Research: Discernment
What exactly is discernment? It means “to distinguish, to separate out by diligent search, to examine.”
Search…examine… “Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.” (Acts 17:11, emphasis added) The Berean Christians didn’t take Paul’s word for anything. They listened to his teaching and then they went to the scriptures to see if what he taught was true. Because the Bereans checked Paul’s teaching against Scripture, he commended them saying that they were “more noble than those in Thessalonica.”
Christians who are spiritually discerning are able to properly distinguish between true and false teaching. Those with discernment have wisdom. Moreover, in the Bible we’re told that a true believer possesses the mind of Christ. “The spiritual person judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one. ‘For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?’ But we have the mind of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 2:15-16)
According to Bible expositor Matthew Henry:
The apostles were not guided by worldly principles. They had the revelation of these things from the Spirit of God, and the saving impression of them from the same Spirit. These things they declared in plain, simple language, taught by the Holy Spirit, totally different from the affected oratory or enticing words of man’s wisdom. The natural man, the wise man of the world, receives not the things of the Spirit of God. The pride of carnal reasoning is really as much opposed to spirituality, as the basest sensuality. The sanctified mind discerns the real beauties of holiness, but the power of discerning and judging about common and natural things is not lost. But the carnal man is a stranger to the principles, and pleasures, and actings of the Divine life. The spiritual man only, is the person to whom God gives the knowledge of his will. … And the apostles were enabled by his Spirit to make known his mind. In the Holy Scriptures, the mind of Christ, and the mind of God in Christ, are fully made known to us. It is the great privilege of Christians, that they have the mind of Christ revealed to them by his Spirit. They experience his sanctifying power in their hearts, and bring forth good fruits in their lives. (Source – bold added)
Only the spiritual man (regenerate) possesses the knowledge of God’s will….because he has the mind of Christ. Henry calls to our attention that it is through reading the scriptures that the spiritual man receives the knowledge of His will.
Before we move on we must add a word of caution from blogger and author Tim Challies. Speaking on discernment in “How can I increase my spiritual discernment?” he wrote:
Some have mistakenly defined spiritual discernment as a God-given awareness of evil or good spiritual presences—the ability to tell if a demon is in the room. While some people may possess this capability, it is not the biblical meaning of discernment. Spiritual discernment ultimately has to do with wisdom and the ability to distinguish truth from error.
So – how do Christians grow in spiritual discernment? Two ways. By allowing the Holy Spirit to be their guiding light; likewise, thorough carefully studying the Bible.
What should we do to determine if a person’s teaching is unbiblical? We are commanded to test what’s being taught. In fact, Paul urges believers to “test everything; hold fast what is good.” (1 Thessalonians 5:21) Likewise, John encourages us to “test the spirits to see whether they are from God.” How does one test a spirit? By reading the scriptures, in context, for that’s where Truth is found. Why is “testing” so important? “For many false prophets have gone out into the world.” (1 John 4:1) False prophets/teachers distort the truth….which is why the Bible refers to them as false teachers and wolves in sheep’s clothing. It’s no exaggeration to say that a large number of charlatans knowingly—and without a smidgeon of guilt–lie through their teeth. Admittedly, examining someone’s teaching is no easy task. But nowhere in Scripture are we told that it should be left to “professionals”; it is clearly our responsibility.
We mustn’t ignore the fact that any teaching that fails to line up with what the scriptures say is not from God. And if the Bible’s not the source of his/her teaching, most likely its source is the “spiritual forces of evil in heavenly places.” Satan’s not called the father of lies because he’s a truth teller!
Far too many Christians rely on the discernment of other believers, like those of us involved in online discernment ministries. It’s okay to learn from each other (iron sharpens iron), but again, we must do as the Bereans did – test! Regrettably, when it comes to testing for errors, a growing number of professing Christians deserve a failing grade.
Because so many people spend a huge amount of time on one form of technology or another, it’s easy to see why the views so many evangelicals hold are derived from TV preachers, radio/podcast personalities, best-selling books, popular bloggers and even social media. Many individuals who claim to be evangelicals search religious TV networks such as TBN, Daystar and God TV looking for a spiritual fix. Unbeknownst to them, they’re exposed to rank heresy taught by Word of Faith (WoF) teachers like Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Paula White, Joyce Meyer, Fred Price, Creflo Dollar as well as “life coach” Joel Osteen.
If Christians would take the time to test those mentioned above, they’d discover that their teaching is decidedly unbiblical. The fact of the matter is that WoF is a theological cult. What often happens when this fact is pointed out to those who have bought into the teaching of these wolves is that they become defensive, even enraged, take aim and “shoot the messenger.” Sadly, many professing Christians prefer to hold onto their conspiracy theories, unbiblical philosophies and their distorted view of Scripture than spend time studying the Bible, in context. As the saying goes: Context, context, context! Why? For the reason that taking a verse out of its proper context leads to error. According to 2 Timothy 3:16, all Scripture is “God-breathed” which means that the words on the page are inspired by or come directly from God, not from the writers. We’re commanded to read, study, and understand God’s Word. But first we must pray and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance so that we are able to discern the things of God. (1 Corinthians 2:14) In John 16:13 we learn that the Spirit of truth guides us into all truth.
