CRN articles about LGBT
- Union Seminary Performs Last Supper in Drag, Mocks Communion, and Mocks Christ
- LGBT Republican group praises new watered down Republican platform
- Joe Biden Declares Easter Sunday ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’
- Multiple ‘Drag Queens’ in the News This Week For Appalling Sex Crimes Against Children
- World Vision Serves as Stark Warning to Christian Ministries
- ‘Makes Me Sick to My Stomach’: Transgender Racers Win Gold and Silver at Chicago Women’s Cycling Championships
- More than 7,000 churches split from United Methodist Church over homosexuality
- O’Keefe Media Group Unearths Best Buy’s Discrimination
- Google Withdraws Sponsorship from Drag Show Starring ‘Peaches Christ’ Following Petition by Christian Employees
- ‘Save Our Children!’: Thousands Block the Entrance to Dodger Stadium to Protest ‘Pride Night’ Celebration
- ‘USA Are My Pronouns:’ Middle Schoolers Rebel Against Pride Month Indoctrination
- Move over American flag. Now U.S. troops salute ‘rainbow flag’
- Calls to Boycott Target Intensify as they Push LGBTQ+ Propaganda to Children
- Navy acknowledges using non-binary drag queen as ‘ambassador’ to boost recruitment
- Bud Light Sales Dive ‘Staggering’ 17% on Trans Flap
- Trans Activists Called for ‘Day Of Vengeance’ Before Shooting of Christian School
- Women’s cycling champ quits after loss to trans rider; another trans winner days later in NY race
- Hershey’s Hates Women on International Women’s Day
- The DOD, A Threat to National Security?
- Voddie Baucham Exposes Gay Attack on Churches, Rips Pastors Who Fall For It
- Go Woke, Go Broke? Liberal movies, books, TV that bombed in 2022
- 12 Woke Earmarks in Omnibus Spending Bill….that will infuriate you
- Amy Grant Plans To Host a Gay Wedding
- About the Non-Binary Drag Queen Biden Invited to the White House…
- Retired Navy SEAL made famous after coming out as trans announces detransition: ‘Destroyed my life’
- Russian TV Mocks US for Choosing Woman ‘Hooked on Drugs’ Over Marine Hero
- Sam Brinton, nonbinary Biden official, stole jewelry worth $1,700 in second luggage theft
- Kirk Cameron Request for Story-Hour Time Rejected by 50 Public Libraries
- Non-binary Biden nuclear official charged with stealing woman’s luggage at airport
- Focus on the Family in Colorado vandalized with graffiti days after Club Q tragedy: ‘Blood is on your hands’
- Told Ya So: The Club Q Shooter Is ‘Non-binary’
- Ruthless LGBT Attacks Against Christians
- Another Satanic Drag Show Troupe Actively Recruiting Kids
- Microsoft goes full rebellion against God’s created order
- Popular Evangelical Leaders Continue to Merge With Pro-LGBTQ Activists in the Name of Social Justice
- “If you’re staying silent because you don’t want to be vilified or suspended for opposing this, then you’re a coward.”
- ‘LGBTQ History Month’ CANCELLED after parental backlash in Miami-Dade
- Revoice Leader and SBC Seminary Grad Calls on Christians to Repent for Signing Statement on Biblical Sexual Ethics
- Antifa Packing AR-15s Guards ‘Family Friendly’ Texas Drag Show
- The Archdiocese of Omaha Has Issued Gender Policies for Its Schools, and Not Everyone Is Happy About It
- Mennonites Go Gay, Pass Resolution Allowing LGBTQ Weddings and ‘Repents’ for Excluding LGBTQ People
- Woman, 80, Banned From the City Pool for Refusing to Shower or Change in Front of a Man
- San Francisco Holds Kink & Fetish Fest: Get Monkeypox Vaccine and Go for It
- State-Owned BBC ‘Disappearing Women’ by Filling Gender Quotas with Trans Staff
- ‘Wokest Place on Earth’ Disneyland Cuts Walt Disney’s Speech From Its Anniversary Celebration
- Jen Hatmaker Says Viewing Jesus as a Male Makes it Difficult for Black, Brown, and LGBT People to Feel Safe Around Him
- Webster’s Dictionary Re-defines ‘Female’ to Include Men
- Dordt (Christian) University Now Teaching Gender is Determined by Clothing Choice
- BOMBSHELL: Indisputable Proof SWBTS Lied; ERLC Targeted Professor for Preaching Against LGBT ‘Revoice’ Theology
- Biden’s Trans Health Official, ‘Non-Binary’ Puppy Fetish DOE Worker Make Splash At Ambassador’s Party
- Church of England Fails Miserably When Asked ‘What is a Woman?’
- Street Preacher Arrested at Gay Pride Parade For Preaching, Bible Ripped and Thrown in Porta-Potty
- The GOP and the Log Cabin Republicans
- Pixar/Disney’s new Toy Story spinoff just bombed on opening weekend and I wonder why
- In a Surprising Move, Left-Drifting Reformed Denomination Codifies Homosexuality as Sin in Revised Confession
- Study Contradicts Transgender Narrative, Suggests Puberty Blockers Spike Youth Suicide
- Disney’s ‘Toy Story’ spinoff banned in 14 countries over same-sex kiss
- The Hymn Society Releases Pro-Homosexual Hymnal Featuring Hymns Like ‘Queerly Beloved’
- CDC Survey Shows About 5% of Young Adults Identify as Transgender or ‘Non-Binary’
- Augsburg University, the cauldron of wickedness and wokeness, is one of the crown jewels of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA)
- Pizza Hut facing boycott calls after promoting ‘drag kids’ book for kindergartners
- Pizza Hut features ‘drag kids’ book for children as young as kindergarten
- Biden admin to enforce gender neutral bathrooms in K-12 schools via federal aid for food programs
- Liberty U Hires Walmart, Goldman Sachs ‘Diversity Expert’ as Executive VP of Inclusion, Diversity & Equity
- Disney Releases LGBTQ Pride-Themed Toys Marketed to Children
- Sickest, ‘Disgusting, Horrific’ Exploitation of Children
- Tim Keller Promotes Gay Revoice Pastor’s Book That Teaches Christianity Doesn’t Change Homosexual Desires
- Disney Releases ‘Gayest Kids Movie Yet,’ Produced Long Before Florida Grooming Controversy
- Check Out This Trash Promoted On YouTube Kids And Tell Me They Aren’t Grooming Children
- Black Evangelical Leaders Pay Tribute To Pro-Abortion, Pro-LGBTQ Ketanji Brown Jackson: “We Celebrate These Milestones”
- Americans Sour on Disney’s LGBTQ Agenda
- Former Trans Person Slams Biden for Promoting ‘Institutionalized Child Abuse’
- Biden administration endorses transgender youth sex-change operations, ‘top surgery,’ hormone therapy
- Ron DeSantis Slams Leftists Lying About the Parental Rights Bill: ‘They Support Sexualizing Kids in Kindergarten’
- Gay CRU Leader, Turned Catholic, Explains How Tim Keller Helped Him Shape His Pro-LGBTQ Views
- Satirical site ‘Babylon Bee’ founder and ‘Not the Bee’ CEO Adam Ford has been locked out of Twitter for sharing a ‘Babylon Bee’ joke
- Texas Elementary School Has Kids Participate In Pride Parade Complete With Rainbow Flags And Everything
- Video surfaces of young child being led through his ‘Gay BCs’
- Marvel Comics Joins the Ranks of Child Groomers, Opposes Florida’s Child Safety Legislation
- Disney’s Turning Red, A Review and Warning For Christian Parents
- Disney CEO Wants K-3 Transgenderism in FL Schools
- Major Group of Conservatives to Split from United Methodist Church on May 1
- As Russia Wages War, US Army Trains Officers on Gender Identity
- Exclusive Footage — Private Schools Nation-Wide Pushing ‘Queer Inclusive’ Curriculum, Trans Ideology Starting in Pre-K
- Biden’s New Energy Department Pick Is His Most Outrageous and Appalling Yet
- German Catholic priests come out as queer, demand reform
- Female Swimmers Complain Trans Teammate Lia Thomas Exposes Male Body Parts in Locker Room
- Church Hosts ‘Drag Me to Church’ Event to Attract LGBTQ Pagans
- Lifeway Still Peddling False Teachers Including ‘Gay Christianity’ Revoice Resources
- TikTok Videos About Transgenderism Dominate Platform with 26 Billion Views
- China to ban video games promoting ‘effeminate males,’ gay relationships
- Cartoon Network and HBO Max are launching a bunch of new shows to wokeify your kids
- 3,000+ Pediatricians, Health Care Workers Sue Biden Over Transgender Mandate
- Revoice 2021 Conference To Feature Roman Catholic Lesbian Speaker
- Netflix’s ‘Pray Away’ Takes Aim at Jesus Ability To Set People Free from LGBT Lifestyles
- We’re Coming for Your Children’ Songwriting Team Forced to Cancel Musical Accused of ‘Romanticizing’ Afghan Dancing Boys
- Biden DOJ: It’s Unconstitutional to Defend Women’s Sports, Protect Kids From Chemical Castration
- Pride Month: ‘Sesame Street’ Introduces Gay Male Couple for ‘Family Day’
- BREAKING: Judge Orders School District to Reinstate PE Teacher Who Opposed Transgender Policy
- Queer Is In, Christian Is Out – Boom In LGBT Content For Children
- Judge rules Christian college must follow Biden rule opening dorms, showers to opposite sex
- Trans Golfer Who Played On Men’s College Team Snags Women’s Title, Eyes LPGA
- Is Praying for Gay Conversion ‘Hate Prayer’?
