CRN articles about Homosexuality
- Jesus Didn’t Say Anything about Homosexuality
- Kevin Rudd, Homosexuality and Love
- Is Homosexuality a Sin?
- Fumbling the Ball
- Truth?
- Remove the Evil Man From Among Yourselves
- Free Speech, Same-Sex Marriage, Homosexuality and Chick-fil-A
- Alistair Begg Announces He’s Retiring From Senior Pastor at Parkside Church
- World Vision Serves as Stark Warning to Christian Ministries
- More than 7,000 churches split from United Methodist Church over homosexuality
- Newsom Picks a Gay, Black Maryland Gal to Represent California
- Repost: ‘The Words You Spoke Are Disturbing’: Kennedy Stuns As He Reads Explicit Kids’ Books During Hearing
- ‘The Words You Spoke Are Disturbing’: Kennedy Stuns As He Reads Explicit Kids’ Books During Hearing
- Saddleback Church Covers Up Its Support For Homosexuality
- More than 150 priests, others in Baltimore Archdiocese abused over 600 kids, Maryland AG report says
- Voddie Baucham Exposes Gay Attack on Churches, Rips Pastors Who Fall For It
- Amy Grant Plans To Host a Gay Wedding
- About the Non-Binary Drag Queen Biden Invited to the White House…
- Progressives grumble as Respect for Marriage Act advances: ‘I hate the Senate bill’
- Senate Votes to Pass Respect for Marriage Act
- Focus on the Family in Colorado vandalized with graffiti days after Club Q tragedy: ‘Blood is on your hands’
- PCA and Revoice Pastor Says Gay ‘Christian’ Couples Romantically Loving and Snuggling Together Isn’t Sinful
- Popular Evangelical Leaders Continue to Merge With Pro-LGBTQ Activists in the Name of Social Justice
- Biden’s Monkeypox Response Coordinator Digs Bondage Outfits & Satanism
- Prominent Catholic ‘Bible Scholar’ Argues the Bible is Pro-Homosexual
- Revoice Leader and SBC Seminary Grad Calls on Christians to Repent for Signing Statement on Biblical Sexual Ethics
- Mennonites Go Gay, Pass Resolution Allowing LGBTQ Weddings and ‘Repents’ for Excluding LGBTQ People
- Sex between men, not skin contact, is fueling monkeypox, new research suggests
- WHO declares monkeypox a global health emergency
- BOMBSHELL: Indisputable Proof SWBTS Lied; ERLC Targeted Professor for Preaching Against LGBT ‘Revoice’ Theology
- Street Preacher Arrested at Gay Pride Parade For Preaching, Bible Ripped and Thrown in Porta-Potty
- Pixar/Disney’s new Toy Story spinoff just bombed on opening weekend and I wonder why
- Disney’s ‘Toy Story’ spinoff banned in 14 countries over same-sex kiss
- The Hymn Society Releases Pro-Homosexual Hymnal Featuring Hymns Like ‘Queerly Beloved’
- Disney Releases LGBTQ Pride-Themed Toys Marketed to Children
- Tim Keller Promotes Gay Revoice Pastor’s Book That Teaches Christianity Doesn’t Change Homosexual Desires
- Disney Releases ‘Gayest Kids Movie Yet,’ Produced Long Before Florida Grooming Controversy
- Check Out This Trash Promoted On YouTube Kids And Tell Me They Aren’t Grooming Children
- Americans Sour on Disney’s LGBTQ Agenda
- Leaked documents show how teachers recruit students, form gay and transgender clubs in schools
- Ron DeSantis Slams Leftists Lying About the Parental Rights Bill: ‘They Support Sexualizing Kids in Kindergarten’
- Gay CRU Leader, Turned Catholic, Explains How Tim Keller Helped Him Shape His Pro-LGBTQ Views
- Video surfaces of young child being led through his ‘Gay BCs’
- Marvel Comics Joins the Ranks of Child Groomers, Opposes Florida’s Child Safety Legislation
- Major Group of Conservatives to Split from United Methodist Church on May 1
- Exclusive Footage — Private Schools Nation-Wide Pushing ‘Queer Inclusive’ Curriculum, Trans Ideology Starting in Pre-K
- German Catholic priests come out as queer, demand reform
- France Passes Law Banning Prayer, Counseling for Homosexuals, Including From Parents; Hefty Fines and Prison
- YouTube Labels John MacArthur’s Homosexuality Sermon as ‘Hate Speech’ and Removes It
- John MacArthur Urges Pastors To Join Him By Taking A Stand On Biblical Sexual Morality On January 16
- Amid Gay Preaching Scandal, Former SBC President Resigns From Seminary Post
- DC Comics Superman Comes Out as Bisexual
- China to ban video games promoting ‘effeminate males,’ gay relationships
- Cartoon Network and HBO Max are launching a bunch of new shows to wokeify your kids
- Netflix’s ‘Pray Away’ Takes Aim at Jesus Ability To Set People Free from LGBT Lifestyles
- San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus tries to crush the ‘Evangelical Dark Web’ for exposing some of them as sex offenders
- We’re Coming for Your Children’ Songwriting Team Forced to Cancel Musical Accused of ‘Romanticizing’ Afghan Dancing Boys
- Pride Month: ‘Sesame Street’ Introduces Gay Male Couple for ‘Family Day’
- Queer Is In, Christian Is Out – Boom In LGBT Content For Children
- Hillsong CEO Says It’s ‘Unfortunate’ to Represent What the Bible Says About Homosexuality
- Is Praying for Gay Conversion ‘Hate Prayer’?
- Pope appoints open homosexual to Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors
- Roman Catholic Church Affirms Teaching on Marriage, Media Hardest Hit
- Jesus a Racist? ‘Gay Pastor’ Claims Jesus Used ‘Racial Slur,’ ‘Repented of His Racism’
- The Relentless 9-Year Assault on Jack Phillips Unmasks the True Threat of the ‘Equality Act’
- After Nearly Two Years, Gay-Affirming Southern Baptist Church Finally Booted from Denomination
- Max Lucado Apologizes to LGBTQ For Preaching Against Homosexuality, Harming Them
- Never Trump Lincoln Project Founder John Weaver Accused of Sending Provocative Messages to Young Men
- RITZ Cracker Ad Aiming to ‘Rethink Family’ Includes Homosexual Man Putting on Lipstick
- Pope Appoints Powerful Pro-LGBT Cardinals to Seat of Power
- Card. Burke: No Catholic is Bound by Pope Francis’ Call for Gay Civil Unions or Gay Families
- Pope Endorses Same-Sex Civil Unions in New Documentary
- Justice Clarence Thomas suggests Supreme Court should overturn same-sex marriage in scathing attack
- Hallmark Christmas movie to feature LGBTQ storyline starring Jonathan Bennett
- Calif. Legislature Softens ‘Discriminatory’ Sex Offender Registry Requirements For Sodomy With Minors
- BLM Co-Founder, LA Chapter Leader Discuss Group’s Occultic Practices of ‘Invoking Spirits,’ African ‘Ancestral Worship’
- ‘Gay Christian’ Musician Reveals ‘Dark Cloud over the Christian Music Industry’
- Hallmark in ‘Active Negotiations’ to Include ‘LGBT Storylines’ in its Holiday Programming
- Christian Author Matthew Paul Turner Comes Out as Gay, Announces Divorce
- Gay People Being ‘Shunted Towards Hormones and Surgery’ Is ‘New Kind of Conversion Therapy’
- Jen Hatmaker Reveals Daughter Is A Lesbian; ‘I’m So Glad You’re Gay!’
- Judge rules Christian agency must allow non-Christians families to adopt
- HBO Reality Show to Feature Drag Queens Training ‘Small-Town’ Americans for Drag Performance
- Disney-Pixar Film ‘Onward’ Centers on Necromancy, Features Line Where Cyclops Subtly Reveals She’s Lesbian
- Marvel Movie ‘The Eternals’ to Include Homosexual Superhero, Same-Sex Kiss
- Gay, pro-abortion Pete Buttigieg suggests Christians can’t support Trump
- Ed Stetzer Invites Pro-Gay Speaker and ‘Nashville Statement’ Opponent to Billy Graham Center
- Blasphemous ‘Gay Jesus’ Comedy Removed From Netflix by Judge’s Order
- United Methodists Propose Split: UMC to Start ‘LGBTQ’-Approving Religion While ‘Traditionalists’ Form Own Denom
- ‘It’s Unbiblical and UnChristian’: Zambian President Resists Trump Admin’s Push to Legalize Sodomy Under Threat of Losing Aid
- US Ambassadors Host United Nations Event on Trump Admin Effort to Decriminalize Homosexuality Worldwide
- New Star Wars ‘Rise of Skywalker’ Movie Includes Brief Shot of Two Women Kissing
- 2 Million Sign Petitions Asking Netflix to Pull Blasphemous ‘Dark Comedy’ Depicting Jesus as Homosexual
- Under Pressure, Hallmark Pulls LGBT-Themed Wedding Ads
- The Ts are out to erase the Ls, Gs, and Bs
- Tapes, emails and now a witness against Southwestern
- Professor Forced out at Baptist Seminary for Sharing Biblical Views on Sexuality and Sex Abuse
- Twitter Bans Gay Man For Telling Inconvenient Truths About Transgender People
- Two PCA Presbyteries Request Missouri Presbytery to Investigate Greg Johnson, Questioning His ‘Side B’ Views
- United Methodists Float Plans to Split Denomination after LGBTQ Vote
- Christian Artists Can’t Be Forced to Make Gay Wedding Invites, Arizona Supreme Court Rules
- Jesuit Priest Gets Slammed On Twitter After Endorsing LGBT Lifestyle
- Senate Demands Pastors Reject Biblical Counseling For LGBT Californians
- Christian authors blast Amazon for banning their books, selling pedophilia titles
- More than Half of American Satanists Identify as LGBTQ
- There Is No ‘Gay Gene,’ Comprehensive Scientific Study Finds
- Todd Bentley sexual misconduct allegations widen to Pakistan
- Bethel Church Suggests ‘LGBTQ+’ People ‘Who Feel Fulfilled and Happy As You Are’ Don’t Need to Change or Repent
- Todd Bentley Accused By Colleague of Homosexual Acts and Teenage Sexual Abuse
- ‘Largest Pedophile Ring On Earth’: Abuse Lawyers Make First Case Against The Boy Scouts
- Joshua Harris marches in pride parade after apologizing to LGBT community
- ‘Alarming’ rise in STIs strongly linked to gay sex
- Klein v. Oregon: Religious Liberty & Freedom of Speech vs. Gay Rights
- LGBT asylum-seekers exempt from ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy and can stay in US
- Petition Launched After Amazon Pulls a Number of Books About Leaving Homosexuality
- Fleeting Depiction of Lesbian Mothers in ‘Toy Story 4’ Characterized as Being ‘Subtle to Desensitize Children’
- ‘My Little Pony’ Children’s Cartoon Features Lesbian Aunts During Final Season
- PCA General Assembly Approves the Nashville Statement as a Faithful Declaration on Biblical Sexuality
- Joel Osteen Celebrates LGBTQ Pride at Lady Gaga Event
- Evangelical Leader Testifies for CA Resolution Pressuring Pastors to Affirm LGBT identities
- Elizabeth Warren Comes Out For ‘Gay Reparations’
- US Supreme Court Throws Out Ruling Against Oregon Bakery, Sends Case Back to Lower Court for Review
- Presbyterian Church in America Central Carolina Presbytery Denounces Revoice Conference
- Alabama Public Television Will Not Run Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ Episode of Children’s Cartoon ‘Arthur’
- Homosexual State Rep. Who Recorded Self Harassing ‘Old White Lady’ to Defend ‘Right’ to Murder Unborn Called to Resign
- End to Aids in sight as huge study finds drugs stop HIV transmission
- Openly Homosexual US Ambassador: VP Mike Pence Is ‘on Board’ With Decriminalizing Homosexuality Worldwide
- Thousands of Boy Scout Leaders Face New Child Sex Allegations
- Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg Asserts of His Homosexuality: ‘Your Quarrel Is With My Creator’
- Half of Pastors Are Concerned They Will Offend Someone If They Speak on Social Issues
- Sexual revolution of 1960s led to Church abuse crisis, ex-pope says
- Mormon church pledges to reverse its anti-LGBT policy
- Walmart Releases ‘Love Is in the Aisle’ Video Depicting Two Men Meeting Up for ‘Blind Date’ at Store
- LGBT Researcher With Ties to TGC and ERLC to be Keynote Speaker at ‘Gay Christian’ Conference
- United Methodist Church upholds position against homosexuality, same-sex marriage
- Pushing back against ‘queering of the Church’
- Cardinals endorse campaign to stop homosexual networks in Church
- Pope Francis Knew His Protégé Took Nude Selfies, Abused Seminarians; But Promoted Him to Top Vatican Post
- ‘Gay Christians’ Seeking to Hook Up? – There’s an App For That
- A reckoning is underway in US Catholic Church
- Vatican letter undermines US cardinal on abuse
- Australian Court Finds Cardinal Pell Guilty of Sexual Abuse
- Be celibate or leave the priesthood, pope tells gay priests
- New study suggests the Catholic priest abuse scandal isn’t about pedophilia but about rampant homosexuality
- Register Now: ‘God’s Voice Conference’ to Counter Pro-LGBT ‘Revoice Conference.’
