our Time
- America’s Largest False Church to Expand Empire Into Hillsong Territory, Sydney, Australia
- Political Antinomians: This Pastor Says Heaven is Full of Pro-Abortion People
- Should Christians Participate in Halloween? 7 Scriptures to Consider (Reprise)
- Spiritual Harm Alert: ‘Discovering Christian Witchcraft: A Beginner’s Guide for Everyday Practice’
- Go Soaking? Just Joking.
- ‘The Return’ – Jonathan Cahn’s Upcoming Prayer Event Produced By Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing
- False Prophet Jonathan Cahn Smashes an ‘Altar of Ishtar’ At Lou Engle’s Washington Rally
- Small groups and propaganda
- Commonly Misused Bible Verses: 2 Chronicles 7:14 (Reprise)
- Jack Graham and Mike Huckabee Launch Replica Idol At Prestonwood Baptist Church
- Despite What Crackpot ‘Theologians’ Say, Paul’s Words are the Authoritative Word of God
- Evangelicals For Harris Exposed As Pro-Abortion
- Identifying False Teachers: How to Train Your Powers of Discernment and Test the Spirits
- Revoice Speaker Says Paul is Defending the LGBTQ+ Community from ‘Heterosexual Self-Righteousness’
- Are there too many conferences?
- Rare Video of Bethel Church’s Infamous ‘Honey Barrel’ Unearthed
- Religious Pluralism: The Roman Catholic Church’s Last Ditch Effort to Undermine the Gospel
- Cultural Christianity Is Not Enough
- Preston Sprinkle Assembles LGBTQ and Other Woke Activists to Release New Study Bible
- The Low-Information Evangelical Part 1 (Reprise)
- Deliverance Minister Claims There are Nephilim Living in the Hollow Earth, and that Jonah and the Whale Used Underwater Portals To Get There
- How to Identify a False Teacher
- Dr. Michael Brown Joining Famed ‘Leg Lengthening’ Huckster Todd White For Joint Ministry Event
- Heresy presented as mercy
- Christianity Today Hires Cussing, N-word Using, Marijuana Promoter as “Big Tent” Director
- Four Unintended Consequences of the Megachurch Movement – And How To Solve Them
- Gavin Ortlund Breaks Ranks, Bolsters Basham Book Sales
- What is Spiritual A.I.D.S.?
- Was Sodom Destroyed Because Of ‘Rape’? Or Homosexuality?
- Christian Publishing Houses Are Advancing The Apostasy Pandemic In The Church (Reprise)
- Isn’t the Biblical Account ‘Good’ Enough?
- ‘Women Don’t Care About Doctrine …’
- Responding to the Modern Idols of the World: Self-Esteem
- If Satan himself wrote biblically sound worship music, would you sing it in church?
- Latest ‘He Gets Us’ Campaign Sees ‘They/Thems’ as Victims of Christian Bigotry
- Is Creating Alternatives To The Gospel Coalition Even Possible?
- The Low-Information Evangelical Part 2 (Reprise)
- BioLogos: The Deceptive Agenda to Undermine Biblical Truth with Evolutionary Mythology
- Bill Johnson Says The Gospel Must Be Accompanied By Signs and Wonders in Order to Be ‘Fully Preached’
- How Did the Church Become So Complacent, Celebrating Drag Queens in the Pulpit?
- TPUSA’s ‘Believers Summit’ Features Atheist James Lindsay and Drag-Approving Speakers
- If Southern Baptists Failed to Take a Stand on Women in the Pulpit, Just Imagine What’s Next
- The Chosen: Isn’t the Biblical Account ‘Good’ Enough?
- Christian Post Peddles Jesus Was A Refugee Lie
- The Gospel Coalition’s Incessant Quest for Cultural Relevance Is What Makes Them Irrelevant to the Church
- Fuller Theological Seminary Ponders Lifting Prohibitions on Same-Sex Activity + Be More LGBTQ Friendly
- ‘He Gets Us!’ Posts False Gospel at Angels Game Claiming ‘Jesus Included Everyone’
- Deconstructing – But From What?
- Taylor Swift may be causing her fans to stumble into witchcraft
- There’s Nothing Loving About Dolly Parton’s False Gospel
- Watch out! ‘The Chosen’, New ‘Book of Mormon’ tv series, is in the works
- ‘Fearless Army’ Host Jason Whitlock Affirms Mormon Glenn Beck as Christian Brother in Unearthed Videos
- LGBT-CRU: Leaked Cru Training Materials Prove CRU is Teaching ‘Gay Christianity’
- Pelagian Pope Francis Says People Are ‘All Fundamentally Good’ +’The Heart Itself is Good’
- A Culture of Unholy Christians
- Why mixing up social justice and biblical justice matters
- Heresy: Kenoticism
- ‘The Chosen’ Director Dallas Jenkins Baits Christians by AGAIN Featuring LGBTQ Flag in New Vid
- The Mark Driscoll Struggle Session
- Is Joyce Meyer A False Teacher?