- Caitlyn Jenner Attacked over Gender Fairness in Sports Statement: ‘Doesn’t Understand Science,’ ‘Self Loathing, Vapid Fame-Whore That Abuses Privilege and Platform’
- Catholic Group to ‘Unmask’ Joe Biden: ‘Wrecking Ball’ to Voters of Faith
- Christian University Faculty Revolt After Board Votes to Affirm Biblical View of Sexuality
- LGBT Advocates Want Schools to Replace ‘Mum’ and ‘Dad’ With ‘Inclusive’ Language
- Disney Preps ‘National Treasure’ Series with Latina ‘DREAMer’ Who Will ‘Explore Identity’
- USA Today Says Christian Values are ‘Archaic,’ Wants Christian School Oral Roberts Banned
- Roman Catholic Church Affirms Teaching on Marriage, Media Hardest Hit
- The Relentless 9-Year Assault on Jack Phillips Unmasks the True Threat of the ‘Equality Act’
- United Methodist conservatives detail plans for a breakaway
- What The Biden Administration’s ‘Equality Act’ Would Do
- Max Lucado Apologizes to LGBTQ For Preaching Against Homosexuality, Harming Them
- Growing evidence suggests transgender females maintain natural athletic advantages over girls
- RITZ Cracker Ad Aiming to ‘Rethink Family’ Includes Homosexual Man Putting on Lipstick
- A ‘Young, Queer Asian-American Businesswoman’ Will Control Free Speech on Twitter
- Pope Appoints Powerful Pro-LGBT Cardinals to Seat of Power
- Biden Says Enactment of Homosexual, Transgender ‘Equality Act’ Is ‘Top Legislative Priority’ if Elected
- Virginia Forces Christian Ministries to Adopt ‘Government Ideology’ or Pay $100K
- California law forces boardrooms to diversify according to race, sexual preference
- Hallmark Christmas movie to feature LGBTQ storyline starring Jonathan Bennett
- California School District Adapts Radical Sex Ed Curriculum for Middle School: Gender Identity, Condom Demos
- Calif. Legislature Softens ‘Discriminatory’ Sex Offender Registry Requirements For Sodomy With Minors
- BLM Co-Founder, LA Chapter Leader Discuss Group’s Occultic Practices of ‘Invoking Spirits,’ African ‘Ancestral Worship’
- Witch, Demon-Themed Animation ‘The Owl House’ Features First Bisexual Character on Disney Channel
- ‘Baby-Sitters Club’ Episode on Netflix Promotes Transgenderism
- Hallmark in ‘Active Negotiations’ to Include ‘LGBT Storylines’ in its Holiday Programming
- Christian Author Matthew Paul Turner Comes Out as Gay, Announces Divorce
- Disney Celebrates Pride Month, Donates $100K to ‘Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network’
- Gay People Being ‘Shunted Towards Hormones and Surgery’ Is ‘New Kind of Conversion Therapy’
- Jen Hatmaker Reveals Daughter Is A Lesbian; ‘I’m So Glad You’re Gay!’
- Cartoon Network Celebrates ‘Pride Month’ With Videos of Youth ‘LGBTQ’ Activists, ‘Pride’ Playlist
- BREAKING: Supreme Court Redefines ‘Sex’ in Federal Law in Orwellian Ruling
- Kids as young as 11 told to define hardcore porn for homework
- Judge rules Christian agency must allow non-Christians families to adopt
- 12-Year-Old Drag Queen Pimped Out To Perverts For $20 A Pop
- US Dept. of Justice Agrees It Is Not Fair for Males Who Identify as Female to Compete in Girls’ Sports
- HBO Reality Show to Feature Drag Queens Training ‘Small-Town’ Americans for Drag Performance
- ‘Disgusting, Despicable, Depravity’: Drag Queen With Exposed Buttocks Dances for Child While Adults Approve
- ‘Why Do I Still Hate Myself?’ Scottish Woman Realizes Gender ‘Transition’ Didn’t Take Away Her Problems
- The News You Won’t Believe
- Catholic Church Ordains ‘Non-Binary Transgender’ Woman as ‘Priestess’
- Marvel Movie ‘The Eternals’ to Include Homosexual Superhero, Same-Sex Kiss
- Mayor Pete Wants to Crackdown on Religious Groups That Refuse to Hire LGBTQ Staff
- Christian Psychiatrist Says Gender Ideology Is ‘a Variant of Atheistic Humanism’ Enthroning Self as god
- Mayor and Councilman lied to public about Drag Queen background checks
- MassResistance stops a horrible ‘Drag Queen’ event from taking place in public library
- Swiss Air Lines Drops Chocolatier Following Public Opposition to Company’s Pro-Life, Biblical Marriage Views
- Cross-dressing LGBT activist to appear on ‘Sesame Street’
- Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden Claims: ‘Transgender Equality Is Civil Rights Issue of Our Time’
- The Fifth Circuit Rejects The Lie Of Transgender Pronouns
- Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Lies Exposed On National Show
- Transgender MMA Fighter That Fractured Woman’s Skull Named ‘Bravest Athlete In History’
- Drag queen urges parents to keep kids away from drag: ‘Don’t ruin your child’s life’
- United Methodists Propose Split: UMC to Start ‘LGBTQ’-Approving Religion While ‘Traditionalists’ Form Own Denom
- US Ambassadors Host United Nations Event on Trump Admin Effort to Decriminalize Homosexuality Worldwide
- Under Pressure, Hallmark Pulls LGBT-Themed Wedding Ads
- Hair Care Brand Pantene Releases ‘Holiday’ Video Series About Family Acceptance of ‘Transgender’ Identity
- The Ts are out to erase the Ls, Gs, and Bs
- ACLU Tweets for International Men’s Day: Transgenders ‘Who Get Pregnant and Give Birth Are Men’
- Chick-fil-A Touting Work of ‘LGBTQ-Inclusive and Affirming’ Covenant House on its Website—a Partnership that Will Expand in 2020
- Female Student Breaks Down In Tears As School Board Grants Boys Access To Girls Locker Room. This Is Simply Evil.
- Teacher Defends Drag Queen Makeup Class: Parents ‘Don’t Know What’s Best’ for Their Children
- Chick-fil-A ‘Betrayal’ Will Have ‘Far Broader’ Consequences Than the Company Itself
- English Singer Threatens Canceling Halftime Thanksgiving NFL Show Unless Salvation Army Makes ‘Pledge Or Donation’ To LGBT Community
- GLAAD: We Want ‘20% Of Series Regular Characters’ To Be ‘LGBTQ By 2025’
- YouTube Says Medical Facts About ‘Transgenderism’ are ‘Hate Speech’
- 7-Year-Old Whose Mom Tried to Force ‘Gender Transition’ on Him Chooses to Attend School as a Boy
- Twitter Bans Gay Man For Telling Inconvenient Truths About Transgender People
- ANTIFA Radicals Support LGBT Exploitation of Kids in Child Drag Show
- Liz Warren, CNN Cheer the Abuse of 9-Year-Old Children Paraded as Transgender
- ‘Hundreds’ Of Young People Regret Gender Transition, Seek Reversal
- Transgender Puberty Blocking Drug Linked To Thousands Of Deaths, FDA Data Reveals
- Mattel launches line of gender-nonconforming dolls
- United Methodists Float Plans to Split Denomination after LGBTQ Vote
- Christian Artists Can’t Be Forced to Make Gay Wedding Invites, Arizona Supreme Court Rules
- Jesuit Priest Gets Slammed On Twitter After Endorsing LGBT Lifestyle
- Senate Demands Pastors Reject Biblical Counseling For LGBT Californians
- ACLU Targets Republican For Refusing To Host Drag Queen Performers With Down Syndrome
- Christian authors blast Amazon for banning their books, selling pedophilia titles
- More than Half of American Satanists Identify as LGBTQ
- There Is No ‘Gay Gene,’ Comprehensive Scientific Study Finds
- Bethel Church Suggests ‘LGBTQ+’ People ‘Who Feel Fulfilled and Happy As You Are’ Don’t Need to Change or Repent
- Drag Queen Story Hour ‘greatest grooming program ever devised,’ counselor says
- US Dept. of Education to Investigate Complaint of High School Runners Losing to Boys Who Identify as Girls
- Drag queen teaches kids to ‘twerk’ at library story hour
- Whole Foods Found to Be Behind the Drag Queen Story Hour
- Joshua Harris marches in pride parade after apologizing to LGBT community
- ‘Alarming’ rise in STIs strongly linked to gay sex
- Klein v. Oregon: Religious Liberty & Freedom of Speech vs. Gay Rights
- National conference teaches librarians how to sneak drag queens past parents
- Petition Launched After Amazon Pulls a Number of Books About Leaving Homosexuality
- Drag Queen Story Hour is ‘Indoctrination’ of Children Into LGBTQ Culture
- Fleeting Depiction of Lesbian Mothers in ‘Toy Story 4’ Characterized as Being ‘Subtle to Desensitize Children’
- Gender Transition Clinic Sees Huge Spike in Children Under 14 Seeking Sex Change
- ‘My Little Pony’ Children’s Cartoon Features Lesbian Aunts During Final Season
- Progressive Sweetheart J.K. Rowling Attacked By SJWs Over Her ‘Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism’
- Joel Osteen Celebrates LGBTQ Pride at Lady Gaga Event
- Evangelical Leader Testifies for CA Resolution Pressuring Pastors to Affirm LGBT identities
- Teen ‘Pride’ Event Includes ‘Chest Binder’ Giveaway, Info on How to Use Condoms, Drag Show
- Elizabeth Warren Comes Out For ‘Gay Reparations’
- Pastor Jailed During ‘Drag Queen Story Hour,’ SWAT Team Snipers Positioned Atop Library Roof
- California Authorities Raid Christian School, Order it to Change Beliefs on Sex
- There’s a Very Good Chance a Straight Pride Flag Will Fly Over Boston City Hall, Parade Organizer Says
- Former Homosexuals, Transgenders to March in Washington in Celebration of Freedom in Christ
- ‘LGBT Explosion’: Pa. High School’s ‘Gay-Straight Alliance’ Presents Drag Show in Auditorium During School Hours
- 4 Things Christians Should Know about the Equality Act
- Transgender Weightlifter Stripped of Four World Records Because ‘Correct Physiological Classification Is Male’
- Pedophilia Being Taught As ‘Sexual Orientation’ in California Schools
- One in Seven Transgender Women Have HIV
- Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg Asserts of His Homosexuality: ‘Your Quarrel Is With My Creator’
- Half of Pastors Are Concerned They Will Offend Someone If They Speak on Social Issues
- Second Child Sex Offender Unmasked at Drag Queen Story Time, Houston Activists Say
- Ted Cruz Threatens Lawsuit After Yale Law School Blacklists Christian Firms
- Mormon church pledges to reverse its anti-LGBT policy
- Raising ‘Theybies’: How Gender-Neutral Parenting Reinforces Stereotypes
- Yale Law School Yanks Stipends From Students Who Work For Christian Firms
- Planned Parenthood says your sex is whatever you feel like. That’s crazy.
- LGBT Researcher With Ties to TGC and ERLC to be Keynote Speaker at ‘Gay Christian’ Conference
- First legally non-binary person in the US reverts back to being man
- Disney to Hold First Official LGBT Pride Event
- Drag Queen Story Time for Kids at Philadelphia-Area Library Sparks Protest
- Days After Enshrining ‘Right’ to Kill Preborn, NY Governor Signs Bill Making ‘Gender Identity’ Offenses ‘Hate Crime’
- Concerns Raised After 10-Year-Old ‘Drag Child’ Photographed With Naked Adult ‘Drag Queen’
- New York City’s ‘Gender Neutral’ Birth Certificate Option Goes Into Effect
- ACLU Files Lawsuit Against Louisiana Library for Banning Drag Queen Story Time Events
- Gay, transgender youth at ‘significantly higher risk’ of suicide than heterosexual peers
- 11-year-old ‘drag kid’ dances in popular NYC gay club as patrons toss money at him
- Glee Co-Creator Launches Multi-Million-Dollar Plan to Target ‘Anti-LGBT’ Politicians in 2020
- Catholic university defends drag show, transgender policies in defiance of archbishop
- 11-Year-Old ‘Trailblazing’ Child Drag Queen Promoted on Good Morning America
- Céline Dion Stars In Bizarre Ad To Launch Her Gender-Neutral Clothing Line
- Not The Babylon Bee: Christian At UC-Berkeley Harassed, Denounced For Saying There Are Two Sexes
- Register Now: ‘God’s Voice Conference’ to Counter Pro-LGBT ‘Revoice Conference.’