- Cardinal Viganó New Letter: Pope Francis is ‘Gravely Responsible’ for Church Corruption
- LifeSiteNews Blocked From Twitter
- Six-Year-Old School Children Instructed to Write Gay Love Letters to Make Them ‘Accepting of Diversity’
- Confidence in Pope Francis Down Sharply in U.S.
- Blockbuster New Viganò Letter to Pope
- MassResistance website taken down by web hosting company after ‘complaints’ by homosexual activist – a convicted sex offender.
- Despite Revoice ‘Gay Christians,’ Crowds of Ex-Gays March to Celebrate Freedom from Sin
- Pope Francis Says Accused Pastors Are Like Jesus on ‘Good Friday’
- VICTORY: California Dem withdraws bill banning help for unwanted gay attraction
- Pennsylvania AG: Cardinal under scrutiny over report on priest abuse ‘is not telling the truth’
- California Senate passes bill banning books, therapy to help unwanted gay attraction
- Vatican Cardinal: ‘Homosexual Culture’ In The Church Part Of Abuse Crisis
- Revoice Turns Away Pulpit & Pen, Refuses to Speak to the Press
- Lesbian Feminists Clash with Transgenders at London Pride Parade
- Professing Christian Foster, Adoption Agency Agrees to Place Children With Homosexuals to Comply With Philadelphia Law
- ‘Thank God for Abortion’ Float Appears in New York City Homosexual Pride Parade
- Facebook suspends pro-family expert for criticizing LGBT indoctrination video
- Revoice Conference Bans Pro-Christian Activist from Attending, Refunds Registration Fees
- Rob Bell: we’re moments away from the church embracing gay marriage
- Gay activist Matthew Vines quietly holds private meetings with Christian leaders
- Fuller Theological Seminary professor caves. Comes out in support of same-sex relationships
- Gallup: Record Support for Gay Relations and Polygamy; Plurality Still Oppose Abortion
- Supreme Court sides with Colorado baker who refused to make wedding cake for same-sex couple
- 23 Major League Baseball Teams to Promote Homosexuality at ‘LGBT Pride’ Nights
- Ex-Homosexuals, Free Speech Advocates Join Forces Against New Law
- LGBT Activist Rewrites ‘Little Women’ To Make Main Character A Lesbian
- SFO Airport Terminal Will Be Named After Sexual Predator Harvey Milk
- Homosexual Actor/Singer Ricky Martin: ‘I Want to Normalize’ Same-Sex, Open Relationships
- Allegations about 40 gay priests in Italy sent to Vatican
- In Disney’s much anticipated Frozen 2, Elsa just might be a lesbian
- ‘Legal Doctrine Evolves’: Appeals Court Rules ‘Sexual Orientation’ Is ‘Subset of Sex Discrimination’
- Winter Olympics Promotes Homosexuality As Principle 6 Is Pushed
- Bermuda Revokes Same-Sex-Marriage Rights, In A World First
- Cardinal Marx, Papal Adviser: Catholic Priests May Bless Homosexual Couples
- Judge rules in favor of Tastries owner in discrimination case
- University of Iowa lawsuit pits gay rights against religious freedom
- New Research Shows Increased Risks of Same-sex Parenting
- Catholic League: ‘Homosexuals Committed Most of the Abuse’
- Evangelical Republican lawmaker resigns after being caught having sex with another man in his office
- Australians Vote in Favor of Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ in Nationwide Postal Survey
- ‘House of Cards’ ending amid Kevin Spacey sexual harassment claim
- Disney Channel makes history with first gay storyline
- Sex diseases in US surge to record high
- Judge Rules Filmmakers Can’t Decline to Film Same-Sex ‘Weddings,’ Dismisses Preemptive Suit
- UK Speaker: Same-Sex Marriage Won’t Be ‘Proper’ Until Churches Can’t Opt Out
- Article about Prince George as ‘a gay icon’ sparks row as politician calls write-up ‘outrageous and sick’
- Disney Preschooler Animation ‘Doc McStuffins’ Features Family With ‘Two Moms’
- Social Media Campaign Urges Disney to Make Elsa a Lesbian Princess in “Frozen” Sequel
- Beauty And The Beast: ‘Gay moment’ set to make Disney history
- LifeWay pulls Hatmaker books over LGBT views
- U.S. Department of Justice Files Legal Brief Declaring Title VII Does Not Include Homosexuality
- Southern Baptist-Owned LifeWay Stores Won’t Pull ‘Message Bible’ After Author’s ‘Gay Marriage’ Retraction
- Texas Supreme Court Rules ‘Spouses’ of Homosexual Govt Workers Not Clearly Entitled to Benefits
- ‘Sesame Street’ Expresses Support for Homosexuality During ‘LGBT Pride Month’
- Illinois Bishop Decrees: No Communion and No Funeral Rites for Same-Sex Couples
- Judge Dismisses Homosexual Activists’ ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ Suit Against Pastor
- Patriots To Sponsor LGBT ‘Gay Bowl’
- Court Rules Kentucky Print Shop Has Right to Avoid Making Gay Pride T-shirts
- US Supreme Court Declines to Hear Challenge to Ban on Helping Youth Struggling With Homosexuality
- Methodist court ruling a blow for openly lesbian bishop
- North Carolina Lawmakers Present Bill Declaring Supreme Court ‘Gay Marriage’ Ruling ‘Null and Void’
- Profane ‘Pastor’ Welcomes Open Homosexuals, Admits He ‘Doesn’t Care’ What Bible Says
- Appeals Court Rules ‘Sexual Orientation’ Applies as Sex Discrimination Under Civil Rights Act
- Santa Is a Gay Man in an Interracial Relationship in This New Picture Book
- Virginia Governor Vetoes Bill Prohibiting Punishment of Those Who Believe in Biblical Marriage
- 95 Percent of Faith-Driven Consumers Unlikely to See Beauty and the Beast Remake Due to Gay Character
- Relationship problems, not family rejection, leading cause of higher gay suicides
- Church of England gay marriage vote thrown into chaos after members ‘get confused and press wrong button’
- Former Law Clerk for Supreme Court Nominee Says Gorsuch Supported His ‘Gay Marriage’
- Apostate ‘Elder Team’ Welcomes Homosexuals ‘In Any and All Levels of Leadership’ After ‘Seeking Unity’
- Married lesbian couple to lead prominent D.C. Baptist church
- We ‘Refuse to Be Baited’: ‘Fixer Upper’ Host Speaks After Controversy Over Church’s Marriage Beliefs
- Gay ornament pulled from store after protest
- Gay dads set to use sex selection to make sure they get baby girls
- ‘Highlights’ kids magazine to include same-sex families after flak from gays
- Minnesota Filmmakers File Preemptive Suit to Protect Right Not to Promote Same-Sex ‘Marriage’
- Gay Writer: ‘It’s No Longer Okay’ to Shame Religious People Who Oppose Same-Sex Marriage
- ‘Glorifying Sin’? Popular Jewelry Chain Spotlights Lesbian ‘Wedding’ in New Ad
- Prominent Baptist Minister Says ‘Gay Marriage’ Is ‘Law of Land,’ Christians Need to Move on to Abortion
- Ohio Bill Protecting Pastors Who Decline to Host, Officiate Same-Sex ‘Weddings’ Clears House Committee
- Redefinition of marriage rejected in Mexico
- Christian Couple Denied Adoption of Foster Children Over Opposition to Homosexual Parenting
- Christian Bakery Loses Appeal over “Gay Cake” Discrimination Conviction
- CoverGirl Announces First Male Makeup-Wearing “CoverBoy” Model
- 13 Attorneys General Join Brief in Support of Florist Found Guilty of Discrimination for Declining “Gay Wedding”
- North Carolina Court Dismisses Lawsuit of Judges Who Resigned Rather Than Officiate Same-Sex “Weddings”
- Science Shows Homosexual Behavior “Is as Bad as God Says It Was”
- “Ex-Gays Prove Change is Possible” Billboards Spark Controversy in Texas
- Joshua Fest Owner Says Staff Who Threatened Walkout Over “Gay Christian Rocker” Need More Jesus
- Tim Kaine Tells Gays Opposition to Same-Sex Marriage “Is Going to Change”
- New United Methodist group aims to boost evangelical voice
- Canadian Bible Camp Under Fire for Biblical Stance on Homosexuality
- Judge Refuses to Lift Injunction on Law Protecting Clerks Who Decline to Issue “Gay Marriage” Licenses
- Church of England clergyman found guilty of historical sex offences
- Vice President Biden Officiates Same-Sex “Wedding” Between White House Staffers
- Massive turnout for gay pride march in Jerusalem 1 year after fatal stabbing
- Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: “There Is No Gay Gene”
- California Board of Education Votes to Include Homosexuality in Lessons Second Grade and Up
- Legal Group Seeks Dismissal of Homosexual Activists’ “Crimes Against Humanity” Suit Against Pastor
- LGBT Crowd Eyes Preschool Children
- Pope says Church should ask forgiveness from gays for past treatment
- Rights groups silent as Clinton Foundation takes millions from countries that imprison gays
- Donald Trump: “Who’s Better for the Gay Community Than Donald Trump? Believe Me!”