- John Hagee: Solar Eclipse Means Prepare For Rapture!
- Nothing New Under The Sun: The Eclipse, Rapture, and Red-Faced False Prophets
- SBC Women’s Conference Speaker Appears in Promo Video With Transgenders Promoting LGBTQ Ideology in the Church
- TGC Directly Promoting Self-Described ‘Democratic Socialist’ Who Claims His Views are Historically Biblical
- God’s Judgment Upon the Church
- Heresy of the Day: Transubstantiation
- The Gospel Coalition Publishes a False, Christless Gospel Using Only Taylor Swift Lyrics
- John Piper Says Our Love for Jesus is ‘Erotic to the Core’
- Christians are being led to the gates of hell by progressive’s Fake Jesus
- Sean McDowell Defends He Gets Us Campaign
- Top Evangelical Leftist Ring-Leaders are Even Further Left Than ‘I Don’t Know What a Woman Is’ Ketanji Brown Jackson
- The Chosen Advertises Getting God’s Sovereignty Wrong
- TGC Podcaster Says ‘I think Christianity Makes a Case that to be Human is to Have (Gender) Dysphoria’
- No, Jesus Was Not Born Again
- Preston Sprinkle Promotes Heresies That Lead People Away From True Repentance and Faith, and Straight to Hell
- Under New Management: ‘He Gets Us’ Attacks Christians In Woke Super Bowl Ad
- Jonathan Merritt Announces Gay Grooming Children’s Book
- Side B Theology Exposed: The Push For More Homosexual Pastors
- ERLC Author Claims He’s Immune to the Influence of Porn-Filled Movies, Claims They Motivate Him to ‘Spread the Gospel’
- Southern Baptists and Evangelicals Join Together to Create a Scripture-Twisting Program Promoting Open Borders
- The Roman Pope Embraces a Heretical Universalist View of Hell and Eternity
- Refuting the Call for Unity in Compromise: The Importance of Upholding the Biblical Truth of the Flood Narrative
- About That ‘1946’ Film: A Damnable Theological Heresy
- Preston Sprinkle Hosts Webinar on Why We Need More Homosexual and Queer ‘Christian Leaders’
- No, Tim Keller Was Correctly Understood By His Followers
- Why We Follow False Prophets: False Prophets are Masters of Disguise
- Three Marks of Progressive-Lite Evangelicals
- Drag Queen Church Puts on Mock Courtroom Performance Deliberating Anti-Homosexual Passages
- Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus – Jesus Was a Feminist
- Debunking Leftists Myths About Jesus – Jesus Was a Refugee
- Russell Moore Joins Pro-LGBTQ Pro-Abortion Activists and Hollywood Atheist to Denounce Christianity as a ‘Threat’
- The post-Christian media is enormously ignorant about Christianity
- Remembering These Heretics Who Met Their End and Now Fully Understand the Wrath of God
- Did They Go to Heaven? Red Flags On ‘After Death’ Film from Angel Studios
- The Only ‘Prophets’ the Bible Says Will Endure Throughout the Church Age are False Prophets
- Kenneth Copeland Mixes His Own ‘Blood’ With Jesus’ and Drinks It During Communion?
- Buddha & Jesus are ‘Great Healers’? More Blasphemy From the Pope As Rome and Buddhist Join Forces
- Untwisting the Bible, Part IX: Will a Man Rob God? – Malachi 3:8
- Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens ‘Destroy’ Each Other Over the Use of Scripture, But Who is Right?
- Is ‘Eat the meat and spit out the bones’ a proper response to false teaching?
- Rosaria Butterfield Names Preston Sprinkle, Revoice, and CRU as Teaching Heresy on LGBTQ
- Confronting Charlie Kirk’s Idolatry
- Self-absorbed ‘Christians’ And Their Perceptions Of The Bible
- Is John Hagee A False Teacher?
- Gavin Ortland Leaving Church To Become Full-Time Theology YouTuber. May God Help Us All
- Untwisting the Bible, Part VIII: Slain in the Spirit
- Shawn Bolz and Christine Caine: An Unholy Alliance of Divination and Fortune-telling
- Dr. Michael Brown Pulls Out of ‘American Gospel 3’ Film Because They Criticized His NAR Buddies and ‘Grave Soaking’
- Untwisting the Bible, Part VI: Jesus Sinned?