What about believers who claim that they hear directly from God, those who say “God spoke to me”…“God told me” to do …”I felt led to“…I sensed that God wanted me to___” You fill in the blank. “There is no divining of the will of God through feelings or extra-biblical visions or pictures that appear in our minds or voices we hear,” says Mike Ratliff. “God will never violate the truths He has given to us in His Word.”
Televangelists, who pretend to have a direct pipeline to God, prance around in front of the TV camera, claiming to hear a “word from the Lord.” At the risk of sounding divisive, most televangelists teach outright heresy (I can prove it), so why would God speak to them at all? Frauds should not expect to hear from God; they should expect to be rebuked by God.
What are we to do about false teachers? We are to “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. (Ephesians 5:11) To expose means “to reprove with conviction upon the offender,” says Ratliff. So we must point out to the offender their error. And if they do not listen and repent? Then we “prove to the Body of Christ that this is so using the Word of God to show how they are not being obedient to God.” (Source)
The goal for every Christian is to eliminate aberrant and heretical teaching and all that this includes from Christ’s church. The only way for this to happen is for each of us to become a Berean. So with this in mind, those who love the Lord Jesus must “contend [fight in its defense] for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.” (Jude 1:3)
Scroll to the end to see the list of people, churches, movements, ministries, books, etc., we warn about.
“75 Red Flags” Is A Guide For Donors Who Want To Dig Deep– MinistryWatch
Heresy: Includes a list of heresies
Despite What Crackpot “Theologians” Say, Paul’s Words are the Authoritative Word of God by Jeff Maples NEW!
When to Rebuke Sharply (and Gently) by Dan Crabtree NEW!
Is the ‘Christian Right’ doing the right thing in God’s eyes? by Marsha West
Christians are being led to the gates of hell by progressive’s Fake Jesus by Marsha West
True Compassion and LGBTQ Weddings Ligonier
A Culture of Unholy Christians by Marsha West
Self-absorbed ‘Christians’ And Their Perceptions Of The Bible by Marsha West
Why Do You Love Your Sin So Much? by Marsha West
The Pentecostalization of Christian Worship by David de Bruyn
What Are Legalism and Antinomianism? Ligonier
Are You Praying to the Only True God? by Marsha West
Destroying the Family by Peter Jones
Exposed: The Charismatic Excesses ‘Jesus Revolution’ Conveniently Left Out by Marsha West
An Open Letter to Fellow Believers Who Have Concerns About Online Polemics/Discernment Ministry by David Morrill
Breaking down the truth that women may not preach in church or teach men by Elizabeth Prata
Dispensationalism, Ultra-dispensationalism, Hyper-dispensationalism. Is there a Difference? “At the heart of most forms of ultra-dispensationalism is the belief that Paul preached a different gospel from what the other apostles taught.” by Marsha West
The Chosen TV Series – An Unholy Alliance With Mormons by Ingrid McCullough
Christian publishing houses are advancing the apostasy pandemic in the Church by Marsha West
Evangelicalism has been hijacked by ‘woke’ elitist progressive ‘Christians’ by Marsha West
A Manifesto of Christian Discernment by Steven Kozar
We need discernment ministries? Yes, absolutely! by G. Richard Fisher
Speaking up for discernment ministries by Elizabeth Prata
Have Christians Lost the Art of Biblical Discernment? by Marsha West
Developing Biblical Discernment, 1 John 4:1-6 by Don Green
Discernment Made Easy: A List of Celebrity Christians Who Declare the Bible Insufficient by Bud Ahlheim
Discernment Ministries: A Helpful Defense by Gary Gilley
Does the Bible Actually Teach That We’re Not to Judge Others? by Marsha West
Have your cake and eat it too Christianity (One Way or Any Way?) by Greg Koukl
Is She a false teacher? Seven steps to figuring it out on your own by Michelle Lesley
Seven Reasons 1 Timothy:12 isn’t the crazy aunt we hide in the closet when company comes over by Michelle Lesley
Still Be Discerning about Discerners Discerning Discernment Ministries by Michelle Lesley
The Disturbing Legacy of Charles Finney by Michael S. Horton
The Power of De-Conversion Stories: How Jen Hatmaker is Trying to Change Minds About the Bible by Michael J. Krueger
What Is Discernment? by Sinclair Ferguson
Why doesn’t God just talk to me? by Dan DeWitt
(The) Dissenter (Formerly Reformation Charlotte)
Holly Pivec (Formerly Spirit of Error)
If You Want to Have Better Discernment, Watch THIS NEW!
What’s Wrong with The Bible Project? — Gabe Hughes
What does Progressive Christianity have in common with other religions? — Alisa Childers interviews David Wolcott
Concerning Angels — Haunted Cosmos
Rick Warren’s dangerous sugar-coated easy believism teachings
The Duty of Discernment — Justin Peters
The SBC: Revoice, Posture Shift, He Gets Us Campaign and Homosexuals Baptizing at FBC Orlando — Justin Peters
The Truth About Gay Christians | Voddie Baucham, James White vs Matthew Vines
Discernment in the days of deception — Phil Johnson
Why Your church shouldn’t play Bethel and Hillsong music — Todd Friel and Justin Peters provide numerous warnings to pastors and youth leaders about using Jesus Culture/Bethel Music, Elevation Worship, and Hillsong Worship music in their congregations and groups.