- Transgender fight could prove major test for Supreme Court
- Oxford Students Vote to Ban Christian Group From College as it Would Threaten Their ‘Physical, Mental Safety’
- Some Parents Outraged After Drag Queen ‘Jessica L’Whor’ Speaks At School Career Day
- I ‘Tell Him He’s a Good Boy’: Man’s Wife Identifies as Male and Role-Plays as a ‘Human Pup’
- Trump administration considering narrowing legal definition of gender: report
- Georgia MassResistance stops ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ scheduled at Atlanta library!
- MassResistance website taken down by web hosting company after ‘complaints’ by homosexual activist – a convicted sex offender.
- Prominent Christian College Removes Ban On Public LGBTQ Relationships
- Despite Revoice ‘Gay Christians,’ Crowds of Ex-Gays March to Celebrate Freedom from Sin
- Rite-Aid Shooter Self-Identified as a Transgender Male
- Two Religious Organizations File Suit In Attempt To Stop Drag Queen Story Time At Lafayette Library
- ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ Sparking Protests in Southern Cities
- Christian Author Jen Hatmaker Gives ‘Free Mom Hugs’ During LGBT Pride Parade
- Revoice Turns Away Pulpit & Pen, Refuses to Speak to the Press
- UK public health service accused of giving kids with autism sex change drugs
- Supergirl TV Show To Introduce First Transgender Superhero
- Revoice Pastor Open to Hosting Christian Pedophile Conference
- The United Methodist Church has appointed a transgender deacon
- Lesbian Feminists Clash with Transgenders at London Pride Parade
- ‘Thank God for Abortion’ Float Appears in New York City Homosexual Pride Parade
- VA Hospital Replaces Military Flags with Gay Pride Flag
- Nancy Drew Children’s Books Being Remade To Support LGBT Agenda
- Revoice Conference Bans Pro-Christian Activist from Attending, Refunds Registration Fees
- Ex-gays and ex-trans rally against California’s LGBT therapy ban
- Library System Hosting ‘Over-the-Top’ Story Hour With Men, Women ‘Strutting Their Stuff’ in Drag
- CrossFit Fires a Christian After Gay Rights Activists Demand It
- ‘Are You Gay Allies?’: Creepy Government Video Indoctrinates Children for Pride Month
- 23 Major League Baseball Teams to Promote Homosexuality at ‘LGBT Pride’ Nights
- Canadian pediatricians tell parents: it’s normal for your kid to switch genders every day
- Jen Hatmaker: “Christians should open wide their churches to LGBT community”
- Parents rally against public school sex-ed over pro-choice, gay rights ideas
- Temple’s faculty is ‘unlearning’ the gender binary system
- LGBT Activist Rewrites ‘Little Women’ To Make Main Character A Lesbian
- Sorry, Ladies! Mother’s Day Is Going Gender Neutral
- ‘Legal Doctrine Evolves’: Appeals Court Rules ‘Sexual Orientation’ Is ‘Subset of Sex Discrimination’
- Transgender boy wins girls’ state wrestling title for second time
- Parents lose custody of transgender teen
- Univ. cancels Ken Ham after LGBT group ‘put up a fuss’
- University of Iowa lawsuit pits gay rights against religious freedom
- 27 Percent of California Youth Are Gender ‘Nonconforming’
- Formula One Driver Under Fire For Telling Nephew ‘Boys Don’t Wear Princess Dresses!’
- Swarthmore College Introduces ‘Queering the Bible’ Course
- Free All ‘Trans’ Prisoners and Abolish Birth Certificates, Lobby Group Demands
- Palm Springs Becomes First City Council in Nation to Be All Homosexual, Bisexual or Transgender
- Black and Hispanic Democrats Break from Whites on Transgender Beliefs
- Cross-Dressing ‘Queer Role Models’ Read to Toddlers to Stop ‘Hate Crimes’
- NC Gov. Seeks to Settle Suit by Allowing ‘Transgenders’ to Use Restrooms Aligning With ‘Gender Identity’
- ‘Killer Klown’ Drag Queen Reads to Children at Michelle Obama Library for ‘LGBTQ History Month’
- Lesbian teens are getting pregnant more than twice as often as their peers
- Article about Prince George as ‘a gay icon’ sparks row as politician calls write-up ‘outrageous and sick’
- Trump Taps New Communications Director Who Advocated for ‘Gay Rights Movement,’ ‘Pro-Choice’ Cause
- Malaysia, Indonesia Muslim groups call for Starbucks boycott
- ‘Sesame Street’ Expresses Support for Homosexuality During ‘LGBT Pride Month’
- Oregon Becomes First State to Allow Residents to Be Neither Male or Female on Driver’s License
- Cities Across America Creating Rainbow Crosswalks to Celebrate ‘LGBTQ Pride’
- Eight-Year-Old Drag Queen: If Your Parents Won’t Let You Do Drag, ‘You Need New Parents’
- L.A. Gay-Pride-Turned-‘#ResistMarch’ Feels the Hate for Trump
- Parents Horrified by Man’s Risque’ Drag Performance at Children’s Talent Show
- Ontario passes ‘totalitarian’ bill allowing gov’t to take kids from Christian homes
- Patriots To Sponsor LGBT ‘Gay Bowl’
- Oregon may allow drivers to choose nonbinary, rather than male or female, for licenses
- California May Place ‘Third Gender’ Option on State Documents
- LGBT movement’s other goal: Lower age of consent to 10 years old for psychiatric therapy – without parents’ knowledge or consent!
- UK Teachers: Children As Young As 2 Should Be Taught About Gay And Transgender Issues
- Entire Faculty Senate Resigns After LGBT Activist Professor Denied Promotion
- Pence Comes Out in Support of Trump Decision to Retain Obama Order on Homosexual, Transgender Protections
- Trump to Sign Religious Freedom Order Amid Retention of Homosexual, Transgender Protections
- Trump Administration to Keep Intact Obama Order on Homosexual, Transgender Protections
- Apostate ‘Elder Team’ Welcomes Homosexuals ‘In Any and All Levels of Leadership’ After ‘Seeking Unity’
- In US, More Adults Identifying as LGBT
- Gay ornament pulled from store after protest
- Microsoft Holiday Ad Celebrates Left-Wing Causes
- ‘Basic Biological Truths’: Arkansas Supreme Court Overturns Ruling Allowing Lesbians to Be Listed on Birth Certificates
- ‘Highlights’ kids magazine to include same-sex families after flak from gays
- Alarm as U.K. School Installs Gender-Neutral Toilets for Students Over Eight
- Woman Who Wants to Be Man Has Eggs Frozen Before Hormone Therapy: ‘I’m Meant to Be a Father’
- Elected state supreme court judges less supportive of LGBT rights, study says
- Canadian Pastor Ordered to Allow Gay-Straight Alliances at His Christian Schools
- Overpriced Fancypants University Festoons Campus With Absurd “Ze, Zir, Zirs”
- Church of England parishes consider first step to break away over sexuality
- HRC’s Back-to-School Tips: Add LGBTQ Topics to Math Problems, Check Pronouns
- DC Public School Official: More Than 15% of Students Identify as LGBQ
- What Conservatives Did to Pull Off Religious Liberity Win In California
- California Lawmaker Alters Bill That Allowed Homosexual Students to Sue Christian Colleges for Discrimination
- Clinton Vows at DNC to Defend Homosexuality, Abortion If Elected President
- California Board of Education Votes to Include Homosexuality in Lessons Second Grade and Up
- Legal Group Seeks Dismissal of Homosexual Activists’ “Crimes Against Humanity” Suit Against Pastor
- Republicans to consider softening party’s official language on LGBT
- Transgender British athletes born male set to make Olympic history by competing in the games as women
- Christian Mingle to Allow Homosexual Matching Following Discrimination Suit
- LGBT Crowd Eyes Preschool Children
- You Can’t Be Lesbian Or Gay If Britain Leaves The EU, Corbyn Suggests
- Colgate Joins “Gay Pride” Push With New Ad, “Smile With Pride” Hashtag
- NBA Sells Rainbow Shirts to Raise Money for Gay Organization That Instructed HS Students in “Fisting”
- As DOD Celebrates LGBT Pride Month, “There Continues to Be Progress on Transgenders in Military”
- Obama Appoints Man Who Identifies as Woman to Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships Council
- College Applications Just Got Way More Gender-Inclusive
- Transgender man gives birth after falling pregnant during transition
- Target’s Stock Down 5 Percent, Brand Damaged, by Public Rebuke to Pro-Transgender Bathroom Rules
- Starbucks, Barnes & Noble, Hudson’s Bay stores have same bathroom policy as Target
- 16 “Pro-LGBT” Businesses That Operate in Countries With Poor Human Rights Records
- NC Lt. Gov.: We’re Protecting Women, Children From Sexual Predators — LGBT Is Running a “Smear Campaign”
- Rev. Graham: PayPal Hypocrite, Does Business in Countries Where Homosexual Behavior Is Illegal
- Obama admin threatens to withhold billions from North Carolina over bathroom privacy law
- Four-Year-Old Booted From Preschool After Mother Objects to Lessons on Homosexuality, Gender
- PayPal Pulls North Carolina Expansion Plan After Transgender Restroom Law
- Israel Investing Nearly 3 Million in LGBT Tourism
- Fusion Touts Teaching Children about Trans Lifestyle
- Georgia Governor Vetoes Religious Liberty Bill Protecting Pastors, Faith-Based Organizations
- North Carolina Lawmakers, Governor Overturn Charlotte’s Controversial “Bathroom Bill”
- College of Pediatricians Calls Transgender Ideology “Child Abuse”
- Gay Rights Groups Urge NCAA to End Ties to Colleges Requesting Title IX Waiver
- Coke joins coalition fighting for LGBT equality
- Texas Superintendents Vote to Require Athletes to Show Birth Certificates to Prove Gender
- Boston Catholics demanding the name of “St. Patrick” be removed from upcoming “St. Patrick’s Day Parade.”