- Rosaria Butterfield Blasts Andy Stanley’s ‘God-Forsaken Conference,’ LGBTQ Teaching
- Inside The Chosen’s Prosperity Gospel Sermons
- Untwisting the Bible – Part IV: Matthew 7:7, God Is Not a Cosmic Vending Machine
- TGC Compares Pro-LGBTQ Pop Star to the Revealing of Jesus in His Eternal Glory to His Followers
- Christianity Today Staff Made Extensive Campaign Donations Between 2015 And 2022…All Went To Democrats
- Unconditional Conference: Andy Stanley Says Attending a Gay Wedding is ‘Good Theology’+ Disses Rosaria Butterfield
- Untwisting the Bible, Part III: ‘Let Go and Let God’
- Like Her Father, Tony Evans, Priscilla Shirer Preaches Trinitarian Heresy from the Pulpit
- All Christians, Not Just Catholics, Should Be Worried About Pope Francis’ Synod
- Why Are So Many Worship Pastors Theologically and Morally Compromised?
- Blood Moons: Prophets Who Persist in Prophesying Falsely
- Untwisting the Bible, Part II: Matthew 7 – ‘Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged’
- Andy Stanley Tells ‘Unconditional Conference’ Attendees He REFUSES to Say ‘Homosexuality is a Sin’
- Untwisting the Bible, Part 1: Jeremiah 29:11
- Dark Times for the Roman Catholic Church?
- Andy Stanley Isn’t the Problem, He’s Only a Massive Symptom
- Bethel Leader Says Jesus Appeared Bodily and Told Him 500K Instagram Followers Means ‘Guaranteed Ticket to Heaven’
- Timothy Keller: Turning Believers Into Unbelievers?
- David Platt Steps Down as Lead Pastor, Assoc. Pastor Who Says He Wants to ‘Torch All White People’ to Take Over
- ‘Gay Married’ Speaker Strikes Back at Al Mohler for Criticizing Andy Stanley’s Queer Conference
- How the Contemporary Church Has Eroded and Perverted True Worship of the Living God
- The Mormonization of American Christianity
- Veggie Tales Creator Releases Series Ft. Woke Xtians Complaining About Being Judged
- Acts 29 Pastor Says Gay Atheist Came to Christ Through a Psychic Tarot Card Reader Consulting a Native American Spirit Guide
- Acts 29 Promotes LGBTQ Inclusivity in the Church and Waters Down the Gravity of The Sin of Homosexuality
- Jesus Calling Author, Sarah Young Now Knows Who Was Really Calling, and It Wasn’t Jesus
- Bible Verses Prosperity Gospel Preachers Ignore
- Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus – Jesus Was a Universalist
- Russell Moore’s Church-Teaching Partner Says New Age Breathing Techniques Originate in Jesus
- Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus – Part I: Jesus Advocated Wealth Redistribution
- Why Do You Love Your Sin So Much?
- The Chosen Cast Members Say Jesus Was ‘Flawed’ and That He Committed ‘Transgressions’ (Sin)
- Sorry Church Ladies, Jesus is Not Your Romantic Partner
- God’s Impending Judgment on the False Churches of the Modern World
- TGC Says Barbie Movie Matters Because 10 Percent of Women Leave Church Over Misogyny
- Nancy Mace is the symptom of a sleeping American church
- Jesus’s View on Biblical Sexual Ethics Has Not Shifted
- Chris Hodges: God Does Not Damn Anyone, Satan Does!
- Refuting Queer Theology in the Church: The Queering of Scripture and God
- TGC/LifeWay Lady-Preacher Says Christians Should Affirm Some Marxist Slogans to Truly Be Christian
- There Are No More Apostles
- Despite What Popular Evangelical Pastors Are Saying, Doubt is an Enemy of the Faith
- Isaiah Saldivar Leads Mass Deliverance To Remove Demons that ‘Got Passed Down to You In the Womb’
- Defending the Inspiration of the Whole of Scripture Against Modern Skeptics
- Prominent Charismatic Says Famed Prophet Bob Jones Was a Time Traveler
- Most Southern Baptist Leaders Worship a False Jesus
- Charismatic Pastor Says He Commanded a Tree to Be Healed, and It Was So
- The Gospel Coalition Promotes Gay Christian YA Novel
- How Evangelical Leaders Have Co-opted ‘Loving Your Neighbor’ to Distort the Gospel
- Should We Ever Assume Mormons are Saved?