- Orlando gunman Omar Mateen “was a regular at Pulse nightclub”
- 50 killed in shooting at Florida nightclub in possible act of Islamic terror
- Colgate Joins “Gay Pride” Push With New Ad, “Smile With Pride” Hashtag
- NBA Sells Rainbow Shirts to Raise Money for Gay Organization That Instructed HS Students in “Fisting”
- Methodists postpone debate of gay issues that could split denomination
- House Republicans Defeat Democratic “Gay Discrimination” Amendment, Uphold Religious Protections
- U.S. Senate Unanimously Confirms Nation’s First Openly Homosexual Army Secretary
- Tim Keller Staff Member Says Homosexuality Isn’t Sin, Part of “Church Plant” Behind Transgender Restroom Plan
- United Methodists may never agree on LGBT issues. Can they stay together anyway?
- Judge Faces Removal, $40K Fine Because of Her Beliefs About Marriage
- Northern Ireland Attorney General Backs Bakers Fined for Declining “Support Gay Marriage” Cake
- Colorado Supreme Court Declines to Hear Case of Baker Ordered to Make Cake for “Gay” Celebration
- “God Is Gay”: Blasphemous Saturday Night Live Skit Mocks Bakeries That Decline Same-Sex “Weddings”
- Rev. Graham: PayPal Hypocrite, Does Business in Countries Where Homosexual Behavior Is Illegal
- “Star Wars” will have gay characters
- Mississippi Gov. Signs Religious Freedom Law Protecting Right to Decline Part in Same-Sex Ceremonies
- Israel Investing Nearly 3 Million in LGBT Tourism
- Boston Catholics demanding the name of “St. Patrick” be removed from upcoming “St. Patrick’s Day Parade.”
- Kasich Backtracks “Cupcake” Remarks, Says Businesses Shouldn’t Have to Participate in “Gay Weddings”
- Anglican Church of Canada now unlikely to agree to same-sex marriage
- South Dakota Governor Vetoes Bill Requiring Use of Restroom Corresponding With Birth Gender
- Trump donated to group that promotes homosexuality to 5-year-olds
- “Luscious Lesbians”: Christian Actor Candace Cameron Bure Takes Part in Racy “Dirty Dancing” Scene
- New book: Homosexuals & everyone else need Gospel
- Marco Rubio’s deputy campaign manager is a gay “marriage” activist
- Judge Rules Against ACLU as Kim Davis Hasn’t “Interfered” With Issuance of “Gay Marriage” Licenses
- Trump Promises “More Forward Motion” on “Gay Equality” Under Presidency
- “I’ve Changed My Mind”: Homosexual Rights Activist Now Supports Fined Christian Bakers
- Mass rally against gay civil unions in Italy capital
- NY Court: Farmers to Be Re-Educated, Pay Fines for Not Hosting Homosexual Wedding
- Primates distance themselves from the US Episcopal Church in official statement
- Court Unanimously Upholds $13,000 Fine Against Couple for Refusing “Gay Marriage” Ceremony
- Lawyer: 231 children abused in German Catholic choir
- Anglican Church Risks Global Schism Over Homosexuality
- South Carolina Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Interpose Against Supreme Court Same-Sex “Marriage” Ruling
- Doctor Loses Appeal of Expulsion from Boston Hospital for Statements About Health Dangers of Homosexuality
- Catholic Newspaper Names Plaintiffs in Supreme Court “Gay Marriage” Case “Persons of the Year”
- Oregon bakers pay fine after state seizes their bank accounts
- U.S. to Allow Homosexual Men to Donate Blood if Abstinent for at Least One Year
- Christianity And LGBT Rights: More Christians Than Ever Say Gays Should Be Accepted By Society
- Preacher’s “Emotional Harm” Conviction for Quoting “Wrong” Scripture on Homosexuality Overturned
- Homosexuals File Suit to Challenge Law Allowing Judges to Opt-Out of Officiating “Gay Weddings”
- Texas Court Rules Police May Form Human Barricades to Block Opposition to “Gay” Pride Events
- Backlash brewing against same-sex marriage gay leaders fear
- After same-sex wedding, Baptists sever ties with Greenville church
- Tenured California professor says study labeling “homophobia” a disease is “garbage”
- Evangelical Grand Canyon University to Grant Employee Benefits to Homosexual Staff
- Thousands resign from false Mormon church – ‘cuz gay pride.
- Pentagon “gay” rape debacle: Report alleging male-on-male sexual trauma retracted
- Juanita Bynum, Twice-Divorced “Prophetess” Who Spoke at Homosexual “Ordination,” to Be Made Bishop
- Brazil sees its first civil union — between three women
- Gay Activists Demand Secular Non-Irish St. Patrick’s Day Parade
- Battle Continues Over Christian Business’ Right Not to Print T-Shirts With ‘Gay Pride’ Messages
- Sacked gay priest condemns “homophobic hate” of Catholic Church
- Chick-fil-A Listed as Sponsor of “Faith-Based” Homosexual Film and Arts Festival
- Mormons Say Duty to Law on Same-Sex Marriage Trumps Faith
- Archbishop Cupich lays out pathway for gay couples to receive Communion at Vatican press scrum
- Al Mohler: Contraceptives and divorce led to same-sex marriage
- Homosexual Men “Divorce” to Become Threesome, Now Plan to Use Sisters as Surrogates
- Boycott Gay Weddings, Even Family, Says Southern Baptist Leader Al Mohler
- Mormon-Owned Marriott “Love Travel” Campaign Continues Push for Homosexuality in its Hotels
- Pope asks forgiveness after sex scandals rock Vatican and Rome
- Historic discovery: Archaeologists find Biblical city Sodom which was “destroyed by God”
- Homosexuality “may be triggered by environment after birth”
- Clinton, Biden Speak at “Gay Gala,”Push for Federal Law to Protect Homosexuality
- “Pope Francis” Met with Homosexual Man and His Partner Day Before Meeting Kim Davis
- State Takes Legal Action to Seize $135K From Bakers Who Refused to Make Cake for Lesbian Couple
- Brave new world: Obama says gay rights trump religious liberty
- U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Afghan Allies’ Sexual Abuse of Boys
- Doritos’ new rainbow colored corn chips are already causing a stir
- Obama to nominate first openly gay service secretary to lead the Army
- Elton John Thanks Putin For Calling Him, Will Meet Face-To-Face To Discuss LGBT Rights
- Armed Military, Police Group Offers Kim Davis Protection from Further “Unlawful Arrest”
- Fox News’ Shepard Smith Rails Against Christians Supporting Kim Davis During Live TV: “Haters Are Going to Hate”
- Homosexual Activist Human Rights Campaign Buys to Deceptively Raise Funds
- Judge Who Jailed Kim Davis Ordered Students Who Opposed Homosexuality to Be Re-Educated
- Texas Man Proposes to Another Man in “Church” Despite United Methodist Ban on Same-Sex “Marriage”
- Reports: Pope blesses lesbian authors for their “excellent Christian values”
- Sexual orientation in the UK: Half of young people say they are not 100% heterosexual
- 82 Percent of Americans Agree: Photographers Have Right to Say No to Gay Weddings
- Colorado Appeals Court Upholds Ruling Requiring Christian Baker to Make “Gay Wedding” Cakes
- Gay teen asks Supreme Court to allow him to get counseling
- Discussions with Carl Lentz
- The Smoking Gun: Brian Houston Acknowledges Ministry of Gay Couple at Hillsong NYC – on video – Back in 2014
- Ugandan gay pride party to celebrate end of anti-homosexuality law
- T.D. Jakes Comes Out for “Gay Marriage” and “LGBT Churches,” Says Position is “Evolving’”
- Historic church which produced first Southern Baptist Convention president will allow gay ordination and transgender, same-sex marriage
- Americans overwhelmingly favor religious liberty over gay rights
- Why the effort to make gay marriage sacramental won’t work
- Hillsong Issues Press Release 8 months after Choir leader comes out
- Boy Scouts of America end total ban on gay adults
- Kenyan president rebukes Obama’s gay rights message
- Court docs: Brittney Griner claims Glory Johnson cheated, had “sexual relations with man”
- Two Mennonite Colleges Announce Hiring Policy Change to Employ “Married” Homosexuals
- Next target in same-sex marriage battle: Christian schools’ tax exempt status
- South African Student Leader Under Investigation for Facebook Comment Opposing ‘Gay Marriage’
- AP Poll: Sharp Divisions After Court Backs Gay Marriage
- Outlets Apologize After Publishing False Claim About Reason Christian Bakers Were Ordered to Pay Lesbians
- Boy Scout Committee Unanimously Approves Proposal to Lift Ban on Openly Homosexual Leaders
- Prosecutors File Additional Child Sex Abuse Allegations Against HRC’s Homosexual Co-Founder
- Dems declare war on words “husband,” “wife”
- Not over? Alabama Supreme Court should reject marriage decision, legal group says
- Baylor University Drops Ban on Homosexual Acts
- YouTube Reinstates Ray Comfort’s “Audacity” Trailer
- YouTube Removes “Audacity” Trailer
- Homosexual Advocate Wants Christian Chaplains Who Oppose Homosexuality Ousted from Military
- Entire Staff of Tennessee County Clerk’s Office Resigns Over Supreme Court ‘Gay Marriage’ Ruling
- Baylor drops reference to “homosexual acts” in sexual conduct policy
- Christian Bakers Who Declined to Make Cake for ‘Gay Wedding’ Ordered to Pay $135,000 to Lesbians
- Homosexual, Transgender Activists Blaspheme Jesus Christ at Brazilian Pride Parade
- Texas governor: First Amendment, not Supreme Court ruling, is priority
- ‘There Are Still … Minds to Change’: Obama Hosts ‘Gay Pride’ Reception at White House
- Tylenol Trying to Change the Face of the Family
- Hundreds of thousands rally in Rome against gay unions
- Teacher Who Read Homosexual Book to Third Graders Resigns Following Parental Outrcy
- Media Praise Chobani Yogurt Commercial Showing Lesbians Naked in Bed Together
- Video of Young Boy Dancing Sexually in Streets as “Gay” Pride Attendees Cheer Raising Concerns
- Most Expect Gay Marriage Will Sweep the US
- NC Lawmakers Officially Override Governor’s Veto of Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ Judicial Opt-Out Bill
- Duty, honor, country and gay pride? Pentagon opens “Pride Month”
- Madeleine L’Engle’s foundation awards grant to LGBT group at Wheaton College
- Tony Campolo Calls for Full Inclusion of Gay & Lesbians Christians
- White House to Order Faith-based Grant Recipients to Accept LGBT Applicants
- Death Plunge: ISIS throws gay men off buildings under guise of Sharia law
- Radical Feminist Germaine Greer slams Elton John because his “husband” is named as “mother” on birth certificates of their two sons
- Christian Bakers Fined for Declining to Print ‘Support Gay Marriage’ On Cake to Appeal Ruling
- Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Pastor, Brian Brodersen, Says Sometimes It’s OK to Attend a Homosexual Wedding
- Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore calls for Ruth Bader Ginsburg impeachment
- Ireland will not force churches to wed gays
- ERLC to address culture at SBC meeting
- Americans Greatly Overestimate Percent Gay, Lesbian in U.S.