Defining Social Justice: meaning, movement, mission–Voddie Baucham
The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment by Tim Challies
Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. 29 I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; 30and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them. 31Therefore be alert, remembering that for three years I did not cease night or day to admonish every one with tears. 32And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified. (Acts 20:28-32)
But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. (2 Peter 2:1)
About this we have much to say, and it is hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing. 12For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food, 13for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child. 14But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil. (Hebrews 5:11-14)
For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. 13And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account. (Hebrews 4:12)
If you just let the modern media soak into your mind without exercising biblical discernment, your mind will be turned to mush (morally as well as intellectually). So when you watch, read, or listen to anything, Christian or non-Christian, your brain should be in gear, not in neutral. You need to be interacting with the material in that art form in a manner that is illustrated by the phrase “talking back to your TV.” Talk back to your music, talk back to your books, talk back to the movie screen–not out loud (though sometimes that might be appropriate!), but in your heart and mind. And when you see or hear something good, make a note of the truth that is communicated or illustrated. When you see or hear something bad, make a note of how and why it displeases God, and think about why you should not believe or practice it. This way you will be “taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5), rather than allowing your mind to be captured by the deceptive and destructive ideas of the enemy. – Dave Swavely, Who Are You To Judge?, pg.140-141
H/T Glenn Chatfield
See the list of NAR wolves and their organizations here
See the list of Word of Faith, Health & Wealth, Prosperity Gospel here
See the list of leaders in the Emergent/Emergence/Emerging Church movement here
Views expressed by individual authors and/or sources don’t necessarily reflect those of Marsha West
CRN articles about Discernment
- Is Discernment Ministry Biblical?
- What Is Sound Doctrine?
- How Does God Speak to Me Today?
- Heavenly Tourism
- Thieves and Robbers: Knowing the False Teachers
- Charismatic Gullibility, Dr. Michael Brown and Discernment
- 28 Things You Didn’t Know About “Christian” Psychology
- “Psst…Lectio Divina…Your Mysticism is Showing”
- Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump?
- A calling out of all false teachers
- The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men
- Unbelief leads to deception
- How are genuine Christians to handle false accusations and slander?
- I have not come to bring peace, but a sword
- Counterfeit religiosity
- Standing firm as a good soldier of Christ Jesus
- Being a good servant of Jesus Christ
- Why is sound doctrine so important for Christians?
- Where is the promise of his coming?
- Discernment and Christian Maturity
- The Christ of God
- Are You Seeking the Bread or the One Who Breaks the Bread?
- The Passion of the Presence and the Purpose of the Passion
- Considering All that Is Lost on Account of Knowing Christ as Dung
- Who Are the Sheep and Who Are the Goats?
- Drinking From the Cup of Obedience
- Trust in God Destroys the Fear of Man
- Separating Regenerate Christianity from Counterfeit Christianity
- The Cost and Benefits of Obediently Standing in the Gap
- The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia
- Therefore Make your Calling and Election Sure
- Jesus Christ’s Glory and the Prophetic Word
- Not Philosophy But Christ
- Teach Sound Doctrine
- Examine Your Motives?
- A Case of Spiritual Blindness
- What is the Spirit of the Antichrist?
- The Characteristics of an Apostate
- Have You Been Crucified With Christ?
- A Warning to All Professing Christians
- Friendship with the World Is Enmity with God
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- Henpecked and Out of Her Depth: Julie Roys’ Chickens Come Home to Roost Following Kyle J. Howard Scandal
- Progressive Infiltration and Christian Conviction
- Boys in Girls’ Locker Rooms? Public Schools Are Quickly Becoming LGBTQ Whorehouses
- Greg Laurie Says Practicing Homosexual Deathbed Prophecy Has Come to Pass in New Movie
- Practicing Discernment and Marking False Teachers is Not ‘Casting Stones,’ It’s an Act of Love
- Andy Stanley Says His Father’s Dying Words to Him Were ‘I Couldn’t Be Prouder of You’
- Allen Parr vs Discernment Ministries: How Allen Parr Gatekeeps on Discernment
- How is the Church to Treat Wolves? A Biblical Approach to False Teachings
- The Discernment of Charles Spurgeon, a Foundation for the Modern Believer
- Truth Amidst Turmoil: Discerning and Defending the Faith in the Age of Subtle Spiritual Deception
- Enchanted and Ensnared by Music
- How to ‘contend for the faith’ while we take care of ourselves and others in this fight
- Loving God with Knowledgeable Discernment
- Signs of Deception
- David Platt Says He Loves Jesus Even More Because of False Teacher, Francis Chan
- Russell Moore Speaker at ‘The Gospel For Enneagram Summit’ + Joined By Some Legit Heretics
- Discernment: A Spiritual Battle, Not a Logical One
- The Muddy Waters of the Enneagram
- Bible Project’s Tim Mackie and contemplative prayer
- Lies Abound in Liberal Christianity Today’s Rehashed Smear Piece on John MacArthur
- Doctrines of Demons: Guarding Against the Influx of False Teachers
- Christian Media Runs Cover For Andy Stanley
- The issue with Parachurch organizations – especially ones founded by women
- Beth Moore Chastises Christians Who Publicly Humiliate Heretics
- Combating False Teaching: The Essential Duty of Pastors in Defending the Church
- Twisted Scripture: The Growing Trend of Re-interpreting the Scriptures to Justify Our Own Passions
- Five Biblical Ways to Identify a False Teacher
- Jackie Hill Perry Repents of Using and Promoting the Enneagram, Calls it Demonic
- Bethel Leader Selling ‘Prophetic Leggings’ to ‘Enhance Your Awareness of God’s Prescence’
- The Gospel Coalition’s 2022 Best Movies List is Full of Graphic Sex and Nudity
- The Chosen is Offering a Free Trial to an App That Lets You Pray With Their Cast Members
- Mike Winger, Allen Parr, and the Darker Side of Christian YouTube
- Neopagans, Satanists, Witches, and New Agers
- Why Christians should not celebrate Halloween
- In Discernment: What Constitutes A Low Hanging Fruit?