- Vanguard Church Dares SBC to Disfellowship
- Aimee Byrd Torches Her ‘Uptight’ Old Church, Reveals THIS about Her New One
- What the Disfellowship of Saddleback Church from the SBC Really Means
- SBC ministers spar over women pastors, attendees select next president
- Bill Gothard and the Unpaid Bills of the Church
- Blasphemy in the Presbyterian Church in America: A Reflection before the General Assembly
- The Shady Business Practices of Dallas Jenkins and The Chosen
- Multiculturalism in the Church is not a Biblical Mandate, It is a Heresy
- Rick Warren Publishes Open Letter in Gay-Affirming Publication Pushing Women Pastors in SBC
- The Chosen Director Responds to Controversy, Suggests PRIDE Attire is ‘Appropriate in a Professional Environment’
- Actor Who Plays Thaddeus on The Chosen Defends Homosexuality and Pride Flag on Set
- The Chosen Doubles Down On Pride Flags On Set
- ‘The Chosen’ Supports Homosexuality
- The Unsettling Exodus: Why Evangelicals are Turning from the Scriptures
- Matt Chandler Expels Church After Pastors Criticize Acts 29 for Promotion of Transgenderism
- Lauren Daigle’s Faith Deconstruction for Fame
- Featured LifeWay Speaker Who Says God Raised Up Homosexuals as the Most Credible Voices on Sexuality Defends Rachel Gilson
- Henpecked and Out of Her Depth: Julie Roys’ Chickens Come Home to Roost Following Kyle J. Howard Scandal
- North Point Church Baptizes Openly Transgender Man, After Giving Blessing to Transition?
- Self-Described Apostle Makes Absurd Claims About Spiritual Pregnancy: A Biblical Refutation of NAR Theology
- Progressive Infiltration and Christian Conviction
- Does God Forbid Women From Preaching Because of a Higher Susceptibility to False Teachings?
- Greg Laurie Says Practicing Homosexual Deathbed Prophecy Has Come to Pass in New Movie
- Galatians Revisited: Confronting Modern-Day Judaizers and Upholding Paul’s Message of Grace
- The Snare of the Prosperity Gospel: A Seductive and Dangerous Emotional Trap
- What Are Legalism and Antinomianism?
- Andy Stanley Says His Father’s Dying Words to Him Were ‘I Couldn’t Be Prouder of You’
- Allen Parr vs Discernment Ministries: How Allen Parr Gatekeeps on Discernment
- Did The ‘Genuine Outpouring of the Holy Spirit’ at Asbury Bring Lasting Changes as Promised?
- Charismatic Prophetess Explains the Importance of Casting Demons Out of Yourself ‘You Just Blow Them Out’
- Church Group Kicked Out Of ShepCon For Passing Out Heretical Literature Attacks Phil Johnson for Clout + Get Real Whiny
- Ken Ham Rebukes Andy Stanley for His Affirmation of Evolution
- Exposed: The Enneagram Is Woke
- Revoice Founder Defends Transgender Shooter: ‘Devastating Form of Parental Rejection’
- Signs of Deception
- Bethel Worship Service May Look Vibrant, But It’s An Empty Shell Of Death
- Altered States of Consciousness in Bible, believes Bible Project’s Tim Mackie
- The Bible Project’s Tim Mackie believes Penal Substitutionary Atonement stems from pagan sacrifice rituals
- Rick Warren Tells Russell Moore There are Hundreds of Interpretations of ‘Women Pastors’ Passages
- Jeff Durbin, James White Own Brandan Robertson in Debate On Homosexuality
- The Bible Project co-founder Tim Mackie’s unwise endorsement
- The Muddy Waters of the Enneagram
- Bible Project’s Tim Mackie and contemplative prayer
- Preston Sprinkle LGBTQ Parenting Video is Explicit: Your Child Will Be Gay Forever
- Kenneth Copeland Prophesies, Says God is Giving Heidi Baker the United States
- Bethel Redding Baptizes Openly Gay Disney Celebrity
- Damar Hamlin Apologizes for Wearing Blasphemous Jacket to Super Bowl
- Woke Evangelical Org Claims Asbury Revival is Moving School Toward Affirming Queers
- The ‘He Gets Us’ Woke Jesus Wasn’t Woke Enough And Never Will Be
- Infamous Faux Faith-Healer, Todd Bentley Discredits the Asbury Revival
- Damar Hamlin Wears Jacket With Blasphemous Jesus Depiction
- Hobby Lobby and other ‘conservative’ Evangelicals are behind huge ad campaign using Jesus to promote illegal migrants and LGBTQ agenda…
- He Gets Us Exposed: The Money and Marketing behind the $20 Million SuperBowl Ads
- Evangelical group’s naive embrace of U.N.’s ‘climate science’
- Major Church Leaves Acts 29 Network Over Promotion of Transgenderism and Women Preaching
- Is IF:Gathering’s Jennie Allen A False Teacher?