- New York Mayor Signs Order to Allow Use of City Restrooms, Locker Rooms Based on “Gender Identity”
- South Dakota Governor Vetoes Bill Requiring Use of Restroom Corresponding With Birth Gender
- Trump donated to group that promotes homosexuality to 5-year-olds
- Transgender issues: High school athletics and a bathroom bill killed
- Trump Promises “More Forward Motion” on “Gay Equality” Under Presidency
- Alberta students to define their own gender: 5 big changes in new school guidelines
- States plan renewed debate on LGBT rights, religious freedom
- New York City to Fine Employers Who Refer to “Transgendered” Workers by Birth Gender
- Christianity And LGBT Rights: More Christians Than Ever Say Gays Should Be Accepted By Society
- Transgender AND Transager: 52 Year-Old Father Lives as a 6 Year-Old Girl
- Backlash brewing against same-sex marriage gay leaders fear
- Gay Activists Demand Secular Non-Irish St. Patrick’s Day Parade
- Battle Continues Over Christian Business’ Right Not to Print T-Shirts With ‘Gay Pride’ Messages
- Massachusetts “United Church of Christ” Hosts Blasphemous “Drag Gospel Festival”
- ‘Glitter Blessings’ and Women Pastors Who Say ‘Queer’ a Lot
- Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth Orders Force-Wide Review of Existing Fitness and Grooming Standards
- The Same Pixar Series That Ditched an LGBT Character Introduces a Christian Character
- PCUSA Policy Places ‘Trans’ Boys in Girls Cabins and Showers at Camps and Blames Girls If They Don’t Like It
- Massive sex chats discovered within intelligence agencies
- Wheaton College Hosts Revoice Speaker Who Calls Marriage an Idol and Says ‘Gay Celibacy’ is Superior
- A Black, Queer, Bisexual Woman to Play Jesus
- Oooh, Witchy Woman (Pastor) and One Woke Church Has Had Enough
- Democrat Insiders Knew Joe Biden Was Getting Doped Up Before Public Events
- Progressive Christianity Watch: Trans Lord’s Prayer, DEI Babylon, and Who’s Afraid of Losing Federal Cash
- Trump Puts an End to Taxpayer-Funded Child Mutilation
- Woah! Target Finally Gets a Clue
- Idaho Drafts Resolution to Overturn Obergefell, and Leftists are Going Crazy
- Lesbian Firefighter Victim Blames Men Who She Isn’t Strong Enough to Rescue
- Author of ‘Widening of God’s Mercy’ Finds Out Just How Exclusive Jesus Really Is
- We Need More Jeremiahs
- Joshua Harris Posts New Statement Apologizing for ‘Harm’ He Caused by ‘Purity Culture’
- How ‘Side B’ Ministries Hi-Jack the Great Commission
- The Pastor Said What? Deception In Our Time
- It is Time for Christian Parents to Completely Abandon Disney for Good
- Modern-day witches and the Harris campaign
- The Compromised Compassion of ‘Side B’ Ministries
- Why Progressivism Hates Repentance
- Cru Ends Gay Affirming Curriculum Amid Backlash
- Over 13,900 U.S. Kids Have Received Damaging ‘Sex Change’ Treatments (So Far)
- ‘Our Daily Bread’ Sponsoring Woke Conference with Gay-Affirming Speaker
- Is Australia Under Judgment?
- America Has Chosen Wickedness and God is Giving America Wicked Rulers
- Revoice Speaker Says Paul is Defending the LGBTQ+ Community from ‘Heterosexual Self-Righteousness’
- Christianity Today Editor Urges Parents to Ship Children Off to Public School Indoctrination Camps
- What the Covenant School Killer’s ‘Manifesto’ Revealed
- Teacher Arrested at His Home for Refusing to Use Preferred Pronouns at School
- Under Tim Walz, Minnesota Banned Christians From Teaching In Public Schools
- Heresy presented as mercy
- How Many ‘Shepherds for Sale’ Were Bought by Docent Research Group?
- Did You Know ‘Christians for Kamala’ is a Thing? Look at This Circus
- An anti-culture of nothingness
- Was Sodom Destroyed Because Of ‘Rape’? Or Homosexuality?
- Man Who Pummeled Woman in Olympic Boxing Match Demonstrates Why We Must Continue This Cultural Fight
- The entire point of the transgender ‘Last Supper’ scene in Paris was to mock Christianity and offend Christians.
- As Islamic Groups Vow Massacres, Paris Olympics Target Christianity
- Elon Musk: ‘Woke Mind Virus’ Led to Estrangement from ‘Transgender’ Son
- Peace and Unity With the Left is Not an Option for Christians
- Planned Parenthood Is a Leader in Transing Kids
- Latest ‘He Gets Us’ Campaign Sees ‘They/Thems’ as Victims of Christian Bigotry
- Tractor Supply Releases Statement, Abandons Support for LGBTQ Movement, DEI Initiatives, and Other Leftist Causes
- How Did the Church Become So Complacent, Celebrating Drag Queens in the Pulpit?
- Meet the Latest Deviant to Join the Biden Admin
- Fuller Theological Seminary Ponders Lifting Prohibitions on Same-Sex Activity + Be More LGBTQ Friendly
- Push to Promote Transgender Ideology is Backfiring
- Pride Decried
- There’s Nothing Loving About Dolly Parton’s False Gospel
- World’s largest children’s books publisher releases radical ‘LGBTQIA+’ guide targeting K-12 children
- U.S. Gov. Spending Millions in Tax Dollars to Promote Homosexuality in Third World Countries
- The U.S. Department of Education Promoting Pride Month is Just the Beginning of the Birth Pangs of God’s Wrath
- Christians across the country mobilize to confront ‘pride month’
- Pope Francis Says There is Too Much ‘F*ggotry’ In Roman Catholic Seminaries
- Walmart Skewered for Pride Collection Unveil: ‘You Glorify Everything in This World Except What God’ Established
- Federal Appeals Judge Rules Parents Can’t Opt Children Out of Sexualized LGBTQ Propaganda in Public Schools
- LGBT-CRU: Leaked Cru Training Materials Prove CRU is Teaching ‘Gay Christianity’
- U.K. Orders Schools Not to Teach ‘Gender Identity’
- ‘Queer Animals’ Propaganda From NBC Seeks to ‘Prove’ Homosexuality is Natural
- PCA Invites David French, Supporter of Child Castration, ‘Gay Marriage’ and ‘Drag Queen Story Hour,’ To Speak at General Assembly
- Massive share of Generation Z identifies as LGBT
- Calvary Chapel’s Embrace Of Side B Heresy
- God Made Us Male and Female- Why We Cannot Change Our Gender
- A Biblical Response to ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’
- ‘Trans’ Student With ‘Hit List’ Sends Student to Hospital
- ‘The Chosen’ Director Dallas Jenkins Baits Christians by AGAIN Featuring LGBTQ Flag in New Vid
- ‘See You in Court’: Biden Policy Nuking Title IX Draws Legal Challenge From ADF
- UN Report Calls for Legalizing Sex Between Adults and Children
- Dismantling the ‘Transgender’ Narrative
- So Much for Our Civilization
- Vatican Denounces ‘Gender Ideologies’ and Bans Gender Surgeries as ‘Grave Violations of Human Dignity’
- Churches Embracing Queer Ideologies are Idolatrous, Robbing God of the Glory He Deserves
- Fake Catholic Joe Biden Tried to Cancel Easter, but Jesus Won
- SBC Women’s Conference Speaker Appears in Promo Video With Transgenders Promoting LGBTQ Ideology in the Church
- Why the Transgender Craze Is Coming to an End
- Irish Voters Defeat Leftist Referendum To Remove ‘Mother’ From Constitution
- Planet Fitness Is Having Its Bud Light and Drinking It, Too
- It Needs To Stop
- Supreme Court Deals Crushing Blow to Parental Rights
- The enemies of God, reality, truth, Western civilization, and our souls
- J.K. Rowling Nukes Argument for Biological Men in Women’s Bathrooms
- The Coming Judgment of God on the Modern American Church
- TGC Podcaster Says ‘I think Christianity Makes a Case that to be Human is to Have (Gender) Dysphoria’
- I’ll Vote for Anyone Who Promises to Nuke the Dept. of Education
- John MacArthur Rebukes Alistair Begg in New Q&A +’We’ve Been Friends for 45 Years…And Now He’s Going to be Defined By That’
- Preston Sprinkle Promotes Heresies That Lead People Away From True Repentance and Faith, and Straight to Hell
- Evolutionary biologist says AIDS is likely caused by ‘gay lifestyle,’ not HIV…
- Queers for Palestine: An Unholy Alliance
- Can Christians Attend Gay Weddings?
- New York Times Shows the Teens Victimized by Transgenderism
- Alistair Begg Refuses To Repent, Attacks American Evangelicals In Awful Sermon
- The Meaning of Non-Binary Sexuality
- Ten Reasons Why a Christian Should Never Attend a Homosexual ‘Wedding’
- Side B Theology Exposed: The Push For More Homosexual Pastors
- Alistair Begg Doubles Down on LGBTQ Wedding Remarks, Gets the Boot From American Family Radio
- Alistair Begg Caves to LGBTQ Movement, Suggests Christians Attend LGBTQ Wedding Ceremonies
- If radical gender ideology goes down in California, it will fall everywhere.
- About That ‘1946’ Film: A Damnable Theological Heresy
- Are Most Children With Gender Dysphoria Gay, and Not Transgender Candidates?
- California’s Goal: Trans Every Child
- Preston Sprinkle Hosts Webinar on Why We Need More Homosexual and Queer ‘Christian Leaders’
- Netflix Toddler Show Features Little Boy Dancing in Dress for Homosexual ‘Dads’
- Drag Queen Church Puts on Mock Courtroom Performance Deliberating Anti-Homosexual Passages
- Supreme Court Sides With Washington Law Banning Christian Counseling for LGBTQ Issues for Minors
- California’s New Gender-Neutral Toy Section Law Slated to Take Effect January 1
- Snares of the Modern Church – Political Correctness
- Proof That Preston Sprinkle is a Lying, Deceptive Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
- Harvard Med School Course Allows Students to Help with Trans Procedures
- Tennessee Town that Banned ‘Public Displays of Gayness’ Walk it Back After Lawsuit
- Rosaria Butterfield Names Preston Sprinkle, Revoice, and CRU as Teaching Heresy on LGBTQ
- It’s Transgender Awareness Month: How Christians Should Respond
- Prominent Pastor Who Vocally Opposes Andy Stanley for LGBTQ Views Proudly Platforms Pro-LGBTQ TPUSA
- JD Greear Platforms Lesbian, Pro-Abortion Activist District Attorney to Lecture the Church on Morality
- Pope Francis’ Revolution: The Synod on Synodality
- Scholastic’s Cowering Compromise is Still a Loss for Conservatives and Christians
- Unconditional Conference: Andy Stanley Says Attending a Gay Wedding is ‘Good Theology’+ Disses Rosaria Butterfield
- Why Are So Many Worship Pastors Theologically and Morally Compromised?
- Dark Times for the Roman Catholic Church?
- They’re Making a List, Checking It Twice — Is Your Church Naughty or Nice?
- Half of U.S. Young Adults Say Open Marriages Are ‘Acceptable’
- Something Is Seriously Wrong With Our Leaders
- Veggie Tales Creator Releases Series Ft. Woke Xtians Complaining About Being Judged
- Acts 29 Pastor Says Gay Atheist Came to Christ Through a Psychic Tarot Card Reader Consulting a Native American Spirit Guide
- Sing Louder!
- Acts 29 Promotes LGBTQ Inclusivity in the Church and Waters Down the Gravity of The Sin of Homosexuality
- This video proves Walt Disney is rolling over in his grave…
- The Rainbow Flag Conquered America Right Under the Noses of the Sleeping Churches
- The New Tower of Babel
- Is Rick Warren A False Teacher?