- On Spiritual Partnerships With Apostates: Where We Draw the Line Biblically
- Disgraced and Defiant Pastor Tullian Tchividjian Headlining Men’s Conference
- The Bible Says ‘Do Not Be Deceived.’ Have You Opened Yourself Up For Deception?
- Do ‘The Chosen’ Mormon Executive Producers see Mormonism and Christianity coming together?
- Max Lucado Affirms Mormon, Glenn Beck, as a Believer Whom The Holy Spirit Intercedes For With Prayer
- ‘I (Heart) Hot Youth Pastors’ Stickers Drawing Ire in a South Carolina Church
- As it stands right now, Joel and Victoria Osteen are not going to Heaven. Here’s proof.
- Sean Feucht: Church Hero or Villain
- 40 Losers vs Doug Wilson: How Not To Do Discernment
- How to Deal with False Teachers
- Should Christians be Praying for Wolves?
- Polemics’ Threefold Display Of Love
- False Teachers and Deadly Doctrines
- Alistair Begg Also Shares Concerns About Beth Moore, But Will Still Preach with Her
- In Wake of Beth Moore Crisis, Some Evangelicals Warn People Against Discernment!
- Discerning Presbyterians Vindicated After Aimee Byrd Preaches Sermon, Gives Church Benediction
- Is Christian Post Worse Than Gospel Coalition?
- Michael Brown is An Apologist for the Devil
- A Brief Condescension to James White on the Topic of Rosaria Butterfield
- James White, Rosaria Butterfield, And The Secret Changing Of Minds
- The Most Telling Indicator of Who is a Sheep and Who is a Goat… Or at Least Who we Should Take Seriously and Who We Shouldn’t
- Get Used to a Different Jesus
- Justin Peters Warns About Ligon Duncan at John MacArthur’s Truth Matters Conference
- Purpose Driven Dismantling of Christianity (Reprise)
- Thank God For Clarity
- Of course they are coming for your children
- ‘The Chosen’ Is An Affront To A Holy God
- TV’s ‘The Chosen’ Director Dallas Jenkins Doubles Down on Controversial Mormon Comments, Straight up Lies
- Hillsong Music is for the Spiritually Shallow
- Vetting the News…to Unmask Deceptive Reporting
- Author That Beth Moore Praises and David Platt and TGC Platforms Comes Out in Support of ‘Queer Theology’
- ERLC, CT, TGC: How The Federal Government Used Evangelical Leaders To Spread Covid Propaganda To Churches
- Beth Moore Complains That John MacArthur and Others Didn’t Apologize for Telling Her to ‘Go Home’
- ‘The Chosen’ Biblical Consultant met Christ via New Age/Eastern Meditation?
- Thousands of American Pastors Preach in Solidarity With Canadian Christians Crushed by Demonic New Law
- What Happens to Your Soul When You Die?
- Evangelical Leaders Who Denounced COVID ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Look Really Stupid Today
- The Chosen Dilemma: Not a faithful film version of the gospel accounts
- The Chosen is not the evangelistic tool Christians hoped it would be. Here’s why.
- TGC’s ‘Best Movies of 2021’ Include Abortion and Sex Propaganda, Children Smoking Pot, and R-Rated Blasphemy
- Beth Moore is finally ‘home’
- Dane Ortlund Wants to Make Sure You Don’t Reject Hillsong Music Just Because It Sounds Happy
- What is a ‘gateway verse’ and why is it dangerous?
- The Shattering of Evangelicalism
- Steven Furtick and Other Heretics Win ‘Christian Music’ Dove Awards for 2021
- Sharing Christ with those who worship idols
- Should My Church Participate in Operation Christmas Child’s Shoebox Ministry?