- Church daycare must pay lesbians a huge fine after couple violates employees’ moral clause
- Gay Ireland hails “a new Republic” as same-sex marriage approved
- Trail Life USA reacts to Boy Scout president on gay leaders
- Ireland’s Gay Marriage Referendum a Sign of Roman Catholic Decline
- VP Biden equates religious belief on sin of homosexuality to ‘violence with impunity’
- Study of attitudes to same-sex marriage retracted over “fake data”
- Ruth Bader Ginsberg Officiates Same-Sex “Wedding” as Supreme Court Deliberates National Case
- Pastor resigns after outed on Grindr
- French, Scottish Churches Cave In On Gay Marriage
- School district awaits Supreme Court after Walmart attorney pushes transgender “rights”
- Texas Senate Approves Bill Protecting Pastors Who Refuse to Officiate Same-Sex ‘Weddings’
- Homosexual teacher reads “gay fairy tale” to 3rd graders
- FDA proposes 1-year abstinence for gay, bisexual men to donate blood
- Gay-themed traffic lights get Vienna into mood for Eurovision Song Contest
- Former Lesbian Petitions Obama to Hear Voices of Those Christ Has Set Free from Homosexuality
- Nebraska Woman Files Suit Against All Homosexuals
- $169,240 Federal Grant to Build ‘Educational Pipeline’ for LGBT Population Researchers
- U.S. Supreme Court Declines to Hear Appeal Over N.J. Ban on Helping Homosexual Youth
- Huffington Post gay editor calls for “intolerance” toward “antigay-media”
- U2’s Father-Son Album Cover Promotes Homosexuality, Says Russian Lawmaker
- “We will not obey”: Christian leaders threaten civil disobedience if Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage
- U.S. Supreme Court Expresses Hesitancy as Justices Hear Arguments Over Same-Sex “Marriage”
- Legal group seeks recusal of justices as Supreme Court considers same-sex ‘marriage’ case
- Court Upholds Right of Christian Company Not to Print T-Shirts With ‘Gay Pride’ Messages
- Hillary Clinton Campaign Uses Same-Sex Twosome in Presidential Race Announcement
- Pizzeria Forced to Close Following Threats Over Biblical Marriage Beliefs Re-Opens to Full House
- White House Opens First ‘Gender Neutral’ Restroom, Urges Ban on Help for Homosexual Youth
- Business leads the way in the fight for LGBT rights
- Faith school fears as union says teachers must promote gay lifestyle: leaders call for “positive portrayal of same sex relationships” to be made “compulsory”
- Religious conservatives are the targets of discrimination, lawyer says
- LGBT group: revoke churches’ 501(c)3 status
- Indiana’s Mike Pence: “We’re not going to change the law”
- Megachurch leader drops celibacy requirement for ‘gay’ members – as long as sex is within ‘marriage’
- Gay “marriage” approved by Carlisle Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church USA
- ‘If I hear one homophobic word, I will arrest you:’ street preacher on trial for biblical preaching
- American Baptist College defends invite to lesbian speaker, says Christians make ‘idol’ of Bible
- Franklin Graham: I love gay and lesbian people but they need to repent
- More than 300 Republicans call on Supreme Court to recognize gay ‘marriage’ nationally
- Mormon church backs Utah LGBT anti-discrimination bill
- ABC Family’s ‘The Fosters’ generates controversy over TV’s first-ever kiss between teen boys
- Dr. Ben Carson apologizes for saying being gay is a choice
- Dr. Ben Carson says being gay is a choice
- Alabama’s Sunday school teacher turned governor: I will obey ‘gay marriage’ ruling over God’s law
- Christian florist found guilty of discrimination for declining ‘gay wedding’; could lose home, life savings
- Justice Thomas objects to court’s signal on gay “marriage”
- Professor says ‘fear of man, not God’ led megachurch leader to accept homosexual members
- Mormon leaders call for measures protecting gay rights
- Pope: Catholics need not breed “like rabbits”
- Same-sex couple married in pagan first
- Judge rules South Dakota’s voter-approved marriage amendment unconstitutional
- Pastor defines his identity not by his same-sex attraction, but in Christ
- Irish priest announces he’s gay during mass
- International Olympic Committee perspective: LGBT ‘rights’ trump Christian persecution
- Florida counties end courthouse ceremonies to avoid performing same-sex ‘weddings’
- Gay marriage dynamic in U.S. shifted dramatically in 2014
- State supreme court rules firefighters must participate in ‘gay pride parades’ despite objections
- Arkansas voters repeal local law allowing ‘transgendered’ men in women’s restrooms
- Legal group: repeal of D.C. amendment will have ‘severe impact on religious liberty’
- Former lesbian turned Christian: ‘We’ve made God little if we believe He cannot change people’
- Homosexual activist arrested for child rape was called ‘great friend and supporter’ by President Obama
- Baptist Press examines the Human Rights Campaign’s efforts to alter public perception on homosexuality
- Lesbian Houston mayor ordered to stop providing benefits to partners of homosexual employees
- Some Christians disapprove as Kellogg uses Tony the Tiger in “Gay Pride” advertisement
- US bishops struggling under Francis’ pontificate
- Liberty University student editor raises concern after calling for “common ground” with homosexuals
- Starbucks releases first homosexual-themed commercial featuring cross-dressers
- Nick Jonas abandons purity ring, claims ‘relationship with God’ despite stripping at ‘gay’ club
- Convention unanimously votes to boot congregation for supporting homosexuality
- DirecTV, CVS pushing homosexuality in television commercials
- ‘No true Christian hangs on to their sin:’ author responds to Vicky Beeching’s coming out
- UK worship artist whose songs are sung in American churches comes out as lesbian
- Obama makes video appearance at Ohio’s ‘gay games’
- City rescinds decision to cancel Chick-fil-A sponsored event following outcry
- Homosexual man fired from children’s ministry for introducing boyfriend to kids
- Obama refuses to add religious exemption to homosexual employment mandate
- Christian bakery in Ireland may face legal action for refusing to bake ‘gay’ Bert and Ernie cake
- Pope begs for forgiveness at meeting with Catholics sexually abused by clergy
- Chilling implications? Largest bank asks workers if they support homosexuality
- Vancouver schools’ new LGBTTQ+ policy includes gender-free pronouns xe, xem and xyr
- A ‘gay’ hamburger? Burger King selling ‘The Proud Whopper’ to celebrate sin
- World Vision undertaking internal reform after support of homosexuality?
- Apostate pastor’s pro-homosexual sermon earns him special trip to White House
- Final goal of gay ‘marriage’ is to destroy the institution of marriage
- Is the ‘gay gene’ a myth? Scientists say homosexuality impossible to determine by DNA
- Gay Vice Principal Sues Seattle Archdiocese, Catholic School Over Alleged Forced Resignation
- Pope Francis Hints at Catholic Church Rethink on Gay Civil Unions
- S.F. Gay Rights Advocate Sentenced for Child Porn
- Girl Scouts Hire Lesbian as Chief ‘Girl Experience Officer’
- Arizona Governor Vetoes Bill Protecting Religious Rights of Business Owners
- Obama Calls Homosexuality One of Our ‘Fundamental Freedoms’ in Statement Slamming Ugandan Bill
- Christian Legal Group Appeals California’s Ban on Helping Homosexual Youth to U.S. Supreme Court
- Vatican ‘Systematically’ Allowed Priests to Rape Children, Says UN Report
- Swiss Guard veteran claims existence of ‘gay network’ at the Vatican
- Investigators: Oregon Bakery Discriminated Against Lesbian for Declining to Make ‘Wedding’ Cake
- Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life people not welcome in New York
- CDC Reports STDs on the Rise particularly “in Homosexual community”
- Federal Judge Strikes Down Oklahoma Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Ban
- AZ Legislator, Pastor Introduces Bill to Protect Churches That Oppose Same-Sex ‘Marriage’
- Former Pentagon Chief: ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Fight Was Only Time Obama Showed ‘Passion’ for Military Issues
- Legislation Introduced to Protect State Sovereignty Over Definition of Marriage
- Federal government to recognize same-sex marriages in Utah
- Supreme Court puts gay marriage on hold in Utah
- Church of England Proposes ‘Blessings’ for Gay Marriage
- Reid Seeks Vote by Thanksgiving for Bill Protecting Homosexuals, Transgenders in Workplace
- Pentagon Official Who Pushed for Repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Named President of Boy Scouts
- Judicial Commission Reprimands Christian Judge for Refusing to Officiate Same-Sex ‘Weddings’
- Dean of Washington’s National Cathedral: It’s a Sin to Oppose Homosexuality
- ‘Reformation Project’ Recruits Volunteers Nationwide to Influence Churches to Embrace Homosexuality
- United Methodist Judicial Council to Decide Whether Denomination May Advocate Homosexuality
- Congressman Introduces Bill to Protect Biblical Marriage Proponents From Government Discrimination
- George H.W. Bush Is Witness at Same-sex ‘Marriage’ in Maine
- Pope Francis: Catholics Should Not Be ‘Obsessed’ with Speaking Against Homosexuality, Abortion
- Man Who Shot Up Pro-Life Office Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison
- Canadian Commission Rules against Bridal Shop for Refusing to Allow Man to Try on Wedding Gown
- Famous Sports Broadcaster Fired over Anti-gay Comments
- Reparative Therapy Defenders Remain Active
- Dan Savage and Pro-gay Christians Launch ‘Not All Like That’ Website to Reach out to LGBTs
- Top ‘LGBT Friendly’ Colleges Offer ‘Gender-Free’ Bathrooms, ‘Queer Studies’ Minor
- Christian Legal Group to File Lawsuit Over New Jersey Law Banning Counseling Homosexual Youth
- Airman Punished for Opposing Gay Marriage Files Complaint
- Christian Air Force Veteran Relieved of Duties for Refusing to Affirm Homosexual ‘Marriage’
- Air Force Says Drag Acts Symbolize Gay Pride
- California Considers Punishing Youth Groups Against Homosexuality as ‘Bathroom Bill’ Becomes Law
- DC Mayor Disinvites Famed Gospel Singer From Civil Rights Concert Over Stance on Homosexuality
- Gay couple to sue church over gay marriage opt-out
- Christian Church Evicted from NYC Restaurant for Preaching Against Same-sex Relations
- Fuller Seminary Grants Official Recognition to First Homosexual Student Group
- Gay couples to sue for the right to marry in Pennsylvania
- Bush on Homosexuality: ‘I Shouldn’t Take Speck Out of Someone’s Eye When I Have Log in My Own’
- Justice Kennedy Denies Request to Halt Gay Marriages in California
- Churches to Have ‘Hard Discussion’ about Scouts
- More Americans Linking Homosexuality to Birth
- Boy Scouts Approve Plan to Accept Openly Gay Members
- Rep. Paul Ryan Now Supports Gay Adoption
- Wealthy GOP Donor Group Launches Lobbying Effort to Push Republicans to Support Homosexual ‘Marriage’
- Mormon Church Okay with Ending Boy Scouts’ Ban on Gay Youth
- France Legalizes Gay Marriage after Harsh Debate
- U.S. Boy Scouts Proposal: Allow Gay Youth, Keep Out Gay Adults
- Priest Who Defended Homosexual ‘Marriage,’ Transgenderism Defrocked by Vatican
- At Evangelical Colleges, a Shifting Attitude Toward Gay Students
- Jim Wallis Now Supports Same-Sex Marriage
- Public School Boots Cub Scouts
- Boy Scout Leaders Form National Coalition to Protect Ban on Openly Homosexual Members, Leaders
- Gay Marriage Opponents March in Paris before Vote
- American Academy of Pediatrics Announces Support for Same-Sex Marriage
- Gay ‘Marriage’ Cases to Define Supreme Court Legacy
- If Gay Marriage Is Legalized, Polygamy Is Next, Briefs Warn
- Gay Marriage a Dead Issue to Young Conservatives
- DOJ: Children Do Not Need—and Have No Right to—Mothers
- Republicans to File Supreme Court Brief in Support of Same-Sex ‘Marriage’
- Obama, Bush, Cheney and Powell Appear in Commercial Promoting Same-Sex ‘Marriage’
- Gay Marriage Battles Brewing in at Least 6 States This Year
- Huge Crowds Rally in Paris Against Gay Marriage
- Supreme Court Sets Dates for Marriage Cases
- Boy Scout Troop Challenges Headquarters to Award Openly ‘Gay’ Scout With Eagle Rank
- Huge Opposition Mounts Against Gay Marriage in UK
- Kansas Government Agency Sues Man Who Inseminated Lesbian for Child Support
- New ‘Queen James Bible’ Removes References to Homosexuality From Scripture
- Rick Warren Condemns Church-Supported Ugandan Bill Criminalizing Homosexual Acts as ‘Unjust’
- Republican Pennsylvania State Representative Comes Out as ‘Gay Christian’
- Rick Warren Expresses Regret Over Making Video Supporting Biblical Marriage; Family Group Concerned
- Exodus International Fragments Over Focus
- UPS Delivers Blow to Boy Scouts: Ends Donations under New Pro-Gay Philanthropy Policy
- Controversial Pro-’Gay’ Evangelical Andrew Marin to Speak at Park Community Church in Chicago
- Canadian High Court Upholds Pastor’s Right to Oppose Homosexuality, Criticizes ‘Hate Crimes’ Law
- Southern Poverty Law Center Pushes Homosexual Tolerance to Elementary Students with ‘Mix It Up’ Day
- Study: Number of Gay Characters on TV at All-time High
- Group Sues California Over Bill Banning Reparative Therapy for Gay Teens
- Christian Radio Host’s Interview with Alan Chambers on Homosexuality Gets Heated
- Survey Suggests Unwanted Same-Sex Attractions Can Be Reduced Through Counseling
- Vermont Bed & Breakfast Owners Fined $10K for Objecting to Homosexuality
- Democrats Officially Add Homosexual ‘Marriage’ to Party Platform
- Theologian Rejects Claim That Jesus Never Addressed Gay Marriage
- Gay Agenda in Campaign Against Chick-fil-A Not About Civil Rights?