- ‘I Literally Look Like Minnie Mouse!’: Disney Partners With Crossdressing TikTok Star to Push Girls’ Apparel
- The Troubling Legacy of Tim Keller
- Jesus’s View on Biblical Sexual Ethics Has Not Shifted
- Oregon Clinic Drops Woman Battling Breast Cancer Over ‘Transphobia’
- ‘It was worth it’: Young street preacher arrested at Wisconsin drag event
- Transvestite Tops iTunes ‘Christian’ Music Charts, Rivaling Elevation Music, Lauren Daigle
- Refuting Queer Theology in the Church: The Queering of Scripture and God
- Veterans react as Biden allows transgender soldiers to skip deployments
- Should Christians Support Turning Point USA?
- Brutal ‘Twilight Zone’ Cartoon Shows Just How Mixed Up The USA Has Become
- We Beat Them on Covid and We Will Stop Them on Transgenderism, Says My Son Hunter Star Laurence Fox
- Witchcraft Sparkle for the Liberal Church
- Societies That Surrender Moral Foundation Historically Self-Destruct
- U.S. Dept. of Education rolling out deceitful plan to shut down removal of obscene books from schools
- Good News: The Disney Death Spiral
- Preston Sprinkle Tells Tim Keller That Jesus Didn’t Use Theology, He Just ‘Loved’ Homosexuals Into the Kingdom
- NBC News says LGBT activists chanting ‘we’re coming for your children’ is ‘taken out of context.’ Come peek at the brutal fact checks and replies.
- Disney’s Star Wars Hires Transgender YouTuber for Major Role in Upcoming Series
- PCA Passes Overture Condeming Sex-Changes For Children by 58% to 42% Vote
- Chairman of Jen Hatmaker’s Child Sex Change Org Also Active in North Point’s LGBTQ Kids Ministry
- America Wakes Up to Woke
- Exclusive: Social Security employees forced to attend ‘mandatory’ transgender training
- Celebrate Good Times, Come On! Patriotic Boycotts Cost Woke Corporations $28 BILLION In Market Value
- Professional counselor summit features session on benefits of ‘puppy play’
- Destroying the Family
- New study shows that a large percentage of people who identify as LGBT end up switching to heterosexual in just a few years time
- ‘Degenerate’ Transgender Activists Strip at White House Pride Event With Kids Present
- Google Doesn’t Want You to See This Letter From a Christian Pastor About Pride Month
- If You Can Keep It
- The Absurdity of Liberal Schools Promoting Porn and Banning Bibles in Their Libraries
- This Is What Your Child Sees This Month – Beyond the Rainbow
- Navy and MLB forced back into the closet by fed-up conservatives…
- The Chosen Director Responds to Controversy, Suggests PRIDE Attire is ‘Appropriate in a Professional Environment’
- The U.S. Department of Education is Turning Public Schools into Sodom and Gomorrah
- Is the Sleeping Conservative Dragon Finally Waking Up?
- ‘RIP Fox News’: Harris Faulkner Says Things Are Going to Have to Change at Network
- The Chosen Doubles Down On Pride Flags On Set
- Chick-fil-A Under Fire for Hiring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Vice-President
- ‘The Chosen’ Supports Homosexuality
- Now The North Face? Another Brand Pushes the LGBTQ+ Agenda to Children
- Connecticut Passes Bill to Ban ‘Discrimination’ Against ‘Minor Attracted Persons’
- The Pride Cult Really Hates Judeo-Christian Values
- Lauren Daigle’s Faith Deconstruction for Fame
- Featured LifeWay Speaker Who Says God Raised Up Homosexuals as the Most Credible Voices on Sexuality Defends Rachel Gilson
- Target Targets Children With Homosexual Pride Gear for Infants, Babies, Toddlers, and Children
- North Point Church Baptizes Openly Transgender Man, After Giving Blessing to Transition?
- Taking a Biblical Stand Against the LGBTQ Movements Assault on Life
- Progressive Infiltration and Christian Conviction
- The New Ugly Americans
- We were about to send our daughter to an overnight Christian summer camp. Then we read their ‘inclusivity’ statement.
- Global Anglicans Issue Statement: ‘We Cannot Walk Together’ with Apostate Anglicans in Church of England
- Southern Baptist Convention ERLC President Throws Denomination’s Support Behind Gun Control
- Will the Death of Charles Stanley Open the Floodgates of LGBTQ Acceptance in Evangelicalism?
- Manifestations of the Gender Cult
- Courage Is Contagious
- Anheuser-Busch Distributors Across America’s Heartland ‘Spooked’ by Backlash to Transgender Campaign
- Another Would-Be Trans Mass Shooter Arrested
- Uganda Bans Homosexuality, and the Left Blames…Evangelical Americans?
- Rosaria Butterfield Publicly Repents of Using Preferred Pronouns, Urges Others to do the Same
- Guilty of Christian Nationalism?
- Okay, I’m Done, End Tolerance of Child Abusing Freaks
- ‘Trans Day of Vengeance’ Canceled
- Rainbow Jihad Declared on Christians, Conservatives
- NHL may cancel LGBT ‘Pride’ nights as growing number of players refuse to wear rainbow gear
- This Is 2023 Folks! Professor Advocates Murder Over Shouting at Speakers
- Andy Stanley’s False Gospel: I’m a Christian Because it Made My Life Better
- The Push to Normalize Weird Sexuality in the Church is Increasing at an Alarming Rate
- When Banks — And Other Institutions — Try to Change the World
- Tucker Carlson Calls Out the ‘Professional Christians’
- You Can’t Eradicate ‘Transgender’ People — Because They Don’t Exist
- Preston Sprinkle LGBTQ Parenting Video is Explicit: Your Child Will Be Gay Forever
- J.K. Rowling Wins Again: ‘Hogwarts Legacy’ One of the Fastest Selling Games Despite Woke Efforts to Cancel It
- Bible Answer Man, Hank Hanegraaff, Platforms Open Homosexual to Help ‘Save the West’
- Sixth-Grader Reads to School Board From Gay Sex Book Displayed at His School
- Are evangelical leaders as courageous as J.K. Rowling?
- The Groomers Are Winning
- Walt Disney’s Waltz with LGBTQ
- Disney World was our destination. What I found could be the end for a beloved American company
- Christians In Idaho Sabotage Drag Queen Story Hour
- ‘Why Would You Want Some Lady’s Dirty Clothes?’: Biden’s ‘Non-Binary’ Ex-Nuclear Waste Chief’s Rough Day in Court
- Woke Evangelical Org Claims Asbury Revival is Moving School Toward Affirming Queers
- ‘What’s Happening to Children Is Morally and Medically Appalling’
- Sex Educator for Kids 3-18, Teaches Them to Choose Different Genders
- Hobby Lobby and other ‘conservative’ Evangelicals are behind huge ad campaign using Jesus to promote illegal migrants and LGBTQ agenda…
- Major Church Leaves Acts 29 Network Over Promotion of Transgenderism and Women Preaching
- The Gospel Coalition Unveils Keller Center For Cultural Apologetics
- Several ‘Christian’ Bands Perform Alongside Satanic Ritual at Grammys
- Church of England: Gay Sex OK if Part of a ‘Stable, Loving, Committed Relationship
- Another One?!! Saddleback Church Promotes and Partners with Pro-LGBTQ+ Ministry ‘Embracing the Journey’
- Saddleback Church Has Pro-LGBTQ Ministry Encouraging Parents to Affirm Their LGBTQ Children
- Disney’s Disenchanted Kingdom: How the formerly family-friendly enterprise lost its way.
- SBC Megachurch Will Require Its Members To Sign Statement Opposing Transgenderism, Homosexuality
- ‘Transmedicalism’ and the Fracturing of the LGBTQ+++™ ‘Community’
- Exclusive! Andy Stanley’s Children’s Ministry Led by Pro-LBGTQ+ Activists
- Two Pastors Drop Major Bombshell Allegations Against Andy Stanley After Attending Private Q&A
- Matt Chandler to Join Revoice ‘Gay Christianity’ Founder for Conference
- SICK: Burberry Promotes Radical Transgender Agenda, Celebrates Young Women Mutilating Their Bodies
- Church of England Issues Formal Apology to LGBTQ for Being ‘Homophobic’
- Mars Ditches WOKE All-Female M&Ms Over Right-Wing Rebellion
- Is ‘Pride’ the Woke World Version of the ‘Mark of the Beast’?
- Transgenderism as the Conduit for the Persecution of the Church
- Amy Grant Defends Hosting Same Sex Marriage ‘I Love Those Brides’
- Dallas legislators attend ‘all-ages’ Drag Show while armed Antifa stand guard outside
- Woke M&M’s packaging features ‘Fat-Positive’ and ‘Lesbian’ Candies
- Former trans, gay activist aims to ‘de-program’ children from woke indoctrination: ‘Children cannot consent’
- False Assumptions Behind Youth Gender Transitions
- Why Is the CDC Telling Schools to Push Transgenderism, LGBT Curricula
- Christian Witness in the Public Square? It’s Complicated
- Oh Joy! Church Rewrites Classic Christmas Carol to Promote Leftist Queer Political Agenda
- LGBTQ+++™ Pinocchios Now Claim Male-to-Female Transgenders Can Get Periods: ‘I’m a Real Girl!’
- Franklin Graham Gives Christian Music Star Amy Grant a Reality Check Straight from the Bible After Her Gay Wedding Announcement
- An Open Letter to Christian Parents About Protecting Children from the Public School Indoctrination Camps
- First-Ever Emmy Awards for Children Heavily Pushes LGBT Content
- If You Want to Know What Hell is Like, You Can Get a Glimpse At Your Neighborhood Family-Friendly Drag Show
- Drag Queens performing in Kindergarten Classes? This is Getting Really Ugly
- A New False Prophet is Gaining Popularity Among Us, His Name is Dr. Kevin M. Young
- Restaurant Refuses to Serve Christian Group, Citing Staff ‘Safety’ and ‘Dignity’
- Is God Using Sexual Immorality to Separate the Sheep from the Goats?
- For the First Time in 1,400 Years, Christians Are a Minority in England and Wales, and the U.S. Is Not Far Behind
- Is Netflix Going To Make Chronicles of Narnia Woke?
- Sodom’s Behavior: Homosexuality Or Gay Rights?
- Disney’s Big Gay, Green ‘Strange World’ Crashes at Box Office
- Evangelical Org Associated With SEBTS, TGC, CRU, and Matt Chandler Says Opposing Radical LGBTQ+ Indoctrination Brings Violence On One Another
- GLAAD’s Club Q Shooting Response Calls for Silencing Critics
- They’re Heeere! Big Changes to Your Traditional Christmas Movies!
- ‘LGBTQ+ Diversity’ Sex Education for Toddlers Branded ‘Extreme and Unbalanced’
- Socialist Democrats Advance ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ with 12 GOP
- Jars of Gay? Frontman Dan Haseltine is Pro-LGBTQ, Pro-Trans, Pro-Choice
- The Gender-Obsessed Left Will Have to Pry My Children From My Cold, Dead Hands
- America’s Woke Military Has Never Been This Weak
- Is Voting Democrat Compatible With Faithfulness to God?