- The Force, the Spirit, and Romans 8
- ‘Apostle’ Says God Opened Door to Pentagon, He Walked, Generals Were Crying and Weeping as He ‘Prophesied’
- The Chosen TV Series – An Unholy Alliance With Mormons
- Major evangelical figure comes out as gay
- The Rotten Fruit of the NAR (Reprise)
- What is the ‘gateway drug’ to heresy?
- Three Oneness Pentecostals, an Adulterer, a Whoremonger, a Pillow Tycoon, and Trump’s Lawyer Headline a Conference Together…
- Monumental Confusion: A Review of Kirk Cameron’s Documentary: Monumental
- Eric Metaxas Has Completely Lost It
- Ed Litton Is Disqualified From The Pastorate, But Is He Even A Christian?
- JD Greear Admits to Purchasing Sermon Material to Make Himself ‘Look Good’
- Is God really the one behind ‘The Chosen,’ as the creator of the series declares?
- To My Fathers and Brothers: A Plea From Your Sister In the Pew
- Popular Christian music groups teaching heresy?
- Priscilla Shirer Attacks the Bible as ‘Hand-me-down Revelation’
- Prophecy Speculation for the Umpteenth Time
- The New Evangelical False Gospel of Unity
- The Christian Post Doesn’t Differentiate Between Genuine Believers and Twice the Sons of Hell
- How to view claims of dreams and visions
- False Assumptions – The Consequences of False Teaching
- Preparing Your Children for the Next Sexual Revolution
- Christianity Today Says Jesus Taught us How to ‘Doubt Faithfully,’ We’re Saved by His Doubts
- For progressive ‘Christians’ it was never about ‘kids in cages’
- Did a False Teacher Heal You?
- John Piper Gives Glowing Endorsement to IHOPKC Heretic, Mike Bickle, Says Francis Chan
- Shockingly, Many Christians Think Nothing of Using Satanic Practices to ‘Experience God in a Powerful Way’
- How could Ravi use ‘winning souls’ as an excuse to degrade the soul in front of him?
- False Prophets: Masters Of Disguise (Fooled you?)
- Discernment, ‘Evil Suspicions,’ and Beth Moore
- Leaving Lysa: Why You Shouldn’t Be Following Lysa TerKeurst or Proverbs 31 Ministries
- Why Your Church Should Practice Church Discipline
- Why We’re all Responsible for the Scandals in the Church
- Betrayed Trust, Part One: New Testimony, Emails & Other Documents Portray Ravi Zacharias as Predator in Sexting Scandal
- Betrayed Trust, Part Two: Woman Accused in Sexting Scandal Claims Ravi Zacharias Groomed & Exploited Her
- Betrayed Trust, Part Three: Ravi Zacharias Claimed Accusers in Sexting Scandal Were Extortionists, But Evidence Indicates Otherwise
- TGC’s ‘Best Movies of 2020’ List is Filled With Sexual Scenes, Genitals, and Foul Language
- Should Christians Vote for the Vain and Boastful?
- A subtle and dangerous shift in Christianity
- John Piper Says Trump’s Personal Immorality More Deadly Than Planned Parenthood
- Do False Teachers Know they’re False?
- New Ravi Zacharias Allegations Highlight Secrecy, Cover-Up & Questionable Practices at RZIM
- Greear and Keller Join New Movement to Support ‘Democrat Christians’
- Wait, What?! Pro-Life ‘Conservatives’ Voting for Biden?
- Christianity Today Reports On Claims Of Ravi Zacharias’s Sexual Misconduct At Spas
- Have Christians Lost the Art of Biblical Discernment? (Reprise)
- Tim Keller Says Christians Have Freedom to Vote For Pro-Abortion, Pro-LGBTQ Democrats
- Ravi Zacharias, Jivan Spa and Sexual Abuse: It’s Time to Speak Out
- Christians, Come Back
- You Can Be A Christian, You Can Be A Marxist, But You Can’t Be Both
- Pixar Short Animated Film ‘Out’ on Disney+ Features Studio’s First Homosexual Main Character
- What Is Discernment?
- On Discerning Ravi Zacharias: It’s time to say what needs to be said
- Sharp Eyes, Soft Hearts, And Sanctified Minds: Evaluating Christian Books
- Max Lucado Endorses Anti-Trinitarian Word of Faith Heretic Steven Furtick
- Warning about ‘The Bible Project’
- Franklin Graham, Evangelicals Join Pro-LGBTQ Activist, Anti-Trinitarian for ‘Christian Concert’
- The Christian Post’s ‘Editorial Advisors’ Surprised to Learn of Company’s Crimes
- With Virus Front and Center, Watch for Tricks from Sexual Left
- The Church after the Coronavirus
- Solomon asked for discernment and the LORD was greatly pleased
- Democrats Give Christians Advice on Not Worshiping ‘Lesser Gods’ by Being ‘Too Involved in Politics’
- John MacArthur decries division in evangelicalism, calls for unity on sound doctrine
- Jesus, the Prostitutes, and Transgender Outreach
- A Call to Separation
- The Woke Hermeneutics of Modern Day Evangelicals
- Gaia Goes to Church: The Revival of an Ancient Pagan Goddess
- The Gospel Is The Power Of God For Salvation Conforming the Hearts of Believers To Christ
- LGBTQ-Incompatible Means Gracious Separation is the Church’s Best Option
- Michael Brown Says a Witch ‘Sincerely Desires’ to See People Saved, He’s More Concerned About Discerning Christians
- Latest SBC Fiasco Is What Happens When Leaders Ignore Discernment Ministries
- A Former Beth Moore Follower Explains Why She Dumped Her After Learning the Truth
- 9Marks Leader, Mark Dever, Defends the Legitimacy of Voting for Pro-Choice Candidates for Social Justice Causes
- How do Christians respond when they feel the’ve been wronged? Judging by SEBTS and its employees, rage on Twitter!