- ‘Woke Jesus’ Is Not Jesus at All
- Carnal Christianity: A Doctrine Designed to Provoke God to Anger
- Church of England: Gay Sex OK if Part of a ‘Stable, Loving, Committed Relationship
- Another One?!! Saddleback Church Promotes and Partners with Pro-LGBTQ+ Ministry ‘Embracing the Journey’
- Disgraced Pastor Greg Locke’s New Film Gets a Poster and Release Date+ Will be in ‘Thousands’ of Theaters
- Bethel Pastor Says God Places His Faith in Us, Wants to Fulfill Our Dreams and Desires
- Exclusive! Andy Stanley’s Children’s Ministry Led by Pro-LBGTQ+ Activists
- Two Pastors Drop Major Bombshell Allegations Against Andy Stanley After Attending Private Q&A
- Matt Chandler to Join Revoice ‘Gay Christianity’ Founder for Conference
- The issue with Parachurch organizations – especially ones founded by women
- The Menace of Sensationalizing the Gospel
- Beth Moore Chastises Christians Who Publicly Humiliate Heretics
- Beth Moore Attacks Jonathan Edwards for Being Direct About God’s Indignation Toward Sinners
- Andy Stanley Denies Hebrews 4:12, “Don’t Say ‘The Bible Says’”
- Twisted Scripture: The Growing Trend of Re-interpreting the Scriptures to Justify Our Own Passions
- Damar Hamlin: When Prayer Descends to Abhorrent Theater
- Five Biblical Ways to Identify a False Teacher
- Jackie Hill Perry Repents of Using and Promoting the Enneagram, Calls it Demonic
- Pastors, Ditch the Metrosexual Persona: God Calls You to be a Faithful Shepherd and Steward of His Word
- Mark Driscoll Releases E-book on Sex that Describes in Graphic Detail Various Sex Acts
- SBTS Dean, Hershael York, Reveals Unbiblical *Nuanced* Mindset Behind Restoring Adulterous Pastors
- Does Scripture Really Say That? A Critical Appraisal of Bestselling Book ‘Gentle and Lowly’
- Tim Mackie of the Bible Project Denies Literal Hell, Says It’s Something That Humans Created
- Amy Grant And The Pitfall Of Being Liked By The World
- Mickey Mouse: The Poster Boy for Joseph Prince’s Prosperity Gospel
- ‘Grave Soaking’: A Blatantly Unbiblical, Spiritually Dangerous Trend Among Apostate Churches
- A New False Prophet is Gaining Popularity Among Us, His Name is Dr. Kevin M. Young
- Heresy: Antinomianism
- The Christian Hip-Hop Scene Looks No Different Than the Pagan Hip-Hop Scene and is Largely Intertwined
- Pastor David E. Taylor Claims Followers Can See Jesus and God the Father Face-to-Face at Zoom Conference
- The Gospel Coalition Awards Woke Books
- The Gospel Coalition Uses the Book of Ruth to Defend Same-Sex Civil Unions
- When Christian Leaders Capitulate On Marriage, Innocent Children Suffer
- Sodom’s Behavior: Homosexuality Or Gay Rights?
- Evangelical Org Associated With SEBTS, TGC, CRU, and Matt Chandler Says Opposing Radical LGBTQ+ Indoctrination Brings Violence On One Another
- Pope Francis’s Tacit Support For Gay Marriage Subverts Scripture To Please The World
- Social Justice is Not the Gospel, It’s Heresy
- The Chosen’s Third Season Is A Seeker-Sensitive CW Show?
- Spiritual Child Abuse? Charismatic Revival Night Sees Young Children ‘Slain in the Spirit’ (Caution, Hard to Watch)
- Exposing the False Prophets of the Mid-Terms #1: Hank Kunneman
- Jars of Gay? Frontman Dan Haseltine is Pro-LGBTQ, Pro-Trans, Pro-Choice
- Andy Stanley Says There’s No ‘Clear Divine Standard’ of God Revealed to Mankind
- Bethel Pastor Says Jesus Frequently Ripped Verses Out of Context and Made Them Say What They Didn’t Mean
- Andy Wood Dares SBC To Disfellowship Saddleback Over Female Pastors
- SBTS Prof, Denny Burk Calls on Southern Baptists to Disfellowship Saddleback But Misses the Bigger Issue
- The Democrat Jesus
- Pope Francis Uniting Roman Catholics and Muslims Forming World Church!
- Disgraced and Defiant Pastor Tullian Tchividjian Headlining Men’s Conference
- Prominent Charismatics Battered After Hurricane Ian’s Destruction Proves They Didn’t Hear From God
- Do ‘The Chosen’ Mormon Executive Producers see Mormonism and Christianity coming together?