- Ulta Beauty uses two confused adult males to talk about ‘girlhood’ — and receives resounding backlash
- Southern Baptist Leaders Partner With Gay/Trans-Affirming Ministry That Will Help People Find Pro-LGBTQ Churches
- ‘The Time Has Arrived’: Building on Same-sex ‘Marriage’ Opinions, Judge Rules for Polygamy
- Russell Moore Joins Hands With Marxist Liberation Theologians in Deconstructionist Conference
- Joe Biden Demonstrates Why a Faithful Christian Could Never Vote Democrat, Clear Divide Between Left and Right
- California Passes Law to Lure, Keep, and Mutilate Children
- Drag Queen “Identifies” as a Child: Who Predicted This Was Going to Happen?
- Wizard of Oz Remake to Include LGBTQ Propaganda According to Interview With Director
- Alfred Kinsey — A Pioneer Of Perversion Who Paved The Way For Today’s Sex ‘Education’
- ‘Woke Homophobia Is Real’: Paypal, Gmail, Twitter Lock Out LGBT Nonprofit That Opposes Sexualizing Kids
- Rosaria Butterfield Blasts Tribalistic ‘Gay Christians’ + ‘Side B’ Revoicers
- Behind Closed Doors: American School Counselor Association Conference Exposed
- Beth Moore Heads Preaching Conference at Gay-Affirming ‘Christian’ University
- Wake Up Church! If This Doesn’t Tick You Off, Nothing Will. Youngest ‘Transgender’ Model Ever
- What We Are Witnessing is Sodom and Gomorrah on a Worldwide Scale
- Wow! Twitter Green Lights Anti-Trans Movement
- Responding to the Leaven of Revoice
- The World Wants No Part of Woke, But It’s Glad We Do
- It’s happening: ‘LGB drop the T’ keeps trending on Twitter as gay activists turn on transgender activists
- No Court, Legislature, or President Has a Right to Decide on Perversion—Let Alone Approve it!
- Is the Transgender Cult in Trouble Now?
- Boston Children’s Hospital Offering Gender-Affirming Hysterectomies To Kids Who Can’t Even Drink Legally
- Rachel Levine Is A Quack Pharma-Backed Group To Normalize Disembodiment
- Are Enlistments Plummeting Because the Military Is Now a Woke Joke?
- Portland School District Indoctrinates Students To Become LGBTQ Activists In K-5th Grade
- Courts Call for Co-Ed Locker Rooms in Minnesota and Illinois
- Southern Baptist Church Now Accepting Gay Church Members
- Gay CRU Leader, Revoice Speaker, Who Says Tim Keller Helped Him Shape His Views Brags About Dancing at Gay Bars
- He/Him please
- Yet Another Leftist Is Caught Preying on Children
- NYC Monkeypox Cases Double in Five Days — Vaccine Lines Stretch for Blocks
- Rosaria Butterfield Retracts Her Former Anti-Conversion Therapy Position, Now Embraces ‘Freedom in Health Care’
- James White, Rosaria Butterfield, And The Secret Changing Of Minds
- Dear Businesses: Stop Being Political
- Biden’s New DOE Staffer Defended Gay ‘Escort’ Website That Allegedly Allowed Human Trafficking and Child Prostitution
- Roe, Dobbs, and God’s Judgment
- That Beautiful Bow
- The Groomer ‘Panic’ Is a Hill Worth Dying On
- Gods of Sex
- Russell Moore’s ‘Justice’ Conference Featured Multiple Pro-Abortion, Pro-Gay Speakers
- Jen Hatmaker Comes out as Pro-Abortion
- PRIDE in Seattle – Warning, GRAPHIC, Naked Men Flashing Children
- Suicide, Sex and The School Trauma Cult
- Guilty of Christian Nationalism?
- Drag Queen Comes Clean: Keep Kids AWAY From Drag Shows, He Says
- Christians Must Protest Pride Parades and Their Violent, Sodom-like, Riotous Stonewall Origin
- Queering the Southern Baptist Convention
- Biden Signs an LGBT Executive Order to Overrule the States’ Efforts
- The Left Owns Too Much Cultural Ground Without The Few Conservative Harbors Like Fox News Giving It Away
- ‘Pride in the Park’ LGBTQ event aimed at children seeks to perform ‘unBaptisms’ in deep-red state
- The mad, bad and sad world of gender ideology
- The SBC pitches its tent toward Sodom with Guidepost
- Southern Baptist Sex Abuse Investigation Firm Comes Out in Full Support of Homosexuality and Sexual Immorality
- Welcome to Pride Month, Christian
- Liberal Intolerance of First Amendment Freedoms on Full Display in Biden’s ‘Pride’ Month
- The Anarchic Philosophy Behind ‘LGBTQI+ Pride Month’
- Beth Moore Equates Fearing a Liberal Takeover With Hating Jesus and Loving Power
- Naples Church With Groomer Pastor to Host Drag Queen Conference for 12-Year-Olds
- The First Rule of Gay Club Is You DO NOT Talk About Gay Club! Groomer Teachers Plot on Zoom
- Of course they are coming for your children
- After the Dobbs Leak, Here Comes the Real Insurrection
- Children As Young As 13 Are Getting Gender Transforming Surgeries
- Confessions of a Disney writer
- Mother says daughter’s entire friend group ‘discovered’ that they are transgender
- Revoice Founder Now Promotes Heretical View of Hell as an ‘Orthodox’ View Held by ‘Bible Believing Christians’
- ‘God is Queer,’ Duke Divinity Students Proclaim
- What it means to be human…oh, what a tangled web
- Congresswoman Doubles Down on Promoting Drag Queen Story Hour in Cringeworthy Tweets
- Southern Baptist Megachurch Pastor Attacks Justin Peters, Accuses Him of Ungodliness, Lying
- The Left’s War on Childhood
- The Left Is the Culture War Aggressor
- TrueAnon: It’s not a conspiracy theory if there really is a conspiracy.
- Ex-Lesbian Featured in Anti-Prosperity ‘American Gospel’ Film Goes Full Prosperity Gospel
- TikTok Pastor Declares ‘Jesus isn’t the only way to salvation’
- Liberals Change Word Meanings With Intent to Deceive
- Public Schools Are Cesspools of Debauchery. Get Your Kids Out Now, Before It’s Too Late
- Disney’s Core Audience Isn’t Families, It’s Socially Awkward Adult Fandoms
- Ok, Groomers. Leaked Internal Zoom Confirms Disney Drank the Gender Cult Kool-Aid
- Shut Up, Mickey: Disney Vows to Fight DeSantis in Court While a Fourth-Grade Teacher Is Arrested for Attempted Child Rape
- Lesbians and Homosexuals to Train Leaders at AWANA ‘Child Discipleship’ Conference
- Yes, Gender Clinics Are Performing Sex-Change Operations on Minor Children. We Have the Receipts.
- John MacArthur Rebukes Church Hosting Ligonier National Conference
- Disney Cast Members Who Don’t Buy Into the LGBTQ Agenda Make Their Voices Heard
- The New Evangelical Latitudinarians, Emptying Christianity of All Meaning
- Mom Speaks Out In Explosive Video Over Trans Swimmer Lia Thomas: ‘A Full-Grown Male’ ‘Taking’ From Women
- Disney employees are planning a major walkout because Florida won’t let teachers talk to 5-year-olds about transgenderism and homosexuality
- 35 Percent of Americans Support Grooming Children in Public Schools
- Attacking the Florida Bill Is the Commies’ Latest Attempt to Have Sex With Your Kids
- Tim Keller Compares Pro-LGBTQ Pro-Abortion ‘Christian’ Scientist, Francis Collins, to the Prophet Daniel
- KinderCare LGBTQ Curriculum Teaches Infants and Toddlers How to Explore Sexuality, Gender Identity, and Other Sexual Perversions
- Wisconsin School District: Parents ‘Not Entitled’ to Know Kids’ Gender Identity
- Conservative Southern Baptist churches are using your tithes & offerings to enrich radical Leftists lawyers.
- Does the Church Need LGBTQ People?
- Words as Weapons: Why We Must Stand Our Ground Over Pronouns
- JD Hall, pastor and publisher of popular conservative site ‘Protestia’ sued for libel by transgender lobbyist
- What makes your moral boundaries more loving than mine?
- Parents Willingly Hand Children to Sexual Deviants at ‘Church’ for Drag Queen Dance Party
- Author That Beth Moore Praises and David Platt and TGC Platforms Comes Out in Support of ‘Queer Theology’
- The Return of Roman Religion
- TGC Author Tells Parents God Uses Transgenderism and Homosexuality to Make Kids More Like Christ
- Keep ‘Em High: Democrats Making It Easier for Minorities to Get Whacked Out on Serious Drugs
- NIH Funds Gay Sex App for Underage Boys, Pays Hundreds of Dollars to Report Their Sexual Activity
- Bible on Trial: Speaking Truth, Scripture Now Hate Speech?
- The Gospel Coalition Author Employs Gay Rights Activist as Personal Pastoral Assistant at Church
- Thousands of American Pastors Preach in Solidarity With Canadian Christians Crushed by Demonic New Law
- Though Lacking Magic, J.K. Rowling Tries to Split the Baby on ‘Transgenderism’
- Trans Activists Admit They’ve Lost the Debate, Urge Stealth Tactics
- The Gospel Coalition Publishes Christmas Advent Song Featuring Transgender Artwork
- Defending Pedophilia Is The Logical Conclusion Of Queer Theory
- To save our society, more voices like Abigail Shrier, and more words like this
- The Trend Toward Normalizing Pedophilia Must Be Halted
- Identity Wars: What did Paul mean when he wrote, ‘such were some of you?’