- Members of Military March in San Diego Gay Pride Parade
- Jennifer Knapp, "Gay Christian Icon"?
- First Circuit Court Hears Arguments in Same-Sex Marriage Case
- ‘Glee’ Serves up Bible Mockery and Gay Propaganda for Valentine’s Day
- Why Americans Reject Gay Marriage
- ‘Glitter Blessings’ and Women Pastors Who Say ‘Queer’ a Lot
- Christians should reject ‘gay identity’ in its entirety
- Massive sex chats discovered within intelligence agencies
- Wheaton College Hosts Revoice Speaker Who Calls Marriage an Idol and Says ‘Gay Celibacy’ is Superior
- Lesbian Firefighter Victim Blames Men Who She Isn’t Strong Enough to Rescue
- Actor Denzel Washington Baptized, Ordained as a Licensed Minister
- How ‘Side B’ Ministries Hi-Jack the Great Commission
- It is Time for Christian Parents to Completely Abandon Disney for Good
- Modern-day witches and the Harris campaign
- The Compromised Compassion of ‘Side B’ Ministries
- Cru Ends Gay Affirming Curriculum Amid Backlash
- Is Australia Under Judgment?
- Revoice Speaker Says Paul is Defending the LGBTQ+ Community from ‘Heterosexual Self-Righteousness’
- Preston Sprinkle Assembles LGBTQ and Other Woke Activists to Release New Study Bible
- TGC Editor Who Regularly Watches Soft Porn to Lead 8-Week Course in ‘Faithfully Viewing Films’
- Heresy presented as mercy
- The WHO’s MPox Emergency, They Want $$$ & Vaccines to Start
- Ruslan KD Defends Preston Sprinkle’s Side B Theology
- A Response to JD Greear’s Response to Megan Basham: ‘Whispering About Homosexuality’
- Was Sodom Destroyed Because Of ‘Rape’? Or Homosexuality?
- Conservative Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Excommunicated by Vatican for Schism and Defiance
- Fuller Theological Seminary Ponders Lifting Prohibitions on Same-Sex Activity + Be More LGBTQ Friendly
- U.S. Gov. Spending Millions in Tax Dollars to Promote Homosexuality in Third World Countries
- United Methodists Lose One Million Members in One Day, After Oversees Contingent Cuts Ties Over Same-Sex Support
- Pope Francis Says There is Too Much ‘F*ggotry’ In Roman Catholic Seminaries
- LGBT-CRU: Leaked Cru Training Materials Prove CRU is Teaching ‘Gay Christianity’
- ‘Queer Animals’ Propaganda From NBC Seeks to ‘Prove’ Homosexuality is Natural
- Calvary Chapel’s Embrace Of Side B Heresy
- Churches Embracing Queer Ideologies are Idolatrous, Robbing God of the Glory He Deserves
- Lecrae Recounts Attending Parties Where Sex Orgies Broke Out at 1:00AM
- John MacArthur Rebukes Alistair Begg in New Q&A +’We’ve Been Friends for 45 Years…And Now He’s Going to be Defined By That’
- Preston Sprinkle Promotes Heresies That Lead People Away From True Repentance and Faith, and Straight to Hell
- Open Homo Sex in the Capitol: No One is Scandalized
- Evolutionary biologist says AIDS is likely caused by ‘gay lifestyle,’ not HIV…
- Jonathan Merritt Announces Gay Grooming Children’s Book
- Can Christians Attend Gay Weddings?
- Alistair Begg Refuses To Repent, Attacks American Evangelicals In Awful Sermon
- The Meaning of Non-Binary Sexuality
- Ten Reasons Why a Christian Should Never Attend a Homosexual ‘Wedding’
- Side B Theology Exposed: The Push For More Homosexual Pastors
- Alistair Begg Caves to LGBTQ Movement, Suggests Christians Attend LGBTQ Wedding Ceremonies
- About That ‘1946’ Film: A Damnable Theological Heresy
- Are Most Children With Gender Dysphoria Gay, and Not Transgender Candidates?
- Preston Sprinkle Hosts Webinar on Why We Need More Homosexual and Queer ‘Christian Leaders’
- No, Tim Keller Was Correctly Understood By His Followers
- Netflix Toddler Show Features Little Boy Dancing in Dress for Homosexual ‘Dads’
- Drag Queen Church Puts on Mock Courtroom Performance Deliberating Anti-Homosexual Passages
- Proof That Preston Sprinkle is a Lying, Deceptive Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
- Tennessee Town that Banned ‘Public Displays of Gayness’ Walk it Back After Lawsuit
- Rosaria Butterfield Names Preston Sprinkle, Revoice, and CRU as Teaching Heresy on LGBTQ
- Catholic Church Updates Dogma to Include Co-habiting Homosexual Couples as ‘Conforming to the Faith’
- Prominent Pastor Who Vocally Opposes Andy Stanley for LGBTQ Views Proudly Platforms Pro-LGBTQ TPUSA
- Unconditional Conference: Andy Stanley Says Attending a Gay Wedding is ‘Good Theology’+ Disses Rosaria Butterfield
- All Christians, Not Just Catholics, Should Be Worried About Pope Francis’ Synod
- Andy Stanley Tells ‘Unconditional Conference’ Attendees He REFUSES to Say ‘Homosexuality is a Sin’
- Psalm 50: 21-22: Holy God to the depraved: NOW do you see the stupidity, depravity, and evil in your hearts?
- Dark Times for the Roman Catholic Church?
- Andy Stanley Isn’t the Problem, He’s Only a Massive Symptom
- ‘Gay Married’ Speaker Strikes Back at Al Mohler for Criticizing Andy Stanley’s Queer Conference
- Acts 29 Promotes LGBTQ Inclusivity in the Church and Waters Down the Gravity of The Sin of Homosexuality
- Tim Keller’s Full Endorsement Of Being Gay & Christian
- Jesus’s View on Biblical Sexual Ethics Has Not Shifted
- TGC/LifeWay Lady-Preacher Says Christians Should Affirm Some Marxist Slogans to Truly Be Christian
- Should Christians Support Turning Point USA?
- Portland ‘Trans’ Surgeon Mutilates Pre-Pubescent Children
- Defending the Inspiration of the Whole of Scripture Against Modern Skeptics
- Societies That Surrender Moral Foundation Historically Self-Destruct
- The Gospel Coalition Promotes Gay Christian YA Novel
- Preston Sprinkle Tells Tim Keller That Jesus Didn’t Use Theology, He Just ‘Loved’ Homosexuals Into the Kingdom
- NBC News says LGBT activists chanting ‘we’re coming for your children’ is ‘taken out of context.’ Come peek at the brutal fact checks and replies.
- “Sodomonogamy” is not a good thing
- Google Doesn’t Want You to See This Letter From a Christian Pastor About Pride Month
- This Is What Your Child Sees This Month – Beyond the Rainbow
- The Chosen Director Responds to Controversy, Suggests PRIDE Attire is ‘Appropriate in a Professional Environment’
- Why is Calvary Chapel Platforming a Homosexual Activist to Push Politics?
- Russell Moore’s Condemnation of Uganda’s Anti-Gay Law is a Trainwreck of Deceit and Stupidity
- Actor Who Plays Thaddeus on The Chosen Defends Homosexuality and Pride Flag on Set
- The Chosen Doubles Down On Pride Flags On Set
- ‘The Chosen’ Supports Homosexuality
- The Lauren Daigle Songs You Sing in Your Church Were Written by a Homosexual
- Religious Riptide: Eastern Spirituality Comes West – A Short History
- Progressive Infiltration and Christian Conviction
- Boys in Girls’ Locker Rooms? Public Schools Are Quickly Becoming LGBTQ Whorehouses
- Greg Laurie Says Practicing Homosexual Deathbed Prophecy Has Come to Pass in New Movie
- Global Anglicans Issue Statement: ‘We Cannot Walk Together’ with Apostate Anglicans in Church of England
- Uganda Bans Homosexuality, and the Left Blames…Evangelical Americans?
- Is God Homophobic?
- The Sex Cult of Dionysus Is Taking Over the Nation, and Most of the Church is Silent
- The Babylon Bee Crossed the Line Between Satire and Openly Mocking God
- The Push to Normalize Weird Sexuality in the Church is Increasing at an Alarming Rate
- Why Big Eva Was Always Bad And Why You Suddenly Noticed
- Why John MacArthur Called Out Tim Keller And Andy Stanley At ShepCon
- Jeff Durbin, James White Own Brandan Robertson in Debate On Homosexuality
- LGBTQ-Activist Dem Mayor, Who Was ‘Mentored’ by Buttigieg, Arrested for Vile Charge
- The Jesus Revolution?