- Should we care about a Bible teacher’s lifestyle?
- Lauren Daigle and the Fruit of ‘Losing Her Religion’
- Ten Truths about a Liar
- Discernment IS Love
- Are there apostles and prophets today?
- Ex-Witch’s Warning About New Disney Show: ‘It’s Not a Joke… That Realm Is Very Real’
- Do Discerning Christians Hate the Local Church?
- Yes, the Devil is Real
- Context Matters: Abstain from All Appearance of Evil
- Criticism of the Southern Baptist Convention and the Role of Discernment Blogs
- Impeachment, Karl Barth, and Christianity Today
- What Churches Should Know About YWAM: ‘Hearing God’s Voice’
- Max Lucado’s Endorsement of Jen Hatmaker: What it Means and Why it Matters
- Passion Conference: Parents barred from attending, errant teachings introduced, false teachers lauded, and more. Linkapalooza inside
- Warning to Parents: New Disney Cartoon Teaches Kids How to Be Witches, Using a Demon to Do So
- ‘If I ever meet him I’ll probably sock him in the face’ said Jen Wilkin, Redefining Rahab
- Boundary Stones and Slippery Slopes: A discerning look at Jen Wilkin, part 1
- Bethel Church Hires Lindsay Lohan Crisis Manager Over Dead Baby Controversy
- Toddler Death at Bethel Reveals the True Damage from NAR Theology
- A Half-Learned Christ…Makes You Gullible
- What is God’s Purpose in Allowing False Teachers to Flourish?
- Don’t Feed The Trolls
- A Whole lotta ‘Christian’ bestsellers are unfit for Christian consumption
- Pawns for Godless Climate Extremism
- Why Do These Pastors Desire to Dress and Act Like Effeminate, Homosexual Men?
- The AND Campaign Markets a Radical Left-Wing Agenda to Evangelicals
- 4 Reasons Why You Should Never Join a Church that Does Not Practice Church Discipline
- Purpose Driven Dismantling of Christianity
- Pitiable Capitulating Pro-Family Leaders – Part 1 (Reprise)
- ‘Great Discussion and Celebration’: Faith Leaders Pray for Trump at White House
- Southern Baptist Publication Proves Women Should Go Home
- Pro-Abortion Cursing Rapper Wins ‘Gospel Artist of the Year’ at Dove Awards
- Charles Stanley Said ‘God Told Me Which Thanksgiving Turkey to Buy’
- Why You Should Resist Conspiracy Theories
- Christianity Is Teaming With Creepy Con-artists, Soothsayers, Heavenly Tourism Peddlers & Partakers In ‘Faith-based’ Yoga
- While SBC Pastor and The Gospel Coalition Push For Reparations, The Bible is Clear that Whites Owe Nothing
- Are You Really A Christian?
- John MacArthur Calls Tullian Tchividjian a Heretic, Created a Theology to Accommodate His Sin
- People struggling with mental illness shouldn’t be in church leadership, Jarrid Wilson’s friend says
- Is the Reformed Christian Movement Splitting over ‘Woke’ Theology?
- ‘Banned Books Week’ Protects Low Quality Trash
- The Fading Light Of Pop-Christianity
- SBC President Says Stop Being a Pharisee, Pride, Materialism, Greater Sins Than Homosexuality
- The Gospel Coalition Promotes a Conference Pushing the Rainbow to Tweens
- Christian Rocker Posts Stunning Response to Recent Apostasy of Christian Leaders
- Please, Women, Stop Reading Ann Voskamp
- Has the PCA Become A De Facto ‘Side B’ Church?
- Better gear up for the 5 major changes coming to the Church (Reprise)
- Better gear up for the 5 major changes coming to the Church
- Beth Moore Labels Christians Against Homosexuality, ‘Hyper-Fundamentalists’
- Cultural and Theological Stockholm Syndrome
- How many sins will it take for the Southern Baptist Convention to disqualify false teachers?
- The Root of Idolatry
- New Apostolic Reformation Kryptonite
- The Usurpation of Evangelicalism by Social Action Warriors
- Christian, you’re engulfed in an all-out spiritual battle. Are you prepared for it?