- What I’ve Learned Rescuing My Daughter From Her Transgender Fantasy
- They’ve Successfully Taken Christ Out of Christmas and Replaced Him With Gay Pride
- Repost: Sexual indoctrination of children in public schools
- Sexual indoctrination of children in public schools
- Former Celibates Admit the ‘Gay Christian Celibate’ Movement Gateway to Full, Practicing Homosexuality
- This is Where the ‘Transgender’ Ideologues are Demanding We All Go, And They Think They’re Winning
- Watch Out For Millstones
- Pro-Gay Feminist Episcopal Priestess Preaches at Prominent PCA Church in New York
- Democrats Pose an Existential Threat to the Church, Being Civil is No Longer an Option
- Trans Tyranny: The Real 1 Percent — That Runs EVERYTHING
- Remaining Faithful When Others Embrace LGBTQ+ Theology
- The Weapon We Need for Spiritual Battle
- The Rebellion Against ‘Woke’ Has Begun
- What is Queer Theory and How Are Churches Embracing It Either Intentionally or Inadvertently
- The Media’s Absolute Contempt for Christians
- Netflix documentary ‘Pray Away’ selectively edits to demonize ex-gay change
- Popular pastor Max Lucado has taken a sharp turn to the Left
- First Big Court Blow Landed on Cancel Culture’s ‘Preferred Pronouns’
- Indoctri-Nation: Report Reveals How ‘Queer Creators’ Have for Years Been Pushing LGBT on Kids’ TV
- id the Little Guy Really Win? – The 48th PCA General Assembly
- Tolkien Society Goes Woke, ‘Finds’ Transgenderism, ‘Antiracism,’ and Queer-ness in The Lord of The Rings
- A Peculiar Approach to Unity
- Left Foot In, Children’s TV Is Doing the Wokey Pokey
- Canada Announces Pride Month Isn’t Enough, Will Now Celebrate ‘Pride Season’ From June To September
- Pitiful Pride
- Lesbian at The Gospel Coalition Says Using Preferred Pronouns is a Question of Conscience
- Sen. Ted Cruz Warns: Wokism Is Emasculating Our Military and Threatening America’s Survival
- Everything Is Sexualized: LEGO Now Features an LGBTQ+ Set With a Drag Queen
- Sexual Anarchy: The GOP Fiddles While Kids’ Souls Burn
- Disney Unveils ‘Rainbow Collection’ for Kids to Celebrate Gay Pride
- The First ‘Transgender Bishop’ Shows How Churches Abandon Christianity
- Richard Dawkins blindsided by The Sexual Spaghetti Monster
- Major Catholic Theological Institute ‘Annuls’ Doctrines Opposing Homosexuality
- Texas Lawmakers Complicit in Perpetuating Lie About Differences Between Men and Women in Sports
- ‘I Kissed Dating Goodbye’ Author Trashes Book with ‘Bull-Dyke’ Pastrix
- Children Endangered as GOP Applauds Sexual Anarchy
- Preparing Your Children for the Next Sexual Revolution
- Revoice Gay-Straight Friends Planning a Life Together
- Former Students Sue to Force LGBT Orthodoxy on Christian Colleges
- From Soft Liberalism to Iron-Fisted Leftism in Today’s U.S. Military
- Surprise! Judge Arrested on Child Porn Charges Was Former Prez of Drag Queen Story Hour
- Biden Celebrates International Women’s Day by Forcing Girls to Share Bathrooms, Sports Teams, With Boys
- JD Greear Defends Staff Member Who Had Gay Hookups Online and Looked at Gay Pornography
- WARNING! The ‘Equality’ Act will prevent Christians from expressing biblical beliefs about marriage, sexual morality, the distinction between the sexes and more
- God Doesn’t Make Peace With His Enemies
- China declares homosexuality a mental illness? Where’s LeBron? Where’s Disney?
- Gay ‘Pastor’ Says If You Think Homosexuality is a Sin, Then You Want All Homosexuals Killed
- House Passes ‘LGBTQ’ Equality Act Despite Serious Concerns Over Its Constitutionality Relating to Religious Liberty
- Long-Time Saddleback Church Apologist is Now Gay Apologist
- Principled People Should Cut All Ties With the Episcopal Church
- Deceptively Titled ‘Equality Act’ Would Be Giant Step to Destroying Religious Freedom
- Middle School: Ground Zero for Indoctrinating America’s Children
- If Men Are Women, Then Truth, Science & Sanity are Gone
- Biden’s LGBT Agenda: Pedophilia Coming Down the Pike?
- Empowered by Biden Presidency, Leftists Bomb Conservative Church in California
- ERLC Finally Owns Revoice, Promoting Founder in ‘Parent’s Guide to Gender’
- Who Believes in Science, Now? Medical Journal Claims Biological Sex Has ‘No Clinical Utility’
- LGBT Activist Compares Christians Who Don’t Accept Homosexuality to ‘Rapists’, ‘Holocaust Deniers’
- A Direct Threat to Christian Education—The Human Rights Campaign Demands that the Biden Administration Deny Accreditation to Christian Colleges and Schools
- Target Stops Sale of Transgender-Skeptical Book
- The Next Frontier In The Sexual Revolution
- BLM Leaders Discuss ‘Resurrecting a Spirit So That It Can Work Through Us’
- Pope Says God Loves Gay Children ‘As They Are,’ Says They Are ‘Children of God’
- California Leads Nation in Systemic Sexualization of Children
- Christian author Jen Hatmaker files for divorce
- Do We Even Know What An ‘Evangelical Christian’ Is Anymore?
- UK govt funds development of kids game normalizing LGBT sexual practices
- ‘Seeing is Believing’ Or ‘You Can’t Trust Your Lyin’ Eyes’
- Teachers Openly Fret That Parents Might Hear Them Brainwashing Children, Call Parents ‘Dangerous’
- Public Schools Now Teaching Abortion and Contraception Are ‘Justice’ Issues
- Rebels in Training at School Sex Clubs
- Pedophiles rebranding themselves as ‘Minor-Attracted Persons’, seek same protection as LGBT community
- The Gospel Coalition Celebrates Pro-LGBTQ, Pro-Abortion Leftist Politician
- Obama DOD Started ‘Indoctrinating Our Troops’ on Racism and ‘Privilege,’ New Docs Show
- TGC And ERLC Can Stop Scamming Us. They Are ‘Revoicing’ LGBTQ Into The Church
- Destroy the ‘Public’ Education System
- Megachurch pastor John Ortberg kept a family member’s attraction to children secret. Then his son blew the whistle.
- Jeffrey Epstein celebrates Gay Pride from the grave
- The Gospel Coalition Says Gay Pride Flag Same as Noah’s Rainbow, Represents Safety
- The Sexual Roots of Civil Rebellion and Its Youth Victims
- Leaving the PCA….the darkness of our world has taken hold of it
- The real mission of ‘Black Lives Matter’ – Destruction of the family, LGBT agenda, open borders, plus bizarre racist doctrine
- Pixar Short Animated Film ‘Out’ on Disney+ Features Studio’s First Homosexual Main Character
- Jen Hatmaker Says ‘LGBTQ Christians’ Preach in Her Church, Calls For Mass Exodus of Conservative Denoms
- YouTube bans John Piper’s ‘Coronavirus and Christ’ audiobook for “violating community guidelines”
- Here Come School ‘Sex Ed Squads’ and Elementary Planned Parenthood Lessons
- So when does the LGBT movement stop getting a pass for their blatant bigotry?
- Franklin Graham, Evangelicals Join Pro-LGBTQ Activist, Anti-Trinitarian for ‘Christian Concert’
- Is There A Conspiracy To Make The Bible Anti-Gay?
- With Virus Front and Center, Watch for Tricks from Sexual Left
- Gays and Democrats Upset That ‘Anti-Gay’ Christian Organization is Setting Up Hospitals in New York
- Samaritans Purse Pop-up Hospital In NY Draws Scorn From Gay Democrat Senator
- Jesus, the Prostitutes, and Transgender Outreach
- SBC President Approves of Female Prosperity Gospel LGBTQ Preacher on Blasphemous TBN Network
- The Rise of Progressive Christianity
- Prominent Baptist University Hosts Openly Gay LGBTQ Activist
- Polyamory and the Overton Window
- More States and Parents Jump on Ban Bandwagon to Ban This Grotesque Treatment
- Jen Hatmaker Says She Questioned Evangelical Faith Because Gay People Couldn’t Have Sex With Each Other
- SBC Professor Claims ‘Revoice’ Founders Have ‘Traditional, Biblical Sexual Ethic’
- LGBTQ-Incompatible Means Gracious Separation is the Church’s Best Option
- LGBTQ Group Boycotts St. Patrick’s Day Parade Because They Won’t Allow Them to Turn it Into a Gay Pride March
- The Fall Of The Boy Scouts – Lessons For The Church
- Should I Use My Trans Neighbor’s Preferred Pronoun?
- Biologists: Only Two Sexes, Male and Female, There is No Sex ‘Spectrum’
- Kicking the Can Down the Road: Why The RCA Cannot Have Unity If It Disagrees On Homosexuality
- The RCA Needs a Miracle: A Reflection On What Is Needed For 200 Churches Not To Leave The RCA
- My New Life After Transgender Despair
- New Documentary Exposes Mohler’s Gay Agenda
- Brooklyn Elementary School Now Sending First Graders to Drag Queen Story Hour
- Not Pushing Back Fuels LGBT Tyranny
- Understand the new TGC orthodoxy on gay Christians
- J.K. Rowling becomes early casualty in unfolding LGBT civil war
- At world’s first gender ‘detransition’ conference, women express regret over drugs, mutilation
- 12-Year-Old Boy Being Groomed To ‘Give Birth’ Via Corpse Womb Transplant
- Chick-Fil-A Works To Get The Gay Lobby Off Its Back
- Medical Associations Embrace Propaganda, Not Science
- Title IX Trouble For Fuller Seminary
- Cultural Marxism – the Seedbed of the New Homosexual Christian
- Al Mohler Defends Firing of Professor With Biblical Views On Same-sex Attraction
- Here’s Why SWBTS/ERLC Teamed Up to Fire Professor over Conservative LGBTQ Views
- Hallmark Channel Now Airing Lesbian Wedding Commercials
- Why Gay Christianity Is A False Religion
- Christians Who Oppose Conversion Therapy Need a Reality Check
- Rosaria Butterfield Promotes Sam Allberry’s Theology, Catholic Priest Who Says God is Gay and Occultic Scholar
- Hallmark Channel Under Assault by Race Hustlers and LGBTQ Cult, ‘Too White’
- Higher Education Union: Anyone Can Self-Identity As ‘Black, Disabled, LGBT+ or Women’
- Why Are So Many Christians Paralysed by Fear and Compromise?
- Chick-fil-A Put an Obama and Hillary Supporter in Charge, but Dumped Christians
- If Your Church Truly Loved LGBTQ People, There Won’t Be Very Many of Them There
- Tim Keller’s Redeemer Church Calls for More Same Sex Intimacy in Churches
- Lesbians and Feminists Pose With Their Children in ‘Thank God for Abortion’ Gear
- Top 5 Excuses When Radicals Corrupt Children
- Sprite Argentina Ad Celebrates ‘Pride,’ Depicts Mother Applying Makeup to Son, Another Binding Daughter’s Breasts
- Parents Stand Strong, Planned Parenthood Holds Obscene Fundraisers
- Lesbian Pastor to Lead National Abortion Federation
- The Gospel Coalition Author Employs Gay Rights Activist as Personal Pastoral Assistant at Church
- 6 Crazy School District Responses To Parents Mad About LGBT Indoctrination Of Preschoolers
- The Occult Roots of ‘Drag’ Identity
- Surprise ‘coming out ’ middle school assembly angers parents
- ERLC Promotes Man-on-Man ‘Intimacy’ As a Substitute for Traditional Marriage
- Marianne Williamson And Pete Buttigieg Are The New Proselytizers Of Politicized Religion
- Massachusetts proves homosexuality is learned
- Gay Muslims Crowdsourcing Funds For Muslim Gay Pride Festival
- ‘Biological Male’ Is a Leftist Propaganda Term; Let’s Not Use it
- NYC Repeals Prohibition Against Reparative Therapy Because It’s Unconstitutional
- A Response to ‘From Celibate Gay Poster Child to Future Gay Husband’
- The Myth of Sexual Orientation
- Beth Moore Makes Habit of Using Acronyms For Cuss Words, Rebukes Her ‘Self-Promoting’ ‘Fellow Leaders’
- LGBT Activists Seek to Destroy Christianity
- Gay ‘Christian’ Journalist, Jonathan Merritt, Leaves Evangelical Faith
- Good News! There’s No Bully Gene
- Catholic Archbishop Tells Transgender ‘You Belong to the Heart of This Church’
- How feminism treats heterosexuality as a problem
- Media Bias and the Elusive Gay Gene
- Did Jesus struggle with his gender and his sexuality? Was he tempted to same-sex attraction?