- Max Lucado Affirms Mormon, Glenn Beck, as a Believer Whom The Holy Spirit Intercedes For With Prayer
- Russell Moore Joins Hands With Marxist Liberation Theologians in Deconstructionist Conference
- Joe Biden Demonstrates Why a Faithful Christian Could Never Vote Democrat, Clear Divide Between Left and Right
- TGC’s Christopher Yuan says, ‘God Didn’t Say Be Heterosexual’
- Rosaria Butterfield Blasts Tribalistic ‘Gay Christians’ + ‘Side B’ Revoicers
- Beth Moore Heads Preaching Conference at Gay-Affirming ‘Christian’ University
- Responding to the Leaven of Revoice
- Is Queen Elizabeth Resting In Peace?
- Check Out This Rank Heresy Study Bible that LifeWay is Releasing
- Rick Warren Delivers Final Sermon As Pastor of Saddleback Church
- World Vision Goes Woke, Says All White Christians are ‘Racist’ who have ‘White Gaze’
- The evangelical world has become spiritually disoriented and profoundly worldly
- ERLC and TGC Contributor, Michael Wear, Proposes Federal Law Legalizing Abortion Up to 15 Weeks
- Gay CRU Leader, Revoice Speaker, Who Says Tim Keller Helped Him Shape His Views Brags About Dancing at Gay Bars
- Woke Pastor Says there are ‘Lesbian Angels’ who ‘Consensually’ Flirt with Queer Christian Women
- Gay and Celibate: A Contradiction in Terms
- Bethel Redding is a shark tank – woe to Bethel!
- Irony Alert! Bethel Church Reopens HEALING SCHOOLS After Being Shut Down 2 Years
- Southern Baptist Pastor Compares Abortion to Eschatology, Says Southern Baptists Must Accept Different Views
- Rosaria Butterfield Retracts Her Former Anti-Conversion Therapy Position, Now Embraces ‘Freedom in Health Care’
- The Most Telling Indicator of Who is a Sheep and Who is a Goat… Or at Least Who we Should Take Seriously and Who We Shouldn’t
- Bethel Pastor Shares Ridiculous Testimony of Waitress Being ‘Activated’ For Guessing What Customers Wanted
- Beth Moore Bashes Critics Over Her Silence on Overturning of Roe v. Wade
- Three False Gospels That May Be Masquerading in Your Church
- Get Used to a Different Jesus
- The Legend of the Social Justice Jesus
- Tom Ascol urges conservatives to think carefully about future in SBC
- The Southern Baptist Convention is Useless and Deserves Nothing But Mockery
- Paul’s Warnings to the Galatians Still Speak to Us
- Meet Rick Warren’s Replacement—He Sounds Like JD Greear and Ed Litton on Homosexuality
- Proverbs 29:18 is Not About Vision-Casting
- Beth Moore Equates Fearing a Liberal Takeover With Hating Jesus and Loving Power
- The Dangers of Syncretism and Idolatry
- SBTS Grad and Revoice Leader Says Being Pro-Life Means Honoring Trans People
- Amid Sex Abuse Scandal, Remember, Evangelical Feminists Wanted to Do Away With Billy Graham Rule
- Deep State? What About Deep Church?
- A Person’s Sincerity or Good Intentions Does Not Equal Biblical Fidelity
- Of course they are coming for your children
- Tim Mackie’s (The Bible Project) rejection of key biblical doctrine
- Revoice Founder Now Promotes Heretical View of Hell as an ‘Orthodox’ View Held by ‘Bible Believing Christians’
- ‘God is Queer,’ Duke Divinity Students Proclaim
- The Children of Men: Understanding the Human Origins of Heresy
- What is God’s Purpose in Allowing False Teachers to Flourish?
- ‘The Chosen’ Is An Affront To A Holy God
- Tim Keller Wrongly Portrays Pharisees as ‘Bible-believing Religious People’
- Could Elevation Church Replace the Scandal-Plagued Hillsong on the World Stage?
- TikTok Pastor Declares ‘Jesus isn’t the only way to salvation’
- The Gospel Coalition Author Implies Jesus Knows What It’s Like to Be a Homosexual
- Once Again, I Ask Andy Stanley to Resign
- Hillsong Music is for the Spiritually Shallow
- Why Christians should never use The Message ‘Bible’
- A Warning about Bible Verses
- Does the Church Need LGBTQ People?
- The Psychology and Negative Effects of Repetitive Lyrics in Modern Worship Music
- TGC Author Tells Parents God Uses Transgenderism and Homosexuality to Make Kids More Like Christ
- JD Greear laments Christians leaving his woke church
- ‘The Chosen’ Biblical Consultant met Christ via New Age/Eastern Meditation?
- Facebook Marks Christian Theology as ‘False Information’ in Post Published by Prominent Theologian
- The Chosen Dilemma: Not a faithful film version of the gospel accounts
- The Chosen is not the evangelistic tool Christians hoped it would be. Here’s why.