- Secularism: A Dangerous Anti-Tradition Precedent
- What to do when a Homeless Person Asks you for Money
- Reprise: Christian “watchbloggers” under fire
- Dissecting Another Anti-Discernment Hit-Piece
- Beth Moore’s Journey From Women’s Bible Teacher to Full Blown Feminist
- Of Course We Should Continue Criticizing the Work of Rachel Held Evans
- The Gay Christian: The Unicorn In Our Midst
- Sacred Space and the Trivialisation of God
- Charisma News Has So Many Dumb Contributors
- The Wolf-Defenders Are Out in Full Force After Chan Attends The Send
- JD Greear, President Of The SBC, Charged Money To Attend His Good Friday Worship Service
- The Battlefield of the Mind
- Am I doing something wrong if I make a huge decision and don’t wait to hear from God?
- Have Christians lost the art of biblical discernment?
- Setting the Stage for TGC19 – Conversations with Jesus: Emotionalism, Collectivism, Universalism and Error
- Roma Downey’s Financial Contribution to New Ager Marianne Williamson Raises Many Questions
- Kathy Keller: Church as Usual Will Not ‘Work’
- The Early Symptoms of Spiritual Danger
- Francis Chan is apostatizing before our eyes
- Al Mohler: No Surprise Compromise
- Francis Chan Defends His Friendship With False Teachers
- Killing Worship: The Experience (Part 1)
- Preaching for Doctrinal Discernment
- The Murder of Discernment in Modern Christianity
- The Christian and Tolerance
- Why calling Mary ‘Mother of God’ at Christmas Time is Not Helpful
- What Does it Mean to be Led by the Holy Spirit?
- Megachurch pastor tells church to stop going to yoga, because of its ‘demonic roots’
- 70% of Americans are Christians? Seriously? (Reprise)
- The Plight of Churchless Christians
- The 2018 State of Theology
- Downplaying the Devil in NAR
- Thanks for Nothing
- Being Berean – 8 Steps for Comparing Teaching to Scripture
- The church at Ephesus – discerning, yet found wanting
- 5 Signs of a Dangerous Pastor
- Wise to the Ways of the Worldly: 4 Ways Worldliness Sneaks In, and the Scriptures to Slay It
- Educational Limbo: How Low Can You Go?
- BSF Leader resigns; warns members about 2018 Study
- What does Jesus think about discernment? This verse tells you
- Leaving Louie Giglio: A Passion City Story
- If You’re Looking for a Church with These Qualities, Look Again
- The dangerous theology of Spiritual Breakthrough
- Assertions and Assumptions are NOT the Foundation of the Church
- Should Followers of Christ Observe the Torah?
- Rejecting the Sufficiency of Scripture Results in Cultural Chaos
- Social Justice, the Global Church, and Controversies
- Solving Misogyny- You’re Doing It Wrong
- Oleo on the buffet line is not what your women’s ministries need.
- Assemblies of God Leader Dr. George Wood Joins New Age Sympathizer Leonard Sweet at Luther 2017 (Another Step Toward Rome?)
- Why Dr. Michael Brown Has No Credibility
- Important questions for church leaders
- Sufficiency of Scripture
- A Comment to the Snowflake Society: Breathe in, breathe out, move on
- The Wretched Art of Loveless Discernment
- Dr. Oz, Priscilla Shirer, Carl Lentz partner for ‘Faithful Fridays’ show
- Are there codes in the Bible?
- 10 ways to identify false teaching
- 10 invalid arguments in defense of false teachers
- Discernment: A Spiritual Battle, Not a Logical One
- A No Holds Barred Response to Beth Moore’s ‘A Letter to My Brothers’
- Leaning Toward Heresy
- Let’s stop snuggling the wolves
- Discernment Challenge: If you see something, say something!
- Emotional manipulators: The truth must die
- Shirley Dobson Passes Prayer Mantle to Anne Graham Lotz?
- Not “Tired,” but Tried and True!
- Parents: If your church is ‘Turning Orange…’
- The ‘Sounds True’ ‘Self-Acceptance Summit’
- ‘I can’t find a solid church’
- Speaking up for discernment ministries
- Urgent Need for Discernment Among Evangelicals
- Please don’t say ‘broken’ when we mean sin
- How To Do Online Discernment Ministry, part 1
- Francis Chan: ‘God Might Kill You If You Criticize Church Leaders’
- A Naked Emperor in the Southern Baptist Convention
- ‘Should we take our kids to see “The Star” film?’
- Fighting Off the Wolves
- The Basic Spirituality of Yoga
- Todd Friel on signs & wonders…ministry support from nonbelievers…Destiny Cards…backsliding
- The entertainment-driven church
- Discernment: What’s Love Got to Do with It?
- Building a Biblically Healthy Women’s Ministry
- Enneagram: The Road Back to You, Or to Somewhere Else?
- What Is Truth?
- Are you easy prey for false prophets?
- Amputating Discernment Ministry from the Body of Christ
- Reprise: Responses to the Most Frequently Raised Discernment Objections
- A Move of the Holy Spirit & Christian Emotionalists
- Seven Reasons 1 Timothy 2:12 Isn’t the Crazy Aunt We Hide in the Closet when Company Comes Over
- The Gatekeepers of False Teachers Calling Out Renowned Christian Apologist
- Heresy Hunters Guide (Part 1): Why God has called Christians to be ‘Heresy Hunters’.