- The Gospel Coalition Promotes a Conference Pushing the Rainbow to Tweens
- Russell Moore Speaking at Event in Conjunction With Adoption Agency That Hands Children Over to Homosexuals
- The Latest In Exploitation: Down Syndrome Drag Show Will Perform at a Midwest Art Fair
- The ERLC Publishes an Article on Women Written by a Feminist Lesbian
- Teacher Issues ‘Gender Unicorn’ Handout to Students on First Day of School to Explain Why He Goes By ‘Mx’
- Parental Nightmares in Public Schools
- Meanwhile, This Is What LGBTQ Organizations Are Doing to Society
- Campus Crusade For Christ Teaching Kids That It’s Okay to be Gay
- Battle of the Sexes—Not What You Think: Sides A, B, Gay-Christian, or Other?
- Celibate but Compromised ‘Gay Christianity’ Pushes into Conservative Churches
- Matthew Vines Hosting Private Gathering to Teach Pastors How to Turn Their Churches Gay-Affirming
- Drag Queen Agenda, Part of the LGBTQ+ Roll-Out
- The War over America’s Past Is Really about Its Future
- Has the PCA Become A De Facto ‘Side B’ Church?
- The Cracks in the Edifice of Transgender Totalitarianism
- Is NEA Calling for Revolution?
- What Every American Should Know About The Assault On Chick-Fil-A
- Beth Moore, Sam Allberry Promote Gay Activists, Calls Them “Brothers”
- Beth Moore Labels Christians Against Homosexuality, ‘Hyper-Fundamentalists’
- Does Beth Moore really believe that homosexuality – not just the behavior, but the identity and desire – is a deadly sin?
- Living Out – A Follow-Up and Call to Further Action
- Can We Slow The Speeding ‘Trans’ Train?
- The Heart of the Difference Between Revoice Theology and Reformed Theology – the Sinfulness and Mortification of Sinful Desires
- The young are regarded as the most tolerant generation. That’s why results of this LGBTQ survey are ‘alarming’
- Beth Moore’s Beliefs on Homosexuality Are Called into Question in Open Letter from Bible Teachers
- Draining the Rainbow Swamp
- California’s Proposed Resolution Tells Pastors How They Should Talk About Homosexuality. That’s Not Okay
- Progressive’s Bigotry: Tyranny Masquerading as Tolerance
- Which Should Be Illegal: Sodomy or Christianity? (A Thought Experiment)
- A misnamed legal jackhammer strikes
- Libraries Becoming Private Child Corruption Centers?
- Top 10 Ways to Amend the ‘Equality Act’
- Christian parents must be willing to fight for the heart and soul of their children
- Trend-Setting of the LGBTQ in Media
- What Christians Face in a Neo-Marxist World
- Converse Launches ‘LGBTQ+’ Shoe Line Featuring Child Drag Queen
- A High School Girl’s Life After Transgender Students Join Her Sport
- There is an Adult-Induced Perversion of Children Sweeping the Land, ‘Drag Kids’
- The Gay Christian: The Unicorn In Our Midst
- Baptist Theologian Says Christians Against Homosexuality Guilty of ‘Selective Literalism’
- Father Gagged, Found Guilty Of ‘Family Violence’ For Calling His Trans Daughter A ‘She’
- 2nd public library ‘Drag Queen’ is convicted child sex offender – and a transgender prostitute specializing in BDSM.
- The Facts of Transgender Ideology Can No Longer Be Ignored
- The LGBT Lobby Has Been Trying To Exact Revenge On A Chicken Restaurant For Seven Years. This Is Not Normal.
- The End of the Family?
- The Disproportionate Rate Of Measurable Harm For Males And Females In Homosexual Relationships
- ‘Equality Act’ Opens Back Door to Pedophilia
- Engaging The Culture: Beating The Secularists At Their Own Game?
- The Left Must Keep Its Bizarre Religious Doctrines Out Of The Classroom
- ‘Day of Silence’ is a Day of Dumbed-Down Sin
- LGBTQ+ Audit simply will not do
- Drag queen storytime reader once charged with child sex assault
- Unregenerate Hearts in Our Churches Breed Liberalism and Progressivism
- Same-Sex Relationships: Sorry Bishop, But The Meaning Of Holiness Does Not Change From Generation To Generation
- Time To Expose the Radical Gender Ideology
- When being a Christian isn’t ‘decent’ anymore
- Academic stopped from researching ‘sex-swap regret’ says accusations of ‘transphobia’ are stifling debate
- Will More Teachers Smash Boundaries Under Compulsory ‘LGBTQ’ Lessons?
- Gay Priest at Ravi Zacharias Event: Jesus Had Dysphoria, Body Issues
- ‘Fairness For All’ But A Growing Unfairness For Many [Christians]
- Why Four Young Women Turned Their Backs On ‘Being Trans’
- Adults who corrupt children for fun and profit
- Does No Name-Calling Week Include Christians?
- Therapy bans and trans regret
- The Scientific Experts Who Hate Science
- Top 10 Progressive Endorsements of Child Abuse in 2018
- An Ethics Lesson For USA Today’s ‘Queer’ Bullies
- How Your Child’s Life Can Derail through Media and Friends
- Is Persisting Sin Our Identity And May We Offer It To God?
- Twitter Bans ‘Misgendering’ and ‘Deadnaming’ to Avoid Offending Transgender Community
- Colorado Elects First Openly Gay Governor In U.S. History As The State Persecutes Christians
- UK scholars speak out against ‘transgender’ despotism
- Christian University Changes Back Position on Same-Sex Relationships Between Students
- ‘LGBTQ’ Activists at ‘Devoted’ Youth Pastor Conference
- Study: Half Of All Transgender Female Teens Have Attempted Suicide
- Latest Kids’ Books Drenched with ‘Social Justice’ Porn
- This is How We Take on the Trans Lunacy
- Nadia Bolz-Weber Steps Down from Pastorate: Replaced by Gay Man Married to Drag Queen
- Revoice: Gay Affirming Karen Swallow Prior is Still Gay Affirming
- Tell Jimmy Carter about the Damage of Homosexuality
- Popular Breakfast Cereals Manufacturers Try To Indoctrinate Children
- ‘The Greatest Threat to Free Speech Comes From LGBTQ Activists Who Rule Facebook, Google, Amazon’
- Season Two of Netflix’s Anne of Green Gables Show Surprises Families by Making a Character a Lesbian
- First Lesbian Reinstated to U.S. Army Comes Out Against Transgender ‘Erasure of Women’
- Pedophiles Believe They Should Be A Part of the LGBT Community
- Pope Francis Embraces ‘LGBT’
- Concerns Raised Over Video Featuring 10-Year-Old ‘Desmond the Drag Kid’: ‘I Wanted to Do Drag … When I Was Two’
- How Planned Parenthood defeats parents to get ‘comprehensive sex ed’ into schools. … And what parents can do to counter it!
- Up Next: Normalizing Pedophilia
- Drag Queen Children TV Shows Coming to America, ‘Drag Tots!’ Features Cross-Dressing Toddlers
- For the Love of Those Fighting Against Homosexuality
- The New Bigotry
- LGBT Christians
- Transgender Woman Sues After Muslim Refuses Body Waxing Service
- ‘Drag Kings’ Hope to Detoxify Masculinity by Dressing Up as Men (Who Act Like Women)
- Proof of God’s Judgment
- The Trans Teen Industrial Complex
- Recalcitrants Versus the Rainbow Ruling Class
- The Power of De-Conversion Stories: How Jen Hatmaker is Trying to Change Minds About the Bible
- The Gospel Coalition Says Church Should Be ‘Safe Space’ for Homosexuals
- The Top 10 Child Corruption Trends of 2017
- Does Jesus’ Reference to Eunuchs Affirm Transgender People?
- Teachers Attend ‘LGGBDTTTIQQAAP’ Sensitivity Training
- The Nashville ‘Megachurch’ that embraced gay marriage two years ago has cratered
- Alt-Left Insanity: The Resistance Is Satanic. No, We’re Not Kidding!
- Star Wars Novel Hints That Last Jedi Character Is LGBT
- Fixer Upper Stars Under Fire for Attending Evangelical Church
- Ten transgender truths for legislators and concerned citizens
- Illinois Purges Social Workers and Foster Families Who Don’t ‘Facilitate’ Transgenderism
- The Christian Knows What Jesus Says On The Issue Of Homosexuality
- Are Christian Ministries ‘Hate Groups’ for Believing the Bible?
- It is not ‘character assassination’ for the church to be the church
- School Teaches Zi & Zir Without Permission from Mom & Dad
- Ivanka Trump promotes gay and transgender rights
- The battle lines are drawn in the White House between religious liberty and LGBT rights
- No Middle Ground: Evangelical Leaders Reject Compromise on LGBT and Religious Rights
- Satan’s Civil Rights
- Oregon official who bullied Christian bakery owners loses election
- Conservatives look for a new network
- Johns Hopkins Distances From Psychiatrists’ Report That There’s No “Scientific Evidence” People Born Homosexual
- When “Liberty” Forces 18 Girls Into a Single-Stall Shower Room
- Transgender: Truth and Compassion
- Ask Not for Whom the Volcano Erupts; It Erupts for Thee: A Response to David Gushee
- The disappearing “middleground” and the coming conflict
- New transgender “bathroom” law, signed by GOP Governor, already changing life in Massachusetts
- How to Handle Transgender Issues: Meet the Gender Unicorn
- A Look Inside 4 Important Goals of the LGBT Movement
- Goats In The Pulpit; SBC & FBC Orlando Promote Apostasy (Part 1)
- The Difference Between Privacy Rights in Abortion and Same-Sex Locker Rooms Cases
- The Pentagon’s New Policy on Transgender Soldiers Is Pure Social Engineering
- Who May Speak, After Orlando?
- Bathrooms are just the beginning: a scary look into the trans movement’s end goals
- 8 Questions for PayPal on Its Decision to Boycott North Carolina
- Transgender plea or demand?
- California is considering a travel ban on states with [so-called] anti-gay laws
- Your Choice: Homosexual Hegemony or Free Speech
- The Gaystapo Crackdown on Christianity
- LGBT Activists Fight State Law That Protects Believers Against Gay Marriage
- Bermuda Hotel Cancels Heritage Scholar’s Speeches on Same-Sex Marriage for Being “Anti-Diversity”