- The Gospel Coalition Publishes Christmas Advent Song Featuring Transgender Artwork
- Greg Johnson To The PCA: ‘Merry Christmas. Here Is A Lump Of Coal For Your Stocking’
- Beth Moore is finally ‘home’
- Does the Holy Spirit speak new words today?
- Identity Wars: What did Paul mean when he wrote, ‘such were some of you?’
- Heresy of the Last 40 Years: Hermeneutic of ‘Love’
- Warning: Your Favorite Holiday Charity May Be Promoting CRT
- How to Teach Your Kids to Spot A False Gospel
- Former Celibates Admit the ‘Gay Christian Celibate’ Movement Gateway to Full, Practicing Homosexuality
- Southern Baptist Pastor and ERLC Leaders Suggests Paul’s Words Are Not Authoritative
- No, we are not all children of God
- Watch Out For Millstones
- You Just Need to Obey
- ‘If Satan wrote an article about the Bible, it would look just like this.’
- Steven Furtick and Other Heretics Win ‘Christian Music’ Dove Awards for 2021
- Dr. Michael Brown Blasts Critics Who Call False Teachers ‘Loons and Hucksters’
- Sharing Christ with those who worship idols
- Remaining Faithful When Others Embrace LGBTQ+ Theology
- Fact-Checking the Favored Politicians of Big Eva Social Justice Warriors
- Beth Moore Says Abstaining From Gay Sex is a ‘Sacrifice’ For Gay Celibates
- Robert Morris’ Encounter With a Gender-less ‘Jezebel Spirit’
- Be Willing to Submit to Our Good God on the Issue of Homosexuality
- Pastor John Hagee denies that Jesus is the only Messiah?
- Are Your Favorite Celebrity Pastors Really Saved?
- Five Observations of Modern Church Liberal Drift and Apostasy
- Four Characteristics of a False Convert
- Survey: 50% of ‘Theological Born-Again Christians’ Say Holy Spirit is ‘Just a Symbol’
- Biblical Beliefs Take A Nose Dive
- We Need Gospel Clarity
- Pentecostal ‘Praise and Worship’: A Radical Departure from Historic Worship
- Rick Warren Suggests Pastors Who Open Their Churches are Egotistical, Wearing Masks is ‘Loving Your Neighbor’
- Montanism: An old heresy reintroduced by the charismatic movement
- The increasingly uncharitable political posturing of Beth Moore
- ‘Apostle’ Says God Opened Door to Pentagon, He Walked, Generals Were Crying and Weeping as He ‘Prophesied’
- New TGC Podcast is a Masterclass in Gospel Distortion
- Rick Warren’s ‘Purpose Driven’ theology is built upon a false gospel
- Major evangelical figure comes out as gay
- Charismatic Conference Sees 4-Year-Old Kids Taught to Speak in Tongues, Prophecy, and Get ‘Slain in the Spirit’
- What Difference Does an Inerrant Bible Make?
- Surprise! Jenna Ellis’ Replacement for Controversial ‘Christian’ Conference is Another Trinity Denier, Bringing Total to 4
- Beware of Twisted Teachers
- Is Progressive Christianity Christian?
- Popular pastor Max Lucado has taken a sharp turn to the Left
- Beth Moore Affirms Divorce For Women Who Don’t Want Sexual Relations With Husband
- The heretical nature of Charles Finney’s theology
- Three Oneness Pentecostals, an Adulterer, a Whoremonger, a Pillow Tycoon, and Trump’s Lawyer Headline a Conference Together…
- Popular Worship Artist Denounces Hillsong, Bethel, and Elevation for ‘Heresy’
- ‘The Jesus Music’ Trailer Launches, But a Third of the Featured Artists are Pro-Gay
- The most popular false teacher in Evangelical circles
- A Clear Message from the 48th General Assembly of the PCA
- Why the Coming Split in the Southern Baptist Convention Is Inevitable
- Justification by Association
- Enneagram Divination: Evidence of an Evangelical Paradigm Shift
- The Spiritual Damage Caused By the Rebellion of Women Preachers in the Church
- Like Greear, New SBC President Says the Bible ‘Whispers’ About Homosexuality
- Spiritual Deception Is Rampant
- Priscilla Shirer Attacks the Bible as ‘Hand-me-down Revelation’
- Rick Warren, Bad Theology, and the Evangelical Dance with Quid Pro Quo
- The New Evangelical False Gospel of Unity
- Prophecy Speculation for the Umpteenth Time
- Post NAR Traumatic Stress
- The New Evangelical False Gospel of Unity
- The First ‘Transgender Bishop’ Shows How Churches Abandon Christianity
- Charismatics Issue ‘Prophetic Standards’ To Address False Trump Prophecies
- Major Catholic Theological Institute ‘Annuls’ Doctrines Opposing Homosexuality
- SBC President Continues to Promote Same-Sex Attraction ‘Christianity’
- A Typical Beth Moore Study – Her Teaching Is Not Bible Teaching
- ‘I Kissed Dating Goodbye’ Author Trashes Book with ‘Bull-Dyke’ Pastrix
- The Mainstreaming Of Neo-Gnosticism In Evangelicalism
- The Christian Post Doesn’t Differentiate Between Genuine Believers and Twice the Sons of Hell
- How to view claims of dreams and visions
- False Assumptions – The Consequences of False Teaching
- Tim Keller Says Biblical Moral Values Cannot Be Proven to Be True
- Beth Moore now in open rebellion to the Bible
- Preparing Your Children for the Next Sexual Revolution
- Birds of a Feather: Karen Swallow Prior Defends Beth Moore, Slanders the Church
- Revoice Gay-Straight Friends Planning a Life Together
- Christianity Today Says Jesus Taught us How to ‘Doubt Faithfully,’ We’re Saved by His Doubts
- Bethel Church Promo Shows Bill Johnson Thinks People are Stupid
- Did a False Teacher Heal You?