- Bible Answer Man, Hank Hanegraaff, Platforms Open Homosexual to Help ‘Save the West’
- Greg Laurie’s ‘Jesus Revolution’ Presents a False Gospel That Forgoes Real Repentance
- Sixth-Grader Reads to School Board From Gay Sex Book Displayed at His School
- The Groomers Are Winning
- Francis Chan to Host Ecumenical ‘Collegiate Day of Prayer’ at Asbury University Tonight
- Bethel Redding Baptizes Openly Gay Disney Celebrity
- Andy Stanley’s Church Celebrates Coming Out of Transgender Intern Who Worked at Student Camps
- Church of England: Gay Sex OK if Part of a ‘Stable, Loving, Committed Relationship
- Another One?!! Saddleback Church Promotes and Partners with Pro-LGBTQ+ Ministry ‘Embracing the Journey’
- Saddleback Church Has Pro-LGBTQ Ministry Encouraging Parents to Affirm Their LGBTQ Children
- Christian Media Runs Cover For Andy Stanley
- SBC Megachurch Will Require Its Members To Sign Statement Opposing Transgenderism, Homosexuality
- Exclusive! Andy Stanley’s Children’s Ministry Led by Pro-LBGTQ+ Activists
- Two Pastors Drop Major Bombshell Allegations Against Andy Stanley After Attending Private Q&A
- Matt Chandler to Join Revoice ‘Gay Christianity’ Founder for Conference
- What Does Andy Stanley Believe About Homosexuality?
- Church of England Issues Formal Apology to LGBTQ for Being ‘Homophobic’
- ‘Gay clubs’ run in seminaries, says Pope Benedict in posthumous attack on Francis
- Doug Wilson and Jared Moore Debate Concupiscence and Homosexuality
- PCUSA Supplied Children To Homosexual Pedophile Ring
- Amy Grant Defends Hosting Same Sex Marriage ‘I Love Those Brides’
- Doug Wilson Doubles Down On Errant Side B Theology
- Woke M&M’s packaging features ‘Fat-Positive’ and ‘Lesbian’ Candies
- The Gospel Coalition’s 2022 Best Movies List is Full of Graphic Sex and Nudity
- Christian Witness in the Public Square? It’s Complicated
- Oh Joy! Church Rewrites Classic Christmas Carol to Promote Leftist Queer Political Agenda
- Franklin Graham Gives Christian Music Star Amy Grant a Reality Check Straight from the Bible After Her Gay Wedding Announcement
- Amy Grant And The Pitfall Of Being Liked By The World
- Phil Vischer Goes Full Liberal: Clowns Al Mohler on David French’s Support of Homosexuality
- A New False Prophet is Gaining Popularity Among Us, His Name is Dr. Kevin M. Young
- Is God Using Sexual Immorality to Separate the Sheep from the Goats?
- Is Netflix Going To Make Chronicles of Narnia Woke?
- Sodom’s Behavior: Homosexuality Or Gay Rights?
- Evangelical Org Associated With SEBTS, TGC, CRU, and Matt Chandler Says Opposing Radical LGBTQ+ Indoctrination Brings Violence On One Another
- Pope Francis’s Tacit Support For Gay Marriage Subverts Scripture To Please The World
- GLAAD’s Club Q Shooting Response Calls for Silencing Critics
- They’re Heeere! Big Changes to Your Traditional Christmas Movies!
- Socialist Democrats Advance ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ with 12 GOP
- Greg Johnson’s Revoice Church To Leave The PCA
- Exposing Revoice: Grant Hartley Compares Coming Out To Resurrection
- Homosexual ‘Churches’ Protest Outside of Franklin Graham Event and heard a watered-down gospel
- Married to Jesus? TGC’s Resident Gay Anglican Priest Wears Wedding Ring Despite Being Single, for THIS Reason
- The Demise of the American Church and God’s Judgment on This Nation
- TGC’s Christopher Yuan says, ‘God Didn’t Say Be Heterosexual’
- Rosaria Butterfield Blasts Tribalistic ‘Gay Christians’ + ‘Side B’ Revoicers
- Beth Moore Heads Preaching Conference at Gay-Affirming ‘Christian’ University
- What We Are Witnessing is Sodom and Gomorrah on a Worldwide Scale
- Wow! Twitter Green Lights Anti-Trans Movement
- Responding to the Leaven of Revoice
- White Horse Inn Tells Pastors They’re Causing Homosexuals to Commit Suicide by Preaching Truth
- Exposing Revoice: Scott Sauls, The Tim Keller of Nashville
- It’s happening: ‘LGB drop the T’ keeps trending on Twitter as gay activists turn on transgender activists
- Is the Transgender Cult in Trouble Now?
- What Doctors Are Hearing from Monkeypox-Infected Gay Men Exposes Liberal Health Hypocrisy
- Why The Gospel Coalition Is A Defeated Organization
- Gospel Coalition Writer/Speaker Comes Out in Full Support of Gay Marriage
- Southern Baptist Church Now Accepting Gay Church Members
- Gay CRU Leader, Revoice Speaker, Who Says Tim Keller Helped Him Shape His Views Brags About Dancing at Gay Bars
- Gay and Celibate: A Contradiction in Terms
- Conservatives and Same-Sex Marriage: Republicans less and less willing to stand for the traditional definition of marriage
- NYC Monkeypox Cases Double in Five Days — Vaccine Lines Stretch for Blocks
- Rosaria Butterfield Retracts Her Former Anti-Conversion Therapy Position, Now Embraces ‘Freedom in Health Care’
- Bethel Church Responds to Criticism Over Pro-Gay Post, Refuses to Clarify Position on Homosexuality
- Beth Moore Attacks Biblical Gender Roles at SBC Conference, Crowd Erupts in Applause
- Biden’s New DOE Staffer Defended Gay ‘Escort’ Website That Allegedly Allowed Human Trafficking and Child Prostitution
- The Sad Descent of Disney
- PRIDE in Seattle – Warning, GRAPHIC, Naked Men Flashing Children
- Suicide, Sex and The School Trauma Cult
- Drag Queen Comes Clean: Keep Kids AWAY From Drag Shows, He Says
- Christians Must Protest Pride Parades and Their Violent, Sodom-like, Riotous Stonewall Origin
- The SBC pitches its tent toward Sodom with Guidepost
- Southern Baptist Sex Abuse Investigation Firm Comes Out in Full Support of Homosexuality and Sexual Immorality
- Meet Rick Warren’s Replacement—He Sounds Like JD Greear and Ed Litton on Homosexuality
- The Anarchic Philosophy Behind ‘LGBTQI+ Pride Month’
- SBTS Grad and Revoice Leader Says Being Pro-Life Means Honoring Trans People
- Real change will come when people of faith stop behaving like unholy heathens
- Yale Prof: Telling Gay Men to Stop Having Sex With Strangers to Halt Monkeypox Spread is Untenable
- The First Rule of Gay Club Is You DO NOT Talk About Gay Club! Groomer Teachers Plot on Zoom
- TGC Author Rebecca McLaughlin Says We MUST Repent of our Parent’s and Grandparent’s Racism
- Of course they are coming for your children
- Revoice Founder Now Promotes Heretical View of Hell as an ‘Orthodox’ View Held by ‘Bible Believing Christians’
- Ok, Groomers. Leaked Internal Zoom Confirms Disney Drank the Gender Cult Kool-Aid
- Shut Up, Mickey: Disney Vows to Fight DeSantis in Court While a Fourth-Grade Teacher Is Arrested for Attempted Child Rape
- John MacArthur Rebukes Church Hosting Ligonier National Conference
- Why Christians should never use The Message ‘Bible’
- Disney employees are planning a major walkout because Florida won’t let teachers talk to 5-year-olds about transgenderism and homosexuality
- 35 Percent of Americans Support Grooming Children in Public Schools
- Attacking the Florida Bill Is the Commies’ Latest Attempt to Have Sex With Your Kids
- TGC Author Tells Parents God Uses Transgenderism and Homosexuality to Make Kids More Like Christ
- NIH Funds Gay Sex App for Underage Boys, Pays Hundreds of Dollars to Report Their Sexual Activity
- The Gospel Coalition Author Employs Gay Rights Activist as Personal Pastoral Assistant at Church
- Thousands of American Pastors Preach in Solidarity With Canadian Christians Crushed by Demonic New Law
- Greg Johnson To The PCA: ‘Merry Christmas. Here Is A Lump Of Coal For Your Stocking’
- The Trend Toward Normalizing Pedophilia Must Be Halted
- Identity Wars: What did Paul mean when he wrote, ‘such were some of you?’
- They’ve Successfully Taken Christ Out of Christmas and Replaced Him With Gay Pride
- David Platt Joins Leader of Evangelical ‘Gay Christianity’ for Social Justice Conference
- Gay Pariahs, Unvaccinated Pariahs, the Left, and the Truth
- Step Aside, Trans People, The Left has a New Mission: Normalizing Pedophilia
- Former Celibates Admit the ‘Gay Christian Celibate’ Movement Gateway to Full, Practicing Homosexuality
- Are We Bowing to America’s Golden Image?
- Be Willing to Submit to Our Good God on the Issue of Homosexuality
- The Media’s Absolute Contempt for Christians
- Netflix documentary ‘Pray Away’ selectively edits to demonize ex-gay change
- Major evangelical figure comes out as gay
- There is no coherent way to combine the identities ‘gay’ and ‘Christian.’
- Is Progressive Christianity Christian?
- Popular pastor Max Lucado has taken a sharp turn to the Left
- Indoctri-Nation: Report Reveals How ‘Queer Creators’ Have for Years Been Pushing LGBT on Kids’ TV
- ‘The Jesus Music’ Trailer Launches, But a Third of the Featured Artists are Pro-Gay
- In Non-Essentials Liberty?
- Standing with the Little Guys
- id the Little Guy Really Win? – The 48th PCA General Assembly
- A Clear Message from the 48th General Assembly of the PCA
- PCA is on track to be another denominational domino to topple
- To My Fathers and Brothers: A Plea From Your Sister In the Pew
- A Peculiar Approach to Unity
- Like Greear, New SBC President Says the Bible ‘Whispers’ About Homosexuality
- Canada Announces Pride Month Isn’t Enough, Will Now Celebrate ‘Pride Season’ From June To September
- Pitiful Pride
- Rick Warren, Bad Theology, and the Evangelical Dance with Quid Pro Quo
- Disney Unveils ‘Rainbow Collection’ for Kids to Celebrate Gay Pride
- Major Catholic Theological Institute ‘Annuls’ Doctrines Opposing Homosexuality
- SBC President Continues to Promote Same-Sex Attraction ‘Christianity’
- ‘I Kissed Dating Goodbye’ Author Trashes Book with ‘Bull-Dyke’ Pastrix
- Children Endangered as GOP Applauds Sexual Anarchy
- Revoice Gay-Straight Friends Planning a Life Together
- Significant Issues Portend Vigorous Debates At the 2021 PCA General Assembly: Will the PCA have ‘gay Christian’ pastors and other church officers or not?
- Deceased, Gay-Affirming Scripture Twister to Release Children’s Book ‘What is God Like?’
- Tim Keller Blames Persecution on Christians Because We Hurt Homosexuals’ Feelings
- JD Greear Defends Staff Member Who Had Gay Hookups Online and Looked at Gay Pornography
- China declares homosexuality a mental illness? Where’s LeBron? Where’s Disney?