- Doing Church Away from Church isn’t Church
- List of important Christians to follow on social media (not). Plus, ridiculous books
- Michael Brown has been WHITE-washed?
- A Pox Upon Our House: Three Chronic Diseases Plaguing Women’s Ministry
- The Antidote to Anemic Worship
- Ravi Zacharias Responds to Sexting Allegations, Credentials Critique
- Another Man’s Done Gone: David Platt and Beth Moore
- How to help indoctrinated cult victims break free
- Beth Moore Draws Parallels Between Noah’s Ark and Your Cell Phone Addiction
- What Do I See? False Prophets Everywhere — Not a Lucid Word to Spare
- Season of the Witch
- That’s scary, Part 2: The spookier reason for the Passion Translation New Testament’s Oct. 31 release date
- Is the Bible’s treatment of homosexuality ‘complicated’?
- Why Doesn’t God Just Talk To Me?
- Do you have the ‘spirit of Jezebel’?
- Women and False Teachers: Why Men Don’t Get It, and Why It’s Imperative That They Do
- New NAR group to keep your eyes on: The International Coalition of Prophets
- A Softer Prosperity Gospel: More Common Than You Think
- We Need Discernment Ministries? Yes Absolutely!
- Let’s stop supersizing ‘our dreams’
- Jerry Falwell Jr Embraces Prosperity Impastor, Paula White, calls Discerning Christians ‘Pharisaical’ and ‘Self-Righteous’
- The Young “Messiah”: Christians Delight In Really Bad Fanfiction
- Has the Bible Changed What You Watch?
- Yet Another One –An Undiscerning Believer– Is Being Deceived!
- Heresy Hunter’s Open letter to Michael Brown…
- Pastors, don’t be a jerk. Be a shepherd.
- We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us
- How much should ‘associations’ factor into my assessment of whether a teacher is false or not?
- 10 Signs of a Cultic Church
- Did God Forbid us to Critique or Criticize Church Leaders?
- The Irrelevant Christine Caine … A Dingo Ate My Legacy?
- You Might Be a Pharisee If . . .
- Preemptive Discernment Alert! New Heretic-Authored Book Forthcoming
- The Pharisees Weren’t Concerned With Sound Doctrine
- A Manifesto of Christian Discernment
- How Jesus Called Out False Teachers and Deadly Doctrine
- Post-Shack Christianity: The Lesson We Must Learn About Vigilant Discernment
- The Beth Moore Cornucopia of False Doctrine, Mysticism, and Impassioned Frenzy
- Eye Black Christianity: Tim Tebow, Clayton Jennings, and the Power of Celebrity
- Basic Training: The Bible Is Our Authority
- How Does Satan Propagate False Doctrines? THIS Fast
- Responses to the Most Frequently Raised Discernment Objections
- Bad Fruit, Diseased Trees, and the Authority of God’s Word
- The 2016 State of Theology Survey
- The pastor and inappropriate interactions with women in the church
- Evangelical Misogyny and the Spiritual Oppression of Christian Women
- Discernment Ministry – A Biblical Defense
- The disappearing “middleground” and the coming conflict
- Mark Driscoll: Worship God with Your Wallet to Put Content on My Website
- A Moment For Discernment In Books
- Your Berean Battle Plan: Remember
- Andy Stanley’s astonishing lack of discernment worsens
- The problem with tolerating false teachers is…
- Crisis at Andy Stanley’s North Point Church
- Why I Am Not Continuationist
- SBC’s Floyd: Doctrine of Unity Demands Decree Against Dissenters
- Women in Combat
- Andy Did It Again
- Christian Post Finds Christian Themes in Vulgar Blockbuster, DeadPool
- American Girls: How social media is disturbing the lives of teenagers
- Perceptions of Kay Arthur and Precept Ministries International
- Mark Driscoll rises from the ashes in Phoenix
- Christian clichés: The Hedge of Protection
- Selfie Righteousness
- Discernment as Free Speech
- Aren’t there ANY good preachers/churches left?
- Complementarian John Piper shares teaching duties with a woman?
- David Barton’s book on Jefferson republished
- Need help exchanging “whispers with God”?
- Heretical New Age books being promoted as Christian (and Christians are buying them)
- The Tolerence Jesus Will Not Tolerate
- Evaluating Beth Moore’s Upcoming Live Simulcast
- 70% of Americans are Christians? Seriously?
- Warning Met With Deafness
- MOVIEGUIDE Props Up Profane Preacher
- Dance and Comedy from Church on the Move
- Jonathan Welton’s gift of discernment of … human spirits?
- Heaven is real, but ‘Heaven is for Real’ is really not
- Addressing Concerns Over ‘Son of God’ Film
- Understanding the Times
- Why Impostors Love the Church
- Why has Liberty University agreed to bring Mark Driscoll to teach on sex?
- Got Meat? By Marsha West
- Exposing The Gospel Coalition’s Liberal Bible Commentary On Creation
- Paula White’s new book ‘Something Greater’ is revealing, disturbing and depressing
- The Hunger Games: What's So Good About Evil?