- Why It’s Impossible For Christianity To Ever Endorse Transsexuality
- Deceased, Gay-Affirming Scripture Twister to Release Children’s Book ‘What is God Like?’
- Bye-Bye Beth: What Beth Moore’s Split with the SBC Means
- JD Greear Defends Staff Member Who Had Gay Hookups Online and Looked at Gay Pornography
- Andy Stanley’s New Tirade Against the Church Proves He’s a Demonic Three-Fold Son of Hell
- Gay ‘Pastor’ Says If You Think Homosexuality is a Sin, Then You Want All Homosexuals Killed
- The End of Frivolous Religion?
- Shockingly, Many Christians Think Nothing of Using Satanic Practices to ‘Experience God in a Powerful Way’
- Principled People Should Cut All Ties With the Episcopal Church
- So-Called Evangelicals Hail Biden On Immigration
- Christian Options Living Under a Marxist Regime
- Judah Smith and Churchome Bring on Trinity-Denier T.D Jakes as Board Member
- Commonly Misused Bible Verses: 2 Chronicles 7:14
- Why Your Church Should Practice Church Discipline
- Beth Moore’s Beliefs are Far More Dangerous than ‘Trumpism’
- Lauren Daigle Star Performer in Mormon Christmas Special
- Vile, Blasphemous ‘Thank God for Abortion Anthem’ Blasts Church Interference, Demands Bodily ‘Sovereignty’
- Judgment is Here: Seventy Percent of Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage
- Compromised Evangelicals Misuse, Misinterpret, and Mangle Bible to Defend Open Borders!
- Al Mohler, Asleep at the Wheel, Finally Explains Why Christians Must Support Trump
- Read The Gospels: JC Is Not PC
- Do False Teachers Know they’re False?
- Why can’t believers ‘decree’ Psalm 91 as protection against coronavirus?
- Beth Moore Denies Original Sin, Says We are Born Seeking Things of God
- Christian author Jen Hatmaker files for divorce
- Steven Furtick Says it’s Impossible to Believe Jesus is Lord Without a Doubt, Tells Staff Never to Say it
- The Problematic Misuse of Matthew 18:20
- The Gospel Coalition Says Gay Pride Flag Same as Noah’s Rainbow, Represents Safety
- Things Paul Never Wrote
- God calls us to wisdom, not conspiracy theories
- Why Kobe’s Death Reminds Us That There’s Not Enough Time For ‘Hospitality Evangelism’
- Context Matters: Abstain from All Appearance of Evil
- Jen Hatmaker Joins Radical Pro-Choice Politician to Promote ‘Women’s Rights’
- Christians, Shake Your Heads: Vague Self-Help Book Spends 15 Straight Months Atop Bestseller List
- SBC President Says Stop Being a Pharisee, Pride, Materialism, Greater Sins Than Homosexuality
- Nancy Pelosi Keeps Quoting Her Favorite Bible Verse. The Mystery: It’s Not Actually in the Bible
- The importance of teaching sound doctrine
- How to Guard against False Ideas about God
- Study Indicates Beginning of Scripture Neglected
- Carried About by Every Wind of Doctrine
- 5 Reasons Churches Should Teach Theology to Children
- Are there codes in the Bible?
- Building a Biblically Healthy Women’s Ministry
- 5 Most Ridiculous Books to Ever Become Christian Bestsellers
- How to Combat Biblical Illiteracy in the Church