- Gay ‘Pastor’ Says If You Think Homosexuality is a Sin, Then You Want All Homosexuals Killed
- ERLC Finally Owns Revoice, Promoting Founder in ‘Parent’s Guide to Gender’
- LGBT Activist Compares Christians Who Don’t Accept Homosexuality to ‘Rapists’, ‘Holocaust Deniers’
- The perverts and those who protect them
- Judgment is Here: Seventy Percent of Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage
- Jen Hatmaker Flings F-Words at the god She’s Created
- Pope Says God Loves Gay Children ‘As They Are,’ Says They Are ‘Children of God’
- California Leads Nation in Systemic Sexualization of Children
- Christian author Jen Hatmaker files for divorce
- UK govt funds development of kids game normalizing LGBT sexual practices
- Purging the evil legacy of Karl Marx
- Christian Rapper Lecrae Compares Homosexuality to a Preference Between Sports
- New Book Examines John Piper’s Hedonism and Sam Alberry’s Homosexuality
- Tim Keller Joins Leftist “&Campaign”
- Kamala Harris covered up sex crimes by pedophile priests
- Gays Team Up With Beth Moore’s Daughter to Attack John MacArthur for Biblical View on Sexuality
- Pedophiles rebranding themselves as ‘Minor-Attracted Persons’, seek same protection as LGBT community
- The Gospel Coalition Celebrates Pro-LGBTQ, Pro-Abortion Leftist Politician
- TGC And ERLC Can Stop Scamming Us. They Are ‘Revoicing’ LGBTQ Into The Church
- Jeffrey Epstein celebrates Gay Pride from the grave
- The Gospel Coalition Says Gay Pride Flag Same as Noah’s Rainbow, Represents Safety
- The Sexual Roots of Civil Rebellion and Its Youth Victims
- PCA fails to present any serious theological discussion of sexuality in the light of biblical Creation
- Would the Son of God Contradict the Father? (Reprise)
- Leaving the PCA….the darkness of our world has taken hold of it
- Pixar Short Animated Film ‘Out’ on Disney+ Features Studio’s First Homosexual Main Character
- Jen Hatmaker Says ‘LGBTQ Christians’ Preach in Her Church, Calls For Mass Exodus of Conservative Denoms
- YouTube bans John Piper’s ‘Coronavirus and Christ’ audiobook for “violating community guidelines”
- So when does the LGBT movement stop getting a pass for their blatant bigotry?
- Teachings of the 2018 Revoice Conference may split the Presbyterian Church in America
- Red Diaper Babies for All: A Marxist Re-Definition of the Family
- Is There A Conspiracy To Make The Bible Anti-Gay?
- With Virus Front and Center, Watch for Tricks from Sexual Left
- Gays and Democrats Upset That ‘Anti-Gay’ Christian Organization is Setting Up Hospitals in New York
- Samaritans Purse Pop-up Hospital In NY Draws Scorn From Gay Democrat Senator
- Tim Challies Caves On Homosexuality: Says He’s ‘Deliberately Evasive’ On Its Sinfulness
- Prominent Baptist University Hosts Openly Gay LGBTQ Activist
- Polyamory and the Overton Window
- SBC Professor Claims ‘Revoice’ Founders Have ‘Traditional, Biblical Sexual Ethic’
- LGBTQ-Incompatible Means Gracious Separation is the Church’s Best Option
- LGBTQ Group Boycotts St. Patrick’s Day Parade Because They Won’t Allow Them to Turn it Into a Gay Pride March
- This Year’s SBC Pastors’ Conference to Be a Literal Circus With the Speaker Line-Up
- Kicking the Can Down the Road: Why The RCA Cannot Have Unity If It Disagrees On Homosexuality
- The RCA Needs a Miracle: A Reflection On What Is Needed For 200 Churches Not To Leave The RCA
- New Documentary Exposes Mohler’s Gay Agenda
- The Main Flaw in ‘Homosexual Christianity’
- Yes, Sadly, The UMC Split Is Pretty Racist
- Understand the new TGC orthodoxy on gay Christians
- A homosexual’s ‘biblical’ reasoning for his kind of homosexuality falls flat
- Here’s Some Of The Most Explicit Material Teen Vogue Published In 2019
- Did Henri Nouwen mean God is gay? Man is God? Or something else?
- Reasons Our Church Will Be Withdrawing From the Presbyterian Church in America
- J.K. Rowling becomes early casualty in unfolding LGBT civil war
- Title IX Trouble For Fuller Seminary
- Cultural Marxism – the Seedbed of the New Homosexual Christian
- Al Mohler Defends Firing of Professor With Biblical Views On Same-sex Attraction
- Here’s Why SWBTS/ERLC Teamed Up to Fire Professor over Conservative LGBTQ Views
- Hallmark Channel Now Airing Lesbian Wedding Commercials
- Why Gay Christianity Is A False Religion
- Christians Who Oppose Conversion Therapy Need a Reality Check
- Rosaria Butterfield Promotes Sam Allberry’s Theology, Catholic Priest Who Says God is Gay and Occultic Scholar
- Disassociating Paul from Jesus
- Why Are So Many Christians Paralysed by Fear and Compromise?
- Gay Christianity and the Local Church
- Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: ‘Salvation’ Depends on Being ‘Useful’
- Why Do These Pastors Desire to Dress and Act Like Effeminate, Homosexual Men?
- Tim Keller’s Redeemer Church Calls for More Same Sex Intimacy in Churches
- Sprite Argentina Ad Celebrates ‘Pride,’ Depicts Mother Applying Makeup to Son, Another Binding Daughter’s Breasts
- Where Are the Prophets to Our Church and Culture?
- Are Christian men acting like men and are women encouraging them to do so?
- Lesbian Pastor to Lead National Abortion Federation
- Former Gay Man Stuns with ‘Nothing But the Blood’ in U.S. Capitol
- The Gospel Coalition Author Employs Gay Rights Activist as Personal Pastoral Assistant at Church
- Disney sacrificing children’s innocence again
- Surprise ‘coming out ’ middle school assembly angers parents
- Massachusetts proves homosexuality is learned
- Gay Muslims Crowdsourcing Funds For Muslim Gay Pride Festival
- NYC Repeals Prohibition Against Reparative Therapy Because It’s Unconstitutional
- A Response to ‘From Celibate Gay Poster Child to Future Gay Husband’
- The Myth of Sexual Orientation
- LGBT Activists Seek to Destroy Christianity
- Gay ‘Christian’ Journalist, Jonathan Merritt, Leaves Evangelical Faith
- Good News! There’s No Bully Gene
- How feminism treats heterosexuality as a problem
- Media Bias and the Elusive Gay Gene
- The Curse of Liberalism
- SBC President Says Stop Being a Pharisee, Pride, Materialism, Greater Sins Than Homosexuality
- Did Jesus struggle with his gender and his sexuality? Was he tempted to same-sex attraction?
- Todd Bentley Confirms Disqualifying Accusations in Public Confession
- The Gospel Coalition Promotes a Conference Pushing the Rainbow to Tweens
- Russell Moore Speaking at Event in Conjunction With Adoption Agency That Hands Children Over to Homosexuals
- The ERLC Publishes an Article on Women Written by a Feminist Lesbian
- Homosexuality – Men Acting Like the Woman
- Campus Crusade For Christ Teaching Kids That It’s Okay to be Gay
- Battle of the Sexes—Not What You Think: Sides A, B, Gay-Christian, or Other?
- Celibate but Compromised ‘Gay Christianity’ Pushes into Conservative Churches
- Homosexual ‘Christianity’ – What is Happening?
- Matthew Vines Hosting Private Gathering to Teach Pastors How to Turn Their Churches Gay-Affirming
- Homosexuals as PCA Elders?
- Beth Moore Has Departed The Faith to Embrace Homosexuality
- Has the PCA Become A De Facto ‘Side B’ Church?
- Is NEA Calling for Revolution?
- Beth Moore, Sam Allberry Promote Gay Activists, Calls Them “Brothers”
- Papal Paganism’s Kiss of Death
- Beth Moore Labels Christians Against Homosexuality, ‘Hyper-Fundamentalists’
- Does Beth Moore really believe that homosexuality – not just the behavior, but the identity and desire – is a deadly sin?
- Living Out – A Follow-Up and Call to Further Action
- An Open Letter to Beth Moore – Timeline of Events
- Beth Moore: Calling Homosexuality a Sin is ‘Exceeding Scripture’
- TGC’s Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy Cover-Up
- The Heart of the Difference Between Revoice Theology and Reformed Theology – the Sinfulness and Mortification of Sinful Desires
- Beth Moore Refuses to Denounce Homosexuality as Sinful
- Beth Moore’s Beliefs on Homosexuality Are Called into Question in Open Letter from Bible Teachers
- Draining the Rainbow Swamp
- California’s Proposed Resolution Tells Pastors How They Should Talk About Homosexuality. That’s Not Okay
- Are Abortion & Gay Rights American Values?
- Which Should Be Illegal: Sodomy or Christianity? (A Thought Experiment)
- ‘Gay, but celibate’ – But time to be very wary …
- Survivors Of Sexual Abuse By Nuns Want Greater Visibility For Their Accusations
- A Brief Review of the Missouri Presbytery Committee Report on Revoice and ‘Gay Christians’
- Christian parents must be willing to fight for the heart and soul of their children
- Oliver Thomas @USATODAY Says the American Church Got it Wrong on Gay People—And He’s Right
- The Gay Christian: The Unicorn In Our Midst
- Baptist Theologian Says Christians Against Homosexuality Guilty of ‘Selective Literalism’
- ‘Latina Mama’ Warns Pete Buttigieg: ‘Don’t Force Your Sexual Ideology on Me and My Children’
- Are We Accountable for Unchosen Sinful Desires?
- Mayor Pete and the Crackup of Christianity
- Hillsong Pastor Says Christians Shouldn’t Judge Homosexuals, God is a God of Love, Acceptance
- Same-Sex Attraction, Biblical Christianity, and the Fractures in Our Evangelical Mist
- Living Out – The Shift
- Most Evangelical Leaders Have No Idea How the Gospel Works
- Mike Abendroth & Tom Buck tackle whether SSA is simply a temptation…or a sin against God
- Ex-Gay Testimony: The Gospel Radically Changed My Heart and Desires
- It Was Not So From The Beginning: What Nature And Grace Teach Us About SSA
- The Disproportionate Rate Of Measurable Harm For Males And Females In Homosexual Relationships
- RZIM Doubles Down on Jesus ‘Body Dysphoria’
- The White Horse Inn Teams up with Homosexual Anglican Priest, Sam Allberry
- ‘Equality Act’ Opens Back Door to Pedophilia
- The Gay Christian Ministry Changing the Face of the Evangelical Church
- Ligon Duncan’s Ecumenical Push for Unity
- Ligon Duncan, Gay Christians and the Bizarre Tweet Delete
- ‘Day of Silence’ is a Day of Dumbed-Down Sin
- Gospel Coalition Says God Raised up ‘Same-Sex Attracted Christians’ to Lead Us
- Same-Sex Relationships: Sorry Bishop, But The Meaning Of Holiness Does Not Change From Generation To Generation
- The Gospel Coalition’s Christian ‘Gay Celibacy’ Movement is a Biblical Farce
- What to Do with A Gay Priest
- Gay Priest at Ravi Zacharias Event: Jesus Had Dysphoria, Body Issues
- Vatican defrocks former US cardinal McCarrick over sex abuse
- Vatican to be exposed as ‘one of largest’ homosexual networks in world in new book
- Does No Name-Calling Week Include Christians?
- Is the Vatican trying to recast McCarrick abuse of teen as ‘consensual’?
- Dance, Monkey. An Open Letter to John Crist, Re: Lauren Daigle
- Anti-Gay?—Get Out of the Way!
- Gay Christian Celebrities: A Peculiar and Alarming Development
- Domenick Nati, Lauren Daigle, & Homosexuality
- Popular CCM Artist Lauren Daigle: ‘I Can’t Say One Way or the Other’ If Homosexuality Is Sin, ‘I’m Not God’
- Is Persisting Sin Our Identity And May We Offer It To God?
- ‘Boy Erased’ Movie Foments Anti-Christian Bigotry
- Colorado Elects First Openly Gay Governor In U.S. History As The State Persecutes Christians
- 70% of Americans are Christians? Seriously? (Reprise)
- Matt Chandler’s Vice Interview
- ‘LGBTQ’ Activists at ‘Devoted’ Youth Pastor Conference
- ‘Gay Christian’ Event Planned with Mark Dever’s Capitol Hill Baptist Church
- Homosexual ‘cesspool’: Priest blows whistle on Ireland’s national seminary
- SBTS Faculty Consult Attorney on Release of Mohler Correspondence
- Roman Catholics Blame Pedophile Scandal on Gay Conspiracy to Hurt Church
- ‘Desiring God’ Says God Can’t/Won’t Make Gay People Straight
- Slouching To Ancient Rome
- U.S. Bishop: Homosexual Abuse of Youth is a ‘Wickedness’ That ‘Should Be Hated With a Perfect Hatred’
- Vatican Bombshell: McCarrick Conspiracy Uncovered!
- ‘Raise the Rainbow Flag, We Surrender’
- Study: Children of Same-sex couples do less well than those of married couples
- Revoice: Sliding into Heresy
- Are you a member of the HFIB Club? (Reprise)
- Revoice: Gay Affirming Karen Swallow Prior is Still Gay Affirming
- Are you a member of the HFIB club?
- Tell Jimmy Carter about the Damage of Homosexuality
- Season Two of Netflix’s Anne of Green Gables Show Surprises Families by Making a Character a Lesbian
- Gay ‘Christian’ Journalist, Jonathan Merritt, Leaves RNS Amidst Contract Dispute
- Pope Francis Embraces ‘LGBT’
- Concerns Raised Over Video Featuring 10-Year-Old ‘Desmond the Drag Kid’: ‘I Wanted to Do Drag … When I Was Two’
- Pastors, it’s time to audit what your women are studying
- Openly gay Willow Creek leader to speak at Matthew Vines’ conference
- 4 Concerns About Jen Hatmaker’s Teaching
- The Hatmakers double down on “holy” homosexual “marriage”
- Another real, raw, ‘Christian’ mommy blogger comes out
- Hillsong’s Brian Houston Says He Believes in Biblical Marriage, But Christians Shouldn’t ‘Dismiss’ Homosexuals’ ‘Desire to Pursue Happiness’
- For the Love of Those Fighting Against Homosexuality
- Is The Pope Catholic?
- American Evangelical Christianity, A Horse Of A Different Color
- LGBT Christians
- Why Pope’s Response to a Gay Man is Wrong, But in Line With Many Evangelicals
- Gandalf (Ian McKellen): ‘Half of Hollywood is Gay’
- Pope Says God Makes People Gay
- When Psychological ‘Science’ Defines Ultimate Cosmology
- Southern Baptist Lobbying Group Silent on Religious Liberty Threat in California
- Homosexual activist Matthew Vines wages war to make InterVarsity inclusive
- Eugene Peterson’s error isn’t about gay weddings
- CA Bill Against Gay Conversion Could Ban Christian Books, Speech
- Recalcitrants Versus the Rainbow Ruling Class
- The Gospel Coalition Says Church Should Be ‘Safe Space’ for Homosexuals
- In A World of ‘Authentic’ ‘Journeys,’ There’s Always First Things
- Religious Liberty Case Is Not about Refusing to Serve People ‘Because of Who They Are’
- The Nashville ‘Megachurch’ that embraced gay marriage two years ago has cratered
- Basketball coaching hopeful was denied a job. She says it’s because she’s no longer gay
- ‘God Is the Judge,’ Hillsong’s Carl Lentz Tells ‘The View’ When Asked Whether or Not Abortion Is Sin
- Is the Bible’s treatment of homosexuality ‘complicated’?
- Church of England Head Denies Sodomy is Sin
- Advances in AI are used to spot signs of sexuality
- Homosexuality, Gender Identity, and Other Sexual Immorality
- Defining Orthodoxy in Our Modern World
- Same Sex Attraction: Is It a Sin?
- Evangelical Coalition Releases Nashville Statement, A Manifesto On Biblical Sexuality
- Jen Hatmaker’s Revision of Truth
- Jiminy Cricket! Disney Goes Gay
- Jen Hatmaker: Yes, let’s remember who’s watching this conversation
- Christianity, Inc.
- Actually, Eugene Peterson Does Not Support Same-Sex Marriage
- “The Gospel according to Glennon”: What gospel?
- Syphilis cases hit highest level since 1949 amid rise in men who have sex with men
- The Christian Knows What Jesus Says On The Issue Of Homosexuality
- David Gushee: Our ‘differences are unbridgeable’
- Can You Be Homosexual and a Christian?
- Marriage Doctrine Alone Disqualifies Pro-Gay Theology
- Beauty and the Beast: Why Christians Can Calm Down
- Straight WNBA star: Lesbian culture broke my spirit
- Gay Weddings Over Freedom: Washington State Punishes Florist for Faith
- ‘I Got Gay Married. I Got Gay Divorced. I Regret Both.’
- Conservatives look for a new network
- Jen Hatmaker Affirms Gay Marriage – Proves She Has No Idea Who God Is
- Reported Cases of Sexually-Transmitted Diseases Reaches Record High
- The Society of Biblical Literature Is Now Banning Christian Organizations
- Johns Hopkins Distances From Psychiatrists’ Report That There’s No “Scientific Evidence” People Born Homosexual
- Studying the Unstudiable
- With Redefinition of Marriage, America’s Very Survival Is at Risk
- A Look Inside 4 Important Goals of the LGBT Movement
- Who May Speak, After Orlando?
- Homosexuality, Islam and Christianity
- Jennifer Knapp, Trey Pearson, and the Cross We Bear
- The Moral Revolutionaries Present Their Demands: Unconditional Surrender
- Transgender plea or demand?
- Your Choice: Homosexual Hegemony or Free Speech
- Your Soul For A–Pronoun?
- For Necco, a different kind of “Sweethearts”
- World Vision, Christian organization? Part 1
- World Vision, Christian organization? Part 2
- Cowardly Christian entertainers
- The Gaystapo Crackdown on Christianity
- A “gay lobby” at the Vatican?
- Milton Catholic school loses gay bias case
- LGBT Activists Fight State Law That Protects Believers Against Gay Marriage
- Are unrepentant sinners worthy to be baptized?
- Update: Lifeway Peddling Gay-Affirming Prosperity Preacher For Profit
- How the Left Has Sabotaged Marriage and Family
- U.S. priests accused of sex abuse get second chance in South America
- 70% of Americans are Christians? Seriously?
- T.D. Jakes “Shocked” After Theology Called Into Question Following Remarks Respecting “Gay Rights”
- Abortion, Planned Parenthood highlighted at first Republican debate
- Bruce Jenner, Gay Marriage, and Planned Parenthood: The Self-Deification of a Nation
- A Reformation The Church Doesn’t Need: Answering Revisionist Pro-gay Theology
- Oregon silences bakers who refused to make cake for gay wedding
- 40 Questions for Christians Now Waving Rainbow Flags
- John Piper: “Weeping,” not celebrating, correct response to “shameless” homosexuality
- The US Supreme Court “gay marriage” ruling – how we got to this, and what do we do now?
- Here’s How Religious Business Owners Could Protect Themselves Against Gay Marriage Decision
- The Body Politic Is Queer
- Would the Son of God Contradict the Father?
- “I will not bow to the Court on this gay-marriage decision any more than the Founders bowed to British tyranny”
- Which Way, Evangelicals? There is Nowhere to Hide
- Congress Urged to Pass Law Protecting Religious Schools from Punishment Over Marriage Beliefs
- Not Just Acceptance, But Coercion—Christians Now Being Told to Embrace Gay “Marriage” or Else
- Apostate Churches Promoting Sin
- “Q” Is Cool
- Civil Rights and Wrongs
- In-Depth: Key Questions and Remarks From the Supreme Court Oral Arguments on Marriage
- “It is going to be an issue” – Supreme Court argument on same-sex “marriage” puts religious liberty in the crosshairs
- Andy Stanley Removes Shame from Homosexual Sin
- The dreadful loneliness of life without Scripture
- What about that Australian study about same-sex parenting?
- Ian Thorpe and mindless political correctness
- Homosexual “equality” is just repackaged tyranny
- Truth-telling and homosexuality
- There’s no third way
- Big ‘Gay’ Brother is Watching You
- LGBT Film Fest a Labor of Faith for Two Seminary Students
- Enough With the Gay Mania
- The Other Shoe Drops in Kentucky: Federal Court Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage in the Commonwealth
- Christians, Don’t Give Up on the Homosexuality Debate
- Five Really Dumb Things the Activists Say
- Homosexual lobby on the attack again
- TV Has to Be at Least 42 Percent Gay?
- George and Barbara Witness a Wedding—When a Private Act Sends a Public Message
- The Revolution of the Family: The Marxist Roots of ‘Homosexualism’
- National Christian Legal Organization Petitions California Supreme Court to Uphold Proposition 8
- Here We Stand
- Liberty Baptist Seminary’s Enrollment of Homosexual Activist Called Into Question
- The First Word in ‘BSA’ Now Stands for Betrayal
- The Campaign for Immorality
- The Great Need for Pastors to Address Gay Marriage
- Male and Female — Incomprehensible?
- James White: Did Jesus Heal a “Same Sex Partner”?
- Rift Forms in Movement as Belief in Gay ‘Cure’ Is Renounced
- The Gay Divorcees
- What the Bible Really Still Says About Homosexuality
- People of Faith Must Join the Fight to Preserve Normal Marriage
- Al Mohler on the Challenge of Same-Sex Unions
- Ex-‘Gays’ Seek Parity with Homosexual Promoters
- Homosexuality and the RCA: A Call for Action, Consistency, and Faithfulness
- Would the Son of God Contradict the Father? by Marsha West
- Prop 8 ruling: Same-sex marriage ban is unconstitutional, federal appeals court rules
- Washington Senate Approves Gay Marriage Bill
- British Archbishop Warns Against 'Dictator' Government If Gay Marriage is Imposed
- Why homosexuality IS different
- Joel Osteen on Oprah – talking gay sin, paths to God, why people send in millions and he takes no salary
- President Obama and Same-Sex Marriage — The Dance Continues, by Albert Mohler